blob: afce5ba18b3bf7f922b562d83b4d3acee2d6e916 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- HeaderSearchOptions.h ----------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "clang/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/IntrusiveRefCntPtr.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SetVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace clang {
namespace frontend {
/// IncludeDirGroup - Identifiers the group a include entry belongs to, which
/// represents its relative positive in the search list. A \#include of a ""
/// path starts at the -iquote group, then searches the Angled group, then
/// searches the system group, etc.
enum IncludeDirGroup {
Quoted = 0, ///< '\#include ""' paths, added by 'gcc -iquote'.
Angled, ///< Paths for '\#include <>' added by '-I'.
IndexHeaderMap, ///< Like Angled, but marks header maps used when
/// building frameworks.
System, ///< Like Angled, but marks system directories.
ExternCSystem, ///< Like System, but headers are implicitly wrapped in
/// extern "C".
CSystem, ///< Like System, but only used for C.
CXXSystem, ///< Like System, but only used for C++.
ObjCSystem, ///< Like System, but only used for ObjC.
ObjCXXSystem, ///< Like System, but only used for ObjC++.
After ///< Like System, but searched after the system directories.
/// HeaderSearchOptions - Helper class for storing options related to the
/// initialization of the HeaderSearch object.
class HeaderSearchOptions : public RefCountedBase<HeaderSearchOptions> {
struct Entry {
std::string Path;
frontend::IncludeDirGroup Group;
unsigned IsFramework : 1;
/// IgnoreSysRoot - This is false if an absolute path should be treated
/// relative to the sysroot, or true if it should always be the absolute
/// path.
unsigned IgnoreSysRoot : 1;
Entry(StringRef path, frontend::IncludeDirGroup group, bool isFramework,
bool ignoreSysRoot)
: Path(path), Group(group), IsFramework(isFramework),
IgnoreSysRoot(ignoreSysRoot) {}
struct SystemHeaderPrefix {
/// A prefix to be matched against paths in \#include directives.
std::string Prefix;
/// True if paths beginning with this prefix should be treated as system
/// headers.
bool IsSystemHeader;
SystemHeaderPrefix(StringRef Prefix, bool IsSystemHeader)
: Prefix(Prefix), IsSystemHeader(IsSystemHeader) {}
/// If non-empty, the directory to use as a "virtual system root" for include
/// paths.
std::string Sysroot;
/// User specified include entries.
std::vector<Entry> UserEntries;
/// User-specified system header prefixes.
std::vector<SystemHeaderPrefix> SystemHeaderPrefixes;
/// The directory which holds the compiler resource files (builtin includes,
/// etc.).
std::string ResourceDir;
/// \brief The directory used for the module cache.
std::string ModuleCachePath;
/// \brief Whether we should disable the use of the hash string within the
/// module cache.
/// Note: Only used for testing!
unsigned DisableModuleHash : 1;
/// \brief The interval (in seconds) between pruning operations.
/// This operation is expensive, because it requires Clang to walk through
/// the directory structure of the module cache, stat()'ing and removing
/// files.
/// The default value is large, e.g., the operation runs once a week.
unsigned ModuleCachePruneInterval;
/// \brief The time (in seconds) after which an unused module file will be
/// considered unused and will, therefore, be pruned.
/// When the module cache is pruned, any module file that has not been
/// accessed in this many seconds will be removed. The default value is
/// large, e.g., a month, to avoid forcing infrequently-used modules to be
/// regenerated often.
unsigned ModuleCachePruneAfter;
/// \brief The set of macro names that should be ignored for the purposes
/// of computing the module hash.
llvm::SetVector<std::string> ModulesIgnoreMacros;
/// Include the compiler builtin includes.
unsigned UseBuiltinIncludes : 1;
/// Include the system standard include search directories.
unsigned UseStandardSystemIncludes : 1;
/// Include the system standard C++ library include search directories.
unsigned UseStandardCXXIncludes : 1;
/// Use libc++ instead of the default libstdc++.
unsigned UseLibcxx : 1;
/// Whether header search information should be output as for -v.
unsigned Verbose : 1;
HeaderSearchOptions(StringRef _Sysroot = "/")
: Sysroot(_Sysroot), DisableModuleHash(0),
UseStandardSystemIncludes(true), UseStandardCXXIncludes(true),
UseLibcxx(false), Verbose(false) {}
/// AddPath - Add the \p Path path to the specified \p Group list.
void AddPath(StringRef Path, frontend::IncludeDirGroup Group,
bool IsFramework, bool IgnoreSysRoot) {
UserEntries.push_back(Entry(Path, Group, IsFramework, IgnoreSysRoot));
/// AddSystemHeaderPrefix - Override whether \#include directives naming a
/// path starting with \p Prefix should be considered as naming a system
/// header.
void AddSystemHeaderPrefix(StringRef Prefix, bool IsSystemHeader) {
SystemHeaderPrefixes.push_back(SystemHeaderPrefix(Prefix, IsSystemHeader));
} // end namespace clang