blob: d1a5c0627d8dfbf99be57593a6caf87f1fb01b87 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- PoolAllocate.cpp - Pool Allocation Pass ---------------------------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file was developed by the LLVM research group and is distributed under
// the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This transform changes programs so that disjoint data structures are
// allocated out of different pools of memory, increasing locality.
#include <iostream>
#define DEBUG_TYPE "poolalloc"
#include "dsa/DataStructure.h"
#include "dsa/DSGraph.h"
#include "poolalloc/Heuristic.h"
#include "poolalloc/PoolAllocate.h"
#include "poolalloc/RuntimeChecks.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Attributes.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Constants.h"
#include "llvm/IR/DerivedTypes.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Instructions.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
#include "llvm/IR/CFG.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/BasicBlockUtils.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/Cloning.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DepthFirstIterator.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FormattedStream.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Timer.h"
using namespace llvm;
using namespace PA;
char PoolAllocate::ID = 0;
char PoolAllocatePassAllPools::ID = 0;
char PoolAllocateGroup::ID = 0;
Type *PoolAllocate::PoolDescPtrTy = 0;
cl::opt<bool> PA::PA_SAFECODE("pa-safecode", cl::ReallyHidden);
namespace {
X("poolalloc", "Pool allocate disjoint data structures");
Y("poolalloc-passing-all-pools", "Pool allocate disjoint data structures");
RegisterAnalysisGroup<PoolAllocateGroup> PAGroup ("Pool Allocation Group");
RegisterAnalysisGroup<PoolAllocateGroup> PAGroup1(X);
STATISTIC (NumArgsAdded, "Number of function arguments added");
STATISTIC (MaxArgsAdded, "Maximum function arguments added to one function");
STATISTIC (NumCloned , "Number of functions cloned");
STATISTIC (NumPools , "Number of pools allocated");
STATISTIC (NumTSPools , "Number of typesafe pools");
STATISTIC (NumPoolFree , "Number of poolfree's elided");
STATISTIC (NumNonprofit, "Number of DSNodes not profitable");
// STATISTIC (NumColocated, "Number of DSNodes colocated");
Type *VoidPtrTy;
// The type to allocate for a pool descriptor.
Type *PoolDescType;
cl::desc("Always insert poolinit/pooldestroy calls at start and exit of functions"));//, cl::init(true));
cl::desc("Do not try to elide poolfree's where possible"));
static void
createPoolAllocInit (Module & M) {
// Create the __poolalloc_init() function.
Type * VoidType = Type::getVoidTy(M.getContext());
FunctionType * FTy = FunctionType::get(VoidType,
Function *InitFunc = Function::Create (FTy,
// Add an entry basic block that just returns.
BasicBlock * BB = BasicBlock::Create (M.getContext(), "entry", InitFunc);
ReturnInst::Create(M.getContext(), BB);
// Function: createGlobalPoolCtor()
// Description:
// This function creates an empty function which will be a global constructor
// (i.e., global ctor). Pool Allocation will eventually add code to it to
// initialize all of the global pools.
Function * PoolAllocate::createGlobalPoolCtor (Module & M) {
// Create the global pool ctor function.
LLVMContext & Context = M.getContext();
Type * VoidType = Type::getVoidTy (Context);
FunctionType * FTy = FunctionType::get(VoidType,
Function *InitFunc = Function::Create (FTy,
// Add an entry basic block that just returns.
BasicBlock * BB = BasicBlock::Create (Context, "entry", InitFunc);
ReturnInst::Create(Context, BB);
// Insert the run-time ctor into the ctor list.
Type * Int32Type = IntegerType::getInt32Ty(Context);
std::vector<Constant *> CtorInits;
// We need to ensure that this constructor gets called before any other code
// in the module executes, so give the constructor a priority of 0 (highest).
CtorInits.push_back (ConstantInt::get (Int32Type, 0));
CtorInits.push_back (InitFunc);
Constant * RuntimeCtorInit = ConstantStruct::getAnon(Context, CtorInits);
// Get the current set of static global constructors and add the new ctor
// to the list.
std::vector<Constant *> CurrentCtors;
GlobalVariable * GVCtor = M.getNamedGlobal ("llvm.global_ctors");
if (GVCtor) {
if (Constant * C = GVCtor->getInitializer()) {
for (unsigned index = 0; index < C->getNumOperands(); ++index) {
CurrentCtors.push_back (cast<Constant>(C->getOperand (index)));
// Rename the global variable so that we can name our global
// llvm.global_ctors.
GVCtor->setName ("removed");
// The ctor list seems to be initialized in different orders on different
// platforms, and the priority settings don't seem to work. Examine the
// module's platform string and take a best guess to the order.
if (M.getTargetTriple().find ("linux") == std::string::npos)
CurrentCtors.insert (CurrentCtors.begin(), RuntimeCtorInit);
CurrentCtors.push_back (RuntimeCtorInit);
// Create a new initializer.
ArrayType * AT = ArrayType::get (RuntimeCtorInit-> getType(),
Constant * NewInit=ConstantArray::get (AT, CurrentCtors);
// Create the new llvm.global_ctors global variable and replace all uses of
// the old global variable with the new one.
new GlobalVariable (M,
return InitFunc;
void PoolAllocate::getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const {
// We will need the heuristic pass to tell us what to do and how to do it
if (dsa_pass_to_use == PASS_EQTD) {
if(lie_preserve_passes != LIE_NONE)
} else {
if(lie_preserve_passes != LIE_NONE)
// Preserve the pool information across passes
if (lie_preserve_passes == LIE_PRESERVE_ALL)
bool PoolAllocate::runOnModule(Module &M) {
if (M.begin() == M.end()) return false;
CurModule = &M;
// Get pointers to 8 and 32 bit LLVM integer types.
VoidType = Type::getVoidTy(M.getContext());
Int8Type = IntegerType::getInt8Ty(M.getContext());
Int32Type = IntegerType::getInt32Ty(M.getContext());
// Get references to the DSA information. For SAFECode, we need Top-Down
// DSA. For Automatic Pool Allocation only, we need Bottom-Up DSA. In all
// cases, we need to use the Equivalence-Class version of DSA.
// FIXME: Is the PASS_DEFAULT value used?
if (dsa_pass_to_use == PASS_EQTD)
Graphs = &getAnalysis<EQTDDataStructures>();
Graphs = &getAnalysis<EquivBUDataStructures>();
// Get the heuristic pass and then tell it who we are.
CurHeuristic = &getAnalysis<Heuristic>();
CurHeuristic->Initialize (*this);
// Add the pool* prototypes to the module
// Create the global ctor function for initializing the global pools.
GlobalPoolCtor = createGlobalPoolCtor (M);
// Create the pools for memory objects reachable by global variables.
if (SetupGlobalPools(M))
return true;
// Find the DSNodes for each function that will require pool descriptor
// arguments to be passed into the function.
FindPoolArgs (M);
// Map that maps an original function to its clone
std::map<Function*, Function*> FuncMap;
// Functions that require pool handles to be passed in as parameters will
// need to be cloned. Scan through the set of all functions and record which
// ones need to be cloned.
// We record the list of functions to clone and then clone them to avoid
// iterator invalidation errors (creating a function clone adds a function to
// the set of functions in a Module). This may be a little slower, but
// random memory errors are a pain to debug.
std::vector<Function *> FunctionsToClone;
for (Module::iterator I = M.begin(), E = M.end(); I != E; ++I) {
if (!I->isDeclaration() && Graphs->hasDSGraph(*I)) {
FunctionsToClone.push_back (I);
// Now clone a function using the pool arg list obtained in the previous
// pass over the modules. Loop over only the function initially in the
// program; don't traverse newly added ones. If the function needs new
// arguments, make its clone.
// FIXME: Should use a isClone() method.
std::set<Function*> ClonedFunctions;
Function *MainFunc = M.getFunction("main");
while (FunctionsToClone.size()) {
// Remove a function from the list of functions to clone.
Function * Original = FunctionsToClone.back();
FunctionsToClone.pop_back ();
// Don't clone 'main'!
if (Original == MainFunc) {
// Clone the function. Record a pointer to the new clone if one was
// created.
if (Function *Clone = MakeFunctionClone(*Original)) {
FuncMap[Original] = Clone;
// Now that all call targets are available, rewrite the function bodies of
// the clones or the original function (if the original has no clone).
// FIXME: Use utility methods to make this code more readable!
for (Module::iterator I = M.begin(), E = M.end(); I != E; ++I) {
if (!I->isDeclaration() && !ClonedFunctions.count(I) &&
Graphs->hasDSGraph(*I)) {
std::map<Function*, Function*>::iterator FI = FuncMap.find(I);
ProcessFunctionBody(*I, FI != FuncMap.end() ? *FI->second : *I);
// Replace any remaining uses of original functions with the transformed
// function i.e., the cloned function.
for (std::map<Function *, Function *>::iterator I = FuncMap.begin(),
E = FuncMap.end();
I != E; ++I) {
Function *F = I->first;
// Scan through all uses of the original function. Replace it as long as
// the use is not a Call or Invoke instruction that
// o) is within an original function (all such call instructions should
// have been transformed already), and
// o) the called function is the function that we're replacing
std::vector<User *> toReplace;
for (Function::user_iterator User = F->user_begin();
User != F->user_end();
++User) {
if (CallInst * CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(*User)) {
if (CI->getCalledFunction() == F)
if ((FuncMap.find(CI->getParent()->getParent())) != FuncMap.end())
if (InvokeInst * CI = dyn_cast<InvokeInst>(*User)) {
if (CI->getCalledFunction() == F)
if ((FuncMap.find(CI->getParent()->getParent())) != FuncMap.end())
// We want to replace this use. Add it to the worklist.
toReplace.push_back (*User);
// Now do replacement on all items within the worklist.
while (toReplace.size()) {
llvm::User * user = toReplace.back();
Constant* CEnew = ConstantExpr::getPointerCast(I->second, F->getType());
// We must handle Constants specially; we cannot call replaceUsesOfWith()
// on a constant because they are uniqued.
if (Constant *C = dyn_cast<Constant>(user)) {
if (!isa<GlobalValue>(C)) {
// Scan through all operands in the constant. If they are the
// function that we want to replace, then add them to a worklist (we
// use a worklist to avoid iterator invalidation errors).
std::vector<Use *> ReplaceWorklist;
for (User::op_iterator use = user->op_begin();
use != user->op_end();
++use) {
if (use->get() == F) {
ReplaceWorklist.push_back (use);
// Do replacements in the worklist.
for (unsigned index = 0; index < ReplaceWorklist.size(); ++index)
C->replaceUsesOfWithOnConstant(F, CEnew, ReplaceWorklist[index]);
user->replaceUsesOfWith (F, CEnew);
// Add an empty __poolalloc_init() function. SAFECode will call this to
// intialize things; we don't make use of it with real pool allocation.
createPoolAllocInit (M);
// FIXME: Make name more descriptive and explain, in a comment here, what this
// code is trying to do (namely, avoid optimizations for performance
// overhead measurements?).
// FIXME: Breaks invalid C code. Remove from poolalloc and move to a separate pass.
#if 0
if (CurHeuristic->IsRealHeuristic())
return true;
// AddPoolPrototypes - Add prototypes for the pool functions to the specified
// module and update the Pool* instance variables to point to them.
// NOTE: If these are changed, make sure to update PoolOptimize.cpp as well!
void PoolAllocate::AddPoolPrototypes(Module* M) {
if (VoidPtrTy == 0) {
// NOTE: If these are changed, make sure to update PoolOptimize.cpp as well!
VoidPtrTy = PointerType::getUnqual(Int8Type);
PoolDescType = getPoolType(&M->getContext());
PoolDescPtrTy = PointerType::getUnqual(PoolDescType);
// TODO: I'm not sure how to do this on mainline.
//M->addTypeName("PoolDescriptor", PoolDescType);
// Get poolinit function.
PoolInit = M->getOrInsertFunction("poolinit", VoidType,
PoolDescPtrTy, Int32Type,
Int32Type, NULL);
// Get pooldestroy function.
PoolDestroy = M->getOrInsertFunction("pooldestroy", VoidType,
PoolDescPtrTy, NULL);
// The poolalloc function.
PoolAlloc = M->getOrInsertFunction("poolalloc",
VoidPtrTy, PoolDescPtrTy,
Int32Type, NULL);
// The poolrealloc function.
PoolRealloc = M->getOrInsertFunction("poolrealloc",
VoidPtrTy, PoolDescPtrTy,
VoidPtrTy, Int32Type, NULL);
// The poolcalloc function.
PoolCalloc = M->getOrInsertFunction("poolcalloc",
VoidPtrTy, PoolDescPtrTy,
Int32Type, Int32Type, NULL);
// The poolmemalign function.
PoolMemAlign = M->getOrInsertFunction("poolmemalign",
VoidPtrTy, PoolDescPtrTy,
Int32Type, Int32Type,
// The poolstrdup function.
PoolStrdup = M->getOrInsertFunction("poolstrdup",
VoidPtrTy, PoolDescPtrTy,
VoidPtrTy, NULL);
// The poolmemalign function.
// Get the poolfree function.
PoolFree = M->getOrInsertFunction("poolfree", VoidType,
PoolDescPtrTy, VoidPtrTy, NULL);
//Get the poolregister function
PoolRegister = M->getOrInsertFunction("poolregister", VoidType,
PoolDescPtrTy, VoidPtrTy, Int32Type, NULL);
Function* pthread_create_func = M->getFunction("pthread_create");
Function::arg_iterator i = pthread_create_func->arg_begin();
std::vector<Type*> non_vararg_params;
PoolThreadWrapper = M->getOrInsertFunction("poolalloc_pthread_create",FunctionType::get(Int32Type,non_vararg_params,true));
static void getCallsOf(Constant *C, std::vector<CallInst*> &Calls) {
// Get the Function out of the constant
Function * F;
ConstantExpr * CE;
if (!(F=dyn_cast<Function>(C))) {
if ((CE = dyn_cast<ConstantExpr>(C)) && (CE->isCast()))
F = dyn_cast<Function>(CE->getOperand(0));
assert (0 && "Constant is not a Function of ConstantExpr!");
for (Value::user_iterator UI = F->user_begin(), E = F->user_end(); UI != E; ++UI)
// Function: OptimizePointerNotNull()
// Inputs:
// V - ???
// Context - The LLVM Context to which any values we insert into the program
// will belong.
static void
OptimizePointerNotNull(Value *V, LLVMContext * Context) {
for (Value::user_iterator I = V->user_begin(), E = V->user_end(); I != E; ++I) {
Instruction *User = cast<Instruction>(*I);
if (isa<ICmpInst>(User) && cast<ICmpInst>(User)->isEquality()) {
ICmpInst * ICI = cast<ICmpInst>(User);
if (isa<Constant>(User->getOperand(1)) &&
cast<Constant>(User->getOperand(1))->isNullValue()) {
bool CondIsTrue = ICI->getPredicate() == ICmpInst::ICMP_NE;
Type * Int1Type = IntegerType::getInt1Ty(*Context);
User->replaceAllUsesWith(ConstantInt::get(Int1Type, CondIsTrue));
} else if ((User->getOpcode() == Instruction::Trunc) ||
(User->getOpcode() == Instruction::ZExt) ||
(User->getOpcode() == Instruction::SExt) ||
(User->getOpcode() == Instruction::FPToUI) ||
(User->getOpcode() == Instruction::FPToSI) ||
(User->getOpcode() == Instruction::UIToFP) ||
(User->getOpcode() == Instruction::SIToFP) ||
(User->getOpcode() == Instruction::FPTrunc) ||
(User->getOpcode() == Instruction::FPExt) ||
(User->getOpcode() == Instruction::PtrToInt) ||
(User->getOpcode() == Instruction::IntToPtr) ||
(User->getOpcode() == Instruction::BitCast)) {
// Casted pointers are also not null.
if (isa<PointerType>(User->getType()))
OptimizePointerNotNull(User, Context);
} else if (User->getOpcode() == Instruction::GetElementPtr) {
// GEP'd pointers are also not null.
OptimizePointerNotNull(User, Context);
/// FIXME: Should these be in the pooloptimize pass?
/// MicroOptimizePoolCalls - Apply any microoptimizations to calls to pool
/// allocation function calls that we can. This runs after the whole program
/// has been transformed.
void PoolAllocate::MicroOptimizePoolCalls() {
// Optimize poolalloc
std::vector<CallInst*> Calls;
getCallsOf(PoolAlloc, Calls);
for (unsigned i = 0, e = Calls.size(); i != e; ++i) {
CallInst *CI = Calls[i];
// poolalloc never returns null. Loop over all uses of the call looking for
// set(eq|ne) X, null.
OptimizePointerNotNull(CI, &CI->getContext());
// TODO: poolfree accepts a null pointer, so remove any check above it, like
// 'if (P) poolfree(P)'
// Function: GetNodesReachableFromGlobals()
// Description:
// This function finds all DSNodes which are reachable from globals. It finds
// DSNodes both within the local DSGraph as well as in the Globals graph that
// are reachable from globals.
// Inputs:
// G - The DSGraph for which to find DSNodes which are reachable by globals.
// This DSGraph can either by a DSGraph associated with a function *or*
// it can be the globals graph itself.
// Outputs:
// NodesFromGlobals - A reference to a container object in which to record
// DSNodes reachable from globals. DSNodes are *added* to
// this container; it is not cleared by this function.
// DSNodes from both the local and globals graph are added.
static inline void
GetNodesReachableFromGlobals (DSGraph* G,
DenseSet<const DSNode*> &NodesFromGlobals) {
// Get the globals graph associated with this DSGraph. If the globals graph
// is NULL, then the graph that was passed in *is* the globals graph.
DSGraph * GlobalsGraph = G->getGlobalsGraph();
if (!GlobalsGraph)
GlobalsGraph = G;
// Find all DSNodes which are reachable in the globals graph.
for (DSGraph::node_iterator NI = GlobalsGraph->node_begin();
NI != GlobalsGraph->node_end();
++NI) {
// Now the fun part. Find DSNodes in the local graph that correspond to
// those nodes reachable in the globals graph. Add them to the set of
// reachable nodes, too.
if (G->getGlobalsGraph()) {
// Compute a mapping between local DSNodes and DSNodes in the globals
// graph.
DSGraph::NodeMapTy NodeMap;
G->computeGToGGMapping (NodeMap);
// Scan through all DSNodes in the local graph. If a local DSNode has a
// corresponding DSNode in the globals graph that is reachable from a
// global, then add the local DSNode to the set of DSNodes reachable from a
// global.
// FIXME: A node's existance within the global DSGraph is probably
// sufficient evidence that it is reachable from a global.
DSGraph::node_iterator ni = G->node_begin();
for (; ni != G->node_end(); ++ni) {
DSNode * N = ni;
if (NodesFromGlobals.count (NodeMap[N].getNode()))
NodesFromGlobals.insert (N);
// Method: FindPoolArgs()
// Description:
// Loop over the functions in the original program finding the pool descriptor
// arguments necessary for each function.
PoolAllocate::FindPoolArgs (Module & M) {
// Scan through each equivalence class. The Equivalence Class Bottom-Up
// pass guarantees that each function that is the target of an indirect
// function call will have the same DSGraph and will have identical DSNodes
// for corresponding arguments. Therefore, we want to process all the
// functions in the same equivalence class once to avoid doing extra work.
const DSCallGraph & callgraph = Graphs->getCallGraph();
DSGraph* G = Graphs->getGlobalsGraph();
DSGraph::ScalarMapTy& SM = G->getScalarMap();
for (DSCallGraph::callee_key_iterator ii = callgraph.key_begin(),
ee = callgraph.key_end(); ii != ee; ++ii) {
bool isIndirect = ((*ii).getCalledFunction() == NULL);
bool externFunctionFound = false;
if (isIndirect) {
std::vector<const Function *> Functions;
DSCallGraph::callee_iterator csi = callgraph.callee_begin(*ii),
cse = callgraph.callee_end(*ii);
while(csi != cse) {
const Function *F = *csi;
DSCallGraph::scc_iterator sccii = callgraph.scc_begin(F),
sccee = callgraph.scc_end(F);
for(;sccii != sccee; ++sccii) {
DSGraph::ScalarMapTy::const_iterator I = SM.find(SM.getLeaderForGlobal(*sccii));
if (I != SM.end()) {
if ((*sccii)->isDeclaration()) {
externFunctionFound = true;
Functions.push_back (*sccii);
const Function *F1 = (*ii).getInstruction()->getParent()->getParent();
F1 = callgraph.sccLeader(&*F1);
DSCallGraph::scc_iterator sccii = callgraph.scc_begin(F1),
sccee = callgraph.scc_end(F1);
for(;sccii != sccee; ++sccii) {
DSGraph::ScalarMapTy::const_iterator I = SM.find(SM.getLeaderForGlobal(*sccii));
if (I != SM.end()) {
if ((*sccii)->isDeclaration()) {
externFunctionFound = true;
Functions.push_back (*sccii);
bool doNotPassPools = externFunctionFound;
// go through the list of functions to check if any is external
// or callable from an incomplete call site. Then no pool args
// are needed; else find pool args.
for (unsigned index = 0; index < Functions.size(); ++index) {
const Function * F = Functions[index];
if (callgraph.called_from_incomplete_site(F)){
doNotPassPools = true;
if(doNotPassPools) {
// For functions that are in the same equivalence class as an
// external function, we cannot pass pool args. Because we
// cannot know which function the call site calls, the
// internal function or the external ones.
// FIXME: Solve this by devirtualizing the call site.
for (unsigned index = 0; index < Functions.size(); ++index) {
Function * F = const_cast<Function*>(Functions[index]);
if (FunctionInfo.find (F) != FunctionInfo.end()) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
FuncInfo & FI = FunctionInfo.find(F)->second;
assert(FI.ArgNodes.size() == 0);
// TODO: Original code was:
// FunctionInfo.insert(std::make_pair(F, FuncInfo(*F))).first->second;
// But this has unused components.. (.first->second?)
// So just inserting the function info, and hoping for the best.
FunctionInfo.insert(std::make_pair(F, FuncInfo(*F)));
} else {
FindFunctionPoolArgs (Functions);
// Make sure every function has a FuncInfo structure.
for (Module::iterator I = M.begin(), E = M.end(); I != E; ++I) {
if (!I->isDeclaration() && Graphs->hasDSGraph(*I)) {
if (FunctionInfo.find (I) == FunctionInfo.end()) {
std::vector<const Function *> Functions;
FindFunctionPoolArgs (Functions);
/// FindFunctionPoolArgs - In the first pass over the program, we decide which
/// arguments will have to be added for each function, build the FunctionInfo
/// map and recording this info in the ArgNodes set.
PoolAllocate::FindFunctionPoolArgs (const std::vector<const Function *> & Functions) {
// If there are no functions to process, then do nothing.
if (Functions.size() == 0)
// Find all of the DSNodes which could possibly require a pool to be passed
// in. Collect these DSNodes into one big container.
std::vector<DSNodeHandle> RootNodes;
for (unsigned index = 0; index < Functions.size(); ++index) {
// Get the DSGraph of the function.
const Function * F = Functions[index];
DSGraph* G = Graphs->getDSGraph (*F);
// Get all of the DSNodes which could possibly require a pool to be
// passed into the function.
G->getFunctionArgumentsForCall (F, RootNodes);
// If there is no memory activity in any of these functions, then nothing is
// required.
if (RootNodes.size() == 0)
// Now find all nodes which are reachable from these argument DSNodes.
DenseSet<const DSNode*> MarkedNodes;
for (unsigned index = 0; index < RootNodes.size(); ++index) {
if (DSNode * N = RootNodes[index].getNode()) {
// Determine which DSNodes are reachable from globals. If a node is
// reachable from a global, we will create a global pool for it, so no
// argument passage is required.
if (!PassAllArguments) {
std::map<const DSNode*, Value*>::iterator gni;
for (gni = GlobalNodes.begin(); gni != GlobalNodes.end(); ++gni) {
#if 0
DenseSet<const DSNode*> NodesFromGlobals;
for (unsigned index = 0; index < Functions.size(); ++index) {
// Get the DSGraph of the function.
const Function * F = Functions[index];
DSGraph* G = Graphs->getDSGraph(*F);
GetNodesReachableFromGlobals (G, NodesFromGlobals);
// Remove any nodes reachable from a global. These nodes will be put into
// global pools, which do not require arguments to be passed in. Also, erase
// any marked node that is not a heap node. Since no allocations or frees
// will be done with it, it needs no argument.
// 1) PassAllArguments seems to be ignored here. Why is that?
// 2) Should the heap node check be part of the PassAllArguments check?
// 3) SAFECode probably needs to pass the pool even if it's not a heap node.
// We should probably just do what the heuristic tells us to do.
for (DenseSet<const DSNode*>::iterator I = MarkedNodes.begin(),
E = MarkedNodes.end(); I != E; ) {
const DSNode *N = *I; ++I;
if ((!(1 || N->isHeapNode()) && !PassAllArguments) ||
// Create new FuncInfo entries for all of the functions. Each one will have
// the same set of DSNodes passed in.
for (unsigned index = 0; index < Functions.size(); ++index) {
Function * F = const_cast<Function*>(Functions[index]);
if (FunctionInfo.find (F) != FunctionInfo.end()) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
FuncInfo & FI = FunctionInfo.find(F)->second;
assert(FI.ArgNodes.size() == MarkedNodes.size());
FuncInfo & FI =
FunctionInfo.insert(std::make_pair(F, FuncInfo(*F))).first->second;
// DenseSet does not have iterator traits, so we cannot use an insert()
// method that takes iterators. Instead, we must use a loop to insert each
// element into MarkedNodes and ArgNodes one at a time.
for (DenseSet<const DSNode*>::iterator ii = MarkedNodes.begin(),
ee = MarkedNodes.end(); ii != ee; ++ii) {
FI.ArgNodes.insert(FI.ArgNodes.end(), *ii);
// Method: MakeFunctionClone()
// Description:
// If the specified function needs to be modified for pool allocation support,
// make a clone of it, adding additional arguments as necessary, and return
// it.
// Return value:
// NULL - The function did not need to be cloned.
// Otherwise, a pointer to the clone of the function is returned.
Function *
PoolAllocate::MakeFunctionClone (Function & F) {
// If the DSGraph for this function has no DSNodes, then we don't need to
// make a clone.
DSGraph* G = Graphs->getDSGraph(F);
if (G->node_begin() == G->node_end()) return 0;
// There is no need to clone a function if no pools need to be passed in!
FuncInfo &FI = *getFuncInfo(F);
if (FI.ArgNodes.empty())
return 0;
// Update statistics..
NumArgsAdded += FI.ArgNodes.size();
if (MaxArgsAdded < FI.ArgNodes.size())
MaxArgsAdded = FI.ArgNodes.size();
// Determine the type of the new function. We will insert new parameters
// for the pools to pass into the function, and then we will insert the
// original parameter values after that.
std::vector<Type*> ArgTys(FI.ArgNodes.size(), PoolDescPtrTy);
FunctionType *OldFuncTy = F.getFunctionType();
ArgTys.reserve(OldFuncTy->getNumParams() + FI.ArgNodes.size());
ArgTys.insert(ArgTys.end(), OldFuncTy->param_begin(), OldFuncTy->param_end());
// Create the new function prototype
FunctionType *FuncTy = FunctionType::get(OldFuncTy->getReturnType(), ArgTys,
// FIXME: Can probably add new function to module during creation
// Create the new function...
Function *New = Function::Create(FuncTy, Function::InternalLinkage, F.getName().str() + "_clone");
F.getParent()->getFunctionList().insert(&F, New);
CloneToOrigMap[New] = &F; // Remember original function.
// Set the rest of the new arguments names to be PDa<n> and add entries to the
// pool descriptors map
std::map<const DSNode*, Value*> &PoolDescriptors = FI.PoolDescriptors;
Function::arg_iterator NI = New->arg_begin();
for (unsigned i = 0, e = FI.ArgNodes.size(); i != e; ++i, ++NI) {
PoolDescriptors[FI.ArgNodes[i]] = NI;
// Map the existing arguments of the old function to the corresponding
// arguments of the new function, and copy over the names.
ValueToValueMapTy ValueMap;
// FIXME: Remove use of SAFECodeEnabled flag
// FIXME: Is FI.ValueMap empty? We should put an assert to verify that it
// is.
if (SAFECodeEnabled)
for (std::map<const Value*, Value*>::iterator I = FI.ValueMap.begin(),
E = FI.ValueMap.end(); I != E; ++I)
ValueMap.insert(std::make_pair(I->first, I->second));
for (Function::arg_iterator I = F.arg_begin();
NI != New->arg_end(); ++I, ++NI) {
ValueMap[I] = NI;
// Perform the cloning.
SmallVector<ReturnInst*,100> Returns;
// TODO: Evalute the boolean parameter here...
CloneFunctionInto(New, &F, ValueMap, true, Returns);
// Invert the ValueMap into the NewToOldValueMap.
std::map<Value*, const Value*> &NewToOldValueMap = FI.NewToOldValueMap;
for (ValueToValueMapTy::iterator I = ValueMap.begin(),
E = ValueMap.end(); I != E; ++I)
NewToOldValueMap.insert(std::make_pair(I->second, I->first));
// The CloneFunctionInto() copies over all the parameter attributes from the
// old function to the new function. However, it may place the sret
// attribute on a parameter that is no longer the first parameter. Since
// sret is required to be on the first parameter, go find any use of it and
// strip it off. This is safe since it is only used for calling conventions
// and optimization hints.
Function::ArgumentListType & ArgList = New->getArgumentList ();
Function::ArgumentListType::iterator arg = ArgList.begin();
AttrBuilder B;
for (; arg != ArgList.end(); ++arg) {
arg->removeAttr(AttributeSet::get(F.getContext(), 0, B));
// The CloneFunctionInto() function does not ensure that the clone has the
// same calling convention as the original function. Since pool allocation
// merely replaces uses of the old function with the clone, both must have
// the same calling convention. Make sure the new function has the same
// calling convention as the original function.
New->setCallingConv (F.getCallingConv());
return FI.Clone = New;
// FIXME: Update comment
// SetupGlobalPools - Create global pools for all DSNodes in the globals graph
// which contain heap objects. If a global variable points to a piece of memory
// allocated from the heap, this pool gets a global lifetime. This is
// implemented by making the pool descriptor be a global variable of its own,
// and initializing the pool on entrance to main. Note that we never destroy
// the pool because it has global lifetime.
// This method returns true if correct pool allocation of the module cannot be
// performed because there is no main function for the module and there are
// global pools.
bool PoolAllocate::SetupGlobalPools(Module &M) {
// Find all of the DSNodes which are reachable from globals and may require
// pools.
std::vector<const DSNode*> NodesToPA;
CurHeuristic->getGlobalPoolNodes (NodesToPA);
errs() << "Pool allocating " << NodesToPA.size() << " global nodes!\n";
DSGraph* GG = Graphs->getGlobalsGraph();
std::vector<Heuristic::OnePool> ResultPools;
CurHeuristic->AssignToPools(NodesToPA, 0, GG, ResultPools);
BasicBlock::iterator InsertPt = GlobalPoolCtor->getEntryBlock().begin();
// Create a set of the DSNodes globally reachable from memory. We'll assign
// NULL pool handles for those nodes which are globally reachable but for
// which the heuristic did not assign a pool.
std::set<const DSNode *> GlobalHeapNodes (NodesToPA.begin(), NodesToPA.end());
// Perform all global assignments as specified.
for (unsigned i = 0, e = ResultPools.size(); i != e; ++i) {
Heuristic::OnePool &Pool = ResultPools[i];
Value *PoolDesc = Pool.PoolDesc;
if (PoolDesc == 0) {
PoolDesc = CreateGlobalPool(Pool.PoolSize, Pool.PoolAlignment, "GlobalPool", InsertPt);
if (Pool.NodesInPool.size() == 1 &&
for (unsigned N = 0, e = Pool.NodesInPool.size(); N != e; ++N) {
GlobalNodes[Pool.NodesInPool[N]] = PoolDesc;
GlobalHeapNodes.erase(Pool.NodesInPool[N]); // Handled!
// Any unallocated DSNodes get null pool descriptor pointers.
for (std::set<const DSNode*>::iterator I = GlobalHeapNodes.begin(),
E = GlobalHeapNodes.end(); I != E; ++I) {
GlobalNodes[*I] = ConstantPointerNull::get(PointerType::getUnqual(PoolDescType));
return false;
/// CreateGlobalPool - Create a global pool descriptor object, and insert a
/// poolinit for it into main. IPHint is an instruction that we should insert
/// the poolinit before if not null.
GlobalVariable *PoolAllocate::CreateGlobalPool(unsigned RecSize, unsigned Align,
std::string name, Instruction *IPHint) {
GlobalVariable *GV =
new GlobalVariable(*CurModule,
PoolDescType, false, GlobalValue::InternalLinkage,
ConstantAggregateZero::get(PoolDescType), name);
// Update the global DSGraph to include this.
DSNode *GNode = Graphs->getGlobalsGraph()->addObjectToGraph(GV);
BasicBlock::iterator InsertPt;
if (IPHint)
InsertPt = IPHint;
else {
InsertPt = GlobalPoolCtor->getEntryBlock().begin();
while (isa<AllocaInst>(InsertPt)) ++InsertPt;
Value *ElSize = ConstantInt::get(Int32Type, RecSize);
Value *AlignV = ConstantInt::get(Int32Type, Align);
Value* Opts[3] = {GV, ElSize, AlignV};
CallInst::Create(PoolInit, Opts, "", InsertPt);
return GV;
// CreatePools - This creates the pool initialization and destruction code for
// the DSNodes specified by the NodesToPA list. This adds an entry to the
// PoolDescriptors map for each DSNode.
// Note that this method does not insert calls to poolinit() or pooldestroy().
// Those are added later.
PoolAllocate::CreatePools (Function &F, DSGraph* DSG,
const std::vector<const DSNode*> &NodesToPA,
std::map<const DSNode*, Value*> &PoolDescriptors) {
// If there are no pools to create, then do nothing.
if (NodesToPA.empty()) return;
std::vector<Heuristic::OnePool> ResultPools;
CurHeuristic->AssignToPools(NodesToPA, &F, NodesToPA[0]->getParentGraph(),
std::set<const DSNode*> UnallocatedNodes(NodesToPA.begin(), NodesToPA.end());
BasicBlock::iterator InsertPoint = F.front().begin();
// Is this main? If so, make the pool descriptors globals, not automatic
// vars.
bool IsMain = F.getName().str() == "main" && F.hasExternalLinkage();
// Create each pool and update the DSGraph to account for the new pool.
// Additionally, update the mapping between DSNodes and pools.
for (unsigned i = 0, e = ResultPools.size(); i != e; ++i) {
Heuristic::OnePool &Pool = ResultPools[i];
Value *PoolDesc = Pool.PoolDesc;
if (PoolDesc == 0) {
// Create a pool descriptor for the pool. The poolinit will be inserted
// later.
if (!IsMain) {
PoolDesc = new AllocaInst(PoolDescType, 0, "PD", InsertPoint);
#if 0
// Create a node in DSG to represent the new alloca.
// Note:
// Disable this for now. Other passes don't look up DSNodes for pool
// handles, and doing this seems to blow up memory consumption. So,
// for now, don't do this.
DSNode *NewNode = DSG->addObjectToGraph(PoolDesc);
NewNode->setModifiedMarker()->setReadMarker(); // This is M/R
} else {
PoolDesc = CreateGlobalPool(Pool.PoolSize, Pool.PoolAlignment,
"PoolForMain", InsertPoint);
// Add the global node to main's graph.
DSNode *NewNode = DSG->addObjectToGraph(PoolDesc);
NewNode->setModifiedMarker()->setReadMarker(); // This is M/R
if (Pool.NodesInPool.size() == 1 &&
// Update the mapping of DSNodes to pool descriptors.
// What are unallocated DSNodes?
for (unsigned N = 0, e = Pool.NodesInPool.size(); N != e; ++N) {
PoolDescriptors[Pool.NodesInPool[N]] = PoolDesc;
UnallocatedNodes.erase(Pool.NodesInPool[N]); // Handled!
// Any unallocated DSNodes get null pool descriptor pointers.
for (std::set<const DSNode*>::iterator I = UnallocatedNodes.begin(),
E = UnallocatedNodes.end(); I != E; ++I) {
PoolDescriptors[*I] = ConstantPointerNull::get(PointerType::getUnqual(PoolDescType));
// Method: processFunction()
// Description:
// Pool allocate any data structures which are contained in the specified
// function.
PoolAllocate::ProcessFunctionBody(Function &F, Function &NewF) {
// Get the DSGraph of the function and the FuncInfo of the function. We'll
// need th former and be updatting the latter.
DSGraph* G = Graphs->getDSGraph(F);
FuncInfo & FI = *getFuncInfo(F);
// Get the mapping between local DSNodes and DSNodes in the globals graph
DSGraph::NodeMapTy GlobalsGraphNodeMapping;
// Determine which DSNodes have already been assigned global pools. Record
// this information in the function's FuncInfo structure.
for (DSGraph::node_iterator I = G->node_begin(), E = G->node_end();
I != E;
// Get the global DSNode matching this DSNode
DSNode * N = I;
// If the local DSNode was assigned a global pool, update the pool
// descriptors for the function
if (GlobalNodes[N]) {
FI.PoolDescriptors[N] = GlobalNodes[N];
// If a corresponding global DSNode was assigned a global pool, update the
// pool descriptors for the function
DSNode * GGN = GlobalsGraphNodeMapping[N].getNode();
if (GGN && GlobalNodes[GGN]) {
FI.PoolDescriptors[N] = GlobalNodes[GGN];
// Ask the heuristic for the list of DSNodes which should get local pools.
std::vector<const DSNode *> LocalNodes;
CurHeuristic->getLocalPoolNodes (F, LocalNodes);
// Remove from the set all of the DSNodes which are poolallocated in a caller
// function.
for (unsigned index = 0; index < LocalNodes.size(); ++index) {
if (FI.MarkedNodes.count (LocalNodes[index]) == 0) {
FI.NodesToPA.push_back (LocalNodes[index]);
// Add code to create the pools that are local to this function.
if (!FI.NodesToPA.empty()) {
errs() << "[" << F.getName().str() << "] " << FI.NodesToPA.size()
<< " nodes pool allocatable\n";
CreatePools(NewF, G, FI.NodesToPA, FI.PoolDescriptors);
} else {
DEBUG(errs() << "[" << F.getName().str() << "] transforming body.\n");
// Transform the body of the function now... collecting information about uses
// of the pools.
std::multimap<AllocaInst*, Instruction*> PoolUses;
std::multimap<AllocaInst*, CallInst*> PoolFrees;
TransformBody(G, FI, PoolUses, PoolFrees, NewF);
// Create pool construction/destruction code
if (!FI.NodesToPA.empty())
InitializeAndDestroyPools(NewF, FI.NodesToPA, FI.PoolDescriptors,
PoolUses, PoolFrees);
// Some heuristics want to do special transformation to the function. Let
// them do so here.
CurHeuristic->HackFunctionBody(NewF, FI.PoolDescriptors);
template<class IteratorTy>
static void AllOrNoneInSet(IteratorTy S, IteratorTy E,
std::set<BasicBlock*> &Blocks, bool &AllIn,
bool &NoneIn) {
AllIn = true;
NoneIn = true;
for (; S != E; ++S)
if (Blocks.count(*S))
NoneIn = false;
AllIn = false;
static void DeleteIfIsPoolFree(Instruction *I, AllocaInst *PD,
std::multimap<AllocaInst*, CallInst*> &PoolFrees) {
std::multimap<AllocaInst*, CallInst*>::iterator PFI, PFE;
if (dyn_cast<CallInst>(I))
for (tie(PFI,PFE) = PoolFrees.equal_range(PD); PFI != PFE; ++PFI)
if (PFI->second == I) {
void PoolAllocate::CalculateLivePoolFreeBlocks(std::set<BasicBlock*>&LiveBlocks,
Value *PD) {
for (Value::user_iterator I = PD->user_begin(), E = PD->user_end(); I != E; ++I){
// The only users of the pool should be call, invoke, and cast
// instructions. We know that poolfree() and pooldestroy() do not need to
// cast pool handles, so if we see a non-call instruction, we know it's not
// used in a poolfree() or pooldestroy() call.
if (Instruction * Inst = dyn_cast<Instruction>(*I)) {
if (!isa<CallInst>(*I)) {
// This block and every block that can reach this block must keep pool
// frees.
for (idf_ext_iterator<BasicBlock*, std::set<BasicBlock*> >
DI = idf_ext_begin(Inst->getParent(), LiveBlocks),
DE = idf_ext_end(Inst->getParent(), LiveBlocks);
DI != DE; ++DI)
/* empty */;
CallSite U = CallSite(I->stripPointerCasts());
if (U.getCalledValue() != PoolFree && U.getCalledValue() != PoolDestroy) {
// This block and every block that can reach this block must keep pool
// frees.
for (idf_ext_iterator<BasicBlock*, std::set<BasicBlock*> >
DI = idf_ext_begin(U.getInstruction()->getParent(), LiveBlocks),
DE = idf_ext_end(U.getInstruction()->getParent(), LiveBlocks);
DI != DE; ++DI)
/* empty */;
/// InitializeAndDestroyPools- This inserts calls to poolinit and pooldestroy
/// into the function to initialize and destroy one pool.
void PoolAllocate::InitializeAndDestroyPool(Function &F, const DSNode *Node,
std::map<const DSNode*, Value*> &PoolDescriptors,
std::multimap<AllocaInst*, Instruction*> &PoolUses,
std::multimap<AllocaInst*, CallInst*> &PoolFrees) {
AllocaInst *PD = cast<AllocaInst>(PoolDescriptors[Node]);
// Convert the PoolUses/PoolFrees sets into something specific to this pool: a
// set of which blocks are immediately using the pool.
std::set<BasicBlock*> UsingBlocks;
std::multimap<AllocaInst*, Instruction*>::iterator PUI, PUE;
tie(PUI, PUE) = PoolUses.equal_range(PD);
for (; PUI != PUE; ++PUI)
// To calculate all of the basic blocks which require the pool to be
// initialized before, do a depth first search on the CFG from the using
// blocks.
std::set<BasicBlock*> InitializedBefore;
std::set<BasicBlock*> DestroyedAfter;
for (std::set<BasicBlock*>::iterator I = UsingBlocks.begin(),
E = UsingBlocks.end(); I != E; ++I) {
for (df_ext_iterator<BasicBlock*, std::set<BasicBlock*> >
DI = df_ext_begin(*I, InitializedBefore),
DE = df_ext_end(*I, InitializedBefore); DI != DE; ++DI)
/* empty */;
for (idf_ext_iterator<BasicBlock*, std::set<BasicBlock*> >
DI = idf_ext_begin(*I, DestroyedAfter),
DE = idf_ext_end(*I, DestroyedAfter); DI != DE; ++DI)
/* empty */;
// Now that we have created the sets, intersect them.
std::set<BasicBlock*> LiveBlocks;
DestroyedAfter.begin(), DestroyedAfter.end(),
std::inserter(LiveBlocks, LiveBlocks.end()));
DEBUG(errs() << "POOL: " << PD->getName().str() << " information:\n");
DEBUG(errs() << " Live in blocks: ");
DEBUG(for (std::set<BasicBlock*>::iterator I = LiveBlocks.begin(),
E = LiveBlocks.end(); I != E; ++I)
errs() << (*I)->getName().str() << " ");
DEBUG(errs() << "\n");
std::vector<Instruction*> PoolInitPoints;
std::vector<Instruction*> PoolDestroyPoints;
if (DisableInitDestroyOpt) {
// Insert poolinit calls after all of the allocas...
Instruction *InsertPoint;
for (BasicBlock::iterator I = F.front().begin();
isa<AllocaInst>(InsertPoint = I); ++I)
if (F.getName().str() != "main")
for (Function::iterator BB = F.begin(), E = F.end(); BB != E; ++BB)
if (isa<ReturnInst>(BB->getTerminator()) ||
} else {
// Keep track of the blocks we have inserted poolinit/destroy into.
std::set<BasicBlock*> PoolInitInsertedBlocks, PoolDestroyInsertedBlocks;
for (std::set<BasicBlock*>::iterator I = LiveBlocks.begin(),
E = LiveBlocks.end(); I != E; ++I) {
BasicBlock *BB = *I;
TerminatorInst *Term = BB->getTerminator();
// Check the predecessors of this block. If any preds are not in the
// set, or if there are no preds, insert a pool init.
bool AllIn, NoneIn;
AllOrNoneInSet(pred_begin(BB), pred_end(BB), LiveBlocks, AllIn,
if (NoneIn) {
if (!PoolInitInsertedBlocks.count(BB)) {
BasicBlock::iterator It = BB->begin();
while (isa<AllocaInst>(It) || isa<PHINode>(It)) ++It;
#if 0
// Move through all of the instructions not in the pool
while (!PoolUses.count(std::make_pair(PD, It)))
// Advance past non-users deleting any pool frees that we run
// across.
DeleteIfIsPoolFree(It++, PD, PoolFrees);
} else if (!AllIn) {
for (pred_iterator PI = pred_begin(BB), E = pred_end(BB); PI != E;
if (!LiveBlocks.count(*PI) && !PoolInitInsertedBlocks.count(*PI)){
if (SplitCriticalEdge(BB, PI))
// If the critical edge was split, *PI was invalidated
goto TryAgainPred;
// Insert at the end of the predecessor, before the terminator.
// Check the successors of this block. If some succs are not in the
// set, insert destroys on those successor edges. If all succs are
// not in the set, insert a destroy in this block.
AllOrNoneInSet(succ_begin(BB), succ_end(BB), LiveBlocks,
AllIn, NoneIn);
if (NoneIn) {
// Insert before the terminator.
if (!PoolDestroyInsertedBlocks.count(BB)) {
BasicBlock::iterator It = Term;
// Rewind to the first using instruction.
#if 0
while (!PoolUses.count(std::make_pair(PD, It)))
DeleteIfIsPoolFree(It--, PD, PoolFrees);
// Insert after the first using instruction
} else if (!AllIn) {
for (succ_iterator SI = succ_begin(BB), E = succ_end(BB);
SI != E; ++SI)
if (!LiveBlocks.count(*SI) &&
!PoolDestroyInsertedBlocks.count(*SI)) {
// If this edge is critical, split it.
SplitCriticalEdge(BB, SI);
// Insert at entry to the successor, but after any PHI nodes.
BasicBlock::iterator It = (*SI)->begin();
while (isa<PHINode>(It)) ++It;
DEBUG(errs() << " Init in blocks: ");
// Insert the calls to initialize the pool.
unsigned ElSizeV = Heuristic::getRecommendedSize(Node);
Value *ElSize = ConstantInt::get(Int32Type, ElSizeV);
unsigned AlignV = Heuristic::getRecommendedAlignment(Node);
Value *Align = ConstantInt::get(Int32Type, AlignV);
for (unsigned i = 0, e = PoolInitPoints.size(); i != e; ++i) {
Value* Opts[3] = {PD, ElSize, Align};
CallInst::Create(PoolInit, Opts, "", PoolInitPoints[i]);
DEBUG(errs() << PoolInitPoints[i]->getParent()->getName().str() << " ");
DEBUG(errs() << "\n Destroy in blocks: ");
// Loop over all of the places to insert pooldestroy's...
for (unsigned i = 0, e = PoolDestroyPoints.size(); i != e; ++i) {
// Insert the pooldestroy call for this pool.
CallInst::Create(PoolDestroy, PD, "", PoolDestroyPoints[i]);
DEBUG(errs() << PoolDestroyPoints[i]->getParent()->getName().str()<<" ");
DEBUG(errs() << "\n\n");
// We are allowed to delete any poolfree's which occur between the last
// call to poolalloc, and the call to pooldestroy. Figure out which
// basic blocks have this property for this pool.
std::set<BasicBlock*> PoolFreeLiveBlocks;
if (!DisablePoolFreeOpt)
CalculateLivePoolFreeBlocks(PoolFreeLiveBlocks, PD);
PoolFreeLiveBlocks = LiveBlocks;
// Delete any pool frees which are not in live blocks, for correctness.
std::multimap<AllocaInst*, CallInst*>::iterator PFI, PFE;
for (tie(PFI,PFE) = PoolFrees.equal_range(PD); PFI != PFE; ) {
CallInst *PoolFree = (PFI++)->second;
if (!LiveBlocks.count(PoolFree->getParent()) ||
DeleteIfIsPoolFree(PoolFree, PD, PoolFrees);
/// InitializeAndDestroyPools - This inserts calls to poolinit and pooldestroy
/// into the function to initialize and destroy the pools in the NodesToPA list.
void PoolAllocate::InitializeAndDestroyPools(Function &F,
const std::vector<const DSNode*> &NodesToPA,
std::map<const DSNode*, Value*> &PoolDescriptors,
std::multimap<AllocaInst*, Instruction*> &PoolUses,
std::multimap<AllocaInst*, CallInst*> &PoolFrees) {
std::set<AllocaInst*> AllocasHandled;
// Insert all of the poolinit/destroy calls into the function.
for (unsigned i = 0, e = NodesToPA.size(); i != e; ++i) {
const DSNode *Node = NodesToPA[i];
if (isa<GlobalVariable>(PoolDescriptors[Node]) ||
assert(isa<AllocaInst>(PoolDescriptors[Node]) && "Why pool allocate this?");
AllocaInst *PD = cast<AllocaInst>(PoolDescriptors[Node]);
// FIXME: What is the purpose of the PoolUses and AllocasHandled code
// below?
// FIXME: Turn this into an assert and fix the problem!!
//assert(PoolUses.count(PD) && "Pool is not used, but is marked heap?!");
if (!PoolUses.count(PD) && !PoolFrees.count(PD)) continue;
if (!AllocasHandled.insert(PD).second) continue;
if (!Node->isNodeCompletelyFolded())
InitializeAndDestroyPool(F, Node, PoolDescriptors, PoolUses, PoolFrees);
// Function: getNumInitialPoolArguments()
// Description:
// This function determines if the specified function has inital pool arguments
// that should be replaced, and if so, returns the numbers of initial pool arguments
// to replace.
// Inputs:
// funcname - A reference to a string containing the name of the function.
// Return value:
// 0 - The function does not have any initial pool arguments to replace.
// Otherwise, the number of initial pool arguments to replace.
unsigned PoolAllocate::getNumInitialPoolArguments(StringRef FuncName) {
const unsigned EntryCount =
sizeof(RuntimeCheckEntries) / sizeof(RuntimeCheckEntries[0]);
for (unsigned Index = 0; Index < EntryCount; ++Index) {
if (RuntimeCheckEntries[Index].Function == FuncName)
return RuntimeCheckEntries[Index].PoolArgc;
else if (RuntimeCheckEntries[Index].CheckKind == CStdLibCheck) {
// Check for _debug() versions of CStdLib functions.
std::string DebugName =
RuntimeCheckEntries[Index].Function + std::string("_debug");
if (DebugName == FuncName)
return RuntimeCheckEntries[Index].PoolArgc;
return 0;