blob: 1c94fad595dae961e7d38d496371626202b217ca [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- Heuristic.cpp - Interface to PA heuristics ------------------------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file was developed by the LLVM research group and is distributed under
// the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file implements the old "AllNodes" heuristic which the SAFECode
// heuristic claims only pool allocated heap nodes.
// FIXME: It seems that the old alignment heuristics contained in this file
// were designed for 32-bit x86 processors (which makes sense as
// poolalloc was developed before x86-64). We need to revisit this
// code and decide what the heuristics should do today.
#include "dsa/DSGraphTraits.h"
#include "poolalloc/Heuristic.h"
#include "poolalloc/PoolAllocate.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Instructions.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DepthFirstIterator.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FormattedStream.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace llvm;
using namespace PA;
// Function: GetNodesReachableFromGlobals()
// Description:
// This function finds all DSNodes which are reachable from globals. It finds
// DSNodes both within the local DSGraph as well as in the Globals graph that
// are reachable from globals. It does, however, filter out those DSNodes
// which are of no interest to automatic pool allocation.
// Inputs:
// G - The DSGraph for which to find DSNodes which are reachable by globals.
// This DSGraph can either by a DSGraph associated with a function *or*
// it can be the globals graph itself.
// Outputs:
// NodesFromGlobals - A reference to a container object in which to record
// DSNodes reachable from globals. DSNodes are *added* to
// this container; it is not cleared by this function.
// DSNodes from both the local and globals graph are added.
AllHeapNodesHeuristic::GetNodesReachableFromGlobals (DSGraph* G,
DenseSet<const DSNode*> &NodesFromGlobals) {
// Get the globals graph associated with this DSGraph. If the globals graph
// is NULL, then the graph that was passed in *is* the globals graph.
DSGraph * GlobalsGraph = G->getGlobalsGraph();
if (!GlobalsGraph)
GlobalsGraph = G;
// Find all DSNodes which are reachable in the globals graph.
for (DSGraph::node_iterator NI = GlobalsGraph->node_begin();
NI != GlobalsGraph->node_end();
++NI) {
// Remove those global nodes which we know will never be pool allocated.
std::vector<const DSNode *> toRemove;
for (DenseSet<const DSNode*>::iterator I = NodesFromGlobals.begin(),
E = NodesFromGlobals.end(); I != E; ) {
DenseSet<const DSNode*>::iterator Last = I; ++I;
const DSNode *tmp = *Last;
if (!(tmp->isHeapNode()))
toRemove.push_back (tmp);
// Do not poolallocate nodes that are cast to Int.
// As we do not track through ints, these could be escaping
if (tmp->isPtrToIntNode())
// Remove all globally reachable DSNodes which do not require pools.
for (unsigned index = 0; index < toRemove.size(); ++index) {
// Now the fun part. Find DSNodes in the local graph that correspond to
// those nodes reachable in the globals graph. Add them to the set of
// reachable nodes, too.
if (G->getGlobalsGraph()) {
// Compute a mapping between local DSNodes and DSNodes in the globals
// graph.
DSGraph::NodeMapTy NodeMap;
G->computeGToGGMapping (NodeMap);
// Scan through all DSNodes in the local graph. If a local DSNode has a
// corresponding DSNode in the globals graph that is reachable from a
// global, then add the local DSNode to the set of DSNodes reachable from a
// global.
// FIXME: A node's existance within the global DSGraph is probably
// sufficient evidence that it is reachable from a global.
DSGraph::node_iterator ni = G->node_begin();
for (; ni != G->node_end(); ++ni) {
DSNode * N = ni;
if (NodesFromGlobals.count (NodeMap[N].getNode()))
NodesFromGlobals.insert (N);
// Method: findGlobalPoolNodes()
// Description:
// This method finds DSNodes that are reachable from globals and that need a
// pool. The Automatic Pool Allocation transform will use the returned
// information to build global pools for the DSNodes in question.
// Note that this method does not assign DSNodes to pools; it merely decides
// which DSNodes are reachable from globals and will need a pool of global
// scope.
// Outputs:
// Nodes - The DSNodes that are both reachable from globals and which should
// have global pools will be *added* to this container.
AllHeapNodesHeuristic::findGlobalPoolNodes (DSNodeSet_t & Nodes) {
// Get the globals graph for the program.
DSGraph* GG = Graphs->getGlobalsGraph();
// Get all of the nodes reachable from globals.
DenseSet<const DSNode*> GlobalHeapNodes;
GetNodesReachableFromGlobals (GG, GlobalHeapNodes);
// Create a global pool for each global DSNode.
for (DenseSet<const DSNode *>::iterator NI = GlobalHeapNodes.begin();
NI != GlobalHeapNodes.end();++NI) {
const DSNode * N = *NI;
PoolMap[N] = OnePool(N);
// Now find all DSNodes belonging to function-local DSGraphs which are
// mirrored in the globals graph. These DSNodes require a global pool, too.
for (Module::iterator F = M->begin(); F != M->end(); ++F) {
if (Graphs->hasDSGraph(*F)) {
DSGraph* G = Graphs->getDSGraph(*F);
DSGraph::NodeMapTy NodeMap;
G->computeGToGGMapping (NodeMap);
// Scan through all DSNodes in the local graph. If a local DSNode has a
// corresponding DSNode in the globals graph that is reachable from a
// global, then add the local DSNode to the set of DSNodes reachable from
// a global.
DSGraph::node_iterator ni = G->node_begin();
for (; ni != G->node_end(); ++ni) {
DSNode * N = ni;
DSNode * GGN = NodeMap[N].getNode();
//assert (!GGN || GlobalHeapNodes.count (GGN));
if (GGN && GlobalHeapNodes.count (GGN))
PoolMap[GGN].NodesInPool.push_back (N);
// Copy the values into the output container. Note that DenseSet has no
// iterator traits (or whatever allows us to treat DenseSet has a generic
// container), so we have to use a loop to copy values from the DenseSet into
// the output container.
for (DenseSet<const DSNode*>::iterator I = GlobalHeapNodes.begin(),
E = GlobalHeapNodes.end(); I != E; ++I) {
Nodes.insert (*I);
//===-- AllHeapNodes Heuristic ------------------------------------------------===//
// This heuristic pool allocates everything possible into separate pools.
AllHeapNodesHeuristic::runOnModule (Module & Module) {
// Remember which module we are analyzing.
M = &Module;
// Get the reference to the DSA Graph.
Graphs = &getAnalysis<EQTDDataStructures>();
assert (Graphs && "No DSGraphs!\n");
// Find DSNodes which are reachable from globals and should be pool
// allocated.
findGlobalPoolNodes (GlobalPoolNodes);
// We never modify anything in this pass
return false;
AllHeapNodesHeuristic::AssignToPools (const std::vector<const DSNode*> &NodesToPA,
Function *F, DSGraph* G,
std::vector<OnePool> &ResultPools) {
for (unsigned i = 0, e = NodesToPA.size(); i != e; ++i){
if (PoolMap.find (NodesToPA[i]) != PoolMap.end())
ResultPools.push_back (OnePool(NodesToPA[i]));
// Register all of the heuristic passes.
static RegisterPass<AllHeapNodesHeuristic>
A ("paheur-AllHeapNodes", "Pool allocate all (heap?) nodes");
RegisterAnalysisGroup<Heuristic> Heuristic1(A);
char AllHeapNodesHeuristic::ID = 0;