blob: 581d838000e229fdbaf6051921fc0d36e1336bf5 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef _J3_OBJECT_H_
#define _J3_OBJECT_H_
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "vmkit/stack.h"
#include "j3/j3typesdef.h"
namespace vmkit {
class BumpAllocator;
namespace j3 {
class J3Type;
class J3Class;
class J3Layout;
class J3ArrayClass;
class J3Primitive;
class J3Field;
class J3VirtualTable;
class J3FixedPoint;
class J3Method;
class J3Monitor;
class J3LockRecord;
class J3LockRecord {
static const uint32_t gepHeader = 0;
static const uint32_t gepLockCount = 1;
uintptr_t header;
uint32_t lockCount;
// see: Cliff Click and John Rose. 2002. Fast subtype checking in the HotSpot JVM.
// In Proceedings of the 2002 joint ACM-ISCOPE conference on Java Grande (JGI '02). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 96-107.
class J3TypeChecker {
static const uint32_t displayLength = 9;
static const uint32_t cacheOffset = displayLength - 1;
J3VirtualTable* display[displayLength];
J3VirtualTable** secondaryTypes;
uint32_t nbSecondaryTypes;
uint32_t offset; /* offset between 1 and 8 if class, cache otherwise */
void dump();
class J3VirtualTable {
friend class J3Trampoline;
static const uint32_t nbInterfaceMethodTable = 173;
static const uint32_t gepObjectClass = 0;
static const uint32_t gepInterfaceMethods = 2;
static const uint32_t gepVirtualMethods = 4;
J3Type* _type;
J3TypeChecker checker;
// see: Bowen Alpern, Anthony Cocchi, Stephen Fink, and David Grove. 2001.
// Efficient implementation of Java interfaces: Invokeinterface considered harmless. OOPSLA 2001.
void* _interfaceMethodTable[nbInterfaceMethodTable];
size_t _nbVirtualMethods;
void* _virtualMethods[1];
J3VirtualTable(J3Type* type, J3Type* super, J3Type** interfaces, uint32_t nbInterfaces, bool isSecondary);
void* operator new(size_t unused, vmkit::BumpAllocator* allocator, size_t n);
static J3VirtualTable* create(J3Layout* cl);
static J3VirtualTable* create(J3Class* cl);
static J3VirtualTable* create(J3ArrayClass* cl);
static J3VirtualTable* create(J3Primitive* prim);
uint32_t offset() { return checker.offset; }
bool isPrimaryChecker() { return checker.offset < J3TypeChecker::cacheOffset; }
bool slowIsAssignableTo(J3VirtualTable* parent) __attribute__((always_inline));
bool fastIsAssignableToPrimaryChecker(J3VirtualTable* parent, uint32_t parentOffset);
bool fastIsAssignableToNonPrimaryChecker(J3VirtualTable* parent);
bool isAssignableTo(J3VirtualTable* parent);
J3Type* type() const { return _type; }
void** virtualMethods() const { return (void**)_virtualMethods; }
size_t nbVirtualMethods() const { return _nbVirtualMethods; }
void dump();
class J3Object {
friend class J3ArrayObject;
friend class J3ObjectHandle;
static const uint32_t gepVT = 0;
static const uint32_t gepHeader = 1;
J3VirtualTable* _vt;
volatile uintptr_t _header;
* biasable (not yet implemented): 0 | epoch | age | 101
* biased (not yet implemented): thread_id | epoch | age | 101
* not locked: hash-code 24 bits | age 5 bits | 001
* stack locked: pointer to lock record | 00
* inflated: pointer to monitor | 10
J3Object(); /* never directly allocate an object */
static bool isUnlocked(uintptr_t header) __attribute__((always_inline)) { return (header & 7) == 1; }
static bool isInflated(uintptr_t header) __attribute__((always_inline)) { return (header & 3) == 2; }
static bool isStackLocked(uintptr_t header) __attribute__((always_inline)) { return !(header & 3); }
static J3LockRecord* asLockRecord(uintptr_t header) __attribute__((always_inline)) { return (J3LockRecord*)header; }
static J3Monitor* asMonitor(uintptr_t header) __attribute__((always_inline)) { return (J3Monitor*)(header & ~3); }
bool isLockOwner();
J3Monitor* inflate();
uint32_t hashCode();
void monitorEnter(J3LockRecord* lockRecord) __attribute__((always_inline));
void monitorExit() __attribute__((always_inline));
static J3Object* allocate(J3VirtualTable* vt, uintptr_t n);
static J3Object* doNew(J3Class* cl);
J3VirtualTable* vt();
volatile uintptr_t* header();
class J3ArrayObject : public J3Object {
friend class J3ObjectHandle;
static const uint32_t gepLength = 1;
static const uint32_t gepContent = 2;
uint32_t _length;
static J3Object* doNew(J3ArrayClass* cl, uintptr_t length);
static J3Object* multianewArray(J3ArrayClass* cl, uint32_t dim, uint32_t* args);
uint32_t length() { return _length; }
void* content() { return this+1; }
class J3ObjectHandle {
friend class J3LocalReferences;
friend class J3GlobalReferences;
friend class J3Method;
static const uint32_t gepObj = 0;
J3Object* volatile _obj;
J3Object* obj() { return _obj; }
J3ArrayObject* array() { return (J3ArrayObject*)_obj; }
J3VirtualTable* vt() { return obj()->vt(); }
uint32_t arrayLength() { return array()->length(); }
J3ObjectHandle& operator=(const J3ObjectHandle& h) { _obj = h._obj; return *this; }
static J3ObjectHandle* allocate(J3VirtualTable* vt, size_t n);
static J3ObjectHandle* doNewObject(J3Class* cl);
static J3ObjectHandle* doNewArray(J3ArrayClass* cl, uint32_t length);
bool isLockOwner();
void wait();
bool isSame(J3ObjectHandle* handle) { return obj() == handle->obj(); }
void harakiri() { _obj = 0; }
uint32_t hashCode();
void rawObjectCopyTo(uint32_t fromOffset, J3ObjectHandle* to, uint32_t toOffset, uint32_t nbb);
void rawArrayCopyTo(uint32_t fromOffset, J3ObjectHandle* to, uint32_t toOffset, uint32_t nbb);
J3ObjectHandle* rawCASObject(uintptr_t offset, J3ObjectHandle* orig, J3ObjectHandle* value);
void rawSetObject(uintptr_t offset, J3ObjectHandle* v);
J3ObjectHandle* rawGetObject(uintptr_t offset);
void setObject(J3Field* f, J3ObjectHandle* v);
J3ObjectHandle* getObject(J3Field* f);
void setObjectAt(uint32_t idx, J3ObjectHandle* v);
J3ObjectHandle* getObjectAt(uint32_t idx);
#define defAccessor(name, ctype, llvmtype, scale) \
ctype rawCAS##name(uintptr_t offset, ctype orig, ctype value); \
void rawSet##name(uintptr_t offset, ctype value); \
ctype rawGet##name(uintptr_t offset); \
void set##name(J3Field* f, ctype value); \
ctype get##name(J3Field* f); \
void set##name##At(uint32_t idx, ctype value); \
ctype get##name##At(uint32_t idx); \
void setRegion##name(uint32_t selfIdx, const ctype* buf, uint32_t bufIdx, uint32_t len); \
void getRegion##name(uint32_t selfIdx, const ctype* buf, uint32_t bufIdx, uint32_t len);
#undef defAccessor
class J3LocalReferences : public vmkit::Stack<J3ObjectHandle> {
J3LocalReferences(vmkit::BumpAllocator* _allocator) : vmkit::Stack<J3ObjectHandle>(_allocator) {}
J3ObjectHandle* push(J3ObjectHandle* handle) { return handle ? push(handle->obj()) : 0; }
J3ObjectHandle* push(J3Object* obj);
class J3GlobalReferences {
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
vmkit::Stack<J3ObjectHandle> references;
vmkit::Stack<J3ObjectHandle*> emptySlots;
J3GlobalReferences(vmkit::BumpAllocator* _allocator);
J3ObjectHandle* add(J3ObjectHandle* handle);
void del(J3ObjectHandle* handle);
class J3Value {
union {
#define doIt(name, ctype, llvmtype, scale) \
ctype val##name;
#undef doIt
#define doIt(name, ctype, llvmtype, scale) \
J3Value(ctype val) { val##name = val; }
#undef doIt
J3Value() {}