blob: 3eb96bc9a787e2db1b6125c9d98d9b3720a23f3d [file] [log] [blame]
//===- PageManager.cpp - Implementation of the page allocator -------------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file was developed by the LLVM research group and is distributed under
// the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file implements the PageManager.h interface.
#include "PageManager.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include "poolalloc/MMAPSupport.h"
#include "poolalloc/Support/MallocAllocator.h"
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
// Define this if we want to use memalign instead of mmap to get pages.
// Empirically, this slows down the pool allocator a LOT.
#define USE_MEMALIGN 0
unsigned PageSize = 0;
void InitializePageManager() {
if (!PageSize) PageSize = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
// Explicitly use the malloc allocator here, to avoid depending on the C++
// runtime library.
typedef std::vector<void*, llvm::MallocAllocator<void*> > FreePagesListType;
static FreePagesListType &getFreePageList() {
static FreePagesListType *FreePages = 0;
if (!FreePages) {
// Avoid using operator new!
FreePages = (FreePagesListType*)malloc(sizeof(FreePagesListType));
// Use placement new now.
new (FreePages) std::vector<void*, llvm::MallocAllocator<void*> >();
return *FreePages;
/// AllocatePage - This function returns a chunk of memory with size and
/// alignment specified by PageSize.
void *AllocatePage() {
void *Addr;
posix_memalign(&Addr, PageSize, PageSize);
return Addr;
FreePagesListType &FPL = getFreePageList();
if (!FPL.empty()) {
void *Result = FPL.back();
return Result;
// Allocate several pages, and put the extras on the freelist...
unsigned NumToAllocate = 8;
char *Ptr = (char*)AllocateSpaceWithMMAP(NumToAllocate*PageSize);
for (unsigned i = 1; i != NumToAllocate; ++i)
return Ptr;
void *AllocateNPages(unsigned Num) {
if (Num <= 1) return AllocatePage();
return AllocateSpaceWithMMAP(Num*PageSize);
/// FreePage - This function returns the specified page to the pagemanager for
/// future allocation.
void FreePage(void *Page) {
FreePagesListType &FPL = getFreePageList();