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\title{Data Structure Analysis User's Manual}
\author{Written by Patrick Simmons}
Data Structure Analysis is a form of field-sensitive,
context-sensitive, unification-based alias analysis, described fully
in Chris Lattner's
DSA is also the LLVM analysis pass implementing this algorithm. The
goal of this user's manual is to document the external API of the LLVM
DSA pass for the benefit of those who wish to write clients for this
\section{Brief Overview of DSA Algorithm}
DSA roughly works in three distinct phases: Local, Bottom-Up, and
Top-Down. In order to motivate the artifacts created by the DSA
algorithm, these phases are briefly discussed below. Many
simplifications have been made, and many details have been omitted.
Those interested in the workings of DSA in any detail should consult
Chris Lattner's thesis.
The local phase of DSA creates a node (``DSNode'') representing each
pointer and pointer target within a function. It then creates a graph
by creating edges between the nodes representing the ``points-to''
relationship. However, because DSA is unification-based, there can be
only one edge from any single field. Thus, if the local analysis is
not able to determine which of multiple objects is the target of a
pointer, all possible targets must be merged into a single DSNode.
The local analysis is run on each function in the program, creating
separate graphs for each.
After the local phase has run, DSA iterates over the callgraph,
callees before callers, and clones the callee's graph into the caller
by matching the nodes corresponding to callee formal parameters to the
actual parameters given in the caller. This cloning is key to the
context-sensitivity of DSA. A number of tricks are used which in
practice prevent this pass from exhibiting its exponential worst-case
The top-down phase of DSA iterates over the callgraph again, this time
callers before callees, and merges nodes in callees when necessary.
This has the unfortunate effect of destroying some of DSA's
context-sensitivity but is necessary for clients that which to use DSA
as simply an alias analysis (such DSA-AA).
\section{Artifacts of DSA}
The artifacts of DSA are a collection of directed graphs, called
``DSGraphs'', with nodes (``DSNodes'') representing sets of objects
which may alias and edges representing the points-to relation between
these nodes.
\subsection{The Function Graphs}
A DSGraph is created for every function in the program. This graph
contains nodes and edges representing the information from the local
function, the callees if bottom-up DSA has been run, and the callees
and callers if top-down DSA has been run.
When interpreting the results of a function graph, it is important to
keep in mind the ``perspective'' of the DSA passes that have been run.
For instance, under bottom-up DSA, a DSNode representing the target of
a pointer argument to a function may not have the \texttt{global} flag
but still may represent a global variable in some contexts if a
particular caller passes the address of a global variable to the
function. Roughly, in bottom-up DSA, a function graph contains the
information on a function which is true no matter what calling the
calling context is. In contrast, under top-down DSA, a function graph
summarizes the information about a function taking into account all
possible contexts. Under bottom-up DSA, a node which may be either a
heap node or a stack node depending on context will have neither the
heap nor stack flags set. Under top-down DSA, a node which may be
either a heap node or a stack node depending on context will have both
flags set. Under bottom-up DSA, two arguments which may or may not
alias depending on context will be represented as two separate
DSNodes; under top-down DSA, these arguments will be unified into one
Thus, bottom-up DSA gives more context-sensitivity to clients, but at
the price of giving its results in a different and, for many clients,
less useful form. It is up to the client to evaluate the trade-offs
between the two passes.
\subsection{The Globals Graph}
The globals graph represents the interactions between global variables
and nodes reachable from global variables. The globals graph contains
exactly those DSNodes which are reachable from some DSNode
representing a global variable. The existence and design of this
graph are partly motivated by internal DSA optimizations unlikely to be
of concern to clients.
It is important not to confuse the globals graph with the
\texttt{global} flag described later in this manual. While all
DSNodes marked with the \texttt{global} flag will be represented in
the globals graph since nodes with the \texttt{global} flag are
exactly those which may represent global variables, the globals graph
will also contain nodes which do not have the \texttt{global} flag,
such as the targets of global pointers. The set of nodes in the
globals graph is the transitive closure of the set of nodes with the
\texttt{global} flag under the points-to relation.
\section{Interfaces to DSA Results}
%Will mostly use DSGraph.h and DSNode.h for this
%Make sure to remember to mention the flags.
%Mention John's rules in this section.
This section lists selected, generally useful functions from the
client API of DSA.
\subsection{Special Types}
DSA uses a number of special types in its arguments and return
values. These are summarized in this section.
DSNodeHandle is a smart pointer designed to contain one thing and one
thing only: a pointer to a DSNode. The only interesting function it
contains is \texttt{getNode()}, which returns the pointer associated
with a DSNodeHandle. If a client pass wishes to build a data
structure containing DSNode references, this class should be used
instead of storing DSNode references directly. The reason for this is
that calling getNode() on a DSNodeHandle has the potential to render
invalid any raw DSNode pointer held by a client.
While DSNodeHandle implements the <, >, and == comparison functions by
simply comparing the underlying raw pointers, it is not safe to use
DSNodeHandles in STL or other data structures that expect to be used
with immutable objects. Any accesses to DSNodes may result in the
pointer associated with a DSNodeHandle changing its value and
therefore change the result of these comparison operations. In
particular, it is not safe to store DSNodeHandles in an STL set or
This is a typedef for \texttt{std::map<const DSNode*, DSNodeHandle>}.
This is a typedef for \texttt{std::multimap<DSNodeHandle, const DSNode*>}.
\subsection{DataStructures : public ModulePass}
\item \texttt{DSGraph* getDSGraph(const Function\& F) const}: return
the DSGraph for the specified function, or null if none
\item \texttt{DSGraph* getGlobalsGraph() const}: return the globals
\item \texttt{DSGraph* getGlobalsGraph() const}: return the globals
\item \texttt{node\_iterator node\_begin()/node\_end()}: iterate over all the nodes
in the DSGraph. Be extremely careful when using these methods.
\item \texttt{string getFunctionNames() const}: return a
space-separated list of the names of functions in this graph
\item \texttt{const std::list<DSCallSite>\& getFunctionCalls() const}:
return a list of call sites in the original local graph
\item \texttt{fc\_iterator fc\_begin()/fc\_end() const}: iterate over
call sites
\item \texttt{DSNodeHandle\& getNodeForValue(const Value* V) const}:
return the DSNode in this graph associated with the specified value
\item \texttt{bool hasNodeForValue(const Value* V) const}: return true
if there is a DSNode in this graph associated with the specified
value, false otherwise
\item \texttt{DSNodeHandle\& getReturnNodeFor(const Function\& F)}: get
the return node for the specified function (which must be associated
with the current DSGraph)
\item \texttt{static void computeNodeMapping(const DSNodeHandle\& NH1,
const DSNodeHandle\& NH2, NodeMapTy\& NodeMap, bool StrictChecking =
true)}: given roots in two different DSGraphs, traverse the nodes
reachable from the two graphs and construct the maping of nodes from
the first to the second graph. This function is useful in allowing
a client to analyze which nodes in two different DSGraphs represent
the ``same'' value in a certain context; however, the most common
potential uses of this function are handled by the more specialized
functions below.
\item \texttt{void computeGtoGGMapping(NodeMapTy\& NodeMap)}: compute
the mapping of nodes in this DSGraph to nodes in the globals graph
\item \texttt{void computeGGtoGMapping(InvNodeMapTy\& InvNodeMap)}:
compute the mapping of nodes in the globals graph to nodes in this
\item \texttt{void computeCalleeCallerMapping(DSCallSite CS, const
Function\& Callee, DSGraph\& CalleeGraph, NodeMapTy\& NodeMap)}: given
a call from a function in the current graph to the ``Callee''
function, which must be associated with ``CalleeGraph'', construct a
mapping of nodes from the callee to nodes in this graph
The DSNode class represents a node in a DSA function or globals graph
and therefore represents a set of objects which may alias.
Interesting analysis results about the behavior of this alias set are
stored as flags:
enum NodeTy {
ShadowNode = 0, // Nothing is known about this node...
AllocaNode = 1 << 0, // This node was allocated with alloca
HeapNode = 1 << 1, // This node was allocated with malloc
GlobalNode = 1 << 2, // This node was allocated by a global var decl
ExternFuncNode = 1 << 3, // This node contains external functions
ExternGlobalNode = 1 << 4, // This node contains external globals
UnknownNode = 1 << 5, // This node points to unknown allocated memory
IncompleteNode = 1 << 6, // This node may not be complete
ModifiedNode = 1 << 7, // This node is modified in this context
ReadNode = 1 << 8, // This node is read in this context
ArrayNode = 1 << 9, // This node is treated like an array
CollapsedNode = 1 << 10, // This node is collapsed
ExternalNode = 1 << 11, // This node comes from an external source
IntToPtrNode = 1 << 12, // This node comes from an int cast
PtrToIntNode = 1 << 13, // This node escapes to an int cast
VAStartNode = 1 << 14, // This node is from a vastart call
These flags may be accessed with the following accessors:
unsigned getNodeFlags() const;
bool isAllocaNode() const { return NodeType & AllocaNode; }
bool isHeapNode() const { return NodeType & HeapNode; }
bool isGlobalNode() const { return NodeType & GlobalNode; }
bool isExternFuncNode() const { return NodeType & ExternFuncNode; }
bool isUnknownNode() const { return NodeType & UnknownNode; }
bool isModifiedNode() const { return NodeType & ModifiedNode; }
bool isReadNode() const { return NodeType & ReadNode; }
bool isArrayNode() const { return NodeType & ArrayNode; }
bool isCollapsedNode() const { return NodeType & CollapsedNode; }
bool isIncompleteNode() const { return NodeType & IncompleteNode;}
bool isCompleteNode() const { return !isIncompleteNode(); }
bool isExternalNode() const { return NodeType & ExternalNode; }
bool isIntToPtrNode() const { return NodeType & IntToPtrNode; }
bool isPtrToIntNode() const { return NodeType & PtrToIntNode; }
bool isVAStartNode() const { return NodeType & VAStartNode; }
Other useful functions of this class are summarized below:
\item \texttt{DSGraph* getParentGraph() const}: get the DSGraph of
which this node is a part
\item \texttt{unsigned getNumReferrers() const}: return the number of
edges pointing to this node
\item \texttt{unsigned getSize() const}: return the size of the
largest value represented by this node
\item \texttt{bool hasLink(unsigned offset) const}: return true if any
value represented by this node may have a pointer to another node at
the specified offset from the start of the value.
\item \texttt{DSNodeHandle\& getLilnk(unsigned offset)}: returns the
DSNodeHandle associated with the node pointed to by this node at the
specified offset
\item \texttt{void markReachableNodes(llvm::DenseSet<const DSNode*>\&
ReachableNodes) const}: populates ReachableNodes with pointers to
all DSNodes reachable from this node's edges.
This class provides an interface to the call graph of the program as
seen by DSA. The interesting functions are printed below.
/// isDirectCall - Return true if this call site is a direct call of the
/// function specified by getCalleeFunc. If not, it is an indirect call to
/// the node specified by getCalleeNode.
bool isDirectCall() const { return CalleeF != 0; }
bool isIndirectCall() const { return !isDirectCall(); }
// Accessor functions...
const Function &getCaller() const;
CallSite getCallSite() const { return Site; }
DSNodeHandle &getRetVal() { return RetVal; }
const DSNodeHandle &getRetVal() const { return RetVal; }
DSNodeHandle &getVAVal() { return VarArgVal; }
const DSNodeHandle &getVAVal() const { return VarArgVal; }
DSNode *getCalleeNode() const {
assert(!CalleeF && CalleeN.getNode()); return CalleeN.getNode();
const Function *getCalleeFunc() const {
assert(!CalleeN.getNode() && CalleeF); return CalleeF;
unsigned getNumPtrArgs() const { return CallArgs.size(); }
%Final subsection
\subsection{Potential Pitfalls}
The most important pitfall to using DSA successfully is to
misunderstand the information returned by it. This is more of a
problem when using a bottom-up-only analysis than when using a
top-down analysis. When designing a client pass, one must take care
not to infer things from DSA that are not implied by the information
given. It may be advisable for a pass author to reread
\S\ref{fungraph} of this manual, especially if bottom-up
DSA is to be used.
\section{DSA Passes}
Depending on their needs, clients may wish to use the results of any
one of a number of DSA passes. It is important to understand the
differences between them. The two most common passes are listed
below. A client uses a pass by indicating that it requires its
results in the normal LLVM manner:
This is the ``final'' form of DSA and is probably the appropriate pass
for most external clients to use. By including this pass, a client
will get the results of the DSA analysis after all phases of DSA have
been run. Merging has been performed for aliasing in both callers and
callees, so fewer nodes will be incomplete than in bottom-up.
Aliasing information will therefore be most precise.
The primary disadvantage of using EQTDDataStructures is the loss of
precision caused by the additional merging of nodes relative to
bottom-up. Depending on the needs of a client, therefore,
EquivBuDataStructures may be more appropriate in specific cases.
This pass runs all forms of DSA except top-down propagation. The
DSGraphs returned by this pass take into account aliasing caused by
calleees of a function, but not by callers. Thus, this pass is not
appropriate for use as a traditional not-shared/may-shared/must-shared
alias analysis. However, as this pass is more context-sensitive than
EQTDDataStructures, it may be a better choice for certain clients.