| #!/bin/sh |
| # llvm-top common function library |
| # |
| # This file was developed by Reid Spencer and is distributed under the |
| # University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. |
| # |
| #===------------------------------------------------------------------------===# |
| |
| # This script provides the script fragments and functions that are common to |
| # the scripts in the llvm-top module. |
| |
| # Figure out where the llvm-top directory is located. This could be executed |
| # in a module or in llvm-top, so we have to figure out where the llvm-top |
| # directory is located by examining contents. |
| if test -z "$LLVM_TOP" ; then |
| if test -x ./build -a -x ./get -a -f ./library.sh -a -x ./info ; then |
| LLVM_TOP=`pwd` |
| elif test -x ../build -a -x ../get -a -f ../library.sh -a -x ../info ; then |
| LLVM_TOP=`cd .. ; pwd` |
| else |
| echo "Cannot determine where your llvm-top directory is" |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| fi |
| |
| # Get the options. If there is no options file, default the values. |
| options="$LLVM_TOP/.options" |
| if test -r "$options" -a -f "$options" ; then |
| . "$options" |
| else |
| DEBUG=1 |
| DESTDIR="" |
| PREFIX="$LLVM_TOP/installed" |
| fi |
| |
| # Define where subversion is. We assume by default its in the path. |
| SVN=`which svn` |
| GIT=`which git` |
| |
| vcs_info() { |
| local module="$1" |
| if test -d "$module/.svn" ; then |
| $SVN info "$module" |
| elif test -d "$module/.git" ; then |
| (cd "$module" && $GIT svn info) |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| # A command to figure out the root of the SVN repository by asking for it from |
| # the 'svn info' command. To use, execute it in a script with something like |
| SVNROOT=`vcs_info . | grep 'Repository Root:' |sed -e 's/^Repository Root: //'` |
| |
| # Generate an informative message to the user based on the verbosity level |
| msg() { |
| local level=$1 |
| shift |
| if test "$level" -le "$VERBOSE" ; then |
| echo "TOP-$level: $*" |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| # Die with an error message |
| die() { |
| local code=$1 |
| shift |
| echo "TOP-$code: Error: $*" |
| exit $code |
| } |
| |
| process_arguments() { |
| msg 2 "Processing arguments" |
| local arg="" |
| for arg in "$@" ; do |
| case "$arg" in |
| LLVM_TOP=*) LLVM_TOP=`echo "$arg" | sed -e 's/LLVM_TOP=//'` ;; |
| PREFIX=*) PREFIX=`echo "$arg" | sed -e 's/PREFIX=//'` ;; |
| DESTDIR=*) DESTDIR=`echo "$arg" | sed -e 's/DESTDIR=//'` ;; |
| VERBOSE=*) VERBOSE=`echo "$arg" | sed -e 's/VERBOSE=//'` ;; |
| -*) OPTIONS_DASH="$OPTIONS_DASH $arg" ;; |
| all) MODULES=`$SVN list $SVNROOT | grep '/$' | sed -e 's#/##'` ;; |
| [a-zA-Z]*) MODULES="$MODULES $arg" ;; |
| *) die 1 "Unrecognized option: $arg" ;; |
| esac |
| done |
| |
| # An empty modules list means "the checked out modules" so gather that list |
| # now if we didn't get any modules on the command line. |
| if test -z "$MODULES" ; then |
| MODULES="" |
| local modinfo="" |
| for modinfo in */ModuleInfo.txt ; do |
| mod=`dirname $modinfo` |
| msg 3 "Found module directory $mod" |
| done |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| # Check out a single module. |
| checkout_a_module() { |
| local module=$1 |
| msg 1 "Checking out module '$module'" |
| if test -d "$module" ; then |
| msg 2 "Module '$module' is already checked out." |
| return 0 |
| fi |
| if test -e "$module" ; then |
| die 2 "Module '$module' is not a directory!" |
| return 0 |
| fi |
| local quiet="" |
| if test "$VERBOSE" -le 1 ; then |
| quiet="-q" |
| fi |
| msg 3 "Running svn checkout for '$module'" |
| vcs_checkout $quiet $SVNROOT/$module/trunk $module || \ |
| die $? "Checkout of module '$module' failed." |
| return 0 |
| } |
| |
| # This function extracts a module info item from a ModuleInfo.txt file. If |
| # the module isn't already checked out, then it gets checked out. The value |
| # of the info item is returned in the MODULE_INFO_VALUE variable. |
| get_module_info() { |
| local module="$1" |
| local item_name="$2" |
| local item_value="" |
| msg 2 "Getting '$item_name' module info for '$module'" |
| if test ! -d "$module" ; then |
| checkout_a_module "$module" || die $? "Checkout failed." |
| fi |
| msg 2 "Getting module info from $module/ModuleInfo.txt" |
| local module_info="$module/ModuleInfo.txt" |
| if test -f "$module_info" ; then |
| item_value=`grep -i "$item_name:" $module_info | \ |
| sed -e "s/$item_name: *//g"` |
| if test "$?" -ne 0 ; then |
| die $? "Searching file '$module_info for $item_name' failed." |
| fi |
| else |
| msg 1 "Module $module has no ModuleInfo.txt file (ignored)." |
| fi |
| MODULE_INFO_VALUE="$item_value" |
| } |
| |
| # This function gets the dependencies of all the dependent modules of the |
| # list of modules passed as arguments. If a module is not checked out, it will |
| # be checked out. This process repeats recursively until all the dependencies |
| # have been satisfied. Upon exit the MODULE_DEPENDENCIES variable contains |
| # the list of module names from least dependent to most dependent in the |
| # correct configure/build order. |
| add_module_if_not_duplicate() { |
| local mod_to_add="$1" |
| local mod="" |
| for mod in $MODULE_DEPENDENCIES ; do |
| local has_mod=`echo "$mod" | grep "$mod_to_add"` |
| if test ! -z "$has_mod" ; then |
| return 0 |
| fi |
| msg 3 "Looping in add_module_if_not_duplicate" |
| done |
| msg 2 "Adding module '$mod_to_add' to list" |
| } |
| |
| # This function gets the dependencies for a single module. It is a recursive |
| # function and returns its results by calling add_module_if_not_duplicate to |
| # add modules to the MODULE_DEPENDENCIES variables. The function limits |
| # recursion depth to a total of ten which should be sufficient. This prevents |
| # fork bombs in case the ModuleInfo.txt files specify cyclic dependencies. |
| get_a_modules_dependencies() { |
| if test "$RECURSION_DEPTH" -gt 10 ; then |
| die 2 "Recursing too deeply on module dependencies" |
| fi |
| local module="$1" |
| msg 2 "Getting dependencies for module '$module'" |
| get_module_info $module DepModule |
| if test ! -z "$MODULE_INFO_VALUE" ; then |
| local my_deps="$MODULE_INFO_VALUE" |
| msg 2 "Module '$module' depends on '$my_deps'" |
| local has_me=`echo "$my_deps" | grep "$module"` |
| if test -z "$has_me" ; then |
| local dep="" |
| for dep in $my_deps ; do |
| get_a_modules_dependencies "$dep" |
| msg 3 "Looping in get_a_modules_dependencies" |
| done |
| else |
| die 1 "Module '$module' has a dependency on itself!" |
| fi |
| fi |
| add_module_if_not_duplicate "$1" |
| } |
| |
| # This is the public interface for getting module dependencies. It takes a list |
| # of module names can calls get_a_modules_dependencies on each. The result is |
| # returned in MODULE_DEPENDENCIES variable. |
| get_module_dependencies() { |
| msg 2 "Getting module dependencies: $*" |
| local module="" |
| for module in "$@" ; do |
| get_a_modules_dependencies $module |
| msg 3 "Looping in get_module_dependencies" |
| done |
| } |
| |
| # This is used to build a single module. |
| build_a_module() { |
| local module="$1" |
| msg 1 "Building module '$module'" |
| get_module_info $module BuildCmd |
| if test -z "$MODULE_INFO_VALUE" ; then |
| msg 1 "Module $module has no BuildCmd entry so it will not be built." |
| return 0 |
| fi |
| local build_cmd="$MODULE_INFO_VALUE MODULE=$module $build_args" |
| msg 2 "Build Command: $build_cmd" |
| cd "$LLVM_TOP/$module" |
| $build_cmd || die $? "Build of module '$module' failed." |
| cd "$LLVM_TOP" |
| } |
| |
| vcs_update() { |
| local module="${1:-.}" |
| if test -d "$module/.svn" ; then |
| $SVN update "$module" |
| elif test -d "$module/.git" ; then |
| (cd "$module" && $GIT svn rebase) |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| vcs_checkout() { |
| if test -d ".svn" ; then |
| $SVN checkout $@ |
| elif test -d ".git" ; then |
| $GIT svn clone $@ |
| fi |
| } |