blob: 4f7f86f021cedaae8a43738ede9749c1362db961 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# GCC testsuite for symbol separation interaction,
# that uses the `dg.exp' driver.
# Load support procs.
load_lib gcc-dg.exp
# Initialize `dg'.
# Get checksum (first field of BINCL and EXCL stab information
proc get_checksum {input_file search_string} {
global RESULT nshort
# Regular expression to extract hexadecimal word
set hexexp {[0-9a-fA-F]+}
# Do nm on input_file and grep for search_string
catch {exec nm -ap $input_file >& $input_file.nm}
catch {exec grep "$search_string" $input_file.nm >& $input_file.grep}
# Extract dummy-checksum from the grep result (first hexdecimal word)
# and save it in RESULT
set file_h [open $input_file.grep r]
while {[gets $file_h line] >= 0} { # We expect only one line in file_h
regexp $hexexp $line RESULT
close $file_h
# Clean up
catch { file delete "$input_file.nm" }
catch { file delete "$input_file.grep" }
# Return check sum
return $RESULT
set old_dg_do_what_default "${dg-do-what-default}"
# Main loop.
foreach test [lsort [glob -nocomplain $srcdir/$subdir/*.c]] {
global runtests torture_without_loops dg-do-what-default nshort
# If we're only testing specific files and this isn't one of them, skip it.
if ![runtest_file_p $runtests $test] {
# [file tail name] returns part of name after last /
set nshort "$subdir/[file tail $test]"
set short_bname "[file rootname [file tail $test]]"
set bname "[file rootname $test]"
set bname_part_2 "$srcdir/$subdir/[file rootname [file tail $test]]_part_2.c"
set short_bname_part_2 "[file rootname [file tail $test]]_part_2"
set ss_exp_debug 0
# We don't try to use the loop-optimizing options, since they are highly
# unlikely to make any difference to CINFO.
foreach flags "[list {-gstabs+ -gfull}]" {
verbose "Testing $nshort, $flags" 1
# Clean up
catch { file delete "$bname.h" }
catch { file delete "$bname.o" }
catch { file delete "$bname.h.o" }
if {$ss_exp_debug == 1} {
puts "ss_exp_debug: various names"
puts "ss_exp_debug bname:"; puts $bname
puts "ss_exp_debug bname.ssh:"; puts $bname.ssh
puts "ss_exp_debug test:"; puts $test
puts "ss_exp_debug short_bname:"; puts $short_bname
# 1) compile foo.h to create foo.h.o
if { [ file exists "$bname.ssh" ] } {
# For the header files, the default is to make repository
set dg-do-what-default assemble
# Header files are supplied using .ssh extension, so that we can
# identify candidates for makeing symbol repository. Get header copy
# with .h here.
file copy -force "$bname.ssh" "$short_bname.h"
# Make repository
# This will create two output files $short_bname.h.o and PCH
dg-test -keep-output "$short_bname.h" $flags "-fsave-repository=$short_bname.h.o -x c-header"
if { [ file exists "$short_bname.o" ] } {
file rename -force "$short_bname.h.o" "$bname.h.o"
file rename -force "$short_bname.o" "$short_bname.h.gch"
# Do nm on $bname.h.o and grep for "BINCL $bname.h"
# Extract dummy-checksum from the grep result and save it in RESULT1
set RESULT1 [get_checksum $bname.h.o "BINCL $short_bname.h"]
if {$ss_exp_debug == 1} {
puts "ss_exp_debug: RESULT1"; puts $RESULT1
pass "$nshort $flags Make Repository"
} else {
set RESULT1 " "
fail "$nshort $flags Make Repository"
if { [ file exists "$bname.h.o" ] } {
# 2) compile foo.c to create foo.o
file rename -force "$short_bname.h" "$"
dg-test -keep-output $test $flags "-I. -Winvalid-pch"
if { [ file exists "$short_bname.o" ] } {
# Do nm on $bname.o and grep for "EXCL $bname.h"
# Extract dummy-checksum from the grep result and save it in RESULT2
set RESULT2 [get_checksum $short_bname.o "EXCL $short_bname.h"]
if {$ss_exp_debug == 1} {
puts "ss_exp_debug: RESULT2 ??? "; puts $RESULT2
pass "$nshort $flags Use symbol repository"
} else {
set RESULT2 " "
fail "$nshort $flags Use symbol repository"
if { [ file exists "$bname_part_2" ] } {
# 3) compile foo_part_2.c to create foo_part_2.o
dg-test -keep-output "$bname_part_2" $flags "-I. "
if { [ file exists "$short_bname_part_2.o" ] } {
# Do nm on $bname_part_2.o and grep for "EXCL $bname.h"
# Extract dummy-checksum from the grep result and save it in RESULT3
set RESULT3 [get_checksum $short_bname_part_2.o "EXCL $bname.h"]
if {$ss_exp_debug == 1} {
puts "ss_exp_debug: RESULT3"; puts $RESULT3
pass "$nshort $flags Use symbol repository"
} else {
set RESULT3 " "
fail "$nshort $flags Use symbol repository"
# 4) Link foo.h.o and foo.o to create foo
set dg-do-what-default link
dg-test -keep-output "$bname.h.o" "$short_bname.o" ""
# 5) do 'nm |grep ' on final assembler and save result in RES4
# Do nm on $bname.out and grep for "EXCL $bname.h"
# Extract dummy-checksum from the grep result and save it in RESULT4
set RESULT4 [get_checksum $short_bname.h.exe "EXCL $bname.h"]
# Do nm on $bname.out and grep for "BINCL $bname.h"
# Extract dummy-checksum from the grep result and save it in RESULT5
set RESULT5 [get_checksum $short_bname.h.exe "BINCL $bname.h"]
if {$ss_exp_debug == 1} {
puts "ss_exp_debug: RESULT4"; puts $RESULT4
puts "ss_exp_debug: RESULT5"; puts $RESULT5
pass "$nshort $flags symbol separation: linking"
} else {
# If we are not testing second part then set values so that comparison test succeeds
if {$ss_exp_debug == 1} {
puts "ss_exp_debug: RESULT3"; puts $RESULT3
puts "ss_exp_debug: RESULT4"; puts $RESULT4
puts "ss_exp_debug: RESULT5"; puts $RESULT5
# 6) Compare RES1 and RES2 and RES3 and RES4
if { ( $RESULT1 == $RESULT2 )
&& ( $RESULT1 == $RESULT3 )
&& ( $RESULT1 == $RESULT4 ) } {
pass "$nshort $flags symbol separation valid use test"
} else {
fail "$nshort $flags symbol separation valid use test"
if { ( $RESULT1 == $RESULT5 ) } {
pass "$nshort $flags symbol separation link test"
} else {
fail "$nshort $flags symbol separation link test"
pass "$nshort $flags Make repository"
} else {
fail "$nshort $flags Make repository"
} else {
# Normal test
set dg-do-what-default compile
dg-test -keep-output $test $flags "-I."
# Clean up
catch { file delete "$bname.h" }
catch { file delete "$bname.o" }
catch { file delete "$bname.h.o" }
set dg-do-what-default "$old_dg_do_what_default"
# All done.