blob: 2dbd731fd692d2dc1bb366bb394eb20c111b9ec2 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Diagnostics for attempts to access a member not in a structure or
union should name the type involved. Bug 13804. */
/* Origin: Joseph Myers <> */
/* { dg-do compile } */
/* { dg-options "" } */
struct s0 { int a; };
union u0 { long b; };
typedef struct s0 S0;
typedef union u0 U0;
struct s0 x0;
S0 x1;
union u0 x2;
U0 x3;
struct s0 *x4;
union u0 *x5;
f (void)
x0.c; /* { dg-error "error: 'struct s0' has no member named 'c'" } */
x1.c; /* { dg-error "error: 'S0' has no member named 'c'" } */
x2.c; /* { dg-error "error: 'union u0' has no member named 'c'" } */
x3.c; /* { dg-error "error: 'U0' has no member named 'c'" } */
x4->c; /* { dg-error "error: 'struct s0' has no member named 'c'" } */
x5->c; /* { dg-error "error: 'union u0' has no member named 'c'" } */