blob: 0d280bb57933c84c6421b91a0f9e0442aeb3d1c0 [file] [log] [blame]
/* { dg-do compile } */
/* { dg-options "-W -Wall" } */
typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ size_t;
extern void* malloc (size_t);
extern void free (void*);
extern void* realloc (void*, size_t);
struct vtable {
void* (* _malloc) (size_t);
void (* _free) (void*);
void* (* _realloc) (void*, size_t);
struct vtable mtable = {
}; /* { dg-warning "missing initializer" "warning regression" { target *-*-* } {18} } */
/* { dg-warning "initialization for 'mtable._realloc'" "warning regression 2" { target *-*-* } {18} } */
/* With designated initializers, we assume you meant to leave out the
initialization of any blank fields. */
struct vtable mtable2 = {
._malloc = malloc,
._realloc = realloc
struct vtable mtable3 = {
._free = free,
._malloc = malloc,
._realloc = realloc