blob: 5886b5117931a061cbfd28ad4292cc2c19c39374 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Test declaration specifiers. Test various checks on storage class
and function specifiers that depend on information about the
declaration, not just the specifiers. Test with no special
options. */
/* Origin: Joseph Myers <> */
/* { dg-do compile } */
/* APPLE LOCAL testsuite nested functions */
/* { dg-options "-fnested-functions" } */
auto void f0 (void) {} /* { dg-warning "warning: function definition declared 'auto'" } */
register void f1 (void) {} /* { dg-error "error: function definition declared 'register'" } */
typedef void f2 (void) {} /* { dg-error "error: function definition declared 'typedef'" } */
void f3 (auto int); /* { dg-error "error: storage class specified for parameter 'type name'" } */
void f4 (extern int); /* { dg-error "error: storage class specified for parameter 'type name'" } */
void f5 (register int);
void f6 (static int); /* { dg-error "error: storage class specified for parameter 'type name'" } */
void f7 (typedef int); /* { dg-error "error: storage class specified for parameter 'type name'" } */
auto int x; /* { dg-error "error: file-scope declaration of 'x' specifies 'auto'" } */
register int y;
void h (void) { extern void x (void) {} } /* { dg-error "error: nested function 'x' declared 'extern'" } */
g (void)
void a; /* { dg-error "error: variable or field 'a' declared void" } */
const void b; /* { dg-error "error: variable or field 'b' declared void" } */
static void c; /* { dg-error "error: variable or field 'c' declared void" } */
void p;
const void p1;
extern void q;
extern const void q1;
static void r; /* { dg-error "error: variable or field 'r' declared void" } */
static const void r1; /* { dg-error "error: variable or field 'r1' declared void" } */
register void f8 (void); /* { dg-error "error: invalid storage class for function 'f8'" } */
void i (void) { auto void y (void) {} }
inline int main (void) { return 0; } /* { dg-warning "warning: cannot inline function 'main'" } */