blob: a1f3a5fdf3c2567d2e67a2fb9d68fe046aafa734 [file] [log] [blame]
-- --
-- --
-- E R R U T I L --
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
-- This package contains routines to output error messages and the
-- corresponding instantiation of Styleg, suitable to instantiate Scng.
-- It is not dependent on the GNAT tree packages (Atree, Sinfo, ...).
-- It uses the same global variables as Errout, located in package
-- Err_Vars. Like Errout, it also uses the common variables and routines
-- in package Erroutc.
-- This package is used by the preprocessor (gprep.adb) and the project
-- manager (
with Styleg;
with Types; use Types;
package Errutil is
-- Error Message Text and Message Insertion Characters --
-- Error message text strings are composed of lower case letters, digits
-- and the special characters space, comma, period, colon and semicolon,
-- apostrophe and parentheses. Special insertion characters can also
-- appear which cause the error message circuit to modify the given
-- string as follows:
-- Ignored insertion characters: the following characters, used as
-- insertion characters by Errout are ignored: '$', '&', and '}'.
-- If present in an error message, they are not output and are not
-- replaced by any text.
-- Insertion character % (Percent: insert name from Names table)
-- The character % is replaced by the text for the name specified by
-- the Name_Id value stored in Error_Msg_Name_1. A blank precedes
-- the name if it is preceded by a non-blank character other than a
-- left parenthesis. The name is enclosed in quotes unless manual
-- quotation mode is set. If the Name_Id is set to No_Name, then
-- no insertion occurs; if the Name_Id is set to Error_Name, then
-- the string <error> is inserted. A second and third % may appear
-- in a single message, similarly replaced by the names which are
-- specified by the Name_Id values stored in Error_Msg_Name_2 and
-- Error_Msg_Name_3. The names are decoded and cased according to
-- the current identifier casing mode.
-- Insertion character { (Left brace: insert literally from names table)
-- The character { is treated similarly to %, except that the
-- name is output literally as stored in the names table without
-- adjusting the casing. This can be used for file names and in
-- other situations where the name string is to be output unchanged.
-- Insertion character * (Asterisk, insert reserved word name)
-- The insertion character * is treated exactly like % except that
-- the resulting name is cased according to the default conventions
-- for reserved words (see package Scans).
-- Insertion character # (Pound: insert line number reference)
-- The character # is replaced by the string indicating the source
-- position stored in Error_Msg_Sloc. There are two cases:
-- for locations in current file: at line nnn:ccc
-- for locations in other files: at filename:nnn:ccc
-- By convention, the # insertion character is only used at the end
-- of an error message, so the above strings only appear as the last
-- characters of an error message.
-- Insertion character @ (At: insert column number reference)
-- The character @ is replaced by null if the RM_Column_Check mode is
-- off (False). If the switch is on (True), then @ is replaced by the
-- text string " in column nnn" where nnn is the decimal representation
-- of the column number stored in Error_Msg_Col plus one (the plus one
-- is because the number is stored 0-origin and displayed 1-origin).
-- Insertion character ^ (Carret: insert integer value)
-- The character ^ is replaced by the decimal conversion of the Uint
-- value stored in Error_Msg_Uint_1, with a possible leading minus.
-- A second ^ may occur in the message, in which case it is replaced
-- by the decimal conversion of the Uint value in Error_Msg_Uint_2.
-- Insertion character ! (Exclamation: unconditional message)
-- The character ! appearing as the last character of a message makes
-- the message unconditional which means that it is output even if it
-- would normally be suppressed.
-- Insertion character ? (Question: warning message)
-- The character ? appearing anywhere in a message makes the message
-- a warning instead of a normal error message, and the text of the
-- message will be preceded by "Warning:" instead of "Error:" The
-- handling of warnings if further controlled by the Warning_Mode
-- option (-w switch), see package Opt for further details, and
-- also by the current setting from pragma Warnings. This pragma
-- applies only to warnings issued from the semantic phase (not
-- the parser), but currently all relevant warnings are posted
-- by the semantic phase anyway. Messages starting with (style)
-- are also treated as warning messages.
-- Insertion character A-Z (Upper case letter: Ada reserved word)
-- If two or more upper case letters appear in the message, they are
-- taken as an Ada reserved word, and are converted to the default
-- case for reserved words (see Scans package spec). Surrounding
-- quotes are added unless manual quotation mode is currently set.
-- Insertion character ` (Backquote: set manual quotation mode)
-- The backquote character always appears in pairs. Each backquote
-- of the pair is replaced by a double quote character. In addition,
-- Any reserved keywords, or name insertions between these backquotes
-- are not surrounded by the usual automatic double quotes. See the
-- section below on manual quotation mode for further details.
-- Insertion character ' (Quote: literal character)
-- Precedes a character which is placed literally into the message.
-- Used to insert characters into messages that are one of the
-- insertion characters defined here.
-- Insertion character \ (Backslash: continuation message)
-- Indicates that the message is a continuation of a message
-- previously posted. This is used to ensure that such groups
-- of messages are treated as a unit. The \ character must be
-- the first character of the message text.
-- Format of Messages and Manual Quotation Control --
-- Messages are generally all in lower case, except for inserted names
-- and appear in one of the following two forms:
-- error: text
-- warning: text
-- The prefixes error and warning are supplied automatically (depending
-- on the use of the ? insertion character), and the call to the error
-- message routine supplies the text. The "error: " prefix is omitted
-- in brief error message formats.
-- Reserved keywords in the message are in the default keyword case
-- (determined from the given source program), surrounded by quotation
-- marks. This is achieved by spelling the reserved word in upper case
-- letters, which is recognized as a request for insertion of quotation
-- marks by the error text processor. Thus for example:
-- Error_Msg_AP ("IS expected");
-- would result in the output of one of the following:
-- error: "is" expected
-- error: "IS" expected
-- error: "Is" expected
-- the choice between these being made by looking at the casing convention
-- used for keywords (actually the first compilation unit keyword) in the
-- source file.
-- In the case of names, the default mode for the error text processor
-- is to surround the name by quotation marks automatically. The case
-- used for the identifier names is taken from the source program where
-- possible, and otherwise is the default casing convention taken from
-- the source file usage.
-- In some cases, better control over the placement of quote marks is
-- required. This is achieved using manual quotation mode. In this mode,
-- one or more insertion sequences is surrounded by backquote characters.
-- The backquote characters are output as double quote marks, and normal
-- automatic insertion of quotes is suppressed between the double quotes.
-- For example:
-- Error_Msg_AP ("`END &;` expected");
-- generates a message like
-- error: "end Open_Scope;" expected
-- where the node specifying the name Open_Scope has been stored in
-- Error_Msg_Node_1 prior to the call. The great majority of error
-- messages operates in normal quotation mode.
-- Note: the normal automatic insertion of spaces before insertion
-- sequences (such as those that come from & and %) is suppressed in
-- manual quotation mode, so blanks, if needed as in the above example,
-- must be explicitly present.
-- Error Output Subprograms --
procedure Initialize;
-- Initializes for output of error messages. Must be called for each
-- file before using any of the other routines in the package.
procedure Finalize (Source_Type : String := "project");
-- Finalize processing of error messages for one file and output message
-- indicating the number of detected errors.
-- Source_Type is used in verbose mode to indicate the type of the source
-- being parsed (project file, definition file or input file for the
-- preprocessor).
procedure Error_Msg (Msg : String; Flag_Location : Source_Ptr);
-- Output a message at specified location.
procedure Error_Msg_S (Msg : String);
-- Output a message at current scan pointer location.
procedure Error_Msg_SC (Msg : String);
-- Output a message at the start of the current token, unless we are at
-- the end of file, in which case we always output the message after the
-- last real token in the file.
procedure Error_Msg_SP (Msg : String);
-- Output a message at the start of the previous token.
procedure Set_Ignore_Errors (To : Boolean);
-- Indicate, when To = True, that all reported errors should
-- be ignored. By default reported errors are not ignored.
package Style is new Styleg
(Error_Msg => Error_Msg,
Error_Msg_S => Error_Msg_S,
Error_Msg_SC => Error_Msg_SC,
Error_Msg_SP => Error_Msg_SP);
-- Instantiation of the generic style package, suitable for an
-- instantiation of Scng.
end Errutil;