blob: aa27f427c2e85e590dbf2d16c7dea3dd7a0731c3 [file] [log] [blame]
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this --
-- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, --
-- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be --
-- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not --
-- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be --
-- covered by the GNU Public License. --
-- --
-- This unit was originally developed by Matthew J Heaney. --
-- This body needs commenting ???
with Ada.Containers.Prime_Numbers;
with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
with System; use type System.Address;
package body Ada.Containers.Hash_Tables.Generic_Operations is
procedure Free is
new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Buckets_Type, Buckets_Access);
-- Local Subprograms --
procedure Rehash
(HT : in out Hash_Table_Type;
Size : Hash_Type);
-- Adjust --
procedure Adjust (HT : in out Hash_Table_Type) is
Src_Buckets : constant Buckets_Access := HT.Buckets;
N : constant Count_Type := HT.Length;
Src_Node : Node_Access;
Dst_Prev : Node_Access;
HT.Buckets := null;
HT.Length := 0;
if N = 0 then
end if;
HT.Buckets := new Buckets_Type (Src_Buckets'Range);
-- Probably we have to duplicate the Size (Src), too, in order
-- to guarantee that
-- Dst := Src;
-- Dst = Src is true
-- The only quirk is that we depend on the hash value of a dst key
-- to be the same as the src key from which it was copied.
-- If we relax the requirement that the hash value must be the
-- same, then of course we can't guarantee that following
-- assignment that Dst = Src is true ???
for Src_Index in Src_Buckets'Range loop
Src_Node := Src_Buckets (Src_Index);
if Src_Node /= Null_Node then
Dst_Node : constant Node_Access := Copy_Node (Src_Node);
-- See note above
pragma Assert (Index (HT, Dst_Node) = Src_Index);
HT.Buckets (Src_Index) := Dst_Node;
HT.Length := HT.Length + 1;
Dst_Prev := Dst_Node;
Src_Node := Next (Src_Node);
while Src_Node /= Null_Node loop
Dst_Node : constant Node_Access := Copy_Node (Src_Node);
-- See note above
pragma Assert (Index (HT, Dst_Node) = Src_Index);
Set_Next (Node => Dst_Prev, Next => Dst_Node);
HT.Length := HT.Length + 1;
Dst_Prev := Dst_Node;
Src_Node := Next (Src_Node);
end loop;
end if;
end loop;
pragma Assert (HT.Length = N);
end Adjust;
-- Capacity --
function Capacity (HT : Hash_Table_Type) return Count_Type is
if HT.Buckets = null then
return 0;
end if;
return HT.Buckets'Length;
end Capacity;
-- Clear --
procedure Clear (HT : in out Hash_Table_Type) is
Index : Hash_Type := 0;
Node : Node_Access;
while HT.Length > 0 loop
while HT.Buckets (Index) = Null_Node loop
Index := Index + 1;
end loop;
Bucket : Node_Access renames HT.Buckets (Index);
Node := Bucket;
Bucket := Next (Bucket);
HT.Length := HT.Length - 1;
Free (Node);
exit when Bucket = Null_Node;
end loop;
end loop;
end Clear;
-- Delete_Node_Sans_Free --
procedure Delete_Node_Sans_Free
(HT : in out Hash_Table_Type;
X : Node_Access)
pragma Assert (X /= Null_Node);
Indx : Hash_Type;
Prev : Node_Access;
Curr : Node_Access;
if HT.Length = 0 then
raise Program_Error;
end if;
Indx := Index (HT, X);
Prev := HT.Buckets (Indx);
if Prev = Null_Node then
raise Program_Error;
end if;
if Prev = X then
HT.Buckets (Indx) := Next (Prev);
HT.Length := HT.Length - 1;
end if;
if HT.Length = 1 then
raise Program_Error;
end if;
Curr := Next (Prev);
if Curr = Null_Node then
raise Program_Error;
end if;
if Curr = X then
Set_Next (Node => Prev, Next => Next (Curr));
HT.Length := HT.Length - 1;
end if;
Prev := Curr;
end loop;
end Delete_Node_Sans_Free;
-- Ensure_Capacity --
procedure Ensure_Capacity
(HT : in out Hash_Table_Type;
N : Count_Type)
NN : Hash_Type;
if N = 0 then
if HT.Length = 0 then
Free (HT.Buckets);
elsif HT.Length < HT.Buckets'Length then
NN := Prime_Numbers.To_Prime (HT.Length);
-- ASSERT: NN >= HT.Length
if NN < HT.Buckets'Length then
Rehash (HT, Size => NN);
end if;
end if;
end if;
if HT.Buckets = null then
NN := Prime_Numbers.To_Prime (N);
-- ASSERT: NN >= N
Rehash (HT, Size => NN);
end if;
if N <= HT.Length then
if HT.Length >= HT.Buckets'Length then
end if;
NN := Prime_Numbers.To_Prime (HT.Length);
-- ASSERT: NN >= HT.Length
if NN < HT.Buckets'Length then
Rehash (HT, Size => NN);
end if;
end if;
-- ASSERT: N > HT.Length
if N = HT.Buckets'Length then
end if;
NN := Prime_Numbers.To_Prime (N);
-- ASSERT: NN >= N
-- ASSERT: NN > HT.Length
if NN /= HT.Buckets'Length then
Rehash (HT, Size => NN);
end if;
end Ensure_Capacity;
-- Finalize --
procedure Finalize (HT : in out Hash_Table_Type) is
Clear (HT);
Free (HT.Buckets);
end Finalize;
-- First --
function First (HT : Hash_Table_Type) return Node_Access is
Indx : Hash_Type;
if HT.Length = 0 then
return Null_Node;
end if;
Indx := HT.Buckets'First;
if HT.Buckets (Indx) /= Null_Node then
return HT.Buckets (Indx);
end if;
Indx := Indx + 1;
end loop;
end First;
-- Free_Hash_Table --
procedure Free_Hash_Table (Buckets : in out Buckets_Access) is
Node : Node_Access;
if Buckets = null then
end if;
for J in Buckets'Range loop
while Buckets (J) /= Null_Node loop
Node := Buckets (J);
Buckets (J) := Next (Node);
Free (Node);
end loop;
end loop;
Free (Buckets);
end Free_Hash_Table;
-- Generic_Equal --
function Generic_Equal
(L, R : Hash_Table_Type) return Boolean is
L_Index : Hash_Type;
L_Node : Node_Access;
N : Count_Type;
if L'Address = R'Address then
return True;
end if;
if L.Length /= R.Length then
return False;
end if;
if L.Length = 0 then
return True;
end if;
L_Index := 0;
L_Node := L.Buckets (L_Index);
exit when L_Node /= Null_Node;
L_Index := L_Index + 1;
end loop;
N := L.Length;
if not Find (HT => R, Key => L_Node) then
return False;
end if;
N := N - 1;
L_Node := Next (L_Node);
if L_Node = Null_Node then
if N = 0 then
return True;
end if;
L_Index := L_Index + 1;
L_Node := L.Buckets (L_Index);
exit when L_Node /= Null_Node;
end loop;
end if;
end loop;
end Generic_Equal;
-- Generic_Iteration --
procedure Generic_Iteration (HT : Hash_Table_Type) is
Node : Node_Access;
if HT.Buckets = null
or else HT.Length = 0
end if;
for Indx in HT.Buckets'Range loop
Node := HT.Buckets (Indx);
while Node /= Null_Node loop
Process (Node);
Node := Next (Node);
end loop;
end loop;
end Generic_Iteration;
-- Generic_Read --
procedure Generic_Read
(Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class;
HT : out Hash_Table_Type)
X, Y : Node_Access;
Last, I : Hash_Type;
N, M : Count_Type'Base;
-- As with the sorted set, it's not clear whether read is allowed to
-- have side effect if it fails. For now, we assume side effects are
-- allowed since it simplifies the algorithm ???
Clear (HT);
B : Buckets_Access := HT.Buckets;
HT.Buckets := null;
HT.Length := 0;
Free (B); -- can this fail???
Hash_Type'Read (Stream, Last);
if Last /= 0 then
HT.Buckets := new Buckets_Type (0 .. Last);
end if;
Count_Type'Base'Read (Stream, N);
pragma Assert (N >= 0);
while N > 0 loop
Hash_Type'Read (Stream, I);
pragma Assert (I in HT.Buckets'Range);
pragma Assert (HT.Buckets (I) = Null_Node);
Count_Type'Base'Read (Stream, M);
pragma Assert (M >= 1);
pragma Assert (M <= N);
HT.Buckets (I) := New_Node (Stream);
pragma Assert (HT.Buckets (I) /= Null_Node);
pragma Assert (Next (HT.Buckets (I)) = Null_Node);
Y := HT.Buckets (I);
HT.Length := HT.Length + 1;
for J in Count_Type range 2 .. M loop
X := New_Node (Stream);
pragma Assert (X /= Null_Node);
pragma Assert (Next (X) = Null_Node);
Set_Next (Node => Y, Next => X);
Y := X;
HT.Length := HT.Length + 1;
end loop;
N := N - M;
end loop;
end Generic_Read;
-- Generic_Write --
procedure Generic_Write
(Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class;
HT : Hash_Table_Type)
M : Count_Type'Base;
X : Node_Access;
if HT.Buckets = null then
Hash_Type'Write (Stream, 0);
Hash_Type'Write (Stream, HT.Buckets'Last);
end if;
Count_Type'Base'Write (Stream, HT.Length);
if HT.Length = 0 then
end if;
for Indx in HT.Buckets'Range loop
X := HT.Buckets (Indx);
if X /= Null_Node then
M := 1;
X := Next (X);
exit when X = Null_Node;
M := M + 1;
end loop;
Hash_Type'Write (Stream, Indx);
Count_Type'Base'Write (Stream, M);
X := HT.Buckets (Indx);
for J in Count_Type range 1 .. M loop
Write (Stream, X);
X := Next (X);
end loop;
pragma Assert (X = Null_Node);
end if;
end loop;
end Generic_Write;
-- Index --
function Index
(Buckets : Buckets_Type;
Node : Node_Access) return Hash_Type is
return Hash_Node (Node) mod Buckets'Length;
end Index;
function Index
(Hash_Table : Hash_Table_Type;
Node : Node_Access) return Hash_Type is
return Index (Hash_Table.Buckets.all, Node);
end Index;
-- Move --
procedure Move (Target, Source : in out Hash_Table_Type) is
if Target'Address = Source'Address then
end if;
if Target.Length > 0 then
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
Free (Target.Buckets);
Target.Buckets := Source.Buckets;
Source.Buckets := null;
Target.Length := Source.Length;
Source.Length := 0;
end Move;
-- Next --
function Next
(HT : Hash_Table_Type;
Node : Node_Access) return Node_Access
Result : Node_Access := Next (Node);
if Result /= Null_Node then
return Result;
end if;
for Indx in Index (HT, Node) + 1 .. HT.Buckets'Last loop
Result := HT.Buckets (Indx);
if Result /= Null_Node then
return Result;
end if;
end loop;
return Null_Node;
end Next;
-- Rehash --
procedure Rehash
(HT : in out Hash_Table_Type;
Size : Hash_Type)
subtype Buckets_Range is Hash_Type range 0 .. Size - 1;
Dst_Buckets : Buckets_Access := new Buckets_Type (Buckets_Range);
Src_Buckets : Buckets_Access := HT.Buckets;
L : Count_Type renames HT.Length;
LL : constant Count_Type := L;
if Src_Buckets = null then
pragma Assert (L = 0);
HT.Buckets := Dst_Buckets;
end if;
if L = 0 then
HT.Buckets := Dst_Buckets;
Free (Src_Buckets);
end if;
-- We might want to change this to iter from 1 .. L instead ???
for Src_Index in Src_Buckets'Range loop
Src_Bucket : Node_Access renames Src_Buckets (Src_Index);
while Src_Bucket /= Null_Node loop
Src_Node : constant Node_Access := Src_Bucket;
Dst_Index : constant Hash_Type :=
Index (Dst_Buckets.all, Src_Node);
Dst_Bucket : Node_Access renames Dst_Buckets (Dst_Index);
Src_Bucket := Next (Src_Node);
Set_Next (Src_Node, Dst_Bucket);
Dst_Bucket := Src_Node;
pragma Assert (L > 0);
L := L - 1;
end loop;
when others =>
-- Not clear that we can deallocate the nodes,
-- because they may be designated by outstanding
-- iterators. Which means they're now lost... ???
-- for J in NB'Range loop
-- declare
-- Dst : Node_Access renames NB (J);
-- X : Node_Access;
-- begin
-- while Dst /= Null_Node loop
-- X := Dst;
-- Dst := Succ (Dst);
-- Free (X);
-- end loop;
-- end;
-- end loop;
Free (Dst_Buckets);
-- exit when L = 0;
-- need to bother???
end loop;
pragma Assert (L = 0);
HT.Buckets := Dst_Buckets;
HT.Length := LL;
Free (Src_Buckets);
end Rehash;
end Ada.Containers.Hash_Tables.Generic_Operations;