blob: 8eac18e490ecc07f453429e76b351b73883472b4 [file] [log] [blame]
class SecurityImage
var $oImage;
var $iWidth;
var $iHeight;
var $iNumChars;
var $iNumLines;
var $iSpacing;
var $sCode;
function SecurityImage(
$iWidth = 200,
$iHeight = 40,
$iNumChars = 7,
$iNumLines = 30
// get parameters
$this->iWidth = $iWidth;
$this->iHeight = $iHeight;
$this->iNumChars = $iNumChars;
$this->iNumLines = $iNumLines;
// create new image
$this->oImage = imagecreate($iWidth, $iHeight);
// allocate white background colour
imagecolorallocate($this->oImage, 255, 255, 255);
// calculate spacing between characters based on width of image
$this->iSpacing = (int)($this->iWidth / $this->iNumChars);
function DrawLines()
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->iNumLines; $i++) {
$iRandColour = rand(190, 250);
$iLineColour = imagecolorallocate($this->oImage, $iRandColour,
$iRandColour, $iRandColour);
rand(0, $this->iWidth),
rand(0, $this->iHeight),
rand(0, $this->iWidth),
rand(0, $this->iHeight), $iLineColour);
function GenerateCode()
// reset code
$this->sCode = '';
// loop through and generate the code letter by letter
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->iNumChars; $i++) {
switch (rand(1,2)) {
case 1: // Upper Case
$this->sCode .= chr(rand(65,90));
case 2: // Lower Case
$this->sCode .= chr(rand(97,122));
function DrawCharacters()
// loop through and write out selected number of characters
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($this->sCode); $i++) {
// select font
$iCurrentFont = 9;
// select random greyscale colour
$iRandColour = rand(0, 32);
$iTextColour = imagecolorallocate($this->oImage, $iRandColour,
$iRandColour, $iRandColour);
// write text to image
imagestring($this->oImage, $iCurrentFont,
$this->iSpacing / 3 + $i * $this->iSpacing,
($this->iHeight - imagefontheight($iCurrentFont)) / 2,
$this->sCode[$i], $iTextColour);
function Create($sFilename = '')
// check for existence of GD GIF library
if (!function_exists('imagegif')) {
return false;
// write out image to file or browser
if ($sFilename != '') {
// write stream to file
imagegif($this->oImage, $sFilename);
} else {
// tell browser that data is gif
header('Content-type: image/gif');
// write stream to browser
// free memory used in creating image
return true;
function GetCode()
return $this->sCode;
// start PHP session
// get parameters
isset($_GET['width']) ? $iWidth = (int)$_GET['width'] : $iWidth = 150;
isset($_GET['height']) ? $iHeight = (int)$_GET['height'] : $iHeight = 30;
// create new image
$oSecurityImage = new SecurityImage($iWidth, $iHeight);
if ($oSecurityImage->Create()) {
// assign corresponding code to session variable
// for checking against user entered value
$_SESSION['secode'] = $oSecurityImage->GetCode();
} else {
echo 'Image GIF library is not installed.';