blob: bf9a1c7b94d6b3d892e9eeba857dcef320f25abf [file] [log] [blame]
//===------- VirtualMachine.h - Virtual machine description ---------------===//
// N3
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include <vector>
#include "llvm/Function.h"
#include "mvm/Object.h"
#include "mvm/PrintBuffer.h"
#include "mvm/Threads/Cond.h"
#include "mvm/Threads/Locks.h"
#include "types.h"
namespace n3 {
class FunctionMap;
class N3ModuleProvider;
class UTF8;
class UTF8Map;
class VMObject;
class VMThread;
class ThreadSystem : public mvm::Object {
static VirtualTable* VT;
uint16 nonDaemonThreads;
mvm::Lock* nonDaemonLock;
mvm::Cond* nonDaemonVar;
virtual void print(mvm::PrintBuffer* buf) const;
virtual void tracer(size_t sz);
static ThreadSystem* allocateThreadSystem();
class VirtualMachine : public mvm::Object{
static VirtualTable* VT;
ThreadSystem* threadSystem;
const UTF8* asciizConstructUTF8(const char* asciiz);
const UTF8* readerConstructUTF8(const uint16* buf, uint32 len);
UTF8Map * hashUTF8;
// Exceptions name
static const char* SystemException;
static const char* OverFlowException;
static const char* OutOfMemoryException;
static const char* IndexOutOfRangeException;
static const char* SynchronizationLocException;
static const char* NullReferenceException;
static const char* ThreadInterruptedException;
static const char* MissingMethodException;
static const char* MissingFieldException;
static const char* ArrayTypeMismatchException;
static const char* ArgumentException;
/*static const char* ArithmeticException;
static const char* ClassNotFoundException;
static const char* InvocationTargetException;
static const char* ClassCastException;
static const char* ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException;
static const char* SecurityException;
static const char* ClassFormatError;
static const char* ClassCircularityError;
static const char* NoClassDefFoundError;
static const char* UnsupportedClassVersionError;
static const char* NoSuchFieldError;
static const char* NoSuchMethodError;
static const char* InstantiationError;
static const char* IllegalAccessError;
static const char* IllegalAccessException;
static const char* VerifyError;
static const char* ExceptionInInitializerError;
static const char* LinkageError;
static const char* AbstractMethodError;
static const char* UnsatisfiedLinkError;
static const char* InternalError;
static const char* StackOverflowError;
// Exceptions
void illegalAccessException(const char* msg);
void initializerError(const VMObject* excp);
void invocationTargetException(const VMObject* obj);
void classCastException(const char* msg);
void errorWithExcp(const char* className, const VMObject* excp);*/
void illegalArgumentException(const char* msg);
void arrayStoreException();
void illegalMonitorStateException(const VMObject* obj);
void interruptedException(const VMObject* obj);
void nullPointerException(const char* fmt, ...);
void outOfMemoryError(sint32 n);
void indexOutOfBounds(const VMObject* obj, sint32 entry);
void negativeArraySizeException(int size);
void unknownError(const char* fmt, ...);
void error(const char* fmt, ...);
void error(const char* className, const char* fmt, ...);
void error(const char* className, const char* fmt, va_list ap);
virtual void tracer(size_t sz);
virtual void print(mvm::PrintBuffer* buf) const {
buf->write("Virtual Machine<>");
virtual void destroyer(size_t sz);
mvm::Lock* protectModule;
FunctionMap* functions;
llvm::Module* module;
N3ModuleProvider* TheModuleProvider;
VMThread* bootstrapThread;
} // end namespace n3