blob: f0f5e66d903718d9c8569a619e9312d22f357f12 [file] [log] [blame]
//===------- NativeUtil.cpp - Methods to call native functions --------------===//
// N3
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "llvm/DerivedTypes.h"
#include "NativeUtil.h"
#include "N3.h"
#include "VMArray.h"
#include "VMClass.h"
#include "VMThread.h"
using namespace n3;
static void cliToInternal(char* buf) {
uint32 i = 0;
while (buf[i] != 0) {
if (buf[i] == '.') buf[i] = '_';
static void* makeFull(VMCommonClass* cl, VMMethod* meth) {
char* buf = (char*)alloca(4096);
sprintf(buf, "%s_%s_%s", cl->nameSpace->printString(), cl->name->printString(), meth->name->printString());
std::vector<VMCommonClass*>::iterator i = meth->parameters.begin(),
e = meth->parameters.end();
// Remove return type;
for ( ; i!= e; ++i) {
VMCommonClass* cl = *i;
sprintf(buf, "%s_%s_%s", buf, cl->nameSpace->printString(), cl->name->printString());
void* res = dlsym(0, buf);
if (!res) {
VMThread::get()->vm->error("unable to find native method %s",
return res;
void* NativeUtil::nativeLookup(VMCommonClass* cl, VMMethod* meth) {
char* name = cl->name->printString();
char* nameSpace = cl->nameSpace->printString();
char* methName = meth->name->printString();
char* buf = (char*)alloca(6 + strlen(name) + strlen(nameSpace) +
sprintf(buf, "%s_%s_%s", nameSpace, name, methName);
void* res = dlsym(0, buf);
if (!res) {
buf = (char*)alloca(6 + strlen(name) + strlen(nameSpace) +
strlen(methName) + 10);
sprintf(buf, "%s_%s_%s_%d", nameSpace, name, methName,
res = dlsym(0, buf);
if (!res) {
return makeFull(cl, meth);
return res;