blob: 73055ee58222f70ddb26e17322fa1e164be1d538 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--------------- JavaTypes.h - Java primitives ------------------------===//
// JnJVM
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "llvm/DerivedTypes.h"
#include "llvm/Function.h"
#include "mvm/Object.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "JavaArray.h"
namespace jnjvm {
class CommonClass;
class JavaJIT;
class JavaObject;
class Jnjvm;
class UTF8;
class AssessorDesc : public mvm::Object {
static VirtualTable *VT;
static const char I_TAB;
static const char I_END_REF;
static const char I_PARG;
static const char I_PARD;
static const char I_BYTE;
static const char I_CHAR;
static const char I_DOUBLE;
static const char I_FLOAT;
static const char I_INT;
static const char I_LONG;
static const char I_REF;
static const char I_SHORT;
static const char I_VOID;
static const char I_BOOL;
static const char I_SEP;
bool doTrace;
char byteId;
uint32 nbb;
uint32 nbw;
const char* asciizName;
CommonClass* classType;
const llvm::Type* llvmType;
const llvm::Type* llvmTypePtr;
llvm::Constant* llvmNullConstant;
const UTF8* assocClassName;
arrayCtor_t arrayCtor;
static AssessorDesc* dParg;
static AssessorDesc* dPard;
static AssessorDesc* dVoid;
static AssessorDesc* dBool;
static AssessorDesc* dByte;
static AssessorDesc* dChar;
static AssessorDesc* dShort;
static AssessorDesc* dInt;
static AssessorDesc* dFloat;
static AssessorDesc* dLong;
static AssessorDesc* dDouble;
static AssessorDesc* dTab;
static AssessorDesc* dRef;
static AssessorDesc* allocate(bool dt, char bid, uint32 nb, uint32 nw,
const char* name, Jnjvm* vm,
const llvm::Type* type, const char* assocName,
arrayCtor_t ctor);
static void initialise(Jnjvm* vm);
virtual void print(mvm::PrintBuffer* buf) const;
virtual void tracer(size_t sz);
static void analyseIntern(const UTF8* name, uint32 pos,
uint32 meth, AssessorDesc*& ass,
uint32& ret);
static const UTF8* constructArrayName(Jnjvm *vm, AssessorDesc* ass,
uint32 steps, const UTF8* className);
static void introspectArrayName(Jnjvm *vm, const UTF8* utf8, uint32 start,
AssessorDesc*& ass, const UTF8*& res);
static void introspectArray(Jnjvm *vm, JavaObject* loader, const UTF8* utf8,
uint32 start, AssessorDesc*& ass,
CommonClass*& res);
static void arrayType(Jnjvm *vm, JavaObject* loader, unsigned int t,
ClassArray*& cl, AssessorDesc*& ass,
llvm::Function*& ctr);
static AssessorDesc* byteIdToPrimitive(const char id);
static AssessorDesc* classToPrimitive(CommonClass* cl);
static AssessorDesc* bogusClassToPrimitive(CommonClass* cl);
class Typedef : public mvm::Object {
static VirtualTable *VT;
const UTF8* keyName;
const UTF8* pseudoAssocClassName;
const AssessorDesc* funcs;
Jnjvm* isolate;
virtual void print(mvm::PrintBuffer* buf) const;
virtual void tracer(size_t sz);
CommonClass* assocClass(JavaObject* loader);
void typePrint(mvm::PrintBuffer* buf);
static void humanPrintArgs(const std::vector<Typedef*>*, mvm::PrintBuffer* buf);
static Typedef* typeDup(const UTF8* name, Jnjvm* vm);
void tPrintBuf(mvm::PrintBuffer* buf) const;
class Signdef : public Typedef {
static VirtualTable *VT;
std::vector<Typedef*> args;
Typedef* ret;
const llvm::FunctionType* staticType;
const llvm::FunctionType* virtualType;
const llvm::FunctionType* nativeType;
const llvm::FunctionType* virtualBufType;
const llvm::FunctionType* staticBufType;
const llvm::PointerType* staticTypePtr;
const llvm::PointerType* virtualTypePtr;
const llvm::PointerType* nativeTypePtr;
mvm::Code* _staticCallBuf;
mvm::Code* _virtualCallBuf;
mvm::Code* _staticCallAP;
mvm::Code* _virtualCallAP;
uint32 nbIn;
virtual void print(mvm::PrintBuffer* buf) const;
virtual void tracer(size_t sz);
static const llvm::FunctionType* createVirtualType(
const std::vector<Typedef*>*, Typedef*);
static const llvm::FunctionType* createStaticType(
const std::vector<Typedef*>*, Typedef*);
static const llvm::FunctionType* createNativeType(
const std::vector<Typedef*>*, Typedef*);
llvm::Function* createFunctionCallBuf(bool virt);
llvm::Function* createFunctionCallAP(bool virt);
void createFuncPtrsCalls();
void printWithSign(CommonClass* cl, const UTF8* name, mvm::PrintBuffer* buf);
unsigned int nbInWithThis(unsigned int flag);
static Signdef* signDup(const UTF8* name, Jnjvm* vm);
void* staticCallBuf();
void* virtualCallBuf();
void* staticCallAP();
void* virtualCallAP();
} // end namespace jnjvm