blob: 92f138e7263458d78ae1a64231d64dd6a01beccb [file] [log] [blame]
//===-------------------- JavaRuntimeJIT.cpp ------------------------------===//
//=== ---- Runtime functions called by code compiled by the JIT -----------===//
// JnJVM
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "llvm/Function.h"
#include "mvm/JIT.h"
#include "mvm/Threads/Thread.h"
#include "JavaArray.h"
#include "JavaCache.h"
#include "JavaClass.h"
#include "JavaConstantPool.h"
#include "JavaJIT.h"
#include "JavaString.h"
#include "JavaThread.h"
#include "JavaTypes.h"
#include "Jnjvm.h"
#include "LockedMap.h"
using namespace jnjvm;
extern "C" JavaString* runtimeUTF8ToStr(const UTF8* val) {
Jnjvm* vm = JavaThread::get()->isolate;
return vm->UTF8ToStr(val);
extern "C" void* virtualLookup(CacheNode* cache, JavaObject *obj) {
Enveloppe* enveloppe = cache->enveloppe;
JavaCtpInfo* ctpInfo = enveloppe->ctpInfo;
CommonClass* ocl = obj->classOf;
CommonClass* cl = 0;
const UTF8* utf8 = 0;
Signdef* sign = 0;
uint32 index = enveloppe->index;
ctpInfo->resolveInterfaceOrMethod(index, cl, utf8, sign);
CacheNode* rcache = 0;
CacheNode* tmp = enveloppe->firstCache;
CacheNode* last = tmp;
while (tmp) {
if (ocl == tmp->lastCible) {
rcache = tmp;
} else {
last = tmp;
tmp = tmp->next;
if (!rcache) {
JavaMethod* dmeth = ocl->lookupMethod(utf8, sign->keyName, false, true);
if (cache->methPtr) {
rcache = CacheNode::allocate();
rcache->enveloppe = enveloppe;
} else {
rcache = cache;
rcache->methPtr = dmeth->compiledPtr();
rcache->lastCible = (Class*)ocl;
if (enveloppe->firstCache != rcache) {
CacheNode *f = enveloppe->firstCache;
enveloppe->firstCache = rcache;
last->next = rcache->next;
rcache->next = f;
return rcache->methPtr;
extern "C" void* fieldLookup(JavaObject* obj, Class* caller, uint32 index,
uint32 stat, void** ifStatic, uint32* offset) {
JavaCtpInfo* ctpInfo = caller->ctpInfo;
if (ctpInfo->ctpRes[index]) {
JavaField* field = (JavaField*)(ctpInfo->ctpRes[index]);
if (stat) obj = field->classDef->staticInstance();
void* ptr = (void*)(field->ptrOffset + (uint64)obj);
if (stat) *ifStatic = ptr;
*offset = (uint32)field->ptrOffset;
return ptr;
CommonClass* cl = 0;
const UTF8* utf8 = 0;
Typedef* sign = 0;
ctpInfo->resolveField(index, cl, utf8, sign);
JavaField* field = cl->lookupField(utf8, sign->keyName, stat, true);
if (stat) obj = ((Class*)cl)->staticInstance();
void* ptr = (void*)((uint64)obj + field->ptrOffset);
ctpInfo->ctpRes[index] = field;
if (stat) *ifStatic = ptr;
*offset = (uint32)field->ptrOffset;
return ptr;
extern "C" void printMethodStart(JavaMethod* meth) {
printf("[%d] executing %s\n", mvm::Thread::self(), meth->printString());
extern "C" void printMethodEnd(JavaMethod* meth) {
printf("[%d] return from %s\n", mvm::Thread::self(), meth->printString());
extern "C" void printExecution(char* opcode, uint32 index, JavaMethod* meth) {
printf("[%d] executing %s %s at %d\n", mvm::Thread::self(), meth->printString(),
opcode, index);
extern "C" void jniProceedPendingException() {
JavaThread* th = JavaThread::get();
jmp_buf* buf = th->sjlj_buffers.back();
if (JavaThread::get()->pendingException) {
extern "C" void* getSJLJBuffer() {
JavaThread* th = JavaThread::get();
void** buf = (void**)malloc(sizeof(jmp_buf));
return (void*)buf;
extern "C" void nullPointerException() {
extern "C" void classCastException(JavaObject* obj, CommonClass* cl) {
extern "C" void indexOutOfBoundsException(JavaObject* obj, sint32 index) {
JavaThread::get()->isolate->indexOutOfBounds(obj, index);
#ifndef SINGLE_VM
extern "C" JavaObject* getStaticInstance(Class* cl) {
if (cl->isolate == Jnjvm::bootstrapVM) {
Jnjvm* vm = JavaThread::get()->isolate;
std::pair<uint8, JavaObject*>* val = vm->statics->lookup(cl);
if (!val) {
val = vm->statics->lookup(cl);
return val->second;
} else {
return cl->_staticInstance;
extern "C" JavaObject* getClassDelegatee(CommonClass* cl) {
Jnjvm* vm = JavaThread::get()->isolate;
return vm->getClassDelegatee(cl);
void JavaJIT::runtimeInitialise() {
void* p;
p = (void*)&runtimeUTF8ToStr;
p = (void*)&fieldLookup;
p = (void*)&virtualLookup;
p = (void*)&printExecution;
p = (void*)&jniProceedPendingException;
p = (void*)&nullPointerException;
p = (void*)&classCastException;
p = (void*)&indexOutOfBoundsException;
#ifndef SINGLE_VM
p = (void*)&getStaticInstance;
p = (void*)&getClassDelegatee;
extern "C" Class* newLookup(Class* caller, uint32 index, Class** toAlloc) {
JavaCtpInfo* ctpInfo = caller->ctpInfo;
Class* cl = (Class*)ctpInfo->loadClass(index);
*toAlloc = cl;
return cl;