blob: 7210122f7c6576303b23943e8c36c6e8289e0f35 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- DSNodeEquivs.cpp - Build DSNode equivalence classes ---------------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file was developed by the LLVM research group and is distributed under
// the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file implements a pass to compute DSNode equivalence classes across
// DSGraphs.
#include "assistDS/DSNodeEquivs.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Constants.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
#include "llvm/IR/InstIterator.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallSet.h"
#include <deque>
namespace llvm {
char DSNodeEquivs::ID = 0;
static RegisterPass<DSNodeEquivs>
X("dsnodeequivs", "Compute DSNode equivalence classes");
// Build equivalence classes of DSNodes that are mapped between graphs.
void DSNodeEquivs::buildDSNodeEquivs(Module &M) {
TDDataStructures &TDDS = getAnalysis<TDDataStructures>();
Module::iterator FuncIt = M.begin(), FuncItEnd = M.end();
for (; FuncIt != FuncItEnd; ++FuncIt) {
Function &F = *FuncIt;
if (!TDDS.hasDSGraph(F))
inst_iterator InstIt = inst_begin(F), InstItEnd = inst_end(F);
for (; InstIt != InstItEnd; ++InstIt) {
if (CallInst *Call = dyn_cast<CallInst>(&*InstIt)) {
DSGraph *Graph = TDDS.getDSGraph(F);
// Ensure all nodes from this function's graph are in an equivalence class.
// Ensure all nodes from the globals graph are in an equivalence class.
// Add nodes from the given graph into the equivalence classes.
void DSNodeEquivs::addNodesFromGraph(DSGraph *Graph) {
DSGraph::node_iterator NodeIt = Graph->node_begin();
DSGraph::node_iterator NodeItEnd = Graph->node_end();
for (; NodeIt != NodeItEnd; ++NodeIt)
FunctionList DSNodeEquivs::getCallees(CallSite &CS) {
const Function *CalledFunc = CS.getCalledFunction();
// If the called function is casted from one function type to another, peer
// into the cast instruction and pull out the actual function being called.
if (ConstantExpr *CExpr = dyn_cast<ConstantExpr>(CS.getCalledValue())) {
if (CExpr->getOpcode() == Instruction::BitCast &&
CalledFunc = cast<Function>(CExpr->getOperand(0));
FunctionList Callees;
// Direct calls are simple.
if (CalledFunc) {
return Callees;
// Okay, indirect call.
// Ask the DSCallGraph what this calls...
TDDataStructures &TDDS = getAnalysis<TDDataStructures>();
const DSCallGraph &DSCG = TDDS.getCallGraph();
DSCallGraph::callee_iterator CalleeIt = DSCG.callee_begin(CS);
DSCallGraph::callee_iterator CalleeItEnd = DSCG.callee_end(CS);
for (; CalleeIt != CalleeItEnd; ++CalleeIt)
// If the callgraph doesn't give us what we want, query the DSGraph
// ourselves.
if (Callees.empty()) {
Instruction *Inst = CS.getInstruction();
Function *Parent = Inst->getParent()->getParent();
Value *CalledValue = CS.getCalledValue();
DSNodeHandle &NH = TDDS.getDSGraph(*Parent)->getNodeForValue(CalledValue);
if (!NH.isNull()) {
DSNode *Node = NH.getNode();
// For debugging, dump out the callsites we are unable to get callees for.
if (Callees.empty()) {
errs() << "Failed to get callees for callsite:\n";
return Callees;
// Compute mappings through the given call site.
void DSNodeEquivs::equivNodesThroughCallsite(CallInst *CI) {
TDDataStructures &TDDS = getAnalysis<TDDataStructures>();
DSGraph &Graph = *TDDS.getDSGraph(*CI->getParent()->getParent());
CallSite CS(CI);
FunctionList Callees = getCallees(CS);
FunctionList_it CalleeIt = Callees.begin(), CalleeItEnd = Callees.end();
for (; CalleeIt != CalleeItEnd; ++CalleeIt) {
const Function &Callee = **CalleeIt;
// We can't merge through graphs that don't exist.
if (!TDDS.hasDSGraph(Callee))
DSGraph &CalleeGraph = *TDDS.getDSGraph(Callee);
DSGraph::NodeMapTy NodeMap;
// Heavily lifted/inspired by PA code
// Map arguments
Function::const_arg_iterator FArgIt = Callee.arg_begin();
Function::const_arg_iterator FArgItEnd = Callee.arg_end();
CallSite::arg_iterator ArgIt = CS.arg_begin(), ArgItEnd = CS.arg_end();
for (; FArgIt != FArgItEnd && ArgIt != ArgItEnd; ++FArgIt, ++ArgIt) {
if (isa<Constant>(*ArgIt))
DSNodeHandle &CalleeArgNH = CalleeGraph.getNodeForValue(FArgIt);
DSNodeHandle &CSArgNH = Graph.getNodeForValue(*ArgIt);
DSGraph::computeNodeMapping(CalleeArgNH, CSArgNH, NodeMap, false);
// Map return value
if (isa<PointerType>(CI->getType())) {
DSNodeHandle &CalleeRetNH = CalleeGraph.getReturnNodeFor(Callee);
DSNodeHandle &CINH = Graph.getNodeForValue(CI);
DSGraph::computeNodeMapping(CalleeRetNH, CINH, NodeMap, false);
// Merge information from the computed node mapping into the equivalence
// classes.
// Compute mappings with the globals graph.
void DSNodeEquivs::equivNodesToGlobals(DSGraph *G) {
DSGraph *GlobalsGr = G->getGlobalsGraph();
DSGraph::NodeMapTy NodeMap;
DSScalarMap &ScalarMap = GlobalsGr->getScalarMap();
DSScalarMap::global_iterator GlobalIt = ScalarMap.global_begin();
DSScalarMap::global_iterator GlobalItEnd = ScalarMap.global_end();
for (; GlobalIt != GlobalItEnd; ++GlobalIt) {
const GlobalValue *Global = *GlobalIt;
DSNode *LocalNode = G->getNodeForValue(Global).getNode();
// It's quite possible this (local) graph doesn't have this global.
// If that's the case, there's nothing to do here.
if (!LocalNode) continue;
DSNode *GlobalNode = GlobalsGr->getNodeForValue(Global).getNode();
assert(GlobalNode && "No node for global in global scalar map?");
// Map the two together and all reachable from each...
DSGraph::computeNodeMapping(LocalNode, GlobalNode, NodeMap, false);
// Build EC's with this mapping.
// Utility function to put nodes that map together into equivalence classes.
void DSNodeEquivs::equivNodeMapping(DSGraph::NodeMapTy &NodeMap) {
DSGraph::NodeMapTy::iterator NodeMapIt = NodeMap.begin();
DSGraph::NodeMapTy::iterator NodeMapItEnd = NodeMap.end();
for (; NodeMapIt != NodeMapItEnd; ++NodeMapIt) {
DSNodeHandle &NH = NodeMapIt->second;
if (NH.isNull())
const DSNode *N1 = NodeMapIt->first;
const DSNode *N2 = NH.getNode();
Classes.unionSets(N1, N2);
bool DSNodeEquivs::runOnModule(Module &M) {
// Does not modify module.
return false;
// Returns the computed equivalence classes.
const EquivalenceClasses<const DSNode *> &
DSNodeEquivs::getEquivalenceClasses() {
return Classes;
// Returns a DSNode for the specified value.
// Returns null for a node that was not found.
const DSNode *DSNodeEquivs::getMemberForValue(const Value *V) {
TDDataStructures &TDDS = getAnalysis<TDDataStructures>();
DSNodeHandle *NHForV = 0;
if (isa<GlobalValue>(V)) {
NHForV = &TDDS.getGlobalsGraph()->getNodeForValue(V);
} else if (isa<Instruction>(V)) {
const Function *Parent = cast<Instruction>(V)->getParent()->getParent();
NHForV = &TDDS.getDSGraph(*Parent)->getNodeForValue(V);
} else if (isa<Argument>(V)) {
const Function *Parent = cast<Argument>(V)->getParent();
NHForV = &TDDS.getDSGraph(*Parent)->getNodeForValue(V);
} else {
// Iterate over the users to attempt to discover a DSNode that the value
// maps to.
std::deque<const User *> WL;
SmallSet<const User *, 8> Visited;
WL.insert(WL.end(), V->user_begin(), V->user_end());
do {
const User *TheUser = WL.front();
if (!Visited.insert(TheUser))
// If the use is a global variable or instruction, then the value should
// be in the corresponding DSGraph.
// TODO: Is it possible for a value to belong to some DSGraph and never
// be relied upon by a GlobalValue or Instruction?
if (const Instruction *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(TheUser)) {
const Function *Parent = I->getParent()->getParent();
NHForV = &TDDS.getDSGraph(*Parent)->getNodeForValue(V);
} else if (isa<GlobalValue>(TheUser)) {
NHForV = &TDDS.getGlobalsGraph()->getNodeForValue(V);
} else {
// If this use is of some other nature, look at the users of this use.
WL.insert(WL.end(), TheUser->user_begin(), TheUser->user_end());
} while (!WL.empty());
assert(NHForV && "Unable to find node handle for given value!");
return NHForV->getNode();