blob: 5e5f040882e9f2973ef3b8389f50fe8ebf58dd89 [file] [log] [blame]
/* APPLE LOCAL file mainline */
/* Author: Ziemowit Laski <>. */
/* APPLE LOCAL radar 4842177 , radar 5706927 */
/* { dg-options "-fnext-runtime -mmacosx-version-min=10.3 -fno-constant-cfstrings" { target powerpc*-*-darwin* } } */
/* { dg-options "-fnext-runtime -fno-constant-cfstrings" { target arm*-*-darwin* } } */
/* APPLE LOCAL Radar 5706927 */
/* { dg-do run { target powerpc*-*-darwin* } } */
/* APPLE LOCAL radar 4894756 */
/* { dg-skip-if "" { *-*-darwin* } { "-m64" } { "" } } */
/* APPLE LOCAL radar 4894756 */
#include "../objc/execute/Object2.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef __NEXT_RUNTIME__
/* The following ain't pretty, but does allow us to have just one copy
of next_mapping.h. */
#include "../objc/execute/next_mapping.h"
#include <objc/NXConstStr.h>
#define CHECK_IF(expr) if(!(expr)) abort()
template <class ARR, class TYPE> class TestT
int abc( ARR *array ) {
return [array count] * k;
TestT(TYPE _k): k(_k) { }
template <class TYPE>
const char *getDesc(void) {
return [TYPE name];
@class Array;
template <class TYPE>
int abc( TYPE *xyz, Array *array ) {
return [xyz count] + [array count];
@interface Array: Object {
id *arr;
int count;
+ (id)arrayWithObjects:(id)first, ... ;
- (int)count;
@implementation Array
+ (id)arrayWithObjects:(id)first, ... {
Array *a = [Array new];
a->count = 0;
a->arr = (id *) calloc(8, sizeof(id));
va_list args;
va_start (args, first);
a->arr[a->count++] = first;
for (id el; el = va_arg(args, id); a->count++)
a->arr[a->count] = el;
return a;
- (int)count {
return count;
int main(void)
CHECK_IF(!strcmp ([@"Object" cString], getDesc<Object>()));
CHECK_IF(!strcmp ([@"Array" cString], getDesc<Array>()));
Array* a1 = [Array arrayWithObjects:@"One", @"Two", @"Three", nil];
Array* a2 = [Array arrayWithObjects:@"Four", @"Five", nil];
TestT<Array, int> t(7);
CHECK_IF( + == 35);
CHECK_IF(abc(a1, a2) * t.k == 35);
return 0;