blob: 3c23d587dcede62aab8c36a9c54a8bb8b188aaff [file] [log] [blame]
/* APPLE LOCAL file radar 5932809 */
/* Test the __byreg runtime features. */
/* { dg-options "-mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -ObjC++ -framework Foundation" { target i?86-*-darwin* } } */
/* { dg-do run { target i?86-*-darwin* } } */
/* { dg-skip-if "" { *-*-darwin* } { "-m64" } { "" } } */
#include <objc/Object.h>
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
void * _NSConcreteStackBlock;
int CalledRetain = 0;
extern "C" id objc_msgSend(id target, SEL cmd, ...) {
printf("[%p %s] called\n", target, sel_getName(cmd));
if (!strcmp(sel_getName(cmd), "retain")) {
CalledRetain = 1;
return target;
@interface DumbObject : NSObject {
id newDumbObject() {
DumbObject *result = (DumbObject *)calloc(sizeof(DumbObject), 1);
result->isa = objc_getClass("DumbObject"); /* { dg-warning "instance variable" } */
return result;
@implementation DumbObject
+ new {
return newDumbObject();
+ (void) initialize { }
- forward:(SEL)msg :(long *)params {
printf("forward:: with %s called\n", sel_getName(msg));
return self;
//#include <Block_private.h>
enum {
BLOCK_NEEDS_FREE = (1 << 24),
BLOCK_NO_COPY = (1 << 26), // interim byref: no copies allowed
BLOCK_IS_GC = (1 << 27),
struct Block_basic {
void *isa;
int Block_flags; // int32_t
int Block_size; // XXX should be packed into Block_flags
void (*Block_invoke)(void *);
void (*Block_copy)(void *dst, void *src);
void (*Block_dispose)(void *);
//long params[0]; // generic space for const & byref hidden params, return value, variable on needs of course
struct Block_byref {
//long reserved;
struct Block_byref *forwarding;
int flags;//refcount;
int size;
void (*byref_keep)(struct Block_byref *dst, struct Block_byref *src);
void (*byref_destroy)(struct Block_byref *);
// long shared[0];
int ByrefAssignCopy = 0;
void _Block_byref_assign_copy(void *destp, void *source) {
struct Block_byref *src = (struct Block_byref *)source;
ByrefAssignCopy = 1;
// lets look at the Block_byref
if ((src->flags & BLOCK_HAS_COPY_DISPOSE) == 0) {
printf("byref data block does not have bit saying that copy/dispose helper routines are present\n");
printf("calling out to byref copy helper at %p\n", src->byref_keep);
int junk[100];
src->byref_keep((struct Block_byref *)junk, src);
void _Block_byref_release(void *source) {
struct Block_byref *src = (struct Block_byref *)source;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
id __byref dumbo = newDumbObject(); //[DumbObject new];
void (^dummy)(void) = ^{
[dumbo self];
struct Block_basic *aBlock = (struct Block_basic *)(void *)dummy;
if ((aBlock->Block_flags & BLOCK_HAS_COPY_DISPOSE) == 0) {
printf("Block should have a NON_POD copy/destroy helpers and flags to say so, but doesn't\n");
return 1;
char result[200];
printf("calling out to copy support helper at %p\n", aBlock->Block_copy);
(*aBlock->Block_copy)(result, aBlock); // do fixup
// The copy/destroy helper should have had a callout to _Block_byref_assign_copy for its byref block
if (! ByrefAssignCopy) {
printf("_Block_copy_assign not called\n");
return 1;
// the copy/destroy helper of the byref should have done dst->object = [src->object retain]
if (! CalledRetain) {
printf("byref block support helper did not call retain\n");
return 1;
return 0;