blob: c0bc4ae12c1ae46e6130f37dffd60b0813e5ad36 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// If we have libc++ 4.0 or greater we should have <variant>
// According to libc++ C++1z status page
#if _LIBCPP_VERSION >= 4000
#include <variant>
#define HAVE_VARIANT 1
#define HAVE_VARIANT 0
struct S {
operator int() { throw 42; }
} ;
int main()
bool has_variant = HAVE_VARIANT ;
printf( "%d\n", has_variant ) ; // break here
std::variant<int, double, char> v1;
std::variant<int, double, char> &v1_ref = v1;
std::variant<int, double, char> v2;
std::variant<int, double, char> v3;
std::variant<std::variant<int,double,char>> v_v1 ;
std::variant<int, double, char> v_no_value;
v1 = 12; // v contains int
v_v1 = v1 ;
int i = std::get<int>(v1);
printf( "%d\n", i ); // break here
v2 = 2.0 ;
double d = std::get<double>(v2) ;
printf( "%f\n", d );
v3 = 'A' ;
char c = std::get<char>(v3) ;
printf( "%d\n", c );
// Checking v1 above and here to make sure we done maintain the incorrect
// state when we change its value.
v1 = 2.0;
d = std::get<double>(v1) ;
printf( "%f\n", d ); // break here
try {
} catch( ... ) {}
printf( "%zu\n", v_no_value.index() ) ;
return 0; // break here