blob: 3dd28ace26fd56b25e566c3798b9ba34fb20d5cf [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// UNSUPPORTED: c++98, c++03, c++11, c++14
// <optional>
// template <class U> optional<T>& operator=(U&& v);
#include <optional>
#include <type_traits>
#include <cassert>
#include <memory>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "archetypes.hpp"
using std::optional;
struct ThrowAssign {
static int dtor_called;
ThrowAssign() = default;
ThrowAssign(int) { TEST_THROW(42); }
ThrowAssign& operator=(int) {
~ThrowAssign() { ++dtor_called; }
int ThrowAssign::dtor_called = 0;
template <class T, class Arg = T, bool Expect = true>
void assert_assignable() {
static_assert(std::is_assignable<optional<T>&, Arg>::value == Expect, "");
static_assert(!std::is_assignable<const optional<T>&, Arg>::value, "");
struct MismatchType {
explicit MismatchType(int) {}
explicit MismatchType(char*) {}
explicit MismatchType(int*) = delete;
MismatchType& operator=(int) { return *this; }
MismatchType& operator=(int*) { return *this; }
MismatchType& operator=(char*) = delete;
struct FromOptionalType {
using Opt = std::optional<FromOptionalType>;
FromOptionalType() = default;
FromOptionalType(FromOptionalType const&) = delete;
template <class Dummy = void>
constexpr FromOptionalType(Opt&) { Dummy::BARK; }
template <class Dummy = void>
constexpr FromOptionalType& operator=(Opt&) { Dummy::BARK; return *this; }
void test_sfinae() {
using I = TestTypes::TestType;
using E = ExplicitTestTypes::TestType;
assert_assignable<int, int&>();
assert_assignable<int, int const&>();
// Implicit test type
assert_assignable<I, I const&>();
assert_assignable<I, I&&>();
assert_assignable<I, int>();
assert_assignable<I, void*, false>();
// Explicit test type
assert_assignable<E, E const&>();
assert_assignable<E, E &&>();
assert_assignable<E, int>();
assert_assignable<E, void*, false>();
// Mismatch type
assert_assignable<MismatchType, int>();
assert_assignable<MismatchType, int*, false>();
assert_assignable<MismatchType, char*, false>();
// Type constructible from optional
assert_assignable<FromOptionalType, std::optional<FromOptionalType>&, false>();
void test_with_test_type()
using T = TestTypes::TestType;
{ // to empty
optional<T> opt;
opt = 3;
assert(T::alive == 1);
assert(T::constructed == 1);
assert(T::value_constructed == 1);
assert(T::assigned == 0);
assert(T::destroyed == 0);
assert(static_cast<bool>(opt) == true);
assert(*opt == T(3));
{ // to existing
optional<T> opt(42);
opt = 3;
assert(T::alive == 1);
assert(T::constructed == 0);
assert(T::assigned == 1);
assert(T::value_assigned == 1);
assert(T::destroyed == 0);
assert(static_cast<bool>(opt) == true);
assert(*opt == T(3));
{ // test default argument
optional<T> opt;
opt = {1, 2};
assert(T::alive == 1);
assert(T::constructed == 2);
assert(T::value_constructed == 1);
assert(T::move_constructed == 1);
assert(T::assigned == 0);
assert(T::destroyed == 1);
assert(static_cast<bool>(opt) == true);
assert(*opt == T(1, 2));
{ // test default argument
optional<T> opt(42);
opt = {1, 2};
assert(T::alive == 1);
assert(T::constructed == 1);
assert(T::value_constructed == 1);
assert(T::assigned == 1);
assert(T::move_assigned == 1);
assert(T::destroyed == 1);
assert(static_cast<bool>(opt) == true);
assert(*opt == T(1, 2));
{ // test default argument
optional<T> opt;
opt = {1};
assert(T::alive == 1);
assert(T::constructed == 2);
assert(T::value_constructed == 1);
assert(T::move_constructed == 1);
assert(T::assigned == 0);
assert(T::destroyed == 1);
assert(static_cast<bool>(opt) == true);
assert(*opt == T(1));
{ // test default argument
optional<T> opt(42);
opt = {};
assert(static_cast<bool>(opt) == false);
assert(T::alive == 0);
assert(T::constructed == 0);
assert(T::assigned == 0);
assert(T::destroyed == 1);
template <class T, class Value = int>
void test_with_type() {
{ // to empty
optional<T> opt;
opt = Value(3);
assert(static_cast<bool>(opt) == true);
assert(*opt == T(3));
{ // to existing
optional<T> opt(Value(42));
opt = Value(3);
assert(static_cast<bool>(opt) == true);
assert(*opt == T(3));
{ // test const
optional<T> opt(Value(42));
const T t(Value(3));
opt = t;
assert(static_cast<bool>(opt) == true);
assert(*opt == T(3));
{ // test default argument
optional<T> opt;
opt = {Value(1)};
assert(static_cast<bool>(opt) == true);
assert(*opt == T(1));
{ // test default argument
optional<T> opt(Value(42));
opt = {};
assert(static_cast<bool>(opt) == false);
template <class T>
void test_with_type_multi() {
{ // test default argument
optional<T> opt;
opt = {1, 2};
assert(static_cast<bool>(opt) == true);
assert(*opt == T(1, 2));
{ // test default argument
optional<T> opt(42);
opt = {1, 2};
assert(static_cast<bool>(opt) == true);
assert(*opt == T(1, 2));
void test_throws()
using T = ThrowAssign;
optional<T> opt;
try {
opt = 42;
} catch (int) {}
assert(static_cast<bool>(opt) == false);
assert(T::dtor_called == 0);
T::dtor_called = 0;
optional<T> opt(std::in_place);
try {
opt = 42;
} catch (int) {}
assert(static_cast<bool>(opt) == true);
assert(T::dtor_called == 0);
assert(T::dtor_called == 1);
enum MyEnum { Zero, One, Two, Three, FortyTwo = 42 };
using Fn = void(*)();
template <class T>
constexpr T pr38638(T v)
std::optional<T> o;
o = v;
return *o + 2;
int main(int, char**)
// Test with instrumented type
// Test with various scalar types
test_with_type<MyEnum, MyEnum>();
test_with_type<int, MyEnum>();
test_with_type<Fn, Fn>();
// Test types with multi argument constructors
// Test move only types
optional<std::unique_ptr<int>> opt;
opt = std::unique_ptr<int>(new int(3));
assert(static_cast<bool>(opt) == true);
assert(**opt == 3);
optional<std::unique_ptr<int>> opt(std::unique_ptr<int>(new int(2)));
opt = std::unique_ptr<int>(new int(3));
assert(static_cast<bool>(opt) == true);
assert(**opt == 3);
static_assert(pr38638(3) == 5, "");
return 0;