blob: 41b279130765008025ce49e90525e8633ee80919 [file] [log] [blame]
# Tests -print_unstable_stats
# Disabled on Windows because of differences symbolizing and flakiness.
UNSUPPORTED: aarch64, windows
RUN: %cpp_compiler %S/PrintUnstableStatsTest.cpp -o %t-PrintUnstableStatsTest
RUN: %run %t-PrintUnstableStatsTest -print_unstable_stats=1 -runs=100000 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=LONG
# We do not observe ini functions since we take the minimum hit counts, and minimum hit counts for ini is 0.
LONG-NOT: det0()
LONG-NOT: det1()
LONG-NOT: det2()
LONG-NOT: det3()
LONG-NOT: det4()
LONG-NOT: ini0()
LONG-NOT: ini1()
LONG-NOT: ini2()
LONG-DAG: t0(int)
LONG-DAG: t1()
LONG-DAG: t2(int, int)
LONG-DAG: t3()
LONG-DAG: t4(int, int, int)
LONG-DAG: stat::stability_rate: 27.59