blob: dd2f146f088b6ef1dbcf9e65386dfb2717bc63e3 [file] [log] [blame]
Clang 9.0.0 Release Notes
.. contents::
:depth: 2
Written by the `LLVM Team <>`_
This document contains the release notes for the Clang C/C++/Objective-C
frontend, part of the LLVM Compiler Infrastructure, release 9.0.0. Here we
describe the status of Clang in some detail, including major
improvements from the previous release and new feature work. For the
general LLVM release notes, see `the LLVM
documentation <>`_. All LLVM
releases may be downloaded from the `LLVM releases web
site <>`_.
For more information about Clang or LLVM, including information about the
latest release, please see the `Clang Web Site <>`_ or the
`LLVM Web Site <>`_.
What's New in Clang 9.0.0?
Some of the major new features and improvements to Clang are listed
here. Generic improvements to Clang as a whole or to its underlying
infrastructure are described first, followed by language-specific
sections with improvements to Clang's support for those languages.
Major New Features
- Experimental support for :ref:`C++ for OpenCL <openclcpp>` has been
Non-comprehensive list of changes in this release
- The ``__VERSION__`` macro has been updated.
Previously this macro contained the string '4.2.1 Compatible' to achieve
compatibility with GCC 4.2.1, but that should no longer be necessary.
However, to retrieve Clang's version, please favor the one of the macro
defined in :ref:`clang namespaced version macros <languageextensions-builtin-macros>`.
New Compiler Flags
- ``-ftime-trace`` and ``ftime-trace-granularity=N``
Emits flame chart style compilation time report in chrome://tracing and compatible format. A trace .json file is written next to the
compiled object file, containing hierarchical time information about frontend
activities (file parsing, template instantiation) and backend activities
(modules and functions being optimized, optimization passes).
Modified Compiler Flags
- ``clang -dumpversion`` now returns the version of Clang itself.
Windows Support
- clang-cl now treats non-existent files as possible typos for flags,
``clang-cl /diagnostic:caret /c`` for example now produces
``clang: error: no such file or directory: '/diagnostic:caret'; did you mean '/diagnostics:caret'?``
- clang now parses the ``__declspec(allocator)`` specifier and generates debug
information, so that memory usage can be tracked in Visual Studio.
- The ``-print-search-dirs`` option now separates elements with semicolons,
as is the norm for path lists on Windows
- Improved handling of dllexport in conjunction with explicit template
instantiations for MinGW, to allow building a shared libc++ for MinGW
without ``--export-all-symbols`` to override the dllexport attributes
C Language Changes in Clang
- The ``__FILE_NAME__`` macro has been added as a Clang specific extension supported
in all C-family languages. This macro is similar to ``__FILE__`` except it
will always provide the last path component when possible.
- Initial support for ``asm goto`` statements (a GNU C extension) has been
added for control flow from inline assembly to labels. The main consumers of
this construct are the Linux kernel (CONFIG_JUMP_LABEL=y) and glib. There are
still a few unsupported corner cases in Clang's integrated assembler and
IfConverter. Please file bugs for any issues you run into.
C++ Language Changes in Clang
- Support for the address space attribute in various C++ features was improved,
refer to :ref:`C++ for OpenCL <openclcpp>` for more details. The following
features deviated from OpenCL:
(1) Address spaces as method qualifiers are not accepted yet;
(2) There is no address space deduction.
Objective-C Language Changes in Clang
- Fixed encoding of ObjC pointer types that are pointers to typedefs.
.. code-block:: objc
typedef NSArray<NSObject *> MyArray;
// clang used to encode this as "^{NSArray=#}" instead of "@".
const char *s0 = @encode(MyArray *);
OpenCL Kernel Language Changes in Clang
OpenCL C
- Enabled use of variadic macro as a Clang extension.
- Added initial support for implicitly including OpenCL builtin
fuctions using efficient trie lookup generated by TableGen.
A corresponding frontend-only flag ``-fdeclare-opencl-builtins``
has been added to enable trie during parsing.
- Refactored header file to be used for common parts between
regular header added using ``-finclude-default-header`` and trie
based declarations added using ``-fdeclare-opencl-builtins``.
- Improved string formatting diagnostics in printf for vector types.
- Simplified the internal representation of blocks, including their
generation in IR. Furthermore, indirect calls to block function
has been changed to direct function calls.
- Added diagnostics for conversions of nested pointers with
different address spaces.
- Added ``cl_arm_integer_dot_product`` extension.
- Fixed global samplers in OpenCL v2.0.
- Improved math builtin functions with parameters of type ``long
long`` for x86.
.. _openclcpp:
C++ for OpenCL
Experimental support for C++17 features in OpenCL has been added
and backwards compatibility with OpenCL C v2.0 was enabled.
The documentation has been added for supported language features
into :doc:`LanguageExtensions` and :doc:`UsersManual`.
Implemented features are:
- Address space behavior is improved in majority of C++ features:
- Templates parameters and arguments;
- Reference types;
- Type deduction;
- Objects and member functions, including special member
- Builtin operators;
- Method qualifiers now include address space;
- Address space deduction has been extended for C++ use cases;
- Improved overload ranking rules;
- All standard cast operators now prevent converting address
spaces (except for conversions allowed implicitly). They
can still be cast using C-style cast.
- Vector types as in OpenCL C, including compound vector
- OpenCL-specific types: images, samplers, events, pipes, are
accepted. Note that blocks are not supported yet.
- OpenCL standard header in Clang can be compiled in C++ mode.
- Global constructors can be invoked from the host side using
a specific, compiler-generated kernel.
- Overloads with generic address space are added to all atomic
builtin functions, including the ones prior to OpenCL v2.0.
OpenMP Support in Clang
- Added emission of the debug information for NVPTX target devices.
CUDA Support in Clang
- Added emission of the debug information for the device code.
Internal API Changes
These are major API changes that have happened since the 8.0.0 release of
Clang. If upgrading an external codebase that uses Clang as a library,
this section should help get you past the largest hurdles of upgrading.
Build System Changes
These are major changes to the build system that have happened since the 8.0.0
release of Clang. Users of the build system should adjust accordingly.
- In 8.0.0 and below, the install-clang-headers target would install clang's
resource directory headers. This installation is now performed by the
install-clang-resource-headers target. Users of the old install-clang-headers
target should switch to the new install-clang-resource-headers target. The
install-clang-headers target now installs clang's API headers (corresponding
to its libraries), which is consistent with the install-llvm-headers target.
- In 9.0.0 and later Clang added a new target on Linux/Unix systems, clang-cpp,
which generates a shared library comprised of all the clang component
libraries and exporting the clang C++ APIs. Additionally the build system
gained the new "CLANG_LINK_CLANG_DYLIB" option, which defaults Off, and when
set to On, will force clang (and clang-based tools) to link the clang-cpp
library instead of statically linking clang's components. This option will
reduce the size of binary distributions at the expense of compiler performance.
- Add language support for clang-formatting C# files.
- Add Microsoft coding style to encapsulate default C# formatting style.
- Added new option ``PPDIS_BeforeHash`` (in configuration: ``BeforeHash``) to
``IndentPPDirectives`` which indents preprocessor directives before the hash.
- Added new option ``AlignConsecutiveMacros`` to align the C/C++ preprocessor
macros of consecutive lines.
- When ``CINDEXTEST_INCLUDE_ATTRIBUTED_TYPES`` is not provided when making a
CXType, the equivalent type of the AttributedType is returned instead of the
modified type if the user does not want attribute sugar. The equivalent type
represents the minimally-desugared type which the AttributedType is
canonically equivalent to.
Static Analyzer
- Fixed a bug where an incorrect checker name would be displayed for a bug
- New checker: ``security.insecureAPI.DeprecatedOrUnsafeBufferHandling`` to detect
uses of unsafe/deprecated buffer handling functions for C code using the C11
standard or newer.
- New checker: ``osx.MIGChecker`` to find violations of the Mach Interface
Generator calling convention
- New checker: ``optin.osx.OSObjectCStyleCast`` to find C-style casts of of XNU
libkern OSObjects
- New package: ``apiModeling.llvm`` contains modeling checkers to improve the
accuracy of reports on LLVM's own codebase.
- The Static Analyzer received
:ref:`developer documentation <clang-static-analyzer-docs>`.
- The UninitializedObject checker is now considered as stable.
(moved from the ``alpha.cplusplus`` to the ``optin.cplusplus`` package)
- New frontend flags: The list of available checkers are now split into 3
different frontend flags:
- ``-analyzer-checker-help``: The list of user-facing, stable checkers.
- ``-analyzer-checker-help-alpha``: The list of in-development
checkers not yet advised to be turned on.
- ``-analyzer-checker-help-developer``: Checkers never meant to be
enabled/disabled by hand + development checkers.
- New frontend flags: While they have always been around, for the first time,
checker and package options are listable:
- ``-analyzer-checker-option-help``: The list of user-facing, stable checker
and package options.
- ``-analyzer-checker-option-help-alpha``: The list of in-development checker
options not yet advised to be used.
- ``-analyzer-checker-option-help-developer``: Options never meant to be
enabled/disabled by hand + development options.
- New frontend flag: ``-analyzer-werror`` to turn analyzer warnings into errors.
- Numerous fixes to increase the stability of the experimental cross translation
unit analysis (CTU).
- CTU now handles virtual functions as well.
Linux Kernel
With support for asm goto, the mainline Linux kernel for x86_64 is now buildable
(and bootable) with Clang 9. Other architectures that don't require
CONFIG_JUMP_LABEL=y such as arm, aarch64, ppc32, ppc64le, (and possibly mips)
have been supported with older releases of Clang (Clang 4 was first used with
The Android and ChromeOS Linux distributions have moved to building their Linux
kernels with Clang, and Google is currently testing Clang built kernels for
their production Linux kernels.
Further, LLD, llvm-objcopy, llvm-ar, llvm-nm, llvm-objdump can all be used to
build a working Linux kernel.
More information about building Linux kernels with Clang can be found:
- `ClangBuiltLinux web page <>`_.
- `Issue Tracker <>`_.
- `Wiki <>`_.
- `Mailing List <>`_.
- `Bi-weekly Meeting <>`_.
- #clangbuiltlinux on Freenode.
- `Clang Meta bug <>`_.
- `Continuous Integration <>`_.
Additional Information
A wide variety of additional information is available on the `Clang web
page <>`_. The web page contains versions of the
API documentation which are up-to-date with the Subversion version of
the source code. You can access versions of these documents specific to
this release by going into the "``clang/docs/``" directory in the Clang
If you have any questions or comments about Clang, please feel free to
contact us via the `mailing
list <>`_.