blob: 26ed0c1bc06ff84fa9d3dfd3457a41f19faa3da1 [file] [log] [blame]
//== SymbolManager.h - Management of Symbolic Values ------------*- C++ -*--==//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file defines SymbolManager, a class that manages symbolic values
// created for use by GRExprEngine and related classes.
#include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
#include "clang/AST/Expr.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/AnalysisContext.h"
#include "llvm/System/DataTypes.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/FoldingSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
namespace llvm {
class BumpPtrAllocator;
class raw_ostream;
namespace clang {
class ASTContext;
class BasicValueFactory;
class MemRegion;
class SubRegion;
class TypedRegion;
class VarRegion;
class StackFrameContext;
class SymExpr : public llvm::FoldingSetNode {
enum Kind { BEGIN_SYMBOLS,
RegionValueKind, ConjuredKind, DerivedKind, ExtentKind,
SymIntKind, SymSymKind };
Kind K;
SymExpr(Kind k) : K(k) {}
virtual ~SymExpr() {}
Kind getKind() const { return K; }
void dump() const;
virtual void dumpToStream(llvm::raw_ostream &os) const = 0;
virtual QualType getType(ASTContext&) const = 0;
virtual void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID& profile) = 0;
// Implement isa<T> support.
static inline bool classof(const SymExpr*) { return true; }
typedef unsigned SymbolID;
class SymbolData : public SymExpr {
const SymbolID Sym;
SymbolData(Kind k, SymbolID sym) : SymExpr(k), Sym(sym) {}
virtual ~SymbolData() {}
SymbolID getSymbolID() const { return Sym; }
// Implement isa<T> support.
static inline bool classof(const SymExpr* SE) {
Kind k = SE->getKind();
return k > BEGIN_SYMBOLS && k < END_SYMBOLS;
typedef const SymbolData* SymbolRef;
// A symbol representing the value of a MemRegion.
class SymbolRegionValue : public SymbolData {
const TypedRegion *R;
SymbolRegionValue(SymbolID sym, const TypedRegion *r)
: SymbolData(RegionValueKind, sym), R(r) {}
const TypedRegion* getRegion() const { return R; }
static void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID& profile, const TypedRegion* R) {
profile.AddInteger((unsigned) RegionValueKind);
virtual void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID& profile) {
Profile(profile, R);
void dumpToStream(llvm::raw_ostream &os) const;
QualType getType(ASTContext&) const;
// Implement isa<T> support.
static inline bool classof(const SymExpr* SE) {
return SE->getKind() == RegionValueKind;
// A symbol representing the result of an expression.
class SymbolConjured : public SymbolData {
const Stmt* S;
QualType T;
unsigned Count;
const void* SymbolTag;
SymbolConjured(SymbolID sym, const Stmt* s, QualType t, unsigned count,
const void* symbolTag)
: SymbolData(ConjuredKind, sym), S(s), T(t), Count(count),
SymbolTag(symbolTag) {}
const Stmt* getStmt() const { return S; }
unsigned getCount() const { return Count; }
const void* getTag() const { return SymbolTag; }
QualType getType(ASTContext&) const;
void dumpToStream(llvm::raw_ostream &os) const;
static void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID& profile, const Stmt* S,
QualType T, unsigned Count, const void* SymbolTag) {
profile.AddInteger((unsigned) ConjuredKind);
virtual void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID& profile) {
Profile(profile, S, T, Count, SymbolTag);
// Implement isa<T> support.
static inline bool classof(const SymExpr* SE) {
return SE->getKind() == ConjuredKind;
// A symbol representing the value of a MemRegion whose parent region has
// symbolic value.
class SymbolDerived : public SymbolData {
SymbolRef parentSymbol;
const TypedRegion *R;
SymbolDerived(SymbolID sym, SymbolRef parent, const TypedRegion *r)
: SymbolData(DerivedKind, sym), parentSymbol(parent), R(r) {}
SymbolRef getParentSymbol() const { return parentSymbol; }
const TypedRegion *getRegion() const { return R; }
QualType getType(ASTContext&) const;
void dumpToStream(llvm::raw_ostream &os) const;
static void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID& profile, SymbolRef parent,
const TypedRegion *r) {
profile.AddInteger((unsigned) DerivedKind);
virtual void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID& profile) {
Profile(profile, parentSymbol, R);
// Implement isa<T> support.
static inline bool classof(const SymExpr* SE) {
return SE->getKind() == DerivedKind;
/// SymbolExtent - Represents the extent (size in bytes) of a bounded region.
/// Clients should not ask the SymbolManager for a region's extent. Always use
/// SubRegion::getExtent instead -- the value returned may not be a symbol.
class SymbolExtent : public SymbolData {
const SubRegion *R;
SymbolExtent(SymbolID sym, const SubRegion *r)
: SymbolData(ExtentKind, sym), R(r) {}
const SubRegion *getRegion() const { return R; }
QualType getType(ASTContext&) const;
void dumpToStream(llvm::raw_ostream &os) const;
static void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID& profile, const SubRegion *R) {
profile.AddInteger((unsigned) ExtentKind);
virtual void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID& profile) {
Profile(profile, R);
// Implement isa<T> support.
static inline bool classof(const SymExpr* SE) {
return SE->getKind() == ExtentKind;
/// SymbolMetadata - Represents path-dependent metadata about a specific region.
/// Metadata symbols remain live as long as they are marked as in use before
/// dead-symbol sweeping AND their associated regions are still alive.
/// Intended for use by checkers.
class SymbolMetadata : public SymbolData {
const MemRegion* R;
const Stmt* S;
QualType T;
unsigned Count;
const void* Tag;
SymbolMetadata(SymbolID sym, const MemRegion* r, const Stmt* s, QualType t,
unsigned count, const void* tag)
: SymbolData(MetadataKind, sym), R(r), S(s), T(t), Count(count), Tag(tag) {}
const MemRegion *getRegion() const { return R; }
const Stmt* getStmt() const { return S; }
unsigned getCount() const { return Count; }
const void* getTag() const { return Tag; }
QualType getType(ASTContext&) const;
void dumpToStream(llvm::raw_ostream &os) const;
static void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID& profile, const MemRegion *R,
const Stmt *S, QualType T, unsigned Count,
const void *Tag) {
profile.AddInteger((unsigned) MetadataKind);
virtual void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID& profile) {
Profile(profile, R, S, T, Count, Tag);
// Implement isa<T> support.
static inline bool classof(const SymExpr* SE) {
return SE->getKind() == MetadataKind;
// SymIntExpr - Represents symbolic expression like 'x' + 3.
class SymIntExpr : public SymExpr {
const SymExpr *LHS;
BinaryOperator::Opcode Op;
const llvm::APSInt& RHS;
QualType T;
SymIntExpr(const SymExpr *lhs, BinaryOperator::Opcode op,
const llvm::APSInt& rhs, QualType t)
: SymExpr(SymIntKind), LHS(lhs), Op(op), RHS(rhs), T(t) {}
// FIXME: We probably need to make this out-of-line to avoid redundant
// generation of virtual functions.
QualType getType(ASTContext& C) const { return T; }
BinaryOperator::Opcode getOpcode() const { return Op; }
void dumpToStream(llvm::raw_ostream &os) const;
const SymExpr *getLHS() const { return LHS; }
const llvm::APSInt &getRHS() const { return RHS; }
static void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID& ID, const SymExpr *lhs,
BinaryOperator::Opcode op, const llvm::APSInt& rhs,
QualType t) {
ID.AddInteger((unsigned) SymIntKind);
void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID& ID) {
Profile(ID, LHS, Op, RHS, T);
// Implement isa<T> support.
static inline bool classof(const SymExpr* SE) {
return SE->getKind() == SymIntKind;
// SymSymExpr - Represents symbolic expression like 'x' + 'y'.
class SymSymExpr : public SymExpr {
const SymExpr *LHS;
BinaryOperator::Opcode Op;
const SymExpr *RHS;
QualType T;
SymSymExpr(const SymExpr *lhs, BinaryOperator::Opcode op, const SymExpr *rhs,
QualType t)
: SymExpr(SymSymKind), LHS(lhs), Op(op), RHS(rhs), T(t) {}
BinaryOperator::Opcode getOpcode() const { return Op; }
const SymExpr *getLHS() const { return LHS; }
const SymExpr *getRHS() const { return RHS; }
// FIXME: We probably need to make this out-of-line to avoid redundant
// generation of virtual functions.
QualType getType(ASTContext& C) const { return T; }
void dumpToStream(llvm::raw_ostream &os) const;
static void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID& ID, const SymExpr *lhs,
BinaryOperator::Opcode op, const SymExpr *rhs, QualType t) {
ID.AddInteger((unsigned) SymSymKind);
void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID& ID) {
Profile(ID, LHS, Op, RHS, T);
// Implement isa<T> support.
static inline bool classof(const SymExpr* SE) {
return SE->getKind() == SymSymKind;
class SymbolManager {
typedef llvm::FoldingSet<SymExpr> DataSetTy;
DataSetTy DataSet;
unsigned SymbolCounter;
llvm::BumpPtrAllocator& BPAlloc;
BasicValueFactory &BV;
ASTContext& Ctx;
SymbolManager(ASTContext& ctx, BasicValueFactory &bv,
llvm::BumpPtrAllocator& bpalloc)
: SymbolCounter(0), BPAlloc(bpalloc), BV(bv), Ctx(ctx) {}
static bool canSymbolicate(QualType T);
/// Make a unique symbol for MemRegion R according to its kind.
const SymbolRegionValue* getRegionValueSymbol(const TypedRegion* R);
const SymbolConjured* getConjuredSymbol(const Stmt* E, QualType T,
unsigned VisitCount,
const void* SymbolTag = 0);
const SymbolConjured* getConjuredSymbol(const Expr* E, unsigned VisitCount,
const void* SymbolTag = 0) {
return getConjuredSymbol(E, E->getType(), VisitCount, SymbolTag);
const SymbolDerived *getDerivedSymbol(SymbolRef parentSymbol,
const TypedRegion *R);
const SymbolExtent *getExtentSymbol(const SubRegion *R);
const SymbolMetadata* getMetadataSymbol(const MemRegion* R, const Stmt* S,
QualType T, unsigned VisitCount,
const void* SymbolTag = 0);
const SymIntExpr *getSymIntExpr(const SymExpr *lhs, BinaryOperator::Opcode op,
const llvm::APSInt& rhs, QualType t);
const SymIntExpr *getSymIntExpr(const SymExpr &lhs, BinaryOperator::Opcode op,
const llvm::APSInt& rhs, QualType t) {
return getSymIntExpr(&lhs, op, rhs, t);
const SymSymExpr *getSymSymExpr(const SymExpr *lhs, BinaryOperator::Opcode op,
const SymExpr *rhs, QualType t);
QualType getType(const SymExpr *SE) const {
return SE->getType(Ctx);
ASTContext &getContext() { return Ctx; }
BasicValueFactory &getBasicVals() { return BV; }
class SymbolReaper {
typedef llvm::DenseSet<SymbolRef> SetTy;
SetTy TheLiving;
SetTy MetadataInUse;
SetTy TheDead;
const LocationContext *LCtx;
const Stmt *Loc;
SymbolManager& SymMgr;
SymbolReaper(const LocationContext *ctx, const Stmt *s, SymbolManager& symmgr)
: LCtx(ctx), Loc(s), SymMgr(symmgr) {}
~SymbolReaper() {}
const LocationContext *getLocationContext() const { return LCtx; }
const Stmt *getCurrentStatement() const { return Loc; }
bool isLive(SymbolRef sym);
bool isLive(const Stmt *ExprVal) const;
bool isLive(const VarRegion *VR) const;
// markLive - Unconditionally marks a symbol as live. This should never be
// used by checkers, only by the state infrastructure such as the store and
// environment. Checkers should instead use metadata symbols and markInUse.
void markLive(SymbolRef sym);
// markInUse - Marks a symbol as important to a checker. For metadata symbols,
// this will keep the symbol alive as long as its associated region is also
// live. For other symbols, this has no effect; checkers are not permitted
// to influence the life of other symbols. This should be used before any
// symbol marking has occurred, i.e. in the MarkLiveSymbols callback.
void markInUse(SymbolRef sym);
// maybeDead - If a symbol is known to be live, marks the symbol as live.
// Otherwise, if the symbol cannot be proven live, it is marked as dead.
// Returns true if the symbol is dead, false if live.
bool maybeDead(SymbolRef sym);
typedef SetTy::const_iterator dead_iterator;
dead_iterator dead_begin() const { return TheDead.begin(); }
dead_iterator dead_end() const { return TheDead.end(); }
bool hasDeadSymbols() const {
return !TheDead.empty();
/// isDead - Returns whether or not a symbol has been confirmed dead. This
/// should only be called once all marking of dead symbols has completed.
/// (For checkers, this means only in the EvalDeadSymbols callback.)
bool isDead(SymbolRef sym) const {
return TheDead.count(sym);
class SymbolVisitor {
// VisitSymbol - A visitor method invoked by
// GRStateManager::scanReachableSymbols. The method returns \c true if
// symbols should continue be scanned and \c false otherwise.
virtual bool VisitSymbol(SymbolRef sym) = 0;
virtual ~SymbolVisitor();
} // end clang namespace
namespace llvm {
static inline llvm::raw_ostream& operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream& os,
const clang::SymExpr *SE) {
return os;
} // end llvm namespace