blob: 85187652917b5eea7d4ec654a40e64420636633a [file] [log] [blame]
from clang.cindex import *
def tu_from_source(source):
index = Index.create()
tu = index.parse('INPUT.c', unsaved_files = [('INPUT.c', source)])
# FIXME: Remove the need for this.
tu.index = index
return tu
# FIXME: We need support for invalid translation units to test better.
def test_diagnostic_warning():
tu = tu_from_source("""int f0() {}\n""")
assert len(tu.diagnostics) == 1
assert tu.diagnostics[0].severity == Diagnostic.Warning
assert tu.diagnostics[0].location.line == 1
assert tu.diagnostics[0].location.column == 11
assert (tu.diagnostics[0].spelling ==
'control reaches end of non-void function')
def test_diagnostic_note():
# FIXME: We aren't getting notes here for some reason.
index = Index.create()
tu = tu_from_source("""#define A x\nvoid *A = 1;\n""")
assert len(tu.diagnostics) == 1
assert tu.diagnostics[0].severity == Diagnostic.Warning
assert tu.diagnostics[0].location.line == 2
assert tu.diagnostics[0].location.column == 7
assert 'incompatible' in tu.diagnostics[0].spelling
# assert tu.diagnostics[1].severity == Diagnostic.Note
# assert tu.diagnostics[1].location.line == 1
# assert tu.diagnostics[1].location.column == 11
# assert tu.diagnostics[1].spelling == 'instantiated from'
def test_diagnostic_fixit():
index = Index.create()
tu = tu_from_source("""struct { int f0; } x = { f0 : 1 };""")
assert len(tu.diagnostics) == 1
assert tu.diagnostics[0].severity == Diagnostic.Warning
assert tu.diagnostics[0].location.line == 1
assert tu.diagnostics[0].location.column == 31
assert tu.diagnostics[0].spelling.startswith('use of GNU old-style')
assert len(tu.diagnostics[0].fixits) == 1
assert tu.diagnostics[0].fixits[0].range.start.line == 1
assert tu.diagnostics[0].fixits[0].range.start.column == 26
assert tu.diagnostics[0].fixits[0].range.end.line == 1
assert tu.diagnostics[0].fixits[0].range.end.column == 30
assert tu.diagnostics[0].fixits[0].value == '.f0 = '