blob: 399dcc4bed7605f00667f264b6e3a35e1e351bcd [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: clang-cc -fsyntax-only -verify %s
template<typename T> void f0(T) { } // expected-note{{previous}}
template<class U> void f0(U) { } // expected-error{{redefinition}}
template<int I> void f0() { } // expected-note{{previous}}
template<int> void f0() { } // expected-error{{redefinition}}
typedef int INT;
template<template<class T, T Value1, INT> class X>
void f0() { } // expected-note{{previous}}
template<template<typename T, T Value1, int> class>
void f0() { } // expected-error{{redefinition}}
template<typename T>
struct MetaFun;
template<typename T>
typename MetaFun<T*>::type f0(const T&) { while (1) {} } // expected-note{{previous}}
template<class U>
typename MetaFun<U*>::type f0(const U&) { while (1) {} } // expected-error{{redefinition}}
// FIXME: We need canonicalization of expressions for this to work
// template<int> struct A { };
// template<int I> void f0(A<I>) { } // Xpected-note{{previous}}
// template<int J> void f0(A<J>) { } // Xpected-error{{redefinition}}