blob: 2620f746d4fe65a6d6dc512f2a95531025cebd5f [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Stencil.h - Stencil class ------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
/// /file
/// This file defines the *Stencil* abstraction: a code-generating object,
/// parameterized by named references to (bound) AST nodes. Given a match
/// result, a stencil can be evaluated to a string of source code.
/// A stencil is similar in spirit to a format string: it is composed of a
/// series of raw text strings, references to nodes (the parameters) and helper
/// code-generation operations.
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTTypeTraits.h"
#include "clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchFinder.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace clang {
namespace tooling {
/// A stencil is represented as a sequence of "parts" that can each individually
/// generate a code string based on a match result. The different kinds of
/// parts include (raw) text, references to bound nodes and assorted operations
/// on bound nodes.
/// Users can create custom Stencil operations by implementing this interface.
class StencilPartInterface {
virtual ~StencilPartInterface() = default;
/// Evaluates this part to a string and appends it to \c Result. \c Result is
/// undefined in the case of an error.
virtual llvm::Error eval(const ast_matchers::MatchFinder::MatchResult &Match,
std::string *Result) const = 0;
virtual bool isEqual(const StencilPartInterface &other) const = 0;
const void *typeId() const { return TypeId; }
StencilPartInterface(const void *DerivedId) : TypeId(DerivedId) {}
// Since this is an abstract class, copying/assigning only make sense for
// derived classes implementing `clone()`.
StencilPartInterface(const StencilPartInterface &) = default;
StencilPartInterface &operator=(const StencilPartInterface &) = default;
/// Unique identifier of the concrete type of this instance. Supports safe
/// downcasting.
const void *TypeId;
/// A copyable facade for a std::unique_ptr<StencilPartInterface>. Copies result
/// in a copy of the underlying pointee object.
class StencilPart {
explicit StencilPart(std::shared_ptr<StencilPartInterface> Impl)
: Impl(std::move(Impl)) {}
/// See `StencilPartInterface::eval()`.
llvm::Error eval(const ast_matchers::MatchFinder::MatchResult &Match,
std::string *Result) const {
return Impl->eval(Match, Result);
bool operator==(const StencilPart &Other) const {
if (Impl == Other.Impl)
return true;
if (Impl == nullptr || Other.Impl == nullptr)
return false;
return Impl->isEqual(*Other.Impl);
std::shared_ptr<StencilPartInterface> Impl;
/// A sequence of code fragments, references to parameters and code-generation
/// operations that together can be evaluated to (a fragment of) source code,
/// given a match result.
class Stencil {
Stencil() = default;
/// Composes a stencil from a series of parts.
template <typename... Ts> static Stencil cat(Ts &&... Parts) {
Stencil S;
S.Parts = {wrap(std::forward<Ts>(Parts))...};
return S;
/// Appends data from a \p OtherStencil to this stencil.
void append(Stencil OtherStencil);
// Evaluates the stencil given a match result. Requires that the nodes in the
// result includes any ids referenced in the stencil. References to missing
// nodes will result in an invalid_argument error.
eval(const ast_matchers::MatchFinder::MatchResult &Match) const;
// Allow Stencils to operate as std::function, for compatibility with
// Transformer's TextGenerator.
operator()(const ast_matchers::MatchFinder::MatchResult &Result) const {
return eval(Result);
friend bool operator==(const Stencil &A, const Stencil &B);
static StencilPart wrap(llvm::StringRef Text);
static StencilPart wrap(StencilPart Part) { return Part; }
std::vector<StencilPart> Parts;
inline bool operator==(const Stencil &A, const Stencil &B) {
return A.Parts == B.Parts;
inline bool operator!=(const Stencil &A, const Stencil &B) { return !(A == B); }
// Functions for conveniently building stencils.
namespace stencil {
/// Convenience wrapper for Stencil::cat that can be imported with a using decl.
template <typename... Ts> Stencil cat(Ts &&... Parts) {
return Stencil::cat(std::forward<Ts>(Parts)...);
/// \returns exactly the text provided.
StencilPart text(llvm::StringRef Text);
/// \returns the source corresponding to the identified node.
StencilPart node(llvm::StringRef Id);
/// Variant of \c node() that identifies the node as a statement, for purposes
/// of deciding whether to include any trailing semicolon. Only relevant for
/// Expr nodes, which, by default, are *not* considered as statements.
/// \returns the source corresponding to the identified node, considered as a
/// statement.
StencilPart sNode(llvm::StringRef Id);
/// For debug use only; semantics are not guaranteed.
/// \returns the string resulting from calling the node's print() method.
StencilPart dPrint(llvm::StringRef Id);
} // namespace stencil
} // namespace tooling
} // namespace clang