blob: 52cb5b2f0d65032eeba6eb94645fd39a5a580aff [file] [log] [blame]
//===- unittests/Basic/FileMangerTest.cpp ------------ FileManger tests ---===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "clang/Basic/FileManager.h"
#include "clang/Basic/FileSystemOptions.h"
#include "clang/Basic/FileSystemStatCache.h"
#include "clang/Basic/VirtualFileSystem.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
using namespace llvm;
using namespace clang;
namespace {
// Used to create a fake file system for running the tests with such
// that the tests are not affected by the structure/contents of the
// file system on the machine running the tests.
class FakeStatCache : public FileSystemStatCache {
// Maps a file/directory path to its desired stat result. Anything
// not in this map is considered to not exist in the file system.
llvm::StringMap<FileData, llvm::BumpPtrAllocator> StatCalls;
void InjectFileOrDirectory(const char *Path, ino_t INode, bool IsFile) {
#ifndef _WIN32
SmallString<128> NormalizedPath(Path);
Path = NormalizedPath.c_str();
FileData Data;
Data.Name = Path;
Data.Size = 0;
Data.ModTime = 0;
Data.UniqueID = llvm::sys::fs::UniqueID(1, INode);
Data.IsDirectory = !IsFile;
Data.IsNamedPipe = false;
Data.InPCH = false;
StatCalls[Path] = Data;
// Inject a file with the given inode value to the fake file system.
void InjectFile(const char *Path, ino_t INode) {
InjectFileOrDirectory(Path, INode, /*IsFile=*/true);
// Inject a directory with the given inode value to the fake file system.
void InjectDirectory(const char *Path, ino_t INode) {
InjectFileOrDirectory(Path, INode, /*IsFile=*/false);
// Implement FileSystemStatCache::getStat().
LookupResult getStat(StringRef Path, FileData &Data, bool isFile,
std::unique_ptr<vfs::File> *F,
vfs::FileSystem &FS) override {
#ifndef _WIN32
SmallString<128> NormalizedPath(Path);
Path = NormalizedPath.c_str();
if (StatCalls.count(Path) != 0) {
Data = StatCalls[Path];
return CacheExists;
return CacheMissing; // This means the file/directory doesn't exist.
// The test fixture.
class FileManagerTest : public ::testing::Test {
FileManagerTest() : manager(options) {
FileSystemOptions options;
FileManager manager;
// When a virtual file is added, its getDir() field is set correctly
// (not NULL, correct name).
TEST_F(FileManagerTest, getVirtualFileSetsTheDirFieldCorrectly) {
const FileEntry *file = manager.getVirtualFile("foo.cpp", 42, 0);
ASSERT_TRUE(file != nullptr);
const DirectoryEntry *dir = file->getDir();
ASSERT_TRUE(dir != nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(".", dir->getName());
file = manager.getVirtualFile("x/y/z.cpp", 42, 0);
ASSERT_TRUE(file != nullptr);
dir = file->getDir();
ASSERT_TRUE(dir != nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ("x/y", dir->getName());
// Before any virtual file is added, no virtual directory exists.
TEST_F(FileManagerTest, NoVirtualDirectoryExistsBeforeAVirtualFileIsAdded) {
// An empty FakeStatCache causes all stat calls made by the
// FileManager to report "file/directory doesn't exist". This
// avoids the possibility of the result of this test being affected
// by what's in the real file system.
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, manager.getDirectory("virtual/dir/foo"));
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, manager.getDirectory("virtual/dir"));
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, manager.getDirectory("virtual"));
// When a virtual file is added, all of its ancestors should be created.
TEST_F(FileManagerTest, getVirtualFileCreatesDirectoryEntriesForAncestors) {
// Fake an empty real file system.
manager.getVirtualFile("virtual/dir/bar.h", 100, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, manager.getDirectory("virtual/dir/foo"));
const DirectoryEntry *dir = manager.getDirectory("virtual/dir");
ASSERT_TRUE(dir != nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ("virtual/dir", dir->getName());
dir = manager.getDirectory("virtual");
ASSERT_TRUE(dir != nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ("virtual", dir->getName());
// getFile() returns non-NULL if a real file exists at the given path.
TEST_F(FileManagerTest, getFileReturnsValidFileEntryForExistingRealFile) {
// Inject fake files into the file system.
auto statCache = llvm::make_unique<FakeStatCache>();
statCache->InjectDirectory("/tmp", 42);
statCache->InjectFile("/tmp/test", 43);
#ifdef _WIN32
const char *DirName = "C:.";
const char *FileName = "C:test";
statCache->InjectDirectory(DirName, 44);
statCache->InjectFile(FileName, 45);
const FileEntry *file = manager.getFile("/tmp/test");
ASSERT_TRUE(file != nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ("/tmp/test", file->getName());
const DirectoryEntry *dir = file->getDir();
ASSERT_TRUE(dir != nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ("/tmp", dir->getName());
#ifdef _WIN32
file = manager.getFile(FileName);
dir = file->getDir();
EXPECT_EQ(DirName, dir->getName());
// getFile() returns non-NULL if a virtual file exists at the given path.
TEST_F(FileManagerTest, getFileReturnsValidFileEntryForExistingVirtualFile) {
// Fake an empty real file system.
manager.getVirtualFile("virtual/dir/bar.h", 100, 0);
const FileEntry *file = manager.getFile("virtual/dir/bar.h");
ASSERT_TRUE(file != nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ("virtual/dir/bar.h", file->getName());
const DirectoryEntry *dir = file->getDir();
ASSERT_TRUE(dir != nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ("virtual/dir", dir->getName());
// getFile() returns different FileEntries for different paths when
// there's no aliasing.
TEST_F(FileManagerTest, getFileReturnsDifferentFileEntriesForDifferentFiles) {
// Inject two fake files into the file system. Different inodes
// mean the files are not symlinked together.
auto statCache = llvm::make_unique<FakeStatCache>();
statCache->InjectDirectory(".", 41);
statCache->InjectFile("foo.cpp", 42);
statCache->InjectFile("bar.cpp", 43);
const FileEntry *fileFoo = manager.getFile("foo.cpp");
const FileEntry *fileBar = manager.getFile("bar.cpp");
ASSERT_TRUE(fileFoo != nullptr);
ASSERT_TRUE(fileBar != nullptr);
EXPECT_NE(fileFoo, fileBar);
// getFile() returns NULL if neither a real file nor a virtual file
// exists at the given path.
TEST_F(FileManagerTest, getFileReturnsNULLForNonexistentFile) {
// Inject a fake foo.cpp into the file system.
auto statCache = llvm::make_unique<FakeStatCache>();
statCache->InjectDirectory(".", 41);
statCache->InjectFile("foo.cpp", 42);
// Create a virtual bar.cpp file.
manager.getVirtualFile("bar.cpp", 200, 0);
const FileEntry *file = manager.getFile("xyz.txt");
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, file);
// The following tests apply to Unix-like system only.
#ifndef _WIN32
// getFile() returns the same FileEntry for real files that are aliases.
TEST_F(FileManagerTest, getFileReturnsSameFileEntryForAliasedRealFiles) {
// Inject two real files with the same inode.
auto statCache = llvm::make_unique<FakeStatCache>();
statCache->InjectDirectory("abc", 41);
statCache->InjectFile("abc/foo.cpp", 42);
statCache->InjectFile("abc/bar.cpp", 42);
EXPECT_EQ(manager.getFile("abc/foo.cpp"), manager.getFile("abc/bar.cpp"));
// getFile() returns the same FileEntry for virtual files that have
// corresponding real files that are aliases.
TEST_F(FileManagerTest, getFileReturnsSameFileEntryForAliasedVirtualFiles) {
// Inject two real files with the same inode.
auto statCache = llvm::make_unique<FakeStatCache>();
statCache->InjectDirectory("abc", 41);
statCache->InjectFile("abc/foo.cpp", 42);
statCache->InjectFile("abc/bar.cpp", 42);
ASSERT_TRUE(manager.getVirtualFile("abc/foo.cpp", 100, 0)->isValid());
ASSERT_TRUE(manager.getVirtualFile("abc/bar.cpp", 200, 0)->isValid());
EXPECT_EQ(manager.getFile("abc/foo.cpp"), manager.getFile("abc/bar.cpp"));
TEST_F(FileManagerTest, addRemoveStatCache) {
auto statCacheOwner = llvm::make_unique<FakeStatCache>();
auto *statCache = statCacheOwner.get();
// getFile() Should return the same entry as getVirtualFile if the file actually
// is a virtual file, even if the name is not exactly the same (but is after
// normalisation done by the file system, like on Windows). This can be checked
// here by checking the size.
TEST_F(FileManagerTest, getVirtualFileWithDifferentName) {
// Inject fake files into the file system.
auto statCache = llvm::make_unique<FakeStatCache>();
statCache->InjectDirectory("c:\\tmp", 42);
statCache->InjectFile("c:\\tmp\\test", 43);
// Inject the virtual file:
const FileEntry *file1 = manager.getVirtualFile("c:\\tmp\\test", 123, 1);
ASSERT_TRUE(file1 != nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(43U, file1->getUniqueID().getFile());
EXPECT_EQ(123, file1->getSize());
// Lookup the virtual file with a different name:
const FileEntry *file2 = manager.getFile("c:/tmp/test", 100, 1);
ASSERT_TRUE(file2 != nullptr);
// Check that it's the same UFE:
EXPECT_EQ(file1, file2);
EXPECT_EQ(43U, file2->getUniqueID().getFile());
// Check that the contents of the UFE are not overwritten by the entry in the
// filesystem:
EXPECT_EQ(123, file2->getSize());
#endif // !_WIN32
TEST_F(FileManagerTest, makeAbsoluteUsesVFS) {
SmallString<64> CustomWorkingDir;
#ifdef _WIN32
CustomWorkingDir = "C:";
CustomWorkingDir = "/";
llvm::sys::path::append(CustomWorkingDir, "some", "weird", "path");
auto FS =
IntrusiveRefCntPtr<vfs::InMemoryFileSystem>(new vfs::InMemoryFileSystem);
// setCurrentworkingdirectory must finish without error.
FileSystemOptions Opts;
FileManager Manager(Opts, FS);
SmallString<64> Path("a/foo.cpp");
SmallString<64> ExpectedResult(CustomWorkingDir);
llvm::sys::path::append(ExpectedResult, Path);
EXPECT_EQ(Path, ExpectedResult);
} // anonymous namespace