blob: 294807c56c51b81d860c498fa00127e94b677dec [file] [log] [blame]
//=== unittests/Sema/CodeCompleteTest.cpp - Code Complete tests ==============//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/FrontendActions.h"
#include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h"
#include "clang/Parse/ParseAST.h"
#include "clang/Sema/Sema.h"
#include "clang/Sema/SemaDiagnostic.h"
#include "clang/Tooling/Tooling.h"
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <string>
namespace {
using namespace clang;
using namespace clang::tooling;
using ::testing::Each;
using ::testing::UnorderedElementsAre;
const char TestCCName[] = "";
struct CompletionContext {
std::vector<std::string> VisitedNamespaces;
std::string PreferredType;
class VisitedContextFinder : public CodeCompleteConsumer {
VisitedContextFinder(CompletionContext &ResultCtx)
: CodeCompleteConsumer(/*CodeCompleteOpts=*/{},
/*CodeCompleteConsumer*/ false),
CCTUInfo(std::make_shared<GlobalCodeCompletionAllocator>()) {}
void ProcessCodeCompleteResults(Sema &S, CodeCompletionContext Context,
CodeCompletionResult *Results,
unsigned NumResults) override {
ResultCtx.VisitedNamespaces =
ResultCtx.PreferredType = Context.getPreferredType().getAsString();
CodeCompletionAllocator &getAllocator() override {
return CCTUInfo.getAllocator();
CodeCompletionTUInfo &getCodeCompletionTUInfo() override { return CCTUInfo; }
std::vector<std::string> getVisitedNamespace(
CodeCompletionContext::VisitedContextSet VisitedContexts) const {
std::vector<std::string> NSNames;
for (const auto *Context : VisitedContexts)
if (const auto *NS = llvm::dyn_cast<NamespaceDecl>(Context))
return NSNames;
CompletionContext &ResultCtx;
CodeCompletionTUInfo CCTUInfo;
class CodeCompleteAction : public SyntaxOnlyAction {
CodeCompleteAction(ParsedSourceLocation P, CompletionContext &ResultCtx)
: CompletePosition(std::move(P)), ResultCtx(ResultCtx) {}
bool BeginInvocation(CompilerInstance &CI) override {
CI.getFrontendOpts().CodeCompletionAt = CompletePosition;
CI.setCodeCompletionConsumer(new VisitedContextFinder(ResultCtx));
return true;
// 1-based code complete position <Line, Col>;
ParsedSourceLocation CompletePosition;
CompletionContext &ResultCtx;
ParsedSourceLocation offsetToPosition(llvm::StringRef Code, size_t Offset) {
Offset = std::min(Code.size(), Offset);
StringRef Before = Code.substr(0, Offset);
int Lines = Before.count('\n');
size_t PrevNL = Before.rfind('\n');
size_t StartOfLine = (PrevNL == StringRef::npos) ? 0 : (PrevNL + 1);
return {TestCCName, static_cast<unsigned>(Lines + 1),
static_cast<unsigned>(Offset - StartOfLine + 1)};
CompletionContext runCompletion(StringRef Code, size_t Offset) {
CompletionContext ResultCtx;
auto Action = llvm::make_unique<CodeCompleteAction>(
offsetToPosition(Code, Offset), ResultCtx);
clang::tooling::runToolOnCodeWithArgs(Action.release(), Code, {"-std=c++11"},
return ResultCtx;
struct ParsedAnnotations {
std::vector<size_t> Points;
std::string Code;
ParsedAnnotations parseAnnotations(StringRef AnnotatedCode) {
ParsedAnnotations R;
while (!AnnotatedCode.empty()) {
size_t NextPoint = AnnotatedCode.find('^');
if (NextPoint == StringRef::npos) {
R.Code += AnnotatedCode;
AnnotatedCode = "";
R.Code += AnnotatedCode.substr(0, NextPoint);
AnnotatedCode = AnnotatedCode.substr(NextPoint + 1);
return R;
CompletionContext runCodeCompleteOnCode(StringRef AnnotatedCode) {
ParsedAnnotations P = parseAnnotations(AnnotatedCode);
assert(P.Points.size() == 1 && "expected exactly one annotation point");
return runCompletion(P.Code, P.Points.front());
std::vector<std::string> collectPreferredTypes(StringRef AnnotatedCode) {
ParsedAnnotations P = parseAnnotations(AnnotatedCode);
std::vector<std::string> Types;
for (size_t Point : P.Points)
Types.push_back(runCompletion(P.Code, Point).PreferredType);
return Types;
TEST(SemaCodeCompleteTest, VisitedNSForValidQualifiedId) {
auto VisitedNS = runCodeCompleteOnCode(R"cpp(
namespace ns1 {}
namespace ns2 {}
namespace ns3 {}
namespace ns3 { namespace nns3 {} }
namespace foo {
using namespace ns1;
namespace ns4 {} // not visited
namespace { using namespace ns2; }
inline namespace bar { using namespace ns3::nns3; }
} // foo
namespace ns { foo::^ }
EXPECT_THAT(VisitedNS, UnorderedElementsAre("foo", "ns1", "ns2", "ns3::nns3",
TEST(SemaCodeCompleteTest, VisitedNSForInvalideQualifiedId) {
auto VisitedNS = runCodeCompleteOnCode(R"cpp(
namespace ns { foo::^ }
TEST(SemaCodeCompleteTest, VisitedNSWithoutQualifier) {
auto VisitedNS = runCodeCompleteOnCode(R"cpp(
namespace n1 {
namespace n2 {
void f(^) {}
EXPECT_THAT(VisitedNS, UnorderedElementsAre("n1", "n1::n2"));
TEST(PreferredTypeTest, BinaryExpr) {
// Check various operations for arithmetic types.
StringRef Code = R"cpp(
void test(int x) {
x = ^10;
x += ^10; x -= ^10; x *= ^10; x /= ^10; x %= ^10;
x + ^10; x - ^10; x * ^10; x / ^10; x % ^10;
EXPECT_THAT(collectPreferredTypes(Code), Each("int"));
Code = R"cpp(
void test(float x) {
x = ^10;
x += ^10; x -= ^10; x *= ^10; x /= ^10; x %= ^10;
x + ^10; x - ^10; x * ^10; x / ^10; x % ^10;
EXPECT_THAT(collectPreferredTypes(Code), Each("float"));
// Pointer types.
Code = R"cpp(
void test(int *ptr) {
ptr - ^ptr;
ptr = ^ptr;
EXPECT_THAT(collectPreferredTypes(Code), Each("int *"));
Code = R"cpp(
void test(int *ptr) {
ptr + ^10;
ptr += ^10;
ptr -= ^10;
// Expect the normalized ptrdiff_t type, which is typically long or long long.
const char *PtrDiff = sizeof(void *) == sizeof(long) ? "long" : "long long";
EXPECT_THAT(collectPreferredTypes(Code), Each(PtrDiff));
// Comparison operators.
Code = R"cpp(
void test(int i) {
i <= ^1; i < ^1; i >= ^1; i > ^1; i == ^1; i != ^1;
EXPECT_THAT(collectPreferredTypes(Code), Each("int"));
Code = R"cpp(
void test(int *ptr) {
ptr <= ^ptr; ptr < ^ptr; ptr >= ^ptr; ptr > ^ptr;
ptr == ^ptr; ptr != ^ptr;
EXPECT_THAT(collectPreferredTypes(Code), Each("int *"));
// Relational operations.
Code = R"cpp(
void test(int i, int *ptr) {
i && ^1; i || ^1;
ptr && ^1; ptr || ^1;
EXPECT_THAT(collectPreferredTypes(Code), Each("_Bool"));
// Bitwise operations.
Code = R"cpp(
void test(long long ll) {
ll | ^1; ll & ^1;
EXPECT_THAT(collectPreferredTypes(Code), Each("long long"));
Code = R"cpp(
enum A {};
void test(A a) {
a | ^1; a & ^1;
EXPECT_THAT(collectPreferredTypes(Code), Each("enum A"));
Code = R"cpp(
enum class A {};
void test(A a) {
// This is technically illegal with the 'enum class' without overloaded
// operators, but we pretend it's fine.
a | ^a; a & ^a;
EXPECT_THAT(collectPreferredTypes(Code), Each("enum A"));
// Binary shifts.
Code = R"cpp(
void test(int i, long long ll) {
i << ^1; ll << ^1;
i <<= ^1; i <<= ^1;
i >> ^1; ll >> ^1;
i >>= ^1; i >>= ^1;
EXPECT_THAT(collectPreferredTypes(Code), Each("int"));
// Comma does not provide any useful information.
Code = R"cpp(
class Cls {};
void test(int i, int* ptr, Cls x) {
(i, ^i);
(ptr, ^ptr);
(x, ^x);
EXPECT_THAT(collectPreferredTypes(Code), Each("NULL TYPE"));
// User-defined types do not take operator overloading into account.
// However, they provide heuristics for some common cases.
Code = R"cpp(
class Cls {};
void test(Cls c) {
// we assume arithmetic and comparions ops take the same type.
c + ^c; c - ^c; c * ^c; c / ^c; c % ^c;
c == ^c; c != ^c; c < ^c; c <= ^c; c > ^c; c >= ^c;
// same for the assignments.
c = ^c; c += ^c; c -= ^c; c *= ^c; c /= ^c; c %= ^c;
EXPECT_THAT(collectPreferredTypes(Code), Each("class Cls"));
Code = R"cpp(
class Cls {};
void test(Cls c) {
// we assume relational ops operate on bools.
c && ^c; c || ^c;
EXPECT_THAT(collectPreferredTypes(Code), Each("_Bool"));
Code = R"cpp(
class Cls {};
void test(Cls c) {
// we make no assumptions about the following operators, since they are
// often overloaded with a non-standard meaning.
c << ^c; c >> ^c; c | ^c; c & ^c;
c <<= ^c; c >>= ^c; c |= ^c; c &= ^c;
EXPECT_THAT(collectPreferredTypes(Code), Each("NULL TYPE"));
} // namespace