blob: 453e189fccb01b4a4e51166ddf535028a4bb7bae [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- - Checker TableGen classes ------------------------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file defines the TableGen core definitions for checkers
/// Describes a package. Every checker is a part of a package, for example,
/// 'NullDereference' is part of the 'core' package, hence it's full name is
/// 'core.NullDereference'.
/// Example:
/// def Core : Package<"core">;
class Package<string name> {
string PackageName = name;
Package ParentPackage;
/// Describes a 'super' package that holds another package inside it. This is
/// used to nest packages in one another. One may, for example, create the
/// 'builtin' package inside 'core', thus creating the package 'core.builtin'.
/// Example:
/// def CoreBuiltin : Package<"builtin">, ParentPackage<Core>;
class ParentPackage<Package P> { Package ParentPackage = P; }
/// A description. May be displayed to the user when clang is invoked with
/// a '-help'-like command line option.
class HelpText<string text> { string HelpText = text; }
/// Describes what kind of documentation exists for the checker.
class DocumentationEnum<bits<2> val> {
bits<2> Documentation = val;
def NotDocumented : DocumentationEnum<0>;
def HasDocumentation : DocumentationEnum<1>;
def HasAlphaDocumentation : DocumentationEnum<2>;
class Documentation<DocumentationEnum val> {
bits<2> Documentation = val.Documentation;
/// Describes a checker. Every builtin checker has to be registered with the use
/// of this class (out-of-trunk checkers loaded from plugins obviously don't).
/// Note that a checker has a name (e.g.: 'NullDereference'), and a fullname,
/// that is autogenerated with the help of the ParentPackage field, that also
/// includes package names (e.g.: 'core.NullDereference').
class Checker<string name = ""> {
string CheckerName = name;
string HelpText;
bits<2> Documentation;
Package ParentPackage;