scudo: Add support for tracking stack traces of secondary allocations.

There is no centralized store of information related to secondary
allocations. Moreover the allocations themselves become inaccessible
when the allocation is freed in order to implement UAF detection,
so we can't store information there to be used in case of UAF

Therefore our storage location for tracking stack traces of secondary
allocations is a ring buffer. The ring buffer is copied to the process
creating the crash dump when a fault occurs.

The ring buffer is also used to store stack traces for primary
deallocations. Stack traces for primary allocations continue to be
stored inline.

In order to support the scenario where an access to the ring buffer
is interrupted by a concurrently occurring crash, the ring buffer is
accessed in a lock-free manner.

Differential Revision:

GitOrigin-RevId: 1f55fa0b99e0755c96bfd5cd0cdbe9cbc26fe2db
diff --git a/combined.h b/combined.h
index 3b112d8..7cd3867 100644
--- a/combined.h
+++ b/combined.h
@@ -447,7 +447,7 @@
               computeOddEvenMaskForPointerMaybe(Options, BlockUptr, BlockSize);
           TaggedPtr = prepareTaggedChunk(Ptr, Size, OddEvenMask, BlockEnd);
-        storeAllocationStackMaybe(Options, Ptr);
+        storePrimaryAllocationStackMaybe(Options, Ptr);
       } else {
         Block = addHeaderTag(Block);
         Ptr = addHeaderTag(Ptr);
@@ -461,8 +461,10 @@
     } else {
       Block = addHeaderTag(Block);
       Ptr = addHeaderTag(Ptr);
-      if (UNLIKELY(useMemoryTagging<Params>(Options)))
+      if (UNLIKELY(useMemoryTagging<Params>(Options))) {
         storeTags(reinterpret_cast<uptr>(Block), reinterpret_cast<uptr>(Ptr));
+        storeSecondaryAllocationStackMaybe(Options, Ptr, Size);
+      }
     Chunk::UnpackedHeader Header = {};
@@ -616,11 +618,15 @@
                            (reinterpret_cast<uptr>(OldTaggedPtr) + NewSize)) &
         Chunk::compareExchangeHeader(Cookie, OldPtr, &NewHeader, &OldHeader);
-        if (UNLIKELY(ClassId && useMemoryTagging<Params>(Options))) {
-          resizeTaggedChunk(reinterpret_cast<uptr>(OldTaggedPtr) + OldSize,
-                            reinterpret_cast<uptr>(OldTaggedPtr) + NewSize,
-                            BlockEnd);
-          storeAllocationStackMaybe(Options, OldPtr);
+        if (UNLIKELY(useMemoryTagging<Params>(Options))) {
+          if (ClassId) {
+            resizeTaggedChunk(reinterpret_cast<uptr>(OldTaggedPtr) + OldSize,
+                              reinterpret_cast<uptr>(OldTaggedPtr) + NewSize,
+                              BlockEnd);
+            storePrimaryAllocationStackMaybe(Options, OldPtr);
+          } else {
+            storeSecondaryAllocationStackMaybe(Options, OldPtr, NewSize);
+          }
         return OldTaggedPtr;
@@ -871,116 +877,41 @@
     return PrimaryT::getRegionInfoArraySize();
+  const char *getRingBufferAddress() const {
+    return reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&RingBuffer);
+  }
+  static uptr getRingBufferSize() { return sizeof(RingBuffer); }
+  static const uptr MaxTraceSize = 64;
+  static void collectTraceMaybe(const StackDepot *Depot,
+                                uintptr_t (&Trace)[MaxTraceSize], u32 Hash) {
+    uptr RingPos, Size;
+    if (!Depot->find(Hash, &RingPos, &Size))
+      return;
+    for (unsigned I = 0; I != Size && I != MaxTraceSize; ++I)
+      Trace[I] = (*Depot)[RingPos + I];
+  }
   static void getErrorInfo(struct scudo_error_info *ErrorInfo,
                            uintptr_t FaultAddr, const char *DepotPtr,
-                           const char *RegionInfoPtr, const char *Memory,
-                           const char *MemoryTags, uintptr_t MemoryAddr,
-                           size_t MemorySize) {
+                           const char *RegionInfoPtr, const char *RingBufferPtr,
+                           const char *Memory, const char *MemoryTags,
+                           uintptr_t MemoryAddr, size_t MemorySize) {
     *ErrorInfo = {};
     if (!allocatorSupportsMemoryTagging<Params>() ||
         MemoryAddr + MemorySize < MemoryAddr)
-    uptr UntaggedFaultAddr = untagPointer(FaultAddr);
-    u8 FaultAddrTag = extractTag(FaultAddr);
-    BlockInfo Info =
-        PrimaryT::findNearestBlock(RegionInfoPtr, UntaggedFaultAddr);
-    auto GetGranule = [&](uptr Addr, const char **Data, uint8_t *Tag) -> bool {
-      if (Addr < MemoryAddr || Addr + archMemoryTagGranuleSize() < Addr ||
-          Addr + archMemoryTagGranuleSize() > MemoryAddr + MemorySize)
-        return false;
-      *Data = &Memory[Addr - MemoryAddr];
-      *Tag = static_cast<u8>(
-          MemoryTags[(Addr - MemoryAddr) / archMemoryTagGranuleSize()]);
-      return true;
-    };
-    auto ReadBlock = [&](uptr Addr, uptr *ChunkAddr,
-                         Chunk::UnpackedHeader *Header, const u32 **Data,
-                         u8 *Tag) {
-      const char *BlockBegin;
-      u8 BlockBeginTag;
-      if (!GetGranule(Addr, &BlockBegin, &BlockBeginTag))
-        return false;
-      uptr ChunkOffset = getChunkOffsetFromBlock(BlockBegin);
-      *ChunkAddr = Addr + ChunkOffset;
-      const char *ChunkBegin;
-      if (!GetGranule(*ChunkAddr, &ChunkBegin, Tag))
-        return false;
-      *Header = *reinterpret_cast<const Chunk::UnpackedHeader *>(
-          ChunkBegin - Chunk::getHeaderSize());
-      *Data = reinterpret_cast<const u32 *>(ChunkBegin);
-      return true;
-    };
     auto *Depot = reinterpret_cast<const StackDepot *>(DepotPtr);
-    auto MaybeCollectTrace = [&](uintptr_t(&Trace)[MaxTraceSize], u32 Hash) {
-      uptr RingPos, Size;
-      if (!Depot->find(Hash, &RingPos, &Size))
-        return;
-      for (unsigned I = 0; I != Size && I != MaxTraceSize; ++I)
-        Trace[I] = (*Depot)[RingPos + I];
-    };
     size_t NextErrorReport = 0;
-    // First, check for UAF.
-    {
-      uptr ChunkAddr;
-      Chunk::UnpackedHeader Header;
-      const u32 *Data;
-      uint8_t Tag;
-      if (ReadBlock(Info.BlockBegin, &ChunkAddr, &Header, &Data, &Tag) &&
-          Header.State != Chunk::State::Allocated &&
-          Data[MemTagPrevTagIndex] == FaultAddrTag) {
-        auto *R = &ErrorInfo->reports[NextErrorReport++];
-        R->error_type = USE_AFTER_FREE;
-        R->allocation_address = ChunkAddr;
-        R->allocation_size = Header.SizeOrUnusedBytes;
-        MaybeCollectTrace(R->allocation_trace,
-                          Data[MemTagAllocationTraceIndex]);
-        R->allocation_tid = Data[MemTagAllocationTidIndex];
-        MaybeCollectTrace(R->deallocation_trace,
-                          Data[MemTagDeallocationTraceIndex]);
-        R->deallocation_tid = Data[MemTagDeallocationTidIndex];
-      }
-    }
-    auto CheckOOB = [&](uptr BlockAddr) {
-      if (BlockAddr < Info.RegionBegin || BlockAddr >= Info.RegionEnd)
-        return false;
-      uptr ChunkAddr;
-      Chunk::UnpackedHeader Header;
-      const u32 *Data;
-      uint8_t Tag;
-      if (!ReadBlock(BlockAddr, &ChunkAddr, &Header, &Data, &Tag) ||
-          Header.State != Chunk::State::Allocated || Tag != FaultAddrTag)
-        return false;
-      auto *R = &ErrorInfo->reports[NextErrorReport++];
-      R->error_type =
-          UntaggedFaultAddr < ChunkAddr ? BUFFER_UNDERFLOW : BUFFER_OVERFLOW;
-      R->allocation_address = ChunkAddr;
-      R->allocation_size = Header.SizeOrUnusedBytes;
-      MaybeCollectTrace(R->allocation_trace, Data[MemTagAllocationTraceIndex]);
-      R->allocation_tid = Data[MemTagAllocationTidIndex];
-      return NextErrorReport ==
-             sizeof(ErrorInfo->reports) / sizeof(ErrorInfo->reports[0]);
-    };
-    if (CheckOOB(Info.BlockBegin))
-      return;
-    // Check for OOB in the 30 surrounding blocks. Beyond that we are likely to
-    // hit false positives.
-    for (int I = 1; I != 16; ++I)
-      if (CheckOOB(Info.BlockBegin + I * Info.BlockSize) ||
-          CheckOOB(Info.BlockBegin - I * Info.BlockSize))
-        return;
+    if (extractTag(FaultAddr) != 0)
+      getInlineErrorInfo(ErrorInfo, NextErrorReport, FaultAddr, Depot,
+                         RegionInfoPtr, Memory, MemoryTags, MemoryAddr,
+                         MemorySize);
+    getRingBufferErrorInfo(ErrorInfo, NextErrorReport, FaultAddr, Depot,
+                           RingBufferPtr);
@@ -1004,23 +935,13 @@
   // These are indexes into an "array" of 32-bit values that store information
   // inline with a chunk that is relevant to diagnosing memory tag faults, where
-  // 0 corresponds to the address of the user memory. This means that negative
-  // indexes may be used to store information about allocations, while positive
-  // indexes may only be used to store information about deallocations, because
-  // the user memory is in use until it has been deallocated. The smallest index
-  // that may be used is -2, which corresponds to 8 bytes before the user
-  // memory, because the chunk header size is 8 bytes and in allocators that
-  // support memory tagging the minimum alignment is at least the tag granule
-  // size (16 on aarch64), and the largest index that may be used is 3 because
-  // we are only guaranteed to have at least a granule's worth of space in the
-  // user memory.
+  // 0 corresponds to the address of the user memory. This means that only
+  // negative indexes may be used. The smallest index that may be used is -2,
+  // which corresponds to 8 bytes before the user memory, because the chunk
+  // header size is 8 bytes and in allocators that support memory tagging the
+  // minimum alignment is at least the tag granule size (16 on aarch64).
   static const sptr MemTagAllocationTraceIndex = -2;
   static const sptr MemTagAllocationTidIndex = -1;
-  static const sptr MemTagDeallocationTraceIndex = 0;
-  static const sptr MemTagDeallocationTidIndex = 1;
-  static const sptr MemTagPrevTagIndex = 2;
-  static const uptr MaxTraceSize = 64;
   u32 Cookie;
   u32 QuarantineMaxChunkSize;
@@ -1037,6 +958,26 @@
   StackDepot Depot;
+  struct AllocationRingBuffer {
+    struct Entry {
+      atomic_uptr Ptr;
+      atomic_uptr AllocationSize;
+      atomic_u32 AllocationTrace;
+      atomic_u32 AllocationTid;
+      atomic_u32 DeallocationTrace;
+      atomic_u32 DeallocationTid;
+    };
+    atomic_uptr Pos;
+#ifdef SCUDO_FUZZ
+    static const uptr NumEntries = 2;
+    static const uptr NumEntries = 32768;
+    Entry Entries[NumEntries];
+  };
+  AllocationRingBuffer RingBuffer;
   // The following might get optimized out by the compiler.
   NOINLINE void performSanityChecks() {
     // Verify that the header offset field can hold the maximum offset. In the
@@ -1093,20 +1034,23 @@
   void quarantineOrDeallocateChunk(Options Options, void *Ptr,
                                    Chunk::UnpackedHeader *Header, uptr Size) {
     Chunk::UnpackedHeader NewHeader = *Header;
-    if (UNLIKELY(NewHeader.ClassId && useMemoryTagging<Params>(Options))) {
-      u8 PrevTag = extractTag(loadTag(reinterpret_cast<uptr>(Ptr)));
-      if (!TSDRegistry.getDisableMemInit()) {
-        uptr TaggedBegin, TaggedEnd;
-        const uptr OddEvenMask = computeOddEvenMaskForPointerMaybe(
-            Options, reinterpret_cast<uptr>(getBlockBegin(Ptr, &NewHeader)),
-            SizeClassMap::getSizeByClassId(NewHeader.ClassId));
-        // Exclude the previous tag so that immediate use after free is detected
-        // 100% of the time.
-        setRandomTag(Ptr, Size, OddEvenMask | (1UL << PrevTag), &TaggedBegin,
-                     &TaggedEnd);
+    if (UNLIKELY(useMemoryTagging<Params>(Options))) {
+      u8 PrevTag = 0;
+      if (NewHeader.ClassId) {
+        PrevTag = extractTag(loadTag(reinterpret_cast<uptr>(Ptr)));
+        if (!TSDRegistry.getDisableMemInit()) {
+          uptr TaggedBegin, TaggedEnd;
+          const uptr OddEvenMask = computeOddEvenMaskForPointerMaybe(
+              Options, reinterpret_cast<uptr>(getBlockBegin(Ptr, &NewHeader)),
+              SizeClassMap::getSizeByClassId(NewHeader.ClassId));
+          // Exclude the previous tag so that immediate use after free is
+          // detected 100% of the time.
+          setRandomTag(Ptr, Size, OddEvenMask | (1UL << PrevTag), &TaggedBegin,
+                       &TaggedEnd);
+        }
+        NewHeader.OriginOrWasZeroed = !TSDRegistry.getDisableMemInit();
-      NewHeader.OriginOrWasZeroed = !TSDRegistry.getDisableMemInit();
-      storeDeallocationStackMaybe(Options, Ptr, PrevTag);
+      storeDeallocationStackMaybe(Options, Ptr, PrevTag, Size);
     // If the quarantine is disabled, the actual size of a chunk is 0 or larger
     // than the maximum allowed, we return a chunk directly to the backend.
@@ -1159,7 +1103,7 @@
     return Offset + Chunk::getHeaderSize();
-  void storeAllocationStackMaybe(Options Options, void *Ptr) {
+  void storePrimaryAllocationStackMaybe(Options Options, void *Ptr) {
     if (!UNLIKELY(Options.get(OptionBit::TrackAllocationStacks)))
     auto *Ptr32 = reinterpret_cast<u32 *>(Ptr);
@@ -1167,18 +1111,199 @@
     Ptr32[MemTagAllocationTidIndex] = getThreadID();
-  void storeDeallocationStackMaybe(Options Options, void *Ptr,
-                                   uint8_t PrevTag) {
+  void storeRingBufferEntry(void *Ptr, u32 AllocationTrace, u32 AllocationTid,
+                            uptr AllocationSize, u32 DeallocationTrace,
+                            u32 DeallocationTid) {
+    uptr Pos = atomic_fetch_add(&RingBuffer.Pos, 1, memory_order_relaxed);
+    typename AllocationRingBuffer::Entry *Entry =
+        &RingBuffer.Entries[Pos % AllocationRingBuffer::NumEntries];
+    // First invalidate our entry so that we don't attempt to interpret a
+    // partially written state in getSecondaryErrorInfo(). The fences below
+    // ensure that the compiler does not move the stores to Ptr in between the
+    // stores to the other fields.
+    atomic_store_relaxed(&Entry->Ptr, 0);
+    __atomic_signal_fence(__ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
+    atomic_store_relaxed(&Entry->AllocationTrace, AllocationTrace);
+    atomic_store_relaxed(&Entry->AllocationTid, AllocationTid);
+    atomic_store_relaxed(&Entry->AllocationSize, AllocationSize);
+    atomic_store_relaxed(&Entry->DeallocationTrace, DeallocationTrace);
+    atomic_store_relaxed(&Entry->DeallocationTid, DeallocationTid);
+    __atomic_signal_fence(__ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
+    atomic_store_relaxed(&Entry->Ptr, reinterpret_cast<uptr>(Ptr));
+  }
+  void storeSecondaryAllocationStackMaybe(Options Options, void *Ptr,
+                                          uptr Size) {
     if (!UNLIKELY(Options.get(OptionBit::TrackAllocationStacks)))
-    // Disable tag checks here so that we don't need to worry about zero sized
-    // allocations.
-    ScopedDisableMemoryTagChecks x;
+    u32 Trace = collectStackTrace();
+    u32 Tid = getThreadID();
     auto *Ptr32 = reinterpret_cast<u32 *>(Ptr);
-    Ptr32[MemTagDeallocationTraceIndex] = collectStackTrace();
-    Ptr32[MemTagDeallocationTidIndex] = getThreadID();
-    Ptr32[MemTagPrevTagIndex] = PrevTag;
+    Ptr32[MemTagAllocationTraceIndex] = Trace;
+    Ptr32[MemTagAllocationTidIndex] = Tid;
+    storeRingBufferEntry(untagPointer(Ptr), Trace, Tid, Size, 0, 0);
+  }
+  void storeDeallocationStackMaybe(Options Options, void *Ptr, u8 PrevTag,
+                                   uptr Size) {
+    if (!UNLIKELY(Options.get(OptionBit::TrackAllocationStacks)))
+      return;
+    auto *Ptr32 = reinterpret_cast<u32 *>(Ptr);
+    u32 AllocationTrace = Ptr32[MemTagAllocationTraceIndex];
+    u32 AllocationTid = Ptr32[MemTagAllocationTidIndex];
+    u32 DeallocationTrace = collectStackTrace();
+    u32 DeallocationTid = getThreadID();
+    storeRingBufferEntry(addFixedTag(untagPointer(Ptr), PrevTag),
+                         AllocationTrace, AllocationTid, Size,
+                         DeallocationTrace, DeallocationTid);
+  }
+  static const size_t NumErrorReports =
+      sizeof(((scudo_error_info *)0)->reports) /
+      sizeof(((scudo_error_info *)0)->reports[0]);
+  static void getInlineErrorInfo(struct scudo_error_info *ErrorInfo,
+                                 size_t &NextErrorReport, uintptr_t FaultAddr,
+                                 const StackDepot *Depot,
+                                 const char *RegionInfoPtr, const char *Memory,
+                                 const char *MemoryTags, uintptr_t MemoryAddr,
+                                 size_t MemorySize) {
+    uptr UntaggedFaultAddr = untagPointer(FaultAddr);
+    u8 FaultAddrTag = extractTag(FaultAddr);
+    BlockInfo Info =
+        PrimaryT::findNearestBlock(RegionInfoPtr, UntaggedFaultAddr);
+    auto GetGranule = [&](uptr Addr, const char **Data, uint8_t *Tag) -> bool {
+      if (Addr < MemoryAddr || Addr + archMemoryTagGranuleSize() < Addr ||
+          Addr + archMemoryTagGranuleSize() > MemoryAddr + MemorySize)
+        return false;
+      *Data = &Memory[Addr - MemoryAddr];
+      *Tag = static_cast<u8>(
+          MemoryTags[(Addr - MemoryAddr) / archMemoryTagGranuleSize()]);
+      return true;
+    };
+    auto ReadBlock = [&](uptr Addr, uptr *ChunkAddr,
+                         Chunk::UnpackedHeader *Header, const u32 **Data,
+                         u8 *Tag) {
+      const char *BlockBegin;
+      u8 BlockBeginTag;
+      if (!GetGranule(Addr, &BlockBegin, &BlockBeginTag))
+        return false;
+      uptr ChunkOffset = getChunkOffsetFromBlock(BlockBegin);
+      *ChunkAddr = Addr + ChunkOffset;
+      const char *ChunkBegin;
+      if (!GetGranule(*ChunkAddr, &ChunkBegin, Tag))
+        return false;
+      *Header = *reinterpret_cast<const Chunk::UnpackedHeader *>(
+          ChunkBegin - Chunk::getHeaderSize());
+      *Data = reinterpret_cast<const u32 *>(ChunkBegin);
+      return true;
+    };
+    if (NextErrorReport == NumErrorReports)
+      return;
+    auto CheckOOB = [&](uptr BlockAddr) {
+      if (BlockAddr < Info.RegionBegin || BlockAddr >= Info.RegionEnd)
+        return false;
+      uptr ChunkAddr;
+      Chunk::UnpackedHeader Header;
+      const u32 *Data;
+      uint8_t Tag;
+      if (!ReadBlock(BlockAddr, &ChunkAddr, &Header, &Data, &Tag) ||
+          Header.State != Chunk::State::Allocated || Tag != FaultAddrTag)
+        return false;
+      auto *R = &ErrorInfo->reports[NextErrorReport++];
+      R->error_type =
+          UntaggedFaultAddr < ChunkAddr ? BUFFER_UNDERFLOW : BUFFER_OVERFLOW;
+      R->allocation_address = ChunkAddr;
+      R->allocation_size = Header.SizeOrUnusedBytes;
+      collectTraceMaybe(Depot, R->allocation_trace,
+                        Data[MemTagAllocationTraceIndex]);
+      R->allocation_tid = Data[MemTagAllocationTidIndex];
+      return NextErrorReport == NumErrorReports;
+    };
+    if (CheckOOB(Info.BlockBegin))
+      return;
+    // Check for OOB in the 30 surrounding blocks. Beyond that we are likely to
+    // hit false positives.
+    for (int I = 1; I != 16; ++I)
+      if (CheckOOB(Info.BlockBegin + I * Info.BlockSize) ||
+          CheckOOB(Info.BlockBegin - I * Info.BlockSize))
+        return;
+  }
+  static void getRingBufferErrorInfo(struct scudo_error_info *ErrorInfo,
+                                     size_t &NextErrorReport,
+                                     uintptr_t FaultAddr,
+                                     const StackDepot *Depot,
+                                     const char *RingBufferPtr) {
+    auto *RingBuffer =
+        reinterpret_cast<const AllocationRingBuffer *>(RingBufferPtr);
+    uptr Pos = atomic_load_relaxed(&RingBuffer->Pos);
+    for (uptr I = Pos - 1; I != Pos - 1 - AllocationRingBuffer::NumEntries &&
+                           NextErrorReport != NumErrorReports;
+         --I) {
+      auto *Entry = &RingBuffer->Entries[I % AllocationRingBuffer::NumEntries];
+      uptr EntryPtr = atomic_load_relaxed(&Entry->Ptr);
+      uptr UntaggedEntryPtr = untagPointer(EntryPtr);
+      uptr EntrySize = atomic_load_relaxed(&Entry->AllocationSize);
+      if (!EntryPtr || FaultAddr < EntryPtr - getPageSizeCached() ||
+          FaultAddr >= EntryPtr + EntrySize + getPageSizeCached())
+        continue;
+      u32 AllocationTrace = atomic_load_relaxed(&Entry->AllocationTrace);
+      u32 AllocationTid = atomic_load_relaxed(&Entry->AllocationTid);
+      u32 DeallocationTrace = atomic_load_relaxed(&Entry->DeallocationTrace);
+      u32 DeallocationTid = atomic_load_relaxed(&Entry->DeallocationTid);
+      // For UAF the ring buffer will contain two entries, one for the
+      // allocation and another for the deallocation. Don't report buffer
+      // overflow/underflow using the allocation entry if we have already
+      // collected a report from the deallocation entry.
+      if (!DeallocationTrace) {
+        bool Found = false;
+        for (uptr J = 0; J != NextErrorReport; ++J) {
+          if (ErrorInfo->reports[J].allocation_address == UntaggedEntryPtr) {
+            Found = true;
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+        if (Found)
+          continue;
+      }
+      auto *R = &ErrorInfo->reports[NextErrorReport++];
+      if (DeallocationTid)
+        R->error_type = USE_AFTER_FREE;
+      else if (FaultAddr < EntryPtr)
+        R->error_type = BUFFER_UNDERFLOW;
+      else
+        R->error_type = BUFFER_OVERFLOW;
+      R->allocation_address = UntaggedEntryPtr;
+      R->allocation_size = EntrySize;
+      collectTraceMaybe(Depot, R->allocation_trace, AllocationTrace);
+      R->allocation_tid = AllocationTid;
+      collectTraceMaybe(Depot, R->deallocation_trace, DeallocationTrace);
+      R->deallocation_tid = DeallocationTid;
+    }
   uptr getStats(ScopedString *Str) {
diff --git a/fuzz/get_error_info_fuzzer.cpp b/fuzz/get_error_info_fuzzer.cpp
index f20a8a8..078e44b 100644
--- a/fuzz/get_error_info_fuzzer.cpp
+++ b/fuzz/get_error_info_fuzzer.cpp
@@ -37,16 +37,24 @@
     StackDepot[i] = StackDepotBytes[i];
-  std::string RegionInfoBytes = FDP.ConsumeRemainingBytesAsString();
+  std::string RegionInfoBytes =
+      FDP.ConsumeRandomLengthString(FDP.remaining_bytes());
   std::vector<char> RegionInfo(AllocatorT::getRegionInfoArraySize(), 0);
   for (size_t i = 0; i < RegionInfoBytes.length() && i < RegionInfo.size();
        ++i) {
     RegionInfo[i] = RegionInfoBytes[i];
+  std::string RingBufferBytes = FDP.ConsumeRemainingBytesAsString();
+  std::vector<char> RingBuffer(AllocatorT::getRingBufferSize(), 0);
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < RingBufferBytes.length() && i < RingBuffer.size();
+       ++i) {
+    RingBuffer[i] = RingBufferBytes[i];
+  }
   scudo_error_info ErrorInfo;
   AllocatorT::getErrorInfo(&ErrorInfo, FaultAddr,,
-                 , Memory, MemoryTags, MemoryAddr,
-                           MemorySize);
+                 ,, Memory,
+                           MemoryTags, MemoryAddr, MemorySize);
   return 0;
diff --git a/include/scudo/interface.h b/include/scudo/interface.h
index 68029e4..0e6cf3d 100644
--- a/include/scudo/interface.h
+++ b/include/scudo/interface.h
@@ -73,9 +73,9 @@
 // pointer.
 void __scudo_get_error_info(struct scudo_error_info *error_info,
                             uintptr_t fault_addr, const char *stack_depot,
-                            const char *region_info, const char *memory,
-                            const char *memory_tags, uintptr_t memory_addr,
-                            size_t memory_size);
+                            const char *region_info, const char *ring_buffer,
+                            const char *memory, const char *memory_tags,
+                            uintptr_t memory_addr, size_t memory_size);
 enum scudo_error_type {
@@ -107,6 +107,9 @@
 const char *__scudo_get_region_info_addr();
 size_t __scudo_get_region_info_size();
+const char *__scudo_get_ring_buffer_addr();
+size_t __scudo_get_ring_buffer_size();
 #ifndef M_DECAY_TIME
 #define M_DECAY_TIME -100
diff --git a/memtag.h b/memtag.h
index c8f9281..ea504bb 100644
--- a/memtag.h
+++ b/memtag.h
@@ -300,6 +300,15 @@
   return reinterpret_cast<void *>(untagPointer(reinterpret_cast<uptr>(Ptr)));
+inline void *loadTag(void *Ptr) {
+  return reinterpret_cast<void *>(loadTag(reinterpret_cast<uptr>(Ptr)));
+inline void *addFixedTag(void *Ptr, uptr Tag) {
+  return reinterpret_cast<void *>(
+      addFixedTag(reinterpret_cast<uptr>(Ptr), Tag));
 template <typename Config>
 inline constexpr bool allocatorSupportsMemoryTagging() {
   return archSupportsMemoryTagging() && Config::MaySupportMemoryTagging;
diff --git a/wrappers_c_bionic.cpp b/wrappers_c_bionic.cpp
index 4298e69..75ef22a 100644
--- a/wrappers_c_bionic.cpp
+++ b/wrappers_c_bionic.cpp
@@ -48,12 +48,15 @@
 // TODO(kostyak): support both allocators.
 INTERFACE void __scudo_print_stats(void) { Allocator.printStats(); }
-INTERFACE void __scudo_get_error_info(
-    struct scudo_error_info *error_info, uintptr_t fault_addr,
-    const char *stack_depot, const char *region_info, const char *memory,
-    const char *memory_tags, uintptr_t memory_addr, size_t memory_size) {
+__scudo_get_error_info(struct scudo_error_info *error_info,
+                       uintptr_t fault_addr, const char *stack_depot,
+                       const char *region_info, const char *ring_buffer,
+                       const char *memory, const char *memory_tags,
+                       uintptr_t memory_addr, size_t memory_size) {
   Allocator.getErrorInfo(error_info, fault_addr, stack_depot, region_info,
-                         memory, memory_tags, memory_addr, memory_size);
+                         ring_buffer, memory, memory_tags, memory_addr,
+                         memory_size);
 INTERFACE const char *__scudo_get_stack_depot_addr() {
@@ -72,4 +75,12 @@
   return Allocator.getRegionInfoArraySize();
+INTERFACE const char *__scudo_get_ring_buffer_addr() {
+  return Allocator.getRingBufferAddress();
+INTERFACE size_t __scudo_get_ring_buffer_size() {
+  return Allocator.getRingBufferSize();