blob: 1fa9ae024f6f5a49f5ff290e86c4cece4cbcf91c [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %compile-run-and-check
#include <omp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
const int MaxThreads = 1024;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int cancellation = -1, dynamic = -1, nested = -1, maxActiveLevels = -1;
#pragma omp target map(cancellation, dynamic, nested, maxActiveLevels)
// libomptarget-nvptx doesn't support cancellation.
cancellation = omp_get_cancellation();
// No support for dynamic adjustment of the number of threads.
dynamic = omp_get_dynamic();
// libomptarget-nvptx doesn't support nested parallelism.
nested = omp_get_nested();
maxActiveLevels = omp_get_max_active_levels();
// CHECK: cancellation = 0
printf("cancellation = %d\n", cancellation);
// CHECK: dynamic = 0
printf("dynamic = %d\n", dynamic);
// CHECK: nested = 0
printf("nested = %d\n", nested);
// CHECK: maxActiveLevels = 1
printf("maxActiveLevels = %d\n", maxActiveLevels);
return 0;