blob: 44f97c2246062f51c31698125c50e308f331128d [file] [log] [blame]
# #
#// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
#// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
#// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This file contains really common definitions used by multiple makefiles. Modify it carefully!
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --- Creating a directory ---
# A directory cannot be a target, because in Linux* OS directory's timestamp is updated each time a
# file is created or deleted in the directory. We use ".dir" file in place of directory. If such
# file exists, it means directory exists also.
.PRECIOUS : %/.dir # Do not delete automatically created files.
%/.dir :
$(mkdir) $(dir $@)
$(touch) $@
# --- Rebuilding ---
# Removing or touching .rebuild file causes rebuild.
# To let it work, .rebuild should be added as prerequisite to every rule (dependency with commands)
# except clean* and force*, in this and other makefiles.
.rebuild :
$(touch) $@
# -- Creating dependency file for C/C++ ---
%.d : %.c .rebuild
$(c) $(cpp-flags) $(c-flags) $(c-flags-m) $< > $@
%.d : %.cpp .rebuild
$(cxx) $(cpp-flags) $(cxx-flags) $(cxx-flags-m) $< > $@
# -- Creating preprocessed file for C/C++ ---
%.i : %.c .rebuild
$(c) $(cpp-flags) $(c-flags) -P $(c-out)$@ $<
%.i : %.cpp .rebuild
$(cxx) $(cpp-flags) $(cxx-flags) -P $(cxx-out)$@ $<
# -- Compiling C/C++ files ---
%$(obj) : %.c .rebuild
$(c) $(cpp-flags) $(c-flags) $(c-out)$@ $<
%$(obj) : %.cpp .rebuild
$(cxx) $(cpp-flags) $(cxx-flags) $(cxx-out)$@ $<
# -- Generate assembly files ---
%$(asm) : %.c .rebuild
$(c) $(cpp-flags) $(c-flags) -S $(c-out)$@ $<
%$(asm) : %.cpp .rebuild
$(cxx) $(cpp-flags) $(cxx-flags) -S $(cxx-out)$@ $<
# -- Compiling asm files ---
%$(obj) : %$(asm) .rebuild
# There is a bug on mic: icc does not work with "-x assembler-with-cpp" option, so we have
# to preprocess file manually and then assembly it.
ifeq "$(arch)" "mic"
$(c) -E $(cpp-flags) $< > $@.tmp
$(as) $(as-flags) -x assembler $(as-out)$@ $@.tmp
$(as) $(as-flags) $(as-out)$@ $<
# -- Expanding variables in template files ---
# General rule "% : %.var" does not work good, so we have to write more specific rules:
# "%.h : %.h.var", etc.
.PRECIOUS : %.h %.f %.rc # Do not delete automatically created files.
expand-vars = $(perl) $(tools_dir) --strict $(ev-flags) $< $@
# Any generated file depends on kmp_version.c, because we extract build number from that file.
%.h : %.h.var \
kmp_version.c $(tools_dir) .rebuild
%.f : %.f.var \
kmp_version.c $(tools_dir) .rebuild
%.f90 : %.f90.var \
kmp_version.c $(tools_dir) .rebuild
%.rc : %.rc.var \
kmp_version.c $(tools_dir) .rebuild
# -- Making static library ---
.PRECIOUS : %$(lib) # Do not delete automatically created files.
%$(lib) : %$(lib).lst .rebuild
$(rm) $@
$(ar) $(ar-flags) $(ar-out)$@ $$(cat $<)
# strip debug info in case it is requested (works for Linux* OS only)
ifneq "$(dbg_strip)" ""
ifeq "$(DEBUG_INFO)" "off"
ifeq "$(arch)" "mic"
x86_64-k1om-linux-objcopy --strip-debug $@
objcopy --strip-debug $@
# -- Making dynamic library ---
.PRECIOUS : %$(dll) # Do not delete automatically created files.
# should properly define imp_file, def_file, res_file, and pdb_file:
# lin and mac: def_file and res_file should be empty, imp_file and pdb_file do not matter.
# win: all the variabe may be empty; if a variable specified, it affects ld-flags.
# Note: imp_file and pdb_file are side effect of building this target.
# Note: to workaround CQ215229 $ld-flags-extra introduced to keep options be placed after objects
%$(dll) : %$(dll).lst $(def_file) $(res_file) .rebuild
$(ld) $(ld-flags-dll) $(ld-flags) $(ld-out)$@ $$(cat $<) $(ld-flags-extra) $(res_file)
# If stripped pdb exist, rename it to normal pdb name. See for explanation.
ifneq "$(pdb_file)" ""
ifeq "$(DEBUG_INFO)" "off"
mv $(pdb_file) $(pdb_file).nonstripped
mv $(pdb_file).stripped $(pdb_file)
ifneq "$(pdb_file)" ""
$(pdb_file) : $(lib_file)
%.dbg : %$(dll) .rebuild
ifeq "$(arch)" "mic"
x86_64-k1om-linux-objcopy --only-keep-debug $< $@
objcopy --only-keep-debug $< $@
.PRECIOUS: %.res # Do not delete automatically created files.
%.res : %.rc .rebuild
rc -fo$@ $<
# --- Building helper tools from sources ---
.PRECIOUS: %$(exe) # Do not delete automatically created files.
%$(exe) : $(tools_dir)%.cpp .rebuild
$(cxx) $(cxx-out)$@ $<
# --- Forcing a test ---
test-%/.force : test-%/.dir
$(rm) $(dir $@).{test,force}
# --- Removing a file in build directory ---
rm-% :
$(rm) $(patsubst rm-%,%,$@)
# end of file #