blob: b5b1b7cb0ec649481e0e9fe3c3548da4fa89a807 [file] [log] [blame]
# #
#// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
#// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
#// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
# --- Copy files to out directories ---
$(out_cmn_dir)include/% : % $(out_cmn_dir)include/.dir .rebuild
$(cp) $< $@
$(out_cmn_dir)include_compat/% : % $(out_cmn_dir)include_compat/.dir .rebuild
$(cp) $< $@
# Fat: touch .touch file on every update in $(out_lib_dir), so we will know should we update fat
# goal or not.
$(out_lib_dir)% : % $(out_lib_dir).dir .rebuild
$(cp) $< $@
ifneq "$(out_lib_fat_dir)" ""
$(touch) $(dir $@).touch
.PHONY: libomp_aliases
libomp_aliases: $(out_lib_dir).dir .rebuild $(out_lib_dir)$(lib_file)
ifeq "$(os)" "win"
cd $(out_lib_dir) ; $(cp) $(lib_file) libiomp5md$(dll) ; $(cp) $(imp_file) libiomp5md$(lib)
cd $(out_lib_dir) ; ln -sf $(lib_file) libiomp5$(dll)
$(out_ptf_dir)include/% : % $(out_ptf_dir)include/.dir .rebuild
$(cp) $< $@
$(out_ptf_dir)include_compat/% : % $(out_ptf_dir)include_compat/.dir .rebuild
$(cp) $< $@
$(out_l10n_dir)%/$(cat_file) : l10n/%/$(cat_file) $(out_l10n_dir)%/.dir .rebuild
$(cp) $< $@
ifeq "$(os)" "mac"
$(out_l10n_fat_dir)%/$(cat_file) : l10n/%/$(cat_file) $(out_l10n_fat_dir)%/.dir .rebuild
$(cp) $< $@
# --- Include really common rules ---
include $(LIBOMP_WORK)tools/src/
# --- Building helper tools from sources ---
.PRECIOUS: %$(exe) # Do not delete automatically created files.
%$(exe) : $(tools_dir)%.cpp .rebuild
$(cxx) $(cxx-out)$@ $<
# --- Fat libraries ---
# Every time new file is copied to $(out_lib_dir) directory we update $(out_lib_dir).rebuild file,
# so we know should we rebuild fat libraries or not.
# Note: Original implementation built fat libraries in mac_32 directory, then copied all the
# libraries from mac_32 to mac_32e directory. However, this may work wrong if exports/mac_*/lib/
# contains other libraries. So now we build fat libraries twice: in both mac_32
# and mac_32e directories.
ifeq "$(platform)" "mac_32e"
.PHONY : fat
fat : $(call _out_lib_fat_dir,mac_32).done $(call _out_lib_fat_dir,mac_32e).done
$(call _out_lib_fat_dir,mac_32).done \
$(call _out_lib_fat_dir,mac_32e).done : \
$(call _out_lib_dir,mac_32).touch \
$(call _out_lib_dir,mac_32e).touch \
$(tools_dir) \
$(call _out_lib_fat_dir,mac_32).dir $(call _out_lib_fat_dir,mac_32e).dir .rebuild
$(perl) $(tools_dir) \
--output=$(dir $@) $(call _out_lib_dir,mac_32) $(call _out_lib_dir,mac_32e)
$(touch) $@
# end of file #