blob: a9338c29747b0ffe36cf425bf1b0c4e5219bfebe [file] [log] [blame]
* kmp_affinity.cpp -- affinity management
* $Revision: 43473 $
* $Date: 2014-09-26 15:02:57 -0500 (Fri, 26 Sep 2014) $
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#include "kmp.h"
#include "kmp_i18n.h"
#include "kmp_io.h"
#include "kmp_str.h"
#include "kmp_wrapper_getpid.h"
// Print the affinity mask to the character array in a pretty format.
char *
__kmp_affinity_print_mask(char *buf, int buf_len, kmp_affin_mask_t *mask)
KMP_ASSERT(buf_len >= 40);
char *scan = buf;
char *end = buf + buf_len - 1;
// Find first element / check for empty set.
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < KMP_CPU_SETSIZE; i++) {
if (KMP_CPU_ISSET(i, mask)) {
if (i == KMP_CPU_SETSIZE) {
sprintf(scan, "{<empty>}");
while (*scan != '\0') scan++;
KMP_ASSERT(scan <= end);
return buf;
sprintf(scan, "{%ld", (long)i);
while (*scan != '\0') scan++;
for (; i < KMP_CPU_SETSIZE; i++) {
if (! KMP_CPU_ISSET(i, mask)) {
// Check for buffer overflow. A string of the form ",<n>" will have
// at most 10 characters, plus we want to leave room to print ",...}"
// if the set is too large to print for a total of 15 characters.
// We already left room for '\0' in setting end.
if (end - scan < 15) {
sprintf(scan, ",%-ld", (long)i);
while (*scan != '\0') scan++;
if (i < KMP_CPU_SETSIZE) {
sprintf(scan, ",...");
while (*scan != '\0') scan++;
sprintf(scan, "}");
while (*scan != '\0') scan++;
KMP_ASSERT(scan <= end);
return buf;
__kmp_affinity_entire_machine_mask(kmp_affin_mask_t *mask)
if (__kmp_num_proc_groups > 1) {
int group;
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(__kmp_GetActiveProcessorCount != NULL);
for (group = 0; group < __kmp_num_proc_groups; group++) {
int i;
int num = __kmp_GetActiveProcessorCount(group);
for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
KMP_CPU_SET(i + group * (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(DWORD_PTR)), mask);
# endif /* KMP_OS_WINDOWS && KMP_ARCH_X86_64 */
int proc;
for (proc = 0; proc < __kmp_xproc; proc++) {
KMP_CPU_SET(proc, mask);
// In Linux* OS debug & cover (-O0) builds, we need to avoid inline member
// functions.
// The icc codegen emits sections with extremely long names, of the form
// ".gnu.linkonce.<mangled_name>". There seems to have been a linker bug
// introduced between GNU ld version and involving
// some sort of memory corruption or table overflow that is triggered by
// these long strings. I checked the latest version of the linker -
// GNU ld (Linux* OS/GNU Binutils) - and the bug is not
// fixed.
// Unfortunately, my attempts to reproduce it in a smaller example have
// failed - I'm not sure what the prospects are of getting it fixed
// properly - but we need a reproducer smaller than all of libiomp.
// Work around the problem by avoiding inline constructors in such builds.
// We do this for all platforms, not just Linux* OS - non-inline functions are
// more debuggable and provide better coverage into than inline functions.
// Use inline functions in shipping libs, for performance.
# if !defined(KMP_DEBUG) && !defined(COVER)
class Address {
static const unsigned maxDepth = 32;
unsigned labels[maxDepth];
unsigned childNums[maxDepth];
unsigned depth;
unsigned leader;
Address(unsigned _depth)
: depth(_depth), leader(FALSE) {
Address &operator=(const Address &b) {
depth = b.depth;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
labels[i] = b.labels[i];
childNums[i] = b.childNums[i];
leader = FALSE;
return *this;
bool operator==(const Address &b) const {
if (depth != b.depth)
return false;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < depth; i++)
if(labels[i] != b.labels[i])
return false;
return true;
bool isClose(const Address &b, int level) const {
if (depth != b.depth)
return false;
if ((unsigned)level >= depth)
return true;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < (depth - level); i++)
if(labels[i] != b.labels[i])
return false;
return true;
bool operator!=(const Address &b) const {
return !operator==(b);
class AddrUnsPair {
Address first;
unsigned second;
AddrUnsPair(Address _first, unsigned _second)
: first(_first), second(_second) {
AddrUnsPair &operator=(const AddrUnsPair &b)
first = b.first;
second = b.second;
return *this;
# else
class Address {
static const unsigned maxDepth = 32;
unsigned labels[maxDepth];
unsigned childNums[maxDepth];
unsigned depth;
unsigned leader;
Address(unsigned _depth);
Address &operator=(const Address &b);
bool operator==(const Address &b) const;
bool isClose(const Address &b, int level) const;
bool operator!=(const Address &b) const;
Address::Address(unsigned _depth)
depth = _depth;
leader = FALSE;
Address &Address::operator=(const Address &b) {
depth = b.depth;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
labels[i] = b.labels[i];
childNums[i] = b.childNums[i];
leader = FALSE;
return *this;
bool Address::operator==(const Address &b) const {
if (depth != b.depth)
return false;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < depth; i++)
if(labels[i] != b.labels[i])
return false;
return true;
bool Address::isClose(const Address &b, int level) const {
if (depth != b.depth)
return false;
if ((unsigned)level >= depth)
return true;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < (depth - level); i++)
if(labels[i] != b.labels[i])
return false;
return true;
bool Address::operator!=(const Address &b) const {
return !operator==(b);
class AddrUnsPair {
Address first;
unsigned second;
AddrUnsPair(Address _first, unsigned _second);
AddrUnsPair &operator=(const AddrUnsPair &b);
AddrUnsPair::AddrUnsPair(Address _first, unsigned _second)
: first(_first), second(_second)
AddrUnsPair &AddrUnsPair::operator=(const AddrUnsPair &b)
first = b.first;
second = b.second;
return *this;
# endif /* !defined(KMP_DEBUG) && !defined(COVER) */
static int
__kmp_affinity_cmp_Address_labels(const void *a, const void *b)
const Address *aa = (const Address *)&(((AddrUnsPair *)a)
const Address *bb = (const Address *)&(((AddrUnsPair *)b)
unsigned depth = aa->depth;
unsigned i;
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(depth == bb->depth);
for (i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
if (aa->labels[i] < bb->labels[i]) return -1;
if (aa->labels[i] > bb->labels[i]) return 1;
return 0;
static int
__kmp_affinity_cmp_Address_child_num(const void *a, const void *b)
const Address *aa = (const Address *)&(((AddrUnsPair *)a)
const Address *bb = (const Address *)&(((AddrUnsPair *)b)
unsigned depth = aa->depth;
unsigned i;
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(depth == bb->depth);
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT((unsigned)__kmp_affinity_compact <= depth);
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(__kmp_affinity_compact >= 0);
for (i = 0; i < (unsigned)__kmp_affinity_compact; i++) {
int j = depth - i - 1;
if (aa->childNums[j] < bb->childNums[j]) return -1;
if (aa->childNums[j] > bb->childNums[j]) return 1;
for (; i < depth; i++) {
int j = i - __kmp_affinity_compact;
if (aa->childNums[j] < bb->childNums[j]) return -1;
if (aa->childNums[j] > bb->childNums[j]) return 1;
return 0;
/** A structure for holding machine-specific hierarchy info to be computed once at init. */
class hierarchy_info {
/** Typical levels are threads/core, cores/package or socket, packages/node, nodes/machine,
etc. We don't want to get specific with nomenclature */
static const kmp_uint32 maxLevels=7;
/** This is specifically the depth of the machine configuration hierarchy, in terms of the
number of levels along the longest path from root to any leaf. It corresponds to the
number of entries in numPerLevel if we exclude all but one trailing 1. */
kmp_uint32 depth;
kmp_uint32 base_depth;
kmp_uint32 base_num_threads;
bool uninitialized;
/** Level 0 corresponds to leaves. numPerLevel[i] is the number of children the parent of a
node at level i has. For example, if we have a machine with 4 packages, 4 cores/package
and 2 HT per core, then numPerLevel = {2, 4, 4, 1, 1}. All empty levels are set to 1. */
kmp_uint32 numPerLevel[maxLevels];
kmp_uint32 skipPerLevel[maxLevels];
void deriveLevels(AddrUnsPair *adr2os, int num_addrs) {
int hier_depth = adr2os[0].first.depth;
int level = 0;
for (int i=hier_depth-1; i>=0; --i) {
int max = -1;
for (int j=0; j<num_addrs; ++j) {
int next = adr2os[j].first.childNums[i];
if (next > max) max = next;
numPerLevel[level] = max+1;
hierarchy_info() : depth(1), uninitialized(true) {}
void init(AddrUnsPair *adr2os, int num_addrs)
uninitialized = false;
for (kmp_uint32 i=0; i<maxLevels; ++i) { // init numPerLevel[*] to 1 item per level
numPerLevel[i] = 1;
skipPerLevel[i] = 1;
// Sort table by physical ID
if (adr2os) {
qsort(adr2os, num_addrs, sizeof(*adr2os), __kmp_affinity_cmp_Address_labels);
deriveLevels(adr2os, num_addrs);
else {
numPerLevel[0] = 4;
numPerLevel[1] = num_addrs/4;
if (num_addrs%4) numPerLevel[1]++;
base_num_threads = num_addrs;
for (int i=maxLevels-1; i>=0; --i) // count non-empty levels to get depth
if (numPerLevel[i] != 1 || depth > 1) // only count one top-level '1'
kmp_uint32 branch = 4;
if (numPerLevel[0] == 1) branch = num_addrs/4;
if (branch<4) branch=4;
for (kmp_uint32 d=0; d<depth-1; ++d) { // optimize hierarchy width
while (numPerLevel[d] > branch || (d==0 && numPerLevel[d]>4)) { // max 4 on level 0!
if (numPerLevel[d] & 1) numPerLevel[d]++;
numPerLevel[d] = numPerLevel[d] >> 1;
if (numPerLevel[d+1] == 1) depth++;
numPerLevel[d+1] = numPerLevel[d+1] << 1;
if(numPerLevel[0] == 1) {
branch = branch >> 1;
if (branch<4) branch = 4;
for (kmp_uint32 i=1; i<depth; ++i)
skipPerLevel[i] = numPerLevel[i-1] * skipPerLevel[i-1];
base_depth = depth;
static hierarchy_info machine_hierarchy;
void __kmp_get_hierarchy(kmp_uint32 nproc, kmp_bstate_t *thr_bar) {
if (machine_hierarchy.uninitialized)
machine_hierarchy.init(NULL, nproc);
if (nproc <= machine_hierarchy.base_num_threads)
machine_hierarchy.depth = machine_hierarchy.base_depth;
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(machine_hierarchy.depth > 0);
while (nproc > machine_hierarchy.skipPerLevel[machine_hierarchy.depth-1]) {
machine_hierarchy.skipPerLevel[machine_hierarchy.depth-1] = 2*machine_hierarchy.skipPerLevel[machine_hierarchy.depth-2];
thr_bar->depth = machine_hierarchy.depth;
thr_bar->base_leaf_kids = (kmp_uint8)machine_hierarchy.numPerLevel[0]-1;
thr_bar->skip_per_level = machine_hierarchy.skipPerLevel;
// When sorting by labels, __kmp_affinity_assign_child_nums() must first be
// called to renumber the labels from [0..n] and place them into the child_num
// vector of the address object. This is done in case the labels used for
// the children at one node of the hierarchy differ from those used for
// another node at the same level. Example: suppose the machine has 2 nodes
// with 2 packages each. The first node contains packages 601 and 602, and
// second node contains packages 603 and 604. If we try to sort the table
// for "scatter" affinity, the table will still be sorted 601, 602, 603, 604
// because we are paying attention to the labels themselves, not the ordinal
// child numbers. By using the child numbers in the sort, the result is
// {0,0}=601, {0,1}=603, {1,0}=602, {1,1}=604.
static void
__kmp_affinity_assign_child_nums(AddrUnsPair *address2os,
int numAddrs)
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(numAddrs > 0);
int depth = address2os->first.depth;
unsigned *counts = (unsigned *)__kmp_allocate(depth * sizeof(unsigned));
unsigned *lastLabel = (unsigned *)__kmp_allocate(depth
* sizeof(unsigned));
int labCt;
for (labCt = 0; labCt < depth; labCt++) {
address2os[0].first.childNums[labCt] = counts[labCt] = 0;
lastLabel[labCt] = address2os[0].first.labels[labCt];
int i;
for (i = 1; i < numAddrs; i++) {
for (labCt = 0; labCt < depth; labCt++) {
if (address2os[i].first.labels[labCt] != lastLabel[labCt]) {
int labCt2;
for (labCt2 = labCt + 1; labCt2 < depth; labCt2++) {
counts[labCt2] = 0;
lastLabel[labCt2] = address2os[i].first.labels[labCt2];
lastLabel[labCt] = address2os[i].first.labels[labCt];
for (labCt = 0; labCt < depth; labCt++) {
address2os[i].first.childNums[labCt] = counts[labCt];
for (; labCt < (int)Address::maxDepth; labCt++) {
address2os[i].first.childNums[labCt] = 0;
// All of the __kmp_affinity_create_*_map() routines should set
// __kmp_affinity_masks to a vector of affinity mask objects of length
// __kmp_affinity_num_masks, if __kmp_affinity_type != affinity_none, and
// return the number of levels in the machine topology tree (zero if
// __kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none).
// All of the __kmp_affinity_create_*_map() routines should set *fullMask
// to the affinity mask for the initialization thread. They need to save and
// restore the mask, and it could be needed later, so saving it is just an
// optimization to avoid calling kmp_get_system_affinity() again.
static kmp_affin_mask_t *fullMask = NULL;
kmp_affin_mask_t *
__kmp_affinity_get_fullMask() { return fullMask; }
static int nCoresPerPkg, nPackages;
int __kmp_nThreadsPerCore;
// __kmp_affinity_uniform_topology() doesn't work when called from
// places which support arbitrarily many levels in the machine topology
// map, i.e. the non-default cases in __kmp_affinity_create_cpuinfo_map()
// __kmp_affinity_create_x2apicid_map().
inline static bool
return __kmp_avail_proc == (__kmp_nThreadsPerCore * nCoresPerPkg * nPackages);
// Print out the detailed machine topology map, i.e. the physical locations
// of each OS proc.
static void
__kmp_affinity_print_topology(AddrUnsPair *address2os, int len, int depth,
int pkgLevel, int coreLevel, int threadLevel)
int proc;
KMP_INFORM(OSProcToPhysicalThreadMap, "KMP_AFFINITY");
for (proc = 0; proc < len; proc++) {
int level;
kmp_str_buf_t buf;
for (level = 0; level < depth; level++) {
if (level == threadLevel) {
__kmp_str_buf_print(&buf, "%s ", KMP_I18N_STR(Thread));
else if (level == coreLevel) {
__kmp_str_buf_print(&buf, "%s ", KMP_I18N_STR(Core));
else if (level == pkgLevel) {
__kmp_str_buf_print(&buf, "%s ", KMP_I18N_STR(Package));
else if (level > pkgLevel) {
__kmp_str_buf_print(&buf, "%s_%d ", KMP_I18N_STR(Node),
level - pkgLevel - 1);
else {
__kmp_str_buf_print(&buf, "L%d ", level);
__kmp_str_buf_print(&buf, "%d ",
KMP_INFORM(OSProcMapToPack, "KMP_AFFINITY", address2os[proc].second,
// If we don't know how to retrieve the machine's processor topology, or
// encounter an error in doing so, this routine is called to form a "flat"
// mapping of os thread id's <-> processor id's.
static int
__kmp_affinity_create_flat_map(AddrUnsPair **address2os,
kmp_i18n_id_t *const msg_id)
*address2os = NULL;
*msg_id = kmp_i18n_null;
// Even if __kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none, this routine might still
// called to set __kmp_ht_enabled, & __kmp_ncores, as well as
// __kmp_nThreadsPerCore, nCoresPerPkg, & nPackages.
KMP_ASSERT(__kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none);
__kmp_ncores = nPackages = __kmp_xproc;
__kmp_nThreadsPerCore = nCoresPerPkg = 1;
__kmp_ht_enabled = FALSE;
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
KMP_INFORM(AvailableOSProc, "KMP_AFFINITY", __kmp_avail_proc);
KMP_INFORM(Topology, "KMP_AFFINITY", nPackages, nCoresPerPkg,
__kmp_nThreadsPerCore, __kmp_ncores);
return 0;
// When affinity is off, this routine will still be called to set
// __kmp_ht_enabled, & __kmp_ncores, as well as __kmp_nThreadsPerCore,
// nCoresPerPkg, & nPackages. Make sure all these vars are set
// correctly, and return now if affinity is not enabled.
__kmp_ncores = nPackages = __kmp_avail_proc;
__kmp_nThreadsPerCore = nCoresPerPkg = 1;
__kmp_ht_enabled = FALSE;
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
__kmp_affinity_print_mask(buf, KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN, fullMask);
if (__kmp_affinity_respect_mask) {
KMP_INFORM(InitOSProcSetRespect, "KMP_AFFINITY", buf);
} else {
KMP_INFORM(InitOSProcSetNotRespect, "KMP_AFFINITY", buf);
KMP_INFORM(AvailableOSProc, "KMP_AFFINITY", __kmp_avail_proc);
KMP_INFORM(Topology, "KMP_AFFINITY", nPackages, nCoresPerPkg,
__kmp_nThreadsPerCore, __kmp_ncores);
if (__kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none) {
return 0;
// Contruct the data structure to be returned.
*address2os = (AddrUnsPair*)
__kmp_allocate(sizeof(**address2os) * __kmp_avail_proc);
int avail_ct = 0;
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < KMP_CPU_SETSIZE; ++i) {
// Skip this proc if it is not included in the machine model.
if (! KMP_CPU_ISSET(i, fullMask)) {
Address addr(1);
addr.labels[0] = i;
(*address2os)[avail_ct++] = AddrUnsPair(addr,i);
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
if (__kmp_affinity_gran_levels < 0) {
// Only the package level is modeled in the machine topology map,
// so the #levels of granularity is either 0 or 1.
if (__kmp_affinity_gran > affinity_gran_package) {
__kmp_affinity_gran_levels = 1;
else {
__kmp_affinity_gran_levels = 0;
return 1;
// If multiple Windows* OS processor groups exist, we can create a 2-level
// topology map with the groups at level 0 and the individual procs at
// level 1.
// This facilitates letting the threads float among all procs in a group,
// if granularity=group (the default when there are multiple groups).
static int
__kmp_affinity_create_proc_group_map(AddrUnsPair **address2os,
kmp_i18n_id_t *const msg_id)
*address2os = NULL;
*msg_id = kmp_i18n_null;
// If we don't have multiple processor groups, return now.
// The flat mapping will be used.
if ((! KMP_AFFINITY_CAPABLE()) || (__kmp_get_proc_group(fullMask) >= 0)) {
// FIXME set *msg_id
return -1;
// Contruct the data structure to be returned.
*address2os = (AddrUnsPair*)
__kmp_allocate(sizeof(**address2os) * __kmp_avail_proc);
int avail_ct = 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < KMP_CPU_SETSIZE; ++i) {
// Skip this proc if it is not included in the machine model.
if (! KMP_CPU_ISSET(i, fullMask)) {
Address addr(2);
addr.labels[0] = i / (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(DWORD_PTR));
addr.labels[1] = i % (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(DWORD_PTR));
(*address2os)[avail_ct++] = AddrUnsPair(addr,i);
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
KMP_INFORM(AffOSProcToGroup, "KMP_AFFINITY", i, addr.labels[0],
if (__kmp_affinity_gran_levels < 0) {
if (__kmp_affinity_gran == affinity_gran_group) {
__kmp_affinity_gran_levels = 1;
else if ((__kmp_affinity_gran == affinity_gran_fine)
|| (__kmp_affinity_gran == affinity_gran_thread)) {
__kmp_affinity_gran_levels = 0;
else {
const char *gran_str = NULL;
if (__kmp_affinity_gran == affinity_gran_core) {
gran_str = "core";
else if (__kmp_affinity_gran == affinity_gran_package) {
gran_str = "package";
else if (__kmp_affinity_gran == affinity_gran_node) {
gran_str = "node";
else {
// Warning: can't use affinity granularity \"gran\" with group topology method, using "thread"
__kmp_affinity_gran_levels = 0;
return 2;
# endif /* KMP_OS_WINDOWS && KMP_ARCH_X86_64 */
# if KMP_ARCH_X86 || KMP_ARCH_X86_64
static int
__kmp_cpuid_mask_width(int count) {
int r = 0;
while((1<<r) < count)
return r;
class apicThreadInfo {
unsigned osId; // param to __kmp_affinity_bind_thread
unsigned apicId; // from cpuid after binding
unsigned maxCoresPerPkg; // ""
unsigned maxThreadsPerPkg; // ""
unsigned pkgId; // inferred from above values
unsigned coreId; // ""
unsigned threadId; // ""
static int
__kmp_affinity_cmp_apicThreadInfo_os_id(const void *a, const void *b)
const apicThreadInfo *aa = (const apicThreadInfo *)a;
const apicThreadInfo *bb = (const apicThreadInfo *)b;
if (aa->osId < bb->osId) return -1;
if (aa->osId > bb->osId) return 1;
return 0;
static int
__kmp_affinity_cmp_apicThreadInfo_phys_id(const void *a, const void *b)
const apicThreadInfo *aa = (const apicThreadInfo *)a;
const apicThreadInfo *bb = (const apicThreadInfo *)b;
if (aa->pkgId < bb->pkgId) return -1;
if (aa->pkgId > bb->pkgId) return 1;
if (aa->coreId < bb->coreId) return -1;
if (aa->coreId > bb->coreId) return 1;
if (aa->threadId < bb->threadId) return -1;
if (aa->threadId > bb->threadId) return 1;
return 0;
// On IA-32 architecture and Intel(R) 64 architecture, we attempt to use
// an algorithm which cycles through the available os threads, setting
// the current thread's affinity mask to that thread, and then retrieves
// the Apic Id for each thread context using the cpuid instruction.
static int
__kmp_affinity_create_apicid_map(AddrUnsPair **address2os,
kmp_i18n_id_t *const msg_id)
int rc;
*address2os = NULL;
*msg_id = kmp_i18n_null;
# if KMP_MIC
// The code below will use cpuid(4).
// Check if cpuid(4) is supported.
// FIXME? - this really doesn't need to be specific to MIC.
kmp_cpuid buf;
__kmp_x86_cpuid(0, 0, &buf);
if (buf.eax < 4) {
*msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_NoLeaf4Support;
return -1;
# endif // KMP_MIC
// Even if __kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none, this routine is still
// called to set __kmp_ht_enabled, & __kmp_ncores, as well as
// __kmp_nThreadsPerCore, nCoresPerPkg, & nPackages.
// The algorithm used starts by setting the affinity to each available
// thread and retreiving info from the cpuid instruction, so if we are not
// capable of calling __kmp_affinity_get_map()/__kmp_affinity_get_map(),
// then we need to do something else.
// Hack to try and infer the machine topology using only the data
// available from cpuid on the current thread, and __kmp_xproc.
KMP_ASSERT(__kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none);
// Get an upper bound on the number of threads per package using
// cpuid(1).
// On some OS/chps combinations where HT is supported by the chip
// but is disabled, this value will be 2 on a single core chip.
// Usually, it will be 2 if HT is enabled and 1 if HT is disabled.
kmp_cpuid buf;
__kmp_x86_cpuid(1, 0, &buf);
int maxThreadsPerPkg = (buf.ebx >> 16) & 0xff;
if (maxThreadsPerPkg == 0) {
maxThreadsPerPkg = 1;
// The num cores per pkg comes from cpuid(4).
// 1 must be added to the encoded value.
// The author of cpu_count.cpp treated this only an upper bound
// on the number of cores, but I haven't seen any cases where it
// was greater than the actual number of cores, so we will treat
// it as exact in this block of code.
// First, we need to check if cpuid(4) is supported on this chip.
// To see if cpuid(n) is supported, issue cpuid(0) and check if eax
// has the value n or greater.
__kmp_x86_cpuid(0, 0, &buf);
if (buf.eax >= 4) {
__kmp_x86_cpuid(4, 0, &buf);
nCoresPerPkg = ((buf.eax >> 26) & 0x3f) + 1;
else {
nCoresPerPkg = 1;
// There is no way to reliably tell if HT is enabled without issuing
// the cpuid instruction from every thread, can correlating the cpuid
// info, so if the machine is not affinity capable, we assume that HT
// is off. We have seen quite a few machines where maxThreadsPerPkg
// is 2, yet the machine does not support HT.
// - Older OSes are usually found on machines with older chips, which
// do not support HT.
// - The performance penalty for mistakenly identifying a machine as
// HT when it isn't (which results in blocktime being incorrecly set
// to 0) is greater than the penalty when for mistakenly identifying
// a machine as being 1 thread/core when it is really HT enabled
// (which results in blocktime being incorrectly set to a positive
// value).
__kmp_ncores = __kmp_xproc;
nPackages = (__kmp_xproc + nCoresPerPkg - 1) / nCoresPerPkg;
__kmp_nThreadsPerCore = 1;
__kmp_ht_enabled = FALSE;
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
KMP_INFORM(AffNotCapableUseLocCpuid, "KMP_AFFINITY");
KMP_INFORM(AvailableOSProc, "KMP_AFFINITY", __kmp_avail_proc);
if (__kmp_affinity_uniform_topology()) {
} else {
KMP_INFORM(Topology, "KMP_AFFINITY", nPackages, nCoresPerPkg,
__kmp_nThreadsPerCore, __kmp_ncores);
return 0;
// From here on, we can assume that it is safe to call
// __kmp_get_system_affinity() and __kmp_set_system_affinity(),
// even if __kmp_affinity_type = affinity_none.
// Save the affinity mask for the current thread.
kmp_affin_mask_t *oldMask;
KMP_ASSERT(oldMask != NULL);
__kmp_get_system_affinity(oldMask, TRUE);
// Run through each of the available contexts, binding the current thread
// to it, and obtaining the pertinent information using the cpuid instr.
// The relevant information is:
// Apic Id: Bits 24:31 of ebx after issuing cpuid(1) - each thread context
// has a uniqie Apic Id, which is of the form pkg# : core# : thread#.
// Max Threads Per Pkg: Bits 16:23 of ebx after issuing cpuid(1). The
// value of this field determines the width of the core# + thread#
// fields in the Apic Id. It is also an upper bound on the number
// of threads per package, but it has been verified that situations
// happen were it is not exact. In particular, on certain OS/chip
// combinations where Intel(R) Hyper-Threading Technology is supported
// by the chip but has
// been disabled, the value of this field will be 2 (for a single core
// chip). On other OS/chip combinations supporting
// Intel(R) Hyper-Threading Technology, the value of
// this field will be 1 when Intel(R) Hyper-Threading Technology is
// disabled and 2 when it is enabled.
// Max Cores Per Pkg: Bits 26:31 of eax after issuing cpuid(4). The
// value of this field (+1) determines the width of the core# field in
// the Apic Id. The comments in "cpucount.cpp" say that this value is
// an upper bound, but the IA-32 architecture manual says that it is
// exactly the number of cores per package, and I haven't seen any
// case where it wasn't.
// From this information, deduce the package Id, core Id, and thread Id,
// and set the corresponding fields in the apicThreadInfo struct.
unsigned i;
apicThreadInfo *threadInfo = (apicThreadInfo *)__kmp_allocate(
__kmp_avail_proc * sizeof(apicThreadInfo));
unsigned nApics = 0;
for (i = 0; i < KMP_CPU_SETSIZE; ++i) {
// Skip this proc if it is not included in the machine model.
if (! KMP_CPU_ISSET(i, fullMask)) {
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT((int)nApics < __kmp_avail_proc);
threadInfo[nApics].osId = i;
// The apic id and max threads per pkg come from cpuid(1).
kmp_cpuid buf;
__kmp_x86_cpuid(1, 0, &buf);
if (! (buf.edx >> 9) & 1) {
__kmp_set_system_affinity(oldMask, TRUE);
*msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_ApicNotPresent;
return -1;
threadInfo[nApics].apicId = (buf.ebx >> 24) & 0xff;
threadInfo[nApics].maxThreadsPerPkg = (buf.ebx >> 16) & 0xff;
if (threadInfo[nApics].maxThreadsPerPkg == 0) {
threadInfo[nApics].maxThreadsPerPkg = 1;
// Max cores per pkg comes from cpuid(4).
// 1 must be added to the encoded value.
// First, we need to check if cpuid(4) is supported on this chip.
// To see if cpuid(n) is supported, issue cpuid(0) and check if eax
// has the value n or greater.
__kmp_x86_cpuid(0, 0, &buf);
if (buf.eax >= 4) {
__kmp_x86_cpuid(4, 0, &buf);
threadInfo[nApics].maxCoresPerPkg = ((buf.eax >> 26) & 0x3f) + 1;
else {
threadInfo[nApics].maxCoresPerPkg = 1;
// Infer the pkgId / coreId / threadId using only the info
// obtained locally.
int widthCT = __kmp_cpuid_mask_width(
threadInfo[nApics].pkgId = threadInfo[nApics].apicId >> widthCT;
int widthC = __kmp_cpuid_mask_width(
int widthT = widthCT - widthC;
if (widthT < 0) {
// I've never seen this one happen, but I suppose it could, if
// the cpuid instruction on a chip was really screwed up.
// Make sure to restore the affinity mask before the tail call.
__kmp_set_system_affinity(oldMask, TRUE);
*msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_InvalidCpuidInfo;
return -1;
int maskC = (1 << widthC) - 1;
threadInfo[nApics].coreId = (threadInfo[nApics].apicId >> widthT)
int maskT = (1 << widthT) - 1;
threadInfo[nApics].threadId = threadInfo[nApics].apicId &maskT;
// We've collected all the info we need.
// Restore the old affinity mask for this thread.
__kmp_set_system_affinity(oldMask, TRUE);
// If there's only one thread context to bind to, form an Address object
// with depth 1 and return immediately (or, if affinity is off, set
// address2os to NULL and return).
// If it is configured to omit the package level when there is only a
// single package, the logic at the end of this routine won't work if
// there is only a single thread - it would try to form an Address
// object with depth 0.
KMP_ASSERT(nApics > 0);
if (nApics == 1) {
__kmp_ncores = nPackages = 1;
__kmp_nThreadsPerCore = nCoresPerPkg = 1;
__kmp_ht_enabled = FALSE;
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
__kmp_affinity_print_mask(buf, KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN, oldMask);
if (__kmp_affinity_respect_mask) {
KMP_INFORM(InitOSProcSetRespect, "KMP_AFFINITY", buf);
} else {
KMP_INFORM(InitOSProcSetNotRespect, "KMP_AFFINITY", buf);
KMP_INFORM(AvailableOSProc, "KMP_AFFINITY", __kmp_avail_proc);
KMP_INFORM(Topology, "KMP_AFFINITY", nPackages, nCoresPerPkg,
__kmp_nThreadsPerCore, __kmp_ncores);
if (__kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none) {
return 0;
*address2os = (AddrUnsPair*)__kmp_allocate(sizeof(AddrUnsPair));
Address addr(1);
addr.labels[0] = threadInfo[0].pkgId;
(*address2os)[0] = AddrUnsPair(addr, threadInfo[0].osId);
if (__kmp_affinity_gran_levels < 0) {
__kmp_affinity_gran_levels = 0;
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
__kmp_affinity_print_topology(*address2os, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1);
return 1;
// Sort the threadInfo table by physical Id.
qsort(threadInfo, nApics, sizeof(*threadInfo),
// The table is now sorted by pkgId / coreId / threadId, but we really
// don't know the radix of any of the fields. pkgId's may be sparsely
// assigned among the chips on a system. Although coreId's are usually
// assigned [0 .. coresPerPkg-1] and threadId's are usually assigned
// [0..threadsPerCore-1], we don't want to make any such assumptions.
// For that matter, we don't know what coresPerPkg and threadsPerCore
// (or the total # packages) are at this point - we want to determine
// that now. We only have an upper bound on the first two figures.
// We also perform a consistency check at this point: the values returned
// by the cpuid instruction for any thread bound to a given package had
// better return the same info for maxThreadsPerPkg and maxCoresPerPkg.
nPackages = 1;
nCoresPerPkg = 1;
__kmp_nThreadsPerCore = 1;
unsigned nCores = 1;
unsigned pkgCt = 1; // to determine radii
unsigned lastPkgId = threadInfo[0].pkgId;
unsigned coreCt = 1;
unsigned lastCoreId = threadInfo[0].coreId;
unsigned threadCt = 1;
unsigned lastThreadId = threadInfo[0].threadId;
// intra-pkg consist checks
unsigned prevMaxCoresPerPkg = threadInfo[0].maxCoresPerPkg;
unsigned prevMaxThreadsPerPkg = threadInfo[0].maxThreadsPerPkg;
for (i = 1; i < nApics; i++) {
if (threadInfo[i].pkgId != lastPkgId) {
lastPkgId = threadInfo[i].pkgId;
if ((int)coreCt > nCoresPerPkg) nCoresPerPkg = coreCt;
coreCt = 1;
lastCoreId = threadInfo[i].coreId;
if ((int)threadCt > __kmp_nThreadsPerCore) __kmp_nThreadsPerCore = threadCt;
threadCt = 1;
lastThreadId = threadInfo[i].threadId;
// This is a different package, so go on to the next iteration
// without doing any consistency checks. Reset the consistency
// check vars, though.
prevMaxCoresPerPkg = threadInfo[i].maxCoresPerPkg;
prevMaxThreadsPerPkg = threadInfo[i].maxThreadsPerPkg;
if (threadInfo[i].coreId != lastCoreId) {
lastCoreId = threadInfo[i].coreId;
if ((int)threadCt > __kmp_nThreadsPerCore) __kmp_nThreadsPerCore = threadCt;
threadCt = 1;
lastThreadId = threadInfo[i].threadId;
else if (threadInfo[i].threadId != lastThreadId) {
lastThreadId = threadInfo[i].threadId;
else {
*msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_LegacyApicIDsNotUnique;
return -1;
// Check to make certain that the maxCoresPerPkg and maxThreadsPerPkg
// fields agree between all the threads bounds to a given package.
if ((prevMaxCoresPerPkg != threadInfo[i].maxCoresPerPkg)
|| (prevMaxThreadsPerPkg != threadInfo[i].maxThreadsPerPkg)) {
*msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_InconsistentCpuidInfo;
return -1;
nPackages = pkgCt;
if ((int)coreCt > nCoresPerPkg) nCoresPerPkg = coreCt;
if ((int)threadCt > __kmp_nThreadsPerCore) __kmp_nThreadsPerCore = threadCt;
// When affinity is off, this routine will still be called to set
// __kmp_ht_enabled, & __kmp_ncores, as well as __kmp_nThreadsPerCore,
// nCoresPerPkg, & nPackages. Make sure all these vars are set
// correctly, and return now if affinity is not enabled.
__kmp_ht_enabled = (__kmp_nThreadsPerCore > 1);
__kmp_ncores = nCores;
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
__kmp_affinity_print_mask(buf, KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN, oldMask);
if (__kmp_affinity_respect_mask) {
KMP_INFORM(InitOSProcSetRespect, "KMP_AFFINITY", buf);
} else {
KMP_INFORM(InitOSProcSetNotRespect, "KMP_AFFINITY", buf);
KMP_INFORM(AvailableOSProc, "KMP_AFFINITY", __kmp_avail_proc);
if (__kmp_affinity_uniform_topology()) {
} else {
KMP_INFORM(Topology, "KMP_AFFINITY", nPackages, nCoresPerPkg,
__kmp_nThreadsPerCore, __kmp_ncores);
if (__kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none) {
return 0;
// Now that we've determined the number of packages, the number of cores
// per package, and the number of threads per core, we can construct the
// data structure that is to be returned.
int pkgLevel = 0;
int coreLevel = (nCoresPerPkg <= 1) ? -1 : 1;
int threadLevel = (__kmp_nThreadsPerCore <= 1) ? -1 : ((coreLevel >= 0) ? 2 : 1);
unsigned depth = (pkgLevel >= 0) + (coreLevel >= 0) + (threadLevel >= 0);
KMP_ASSERT(depth > 0);
*address2os = (AddrUnsPair*)__kmp_allocate(sizeof(AddrUnsPair) * nApics);
for (i = 0; i < nApics; ++i) {
Address addr(depth);
unsigned os = threadInfo[i].osId;
int d = 0;
if (pkgLevel >= 0) {
addr.labels[d++] = threadInfo[i].pkgId;
if (coreLevel >= 0) {
addr.labels[d++] = threadInfo[i].coreId;
if (threadLevel >= 0) {
addr.labels[d++] = threadInfo[i].threadId;
(*address2os)[i] = AddrUnsPair(addr, os);
if (__kmp_affinity_gran_levels < 0) {
// Set the granularity level based on what levels are modeled
// in the machine topology map.
__kmp_affinity_gran_levels = 0;
if ((threadLevel >= 0)
&& (__kmp_affinity_gran > affinity_gran_thread)) {
if ((coreLevel >= 0) && (__kmp_affinity_gran > affinity_gran_core)) {
if ((pkgLevel >= 0) && (__kmp_affinity_gran > affinity_gran_package)) {
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
__kmp_affinity_print_topology(*address2os, nApics, depth, pkgLevel,
coreLevel, threadLevel);
return depth;
// Intel(R) microarchitecture code name Nehalem, Dunnington and later
// architectures support a newer interface for specifying the x2APIC Ids,
// based on cpuid leaf 11.
static int
__kmp_affinity_create_x2apicid_map(AddrUnsPair **address2os,
kmp_i18n_id_t *const msg_id)
kmp_cpuid buf;
*address2os = NULL;
*msg_id = kmp_i18n_null;
// Check to see if cpuid leaf 11 is supported.
__kmp_x86_cpuid(0, 0, &buf);
if (buf.eax < 11) {
*msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_NoLeaf11Support;
return -1;
__kmp_x86_cpuid(11, 0, &buf);
if (buf.ebx == 0) {
*msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_NoLeaf11Support;
return -1;
// Find the number of levels in the machine topology. While we're at it,
// get the default values for __kmp_nThreadsPerCore & nCoresPerPkg. We will
// try to get more accurate values later by explicitly counting them,
// but get reasonable defaults now, in case we return early.
int level;
int threadLevel = -1;
int coreLevel = -1;
int pkgLevel = -1;
__kmp_nThreadsPerCore = nCoresPerPkg = nPackages = 1;
for (level = 0;; level++) {
if (level > 31) {
// FIXME: Hack for DPD200163180
// If level is big then something went wrong -> exiting
// There could actually be 32 valid levels in the machine topology,
// but so far, the only machine we have seen which does not exit
// this loop before iteration 32 has fubar x2APIC settings.
// For now, just reject this case based upon loop trip count.
*msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_InvalidCpuidInfo;
return -1;
__kmp_x86_cpuid(11, level, &buf);
if (buf.ebx == 0) {
if (pkgLevel < 0) {
// Will infer nPackages from __kmp_xproc
pkgLevel = level;
int kind = (buf.ecx >> 8) & 0xff;
if (kind == 1) {
// SMT level
threadLevel = level;
coreLevel = -1;
pkgLevel = -1;
__kmp_nThreadsPerCore = buf.ebx & 0xff;
if (__kmp_nThreadsPerCore == 0) {
*msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_InvalidCpuidInfo;
return -1;
else if (kind == 2) {
// core level
coreLevel = level;
pkgLevel = -1;
nCoresPerPkg = buf.ebx & 0xff;
if (nCoresPerPkg == 0) {
*msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_InvalidCpuidInfo;
return -1;
else {
if (level <= 0) {
*msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_InvalidCpuidInfo;
return -1;
if (pkgLevel >= 0) {
pkgLevel = level;
nPackages = buf.ebx & 0xff;
if (nPackages == 0) {
*msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_InvalidCpuidInfo;
return -1;
int depth = level;
// In the above loop, "level" was counted from the finest level (usually
// thread) to the coarsest. The caller expects that we will place the
// labels in (*address2os)[].first.labels[] in the inverse order, so
// we need to invert the vars saying which level means what.
if (threadLevel >= 0) {
threadLevel = depth - threadLevel - 1;
if (coreLevel >= 0) {
coreLevel = depth - coreLevel - 1;
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(pkgLevel >= 0);
pkgLevel = depth - pkgLevel - 1;
// The algorithm used starts by setting the affinity to each available
// thread and retrieving info from the cpuid instruction, so if we are not
// capable of calling __kmp_affinity_get_map()/__kmp_affinity_get_map(),
// then we need to do something else - use the defaults that we calculated
// from issuing cpuid without binding to each proc.
// Hack to try and infer the machine topology using only the data
// available from cpuid on the current thread, and __kmp_xproc.
KMP_ASSERT(__kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none);
__kmp_ncores = __kmp_xproc / __kmp_nThreadsPerCore;
nPackages = (__kmp_xproc + nCoresPerPkg - 1) / nCoresPerPkg;
__kmp_ht_enabled = (__kmp_nThreadsPerCore > 1);
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
KMP_INFORM(AffNotCapableUseLocCpuidL11, "KMP_AFFINITY");
KMP_INFORM(AvailableOSProc, "KMP_AFFINITY", __kmp_avail_proc);
if (__kmp_affinity_uniform_topology()) {
} else {
KMP_INFORM(Topology, "KMP_AFFINITY", nPackages, nCoresPerPkg,
__kmp_nThreadsPerCore, __kmp_ncores);
return 0;
// From here on, we can assume that it is safe to call
// __kmp_get_system_affinity() and __kmp_set_system_affinity(),
// even if __kmp_affinity_type = affinity_none.
// Save the affinity mask for the current thread.
kmp_affin_mask_t *oldMask;
__kmp_get_system_affinity(oldMask, TRUE);
// Allocate the data structure to be returned.
AddrUnsPair *retval = (AddrUnsPair *)
__kmp_allocate(sizeof(AddrUnsPair) * __kmp_avail_proc);
// Run through each of the available contexts, binding the current thread
// to it, and obtaining the pertinent information using the cpuid instr.
unsigned int proc;
int nApics = 0;
for (proc = 0; proc < KMP_CPU_SETSIZE; ++proc) {
// Skip this proc if it is not included in the machine model.
if (! KMP_CPU_ISSET(proc, fullMask)) {
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(nApics < __kmp_avail_proc);
// Extrach the labels for each level in the machine topology map
// from the Apic ID.
Address addr(depth);
int prev_shift = 0;
for (level = 0; level < depth; level++) {
__kmp_x86_cpuid(11, level, &buf);
unsigned apicId = buf.edx;
if (buf.ebx == 0) {
if (level != depth - 1) {
*msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_InconsistentCpuidInfo;
return -1;
addr.labels[depth - level - 1] = apicId >> prev_shift;
int shift = buf.eax & 0x1f;
int mask = (1 << shift) - 1;
addr.labels[depth - level - 1] = (apicId & mask) >> prev_shift;
prev_shift = shift;
if (level != depth) {
*msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_InconsistentCpuidInfo;
return -1;
retval[nApics] = AddrUnsPair(addr, proc);
// We've collected all the info we need.
// Restore the old affinity mask for this thread.
__kmp_set_system_affinity(oldMask, TRUE);
// If there's only one thread context to bind to, return now.
KMP_ASSERT(nApics > 0);
if (nApics == 1) {
__kmp_ncores = nPackages = 1;
__kmp_nThreadsPerCore = nCoresPerPkg = 1;
__kmp_ht_enabled = FALSE;
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
__kmp_affinity_print_mask(buf, KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN, oldMask);
if (__kmp_affinity_respect_mask) {
KMP_INFORM(InitOSProcSetRespect, "KMP_AFFINITY", buf);
} else {
KMP_INFORM(InitOSProcSetNotRespect, "KMP_AFFINITY", buf);
KMP_INFORM(AvailableOSProc, "KMP_AFFINITY", __kmp_avail_proc);
KMP_INFORM(Topology, "KMP_AFFINITY", nPackages, nCoresPerPkg,
__kmp_nThreadsPerCore, __kmp_ncores);
if (__kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none) {
return 0;
// Form an Address object which only includes the package level.
Address addr(1);
addr.labels[0] = retval[0].first.labels[pkgLevel];
retval[0].first = addr;
if (__kmp_affinity_gran_levels < 0) {
__kmp_affinity_gran_levels = 0;
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
__kmp_affinity_print_topology(retval, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1);
*address2os = retval;
return 1;
// Sort the table by physical Id.
qsort(retval, nApics, sizeof(*retval), __kmp_affinity_cmp_Address_labels);
// Find the radix at each of the levels.
unsigned *totals = (unsigned *)__kmp_allocate(depth * sizeof(unsigned));
unsigned *counts = (unsigned *)__kmp_allocate(depth * sizeof(unsigned));
unsigned *maxCt = (unsigned *)__kmp_allocate(depth * sizeof(unsigned));
unsigned *last = (unsigned *)__kmp_allocate(depth * sizeof(unsigned));
for (level = 0; level < depth; level++) {
totals[level] = 1;
maxCt[level] = 1;
counts[level] = 1;
last[level] = retval[0].first.labels[level];
// From here on, the iteration variable "level" runs from the finest
// level to the coarsest, i.e. we iterate forward through
// (*address2os)[].first.labels[] - in the previous loops, we iterated
// backwards.
for (proc = 1; (int)proc < nApics; proc++) {
int level;
for (level = 0; level < depth; level++) {
if (retval[proc].first.labels[level] != last[level]) {
int j;
for (j = level + 1; j < depth; j++) {
counts[j] = 1;
// The line below causes printing incorrect topology information
// in case the max value for some level (maxCt[level]) is encountered earlier than
// some less value while going through the array.
// For example, let pkg0 has 4 cores and pkg1 has 2 cores. Then maxCt[1] == 2
// whereas it must be 4.
// TODO!!! Check if it can be commented safely
//maxCt[j] = 1;
last[j] = retval[proc].first.labels[j];
if (counts[level] > maxCt[level]) {
maxCt[level] = counts[level];
last[level] = retval[proc].first.labels[level];
else if (level == depth - 1) {
*msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_x2ApicIDsNotUnique;
return -1;
// When affinity is off, this routine will still be called to set
// __kmp_ht_enabled, & __kmp_ncores, as well as __kmp_nThreadsPerCore,
// nCoresPerPkg, & nPackages. Make sure all these vars are set
// correctly, and return if affinity is not enabled.
if (threadLevel >= 0) {
__kmp_nThreadsPerCore = maxCt[threadLevel];
else {
__kmp_nThreadsPerCore = 1;
__kmp_ht_enabled = (__kmp_nThreadsPerCore > 1);
nPackages = totals[pkgLevel];
if (coreLevel >= 0) {
__kmp_ncores = totals[coreLevel];
nCoresPerPkg = maxCt[coreLevel];
else {
__kmp_ncores = nPackages;
nCoresPerPkg = 1;
// Check to see if the machine topology is uniform
unsigned prod = maxCt[0];
for (level = 1; level < depth; level++) {
prod *= maxCt[level];
bool uniform = (prod == totals[level - 1]);
// Print the machine topology summary.
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
__kmp_affinity_print_mask(mask, KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN, oldMask);
if (__kmp_affinity_respect_mask) {
KMP_INFORM(InitOSProcSetRespect, "KMP_AFFINITY", mask);
} else {
KMP_INFORM(InitOSProcSetNotRespect, "KMP_AFFINITY", mask);
KMP_INFORM(AvailableOSProc, "KMP_AFFINITY", __kmp_avail_proc);
if (uniform) {
} else {
kmp_str_buf_t buf;
__kmp_str_buf_print(&buf, "%d", totals[0]);
for (level = 1; level <= pkgLevel; level++) {
__kmp_str_buf_print(&buf, " x %d", maxCt[level]);
KMP_INFORM(TopologyExtra, "KMP_AFFINITY", buf.str, nCoresPerPkg,
__kmp_nThreadsPerCore, __kmp_ncores);
if (__kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none) {
return 0;
// Find any levels with radiix 1, and remove them from the map
// (except for the package level).
int new_depth = 0;
for (level = 0; level < depth; level++) {
if ((maxCt[level] == 1) && (level != pkgLevel)) {
// If we are removing any levels, allocate a new vector to return,
// and copy the relevant information to it.
if (new_depth != depth) {
AddrUnsPair *new_retval = (AddrUnsPair *)__kmp_allocate(
sizeof(AddrUnsPair) * nApics);
for (proc = 0; (int)proc < nApics; proc++) {
Address addr(new_depth);
new_retval[proc] = AddrUnsPair(addr, retval[proc].second);
int new_level = 0;
for (level = 0; level < depth; level++) {
if ((maxCt[level] == 1) && (level != pkgLevel)) {
if (level == threadLevel) {
threadLevel = -1;
else if ((threadLevel >= 0) && (level < threadLevel)) {
if (level == coreLevel) {
coreLevel = -1;
else if ((coreLevel >= 0) && (level < coreLevel)) {
if (level < pkgLevel) {
for (proc = 0; (int)proc < nApics; proc++) {
= retval[proc].first.labels[level];
retval = new_retval;
depth = new_depth;
if (__kmp_affinity_gran_levels < 0) {
// Set the granularity level based on what levels are modeled
// in the machine topology map.
__kmp_affinity_gran_levels = 0;
if ((threadLevel >= 0) && (__kmp_affinity_gran > affinity_gran_thread)) {
if ((coreLevel >= 0) && (__kmp_affinity_gran > affinity_gran_core)) {
if (__kmp_affinity_gran > affinity_gran_package) {
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
__kmp_affinity_print_topology(retval, nApics, depth, pkgLevel,
coreLevel, threadLevel);
*address2os = retval;
return depth;
# endif /* KMP_ARCH_X86 || KMP_ARCH_X86_64 */
#define osIdIndex 0
#define threadIdIndex 1
#define coreIdIndex 2
#define pkgIdIndex 3
#define nodeIdIndex 4
typedef unsigned *ProcCpuInfo;
static unsigned maxIndex = pkgIdIndex;
static int
__kmp_affinity_cmp_ProcCpuInfo_os_id(const void *a, const void *b)
const unsigned *aa = (const unsigned *)a;
const unsigned *bb = (const unsigned *)b;
if (aa[osIdIndex] < bb[osIdIndex]) return -1;
if (aa[osIdIndex] > bb[osIdIndex]) return 1;
return 0;
static int
__kmp_affinity_cmp_ProcCpuInfo_phys_id(const void *a, const void *b)
unsigned i;
const unsigned *aa = *((const unsigned **)a);
const unsigned *bb = *((const unsigned **)b);
for (i = maxIndex; ; i--) {
if (aa[i] < bb[i]) return -1;
if (aa[i] > bb[i]) return 1;
if (i == osIdIndex) break;
return 0;
// Parse /proc/cpuinfo (or an alternate file in the same format) to obtain the
// affinity map.
static int
__kmp_affinity_create_cpuinfo_map(AddrUnsPair **address2os, int *line,
kmp_i18n_id_t *const msg_id, FILE *f)
*address2os = NULL;
*msg_id = kmp_i18n_null;
// Scan of the file, and count the number of "processor" (osId) fields,
// and find the highest value of <n> for a node_<n> field.
char buf[256];
unsigned num_records = 0;
while (! feof(f)) {
buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = 1;
if (! fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f)) {
// Read errors presumably because of EOF
char s1[] = "processor";
if (strncmp(buf, s1, sizeof(s1) - 1) == 0) {
// FIXME - this will match "node_<n> <garbage>"
unsigned level;
if (sscanf(buf, "node_%d id", &level) == 1) {
if (nodeIdIndex + level >= maxIndex) {
maxIndex = nodeIdIndex + level;
// Check for empty file / no valid processor records, or too many.
// The number of records can't exceed the number of valid bits in the
// affinity mask.
if (num_records == 0) {
*line = 0;
*msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_NoProcRecords;
return -1;
if (num_records > (unsigned)__kmp_xproc) {
*line = 0;
*msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_TooManyProcRecords;
return -1;
// Set the file pointer back to the begginning, so that we can scan the
// file again, this time performing a full parse of the data.
// Allocate a vector of ProcCpuInfo object, where we will place the data.
// Adding an extra element at the end allows us to remove a lot of extra
// checks for termination conditions.
if (fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0) {
*line = 0;
*msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_CantRewindCpuinfo;
return -1;
// Allocate the array of records to store the proc info in. The dummy
// element at the end makes the logic in filling them out easier to code.
unsigned **threadInfo = (unsigned **)__kmp_allocate((num_records + 1)
* sizeof(unsigned *));
unsigned i;
for (i = 0; i <= num_records; i++) {
threadInfo[i] = (unsigned *)__kmp_allocate((maxIndex + 1)
* sizeof(unsigned));
for (i = 0; i <= num_records; i++) { \
__kmp_free(threadInfo[i]); \
} \
// A value of UINT_MAX means that we didn't find the field
unsigned __index;
#define INIT_PROC_INFO(p) \
for (__index = 0; __index <= maxIndex; __index++) { \
(p)[__index] = UINT_MAX; \
for (i = 0; i <= num_records; i++) {
unsigned num_avail = 0;
*line = 0;
while (! feof(f)) {
// Create an inner scoping level, so that all the goto targets at the
// end of the loop appear in an outer scoping level. This avoids
// warnings about jumping past an initialization to a target in the
// same block.
buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = 1;
bool long_line = false;
if (! fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f)) {
// Read errors presumably because of EOF
// If there is valid data in threadInfo[num_avail], then fake
// a blank line in ensure that the last address gets parsed.
bool valid = false;
for (i = 0; i <= maxIndex; i++) {
if (threadInfo[num_avail][i] != UINT_MAX) {
valid = true;
if (! valid) {
buf[0] = 0;
} else if (!buf[sizeof(buf) - 1]) {
// The line is longer than the buffer. Set a flag and don't
// emit an error if we were going to ignore the line, anyway.
long_line = true;
#define CHECK_LINE \
if (long_line) { \
*msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_LongLineCpuinfo; \
return -1; \
char s1[] = "processor";
if (strncmp(buf, s1, sizeof(s1) - 1) == 0) {
char *p = strchr(buf + sizeof(s1) - 1, ':');
unsigned val;
if ((p == NULL) || (sscanf(p + 1, "%u\n", &val) != 1)) goto no_val;
if (threadInfo[num_avail][osIdIndex] != UINT_MAX) goto dup_field;
threadInfo[num_avail][osIdIndex] = val;
char path[256];
snprintf(path, sizeof(path),
__kmp_read_from_file(path, "%u", &threadInfo[num_avail][pkgIdIndex]);
snprintf(path, sizeof(path),
__kmp_read_from_file(path, "%u", &threadInfo[num_avail][coreIdIndex]);
char s2[] = "physical id";
if (strncmp(buf, s2, sizeof(s2) - 1) == 0) {
char *p = strchr(buf + sizeof(s2) - 1, ':');
unsigned val;
if ((p == NULL) || (sscanf(p + 1, "%u\n", &val) != 1)) goto no_val;
if (threadInfo[num_avail][pkgIdIndex] != UINT_MAX) goto dup_field;
threadInfo[num_avail][pkgIdIndex] = val;
char s3[] = "core id";
if (strncmp(buf, s3, sizeof(s3) - 1) == 0) {
char *p = strchr(buf + sizeof(s3) - 1, ':');
unsigned val;
if ((p == NULL) || (sscanf(p + 1, "%u\n", &val) != 1)) goto no_val;
if (threadInfo[num_avail][coreIdIndex] != UINT_MAX) goto dup_field;
threadInfo[num_avail][coreIdIndex] = val;
char s4[] = "thread id";
if (strncmp(buf, s4, sizeof(s4) - 1) == 0) {
char *p = strchr(buf + sizeof(s4) - 1, ':');
unsigned val;
if ((p == NULL) || (sscanf(p + 1, "%u\n", &val) != 1)) goto no_val;
if (threadInfo[num_avail][threadIdIndex] != UINT_MAX) goto dup_field;
threadInfo[num_avail][threadIdIndex] = val;
unsigned level;
if (sscanf(buf, "node_%d id", &level) == 1) {
char *p = strchr(buf + sizeof(s4) - 1, ':');
unsigned val;
if ((p == NULL) || (sscanf(p + 1, "%u\n", &val) != 1)) goto no_val;
KMP_ASSERT(nodeIdIndex + level <= maxIndex);
if (threadInfo[num_avail][nodeIdIndex + level] != UINT_MAX) goto dup_field;
threadInfo[num_avail][nodeIdIndex + level] = val;
// We didn't recognize the leading token on the line.
// There are lots of leading tokens that we don't recognize -
// if the line isn't empty, go on to the next line.
if ((*buf != 0) && (*buf != '\n')) {
// If the line is longer than the buffer, read characters
// until we find a newline.
if (long_line) {
int ch;
while (((ch = fgetc(f)) != EOF) && (ch != '\n'));
// A newline has signalled the end of the processor record.
// Check that there aren't too many procs specified.
if ((int)num_avail == __kmp_xproc) {
*msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_TooManyEntries;
return -1;
// Check for missing fields. The osId field must be there, and we
// currently require that the physical id field is specified, also.
if (threadInfo[num_avail][osIdIndex] == UINT_MAX) {
*msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_MissingProcField;
return -1;
if (threadInfo[0][pkgIdIndex] == UINT_MAX) {
*msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_MissingPhysicalIDField;
return -1;
// Skip this proc if it is not included in the machine model.
if (! KMP_CPU_ISSET(threadInfo[num_avail][osIdIndex], fullMask)) {
// We have a successful parse of this proc's info.
// Increment the counter, and prepare for the next proc.
KMP_ASSERT(num_avail <= num_records);
*msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_MissingValCpuinfo;
return -1;
*msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_DuplicateFieldCpuinfo;
return -1;
*line = 0;
unsigned teamSize = 0;
// check for num_records == __kmp_xproc ???
// If there's only one thread context to bind to, form an Address object
// with depth 1 and return immediately (or, if affinity is off, set
// address2os to NULL and return).
// If it is configured to omit the package level when there is only a
// single package, the logic at the end of this routine won't work if
// there is only a single thread - it would try to form an Address
// object with depth 0.
KMP_ASSERT(num_avail > 0);
KMP_ASSERT(num_avail <= num_records);
if (num_avail == 1) {
__kmp_ncores = 1;
__kmp_nThreadsPerCore = nCoresPerPkg = nPackages = 1;
__kmp_ht_enabled = FALSE;
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
KMP_INFORM(AffNotCapableUseCpuinfo, "KMP_AFFINITY");
KMP_INFORM(AvailableOSProc, "KMP_AFFINITY", __kmp_avail_proc);
else {
__kmp_affinity_print_mask(buf, KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN,
KMP_INFORM(AffCapableUseCpuinfo, "KMP_AFFINITY");
if (__kmp_affinity_respect_mask) {
KMP_INFORM(InitOSProcSetRespect, "KMP_AFFINITY", buf);
} else {
KMP_INFORM(InitOSProcSetNotRespect, "KMP_AFFINITY", buf);
KMP_INFORM(AvailableOSProc, "KMP_AFFINITY", __kmp_avail_proc);
int index;
kmp_str_buf_t buf;
__kmp_str_buf_print(&buf, "1");
for (index = maxIndex - 1; index > pkgIdIndex; index--) {
__kmp_str_buf_print(&buf, " x 1");
KMP_INFORM(TopologyExtra, "KMP_AFFINITY", buf.str, 1, 1, 1);
if (__kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none) {
return 0;
*address2os = (AddrUnsPair*)__kmp_allocate(sizeof(AddrUnsPair));
Address addr(1);
addr.labels[0] = threadInfo[0][pkgIdIndex];
(*address2os)[0] = AddrUnsPair(addr, threadInfo[0][osIdIndex]);
if (__kmp_affinity_gran_levels < 0) {
__kmp_affinity_gran_levels = 0;
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
__kmp_affinity_print_topology(*address2os, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1);
return 1;
// Sort the threadInfo table by physical Id.
qsort(threadInfo, num_avail, sizeof(*threadInfo),
// The table is now sorted by pkgId / coreId / threadId, but we really
// don't know the radix of any of the fields. pkgId's may be sparsely
// assigned among the chips on a system. Although coreId's are usually
// assigned [0 .. coresPerPkg-1] and threadId's are usually assigned
// [0..threadsPerCore-1], we don't want to make any such assumptions.
// For that matter, we don't know what coresPerPkg and threadsPerCore
// (or the total # packages) are at this point - we want to determine
// that now. We only have an upper bound on the first two figures.
unsigned *counts = (unsigned *)__kmp_allocate((maxIndex + 1)
* sizeof(unsigned));
unsigned *maxCt = (unsigned *)__kmp_allocate((maxIndex + 1)
* sizeof(unsigned));
unsigned *totals = (unsigned *)__kmp_allocate((maxIndex + 1)
* sizeof(unsigned));
unsigned *lastId = (unsigned *)__kmp_allocate((maxIndex + 1)
* sizeof(unsigned));
bool assign_thread_ids = false;
unsigned threadIdCt;
unsigned index;
threadIdCt = 0;
// Initialize the counter arrays with data from threadInfo[0].
if (assign_thread_ids) {
if (threadInfo[0][threadIdIndex] == UINT_MAX) {
threadInfo[0][threadIdIndex] = threadIdCt++;
else if (threadIdCt <= threadInfo[0][threadIdIndex]) {
threadIdCt = threadInfo[0][threadIdIndex] + 1;
for (index = 0; index <= maxIndex; index++) {
counts[index] = 1;
maxCt[index] = 1;
totals[index] = 1;
lastId[index] = threadInfo[0][index];;
// Run through the rest of the OS procs.
for (i = 1; i < num_avail; i++) {
// Find the most significant index whose id differs
// from the id for the previous OS proc.
for (index = maxIndex; index >= threadIdIndex; index--) {
if (assign_thread_ids && (index == threadIdIndex)) {
// Auto-assign the thread id field if it wasn't specified.
if (threadInfo[i][threadIdIndex] == UINT_MAX) {
threadInfo[i][threadIdIndex] = threadIdCt++;
// Aparrently the thread id field was specified for some
// entries and not others. Start the thread id counter
// off at the next higher thread id.
else if (threadIdCt <= threadInfo[i][threadIdIndex]) {
threadIdCt = threadInfo[i][threadIdIndex] + 1;
if (threadInfo[i][index] != lastId[index]) {
// Run through all indices which are less significant,
// and reset the counts to 1.
// At all levels up to and including index, we need to
// increment the totals and record the last id.
unsigned index2;
for (index2 = threadIdIndex; index2 < index; index2++) {
if (counts[index2] > maxCt[index2]) {
maxCt[index2] = counts[index2];
counts[index2] = 1;
lastId[index2] = threadInfo[i][index2];
lastId[index] = threadInfo[i][index];
if (assign_thread_ids && (index > threadIdIndex)) {
// The default team size is the total #threads in the machine
// minus 1 thread for every core that has 3 or more threads.
teamSize += ( threadIdCt <= 2 ) ? ( threadIdCt ) : ( threadIdCt - 1 );
// Restart the thread counter, as we are on a new core.
threadIdCt = 0;
// Auto-assign the thread id field if it wasn't specified.
if (threadInfo[i][threadIdIndex] == UINT_MAX) {
threadInfo[i][threadIdIndex] = threadIdCt++;
// Aparrently the thread id field was specified for some
// entries and not others. Start the thread id counter
// off at the next higher thread id.
else if (threadIdCt <= threadInfo[i][threadIdIndex]) {
threadIdCt = threadInfo[i][threadIdIndex] + 1;
if (index < threadIdIndex) {
// If thread ids were specified, it is an error if they are not
// unique. Also, check that we waven't already restarted the
// loop (to be safe - shouldn't need to).
if ((threadInfo[i][threadIdIndex] != UINT_MAX)
|| assign_thread_ids) {
*msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_PhysicalIDsNotUnique;
return -1;
// If the thread ids were not specified and we see entries
// entries that are duplicates, start the loop over and
// assign the thread ids manually.
assign_thread_ids = true;
goto restart_radix_check;
// The default team size is the total #threads in the machine
// minus 1 thread for every core that has 3 or more threads.
teamSize += ( threadIdCt <= 2 ) ? ( threadIdCt ) : ( threadIdCt - 1 );
for (index = threadIdIndex; index <= maxIndex; index++) {
if (counts[index] > maxCt[index]) {
maxCt[index] = counts[index];
__kmp_nThreadsPerCore = maxCt[threadIdIndex];
nCoresPerPkg = maxCt[coreIdIndex];
nPackages = totals[pkgIdIndex];
// Check to see if the machine topology is uniform
unsigned prod = totals[maxIndex];
for (index = threadIdIndex; index < maxIndex; index++) {
prod *= maxCt[index];
bool uniform = (prod == totals[threadIdIndex]);
// When affinity is off, this routine will still be called to set
// __kmp_ht_enabled, & __kmp_ncores, as well as __kmp_nThreadsPerCore,
// nCoresPerPkg, & nPackages. Make sure all these vars are set
// correctly, and return now if affinity is not enabled.
__kmp_ht_enabled = (maxCt[threadIdIndex] > 1); // threads per core > 1
__kmp_ncores = totals[coreIdIndex];
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
KMP_INFORM(AffNotCapableUseCpuinfo, "KMP_AFFINITY");
KMP_INFORM(AvailableOSProc, "KMP_AFFINITY", __kmp_avail_proc);
if (uniform) {
} else {
else {
__kmp_affinity_print_mask(buf, KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN, fullMask);
KMP_INFORM(AffCapableUseCpuinfo, "KMP_AFFINITY");
if (__kmp_affinity_respect_mask) {
KMP_INFORM(InitOSProcSetRespect, "KMP_AFFINITY", buf);
} else {
KMP_INFORM(InitOSProcSetNotRespect, "KMP_AFFINITY", buf);
KMP_INFORM(AvailableOSProc, "KMP_AFFINITY", __kmp_avail_proc);
if (uniform) {
} else {
kmp_str_buf_t buf;
__kmp_str_buf_print(&buf, "%d", totals[maxIndex]);
for (index = maxIndex - 1; index >= pkgIdIndex; index--) {
__kmp_str_buf_print(&buf, " x %d", maxCt[index]);
KMP_INFORM(TopologyExtra, "KMP_AFFINITY", buf.str, maxCt[coreIdIndex],
maxCt[threadIdIndex], __kmp_ncores);
// Set the default team size.
if ((__kmp_dflt_team_nth == 0) && (teamSize > 0)) {
__kmp_dflt_team_nth = teamSize;
KA_TRACE(20, ("__kmp_affinity_create_cpuinfo_map: setting __kmp_dflt_team_nth = %d\n",
if (__kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none) {
return 0;
// Count the number of levels which have more nodes at that level than
// at the parent's level (with there being an implicit root node of
// the top level). This is equivalent to saying that there is at least
// one node at this level which has a sibling. These levels are in the
// map, and the package level is always in the map.
bool *inMap = (bool *)__kmp_allocate((maxIndex + 1) * sizeof(bool));
int level = 0;
for (index = threadIdIndex; index < maxIndex; index++) {
KMP_ASSERT(totals[index] >= totals[index + 1]);
inMap[index] = (totals[index] > totals[index + 1]);
inMap[maxIndex] = (totals[maxIndex] > 1);
inMap[pkgIdIndex] = true;
int depth = 0;
for (index = threadIdIndex; index <= maxIndex; index++) {
if (inMap[index]) {
KMP_ASSERT(depth > 0);
// Construct the data structure that is to be returned.
*address2os = (AddrUnsPair*)
__kmp_allocate(sizeof(AddrUnsPair) * num_avail);
int pkgLevel = -1;
int coreLevel = -1;
int threadLevel = -1;
for (i = 0; i < num_avail; ++i) {
Address addr(depth);
unsigned os = threadInfo[i][osIdIndex];
int src_index;
int dst_index = 0;
for (src_index = maxIndex; src_index >= threadIdIndex; src_index--) {
if (! inMap[src_index]) {
addr.labels[dst_index] = threadInfo[i][src_index];
if (src_index == pkgIdIndex) {
pkgLevel = dst_index;
else if (src_index == coreIdIndex) {
coreLevel = dst_index;
else if (src_index == threadIdIndex) {
threadLevel = dst_index;
(*address2os)[i] = AddrUnsPair(addr, os);
if (__kmp_affinity_gran_levels < 0) {
// Set the granularity level based on what levels are modeled
// in the machine topology map.
unsigned src_index;
__kmp_affinity_gran_levels = 0;
for (src_index = threadIdIndex; src_index <= maxIndex; src_index++) {
if (! inMap[src_index]) {
switch (src_index) {
case threadIdIndex:
if (__kmp_affinity_gran > affinity_gran_thread) {
case coreIdIndex:
if (__kmp_affinity_gran > affinity_gran_core) {
case pkgIdIndex:
if (__kmp_affinity_gran > affinity_gran_package) {
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
__kmp_affinity_print_topology(*address2os, num_avail, depth, pkgLevel,
coreLevel, threadLevel);
return depth;
// Create and return a table of affinity masks, indexed by OS thread ID.
// This routine handles OR'ing together all the affinity masks of threads
// that are sufficiently close, if granularity > fine.
static kmp_affin_mask_t *
__kmp_create_masks(unsigned *maxIndex, unsigned *numUnique,
AddrUnsPair *address2os, unsigned numAddrs)
// First form a table of affinity masks in order of OS thread id.
unsigned depth;
unsigned maxOsId;
unsigned i;
KMP_ASSERT(numAddrs > 0);
depth = address2os[0].first.depth;
maxOsId = 0;
for (i = 0; i < numAddrs; i++) {
unsigned osId = address2os[i].second;
if (osId > maxOsId) {
maxOsId = osId;
kmp_affin_mask_t *osId2Mask = (kmp_affin_mask_t *)__kmp_allocate(
(maxOsId + 1) * __kmp_affin_mask_size);
// Sort the address2os table according to physical order. Doing so
// will put all threads on the same core/package/node in consecutive
// locations.
qsort(address2os, numAddrs, sizeof(*address2os),
KMP_ASSERT(__kmp_affinity_gran_levels >= 0);
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose && (__kmp_affinity_gran_levels > 0)) {
KMP_INFORM(ThreadsMigrate, "KMP_AFFINITY", __kmp_affinity_gran_levels);
if (__kmp_affinity_gran_levels >= (int)depth) {
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose || (__kmp_affinity_warnings
&& (__kmp_affinity_type != affinity_none))) {
// Run through the table, forming the masks for all threads on each
// core. Threads on the same core will have identical "Address"
// objects, not considering the last level, which must be the thread
// id. All threads on a core will appear consecutively.
unsigned unique = 0;
unsigned j = 0; // index of 1st thread on core
unsigned leader = 0;
Address *leaderAddr = &(address2os[0].first);
kmp_affin_mask_t *sum
= (kmp_affin_mask_t *)alloca(__kmp_affin_mask_size);
KMP_CPU_SET(address2os[0].second, sum);
for (i = 1; i < numAddrs; i++) {
// If this thread is sufficiently close to the leader (within the
// granularity setting), then set the bit for this os thread in the
// affinity mask for this group, and go on to the next thread.
if (leaderAddr->isClose(address2os[i].first,
__kmp_affinity_gran_levels)) {
KMP_CPU_SET(address2os[i].second, sum);
// For every thread in this group, copy the mask to the thread's
// entry in the osId2Mask table. Mark the first address as a
// leader.
for (; j < i; j++) {
unsigned osId = address2os[j].second;
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(osId <= maxOsId);
kmp_affin_mask_t *mask = KMP_CPU_INDEX(osId2Mask, osId);
KMP_CPU_COPY(mask, sum);
address2os[j].first.leader = (j == leader);
// Start a new mask.
leader = i;
leaderAddr = &(address2os[i].first);
KMP_CPU_SET(address2os[i].second, sum);
// For every thread in last group, copy the mask to the thread's
// entry in the osId2Mask table.
for (; j < i; j++) {
unsigned osId = address2os[j].second;
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(osId <= maxOsId);
kmp_affin_mask_t *mask = KMP_CPU_INDEX(osId2Mask, osId);
KMP_CPU_COPY(mask, sum);
address2os[j].first.leader = (j == leader);
*maxIndex = maxOsId;
*numUnique = unique;
return osId2Mask;
// Stuff for the affinity proclist parsers. It's easier to declare these vars
// as file-static than to try and pass them through the calling sequence of
// the recursive-descent OMP_PLACES parser.
static kmp_affin_mask_t *newMasks;
static int numNewMasks;
static int nextNewMask;
#define ADD_MASK(_mask) \
{ \
if (nextNewMask >= numNewMasks) { \
numNewMasks *= 2; \
newMasks = (kmp_affin_mask_t *)KMP_INTERNAL_REALLOC(newMasks, \
numNewMasks * __kmp_affin_mask_size); \
} \
KMP_CPU_COPY(KMP_CPU_INDEX(newMasks, nextNewMask), (_mask)); \
nextNewMask++; \
#define ADD_MASK_OSID(_osId,_osId2Mask,_maxOsId) \
{ \
if (((_osId) > _maxOsId) || \
(! KMP_CPU_ISSET((_osId), KMP_CPU_INDEX((_osId2Mask), (_osId))))) { \
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose || (__kmp_affinity_warnings \
&& (__kmp_affinity_type != affinity_none))) { \
KMP_WARNING(AffIgnoreInvalidProcID, _osId); \
} \
} \
else { \
ADD_MASK(KMP_CPU_INDEX(_osId2Mask, (_osId))); \
} \
// Re-parse the proclist (for the explicit affinity type), and form the list
// of affinity newMasks indexed by gtid.
static void
__kmp_affinity_process_proclist(kmp_affin_mask_t **out_masks,
unsigned int *out_numMasks, const char *proclist,
kmp_affin_mask_t *osId2Mask, int maxOsId)
const char *scan = proclist;
const char *next = proclist;
// We use malloc() for the temporary mask vector,
// so that we can use realloc() to extend it.
numNewMasks = 2;
newMasks = (kmp_affin_mask_t *)KMP_INTERNAL_MALLOC(numNewMasks
* __kmp_affin_mask_size);
nextNewMask = 0;
kmp_affin_mask_t *sumMask = (kmp_affin_mask_t *)__kmp_allocate(
int setSize = 0;
for (;;) {
int start, end, stride;
next = scan;
if (*next == '\0') {
if (*next == '{') {
int num;
setSize = 0;
next++; // skip '{'
scan = next;
// Read the first integer in the set.
KMP_ASSERT2((*next >= '0') && (*next <= '9'),
"bad proclist");
num = __kmp_str_to_int(scan, *next);
KMP_ASSERT2(num >= 0, "bad explicit proc list");
// Copy the mask for that osId to the sum (union) mask.
if ((num > maxOsId) ||
(! KMP_CPU_ISSET(num, KMP_CPU_INDEX(osId2Mask, num)))) {
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose || (__kmp_affinity_warnings
&& (__kmp_affinity_type != affinity_none))) {
KMP_WARNING(AffIgnoreInvalidProcID, num);
else {
KMP_CPU_COPY(sumMask, KMP_CPU_INDEX(osId2Mask, num));
setSize = 1;
for (;;) {
// Check for end of set.
if (*next == '}') {
next++; // skip '}'
// Skip optional comma.
if (*next == ',') {
// Read the next integer in the set.
scan = next;
KMP_ASSERT2((*next >= '0') && (*next <= '9'),
"bad explicit proc list");
num = __kmp_str_to_int(scan, *next);
KMP_ASSERT2(num >= 0, "bad explicit proc list");
// Add the mask for that osId to the sum mask.
if ((num > maxOsId) ||
(! KMP_CPU_ISSET(num, KMP_CPU_INDEX(osId2Mask, num)))) {
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose || (__kmp_affinity_warnings
&& (__kmp_affinity_type != affinity_none))) {
KMP_WARNING(AffIgnoreInvalidProcID, num);
else {
KMP_CPU_UNION(sumMask, KMP_CPU_INDEX(osId2Mask, num));
if (setSize > 0) {
if (*next == ',') {
scan = next;
// Read the first integer.
KMP_ASSERT2((*next >= '0') && (*next <= '9'), "bad explicit proc list");
start = __kmp_str_to_int(scan, *next);
KMP_ASSERT2(start >= 0, "bad explicit proc list");
// If this isn't a range, then add a mask to the list and go on.
if (*next != '-') {
ADD_MASK_OSID(start, osId2Mask, maxOsId);
// Skip optional comma.
if (*next == ',') {
scan = next;
// This is a range. Skip over the '-' and read in the 2nd int.
next++; // skip '-'
scan = next;
KMP_ASSERT2((*next >= '0') && (*next <= '9'), "bad explicit proc list");
end = __kmp_str_to_int(scan, *next);
KMP_ASSERT2(end >= 0, "bad explicit proc list");
// Check for a stride parameter
stride = 1;
if (*next == ':') {
// A stride is specified. Skip over the ':" and read the 3rd int.
int sign = +1;
next++; // skip ':'
scan = next;
if (*next == '-') {
sign = -1;
scan = next;
KMP_ASSERT2((*next >= '0') && (*next <= '9'),
"bad explicit proc list");
stride = __kmp_str_to_int(scan, *next);
KMP_ASSERT2(stride >= 0, "bad explicit proc list");
stride *= sign;
// Do some range checks.
KMP_ASSERT2(stride != 0, "bad explicit proc list");
if (stride > 0) {
KMP_ASSERT2(start <= end, "bad explicit proc list");
else {
KMP_ASSERT2(start >= end, "bad explicit proc list");
KMP_ASSERT2((end - start) / stride <= 65536, "bad explicit proc list");
// Add the mask for each OS proc # to the list.
if (stride > 0) {
do {
ADD_MASK_OSID(start, osId2Mask, maxOsId);
start += stride;
} while (start <= end);
else {
do {
ADD_MASK_OSID(start, osId2Mask, maxOsId);
start += stride;
} while (start >= end);
// Skip optional comma.
if (*next == ',') {
scan = next;
*out_numMasks = nextNewMask;
if (nextNewMask == 0) {
*out_masks = NULL;
= (kmp_affin_mask_t *)__kmp_allocate(nextNewMask * __kmp_affin_mask_size);
memcpy(*out_masks, newMasks, nextNewMask * __kmp_affin_mask_size);
Re-parse the OMP_PLACES proc id list, forming the newMasks for the different
places. Again, Here is the grammar:
place_list := place
place_list := place , place_list
place := num
place := place : num
place := place : num : signed
place := { subplacelist }
place := ! place // (lowest priority)
subplace_list := subplace
subplace_list := subplace , subplace_list
subplace := num
subplace := num : num
subplace := num : num : signed
signed := num
signed := + signed
signed := - signed
static void
__kmp_process_subplace_list(const char **scan, kmp_affin_mask_t *osId2Mask,
int maxOsId, kmp_affin_mask_t *tempMask, int *setSize)
const char *next;
for (;;) {
int start, count, stride, i;
// Read in the starting proc id
KMP_ASSERT2((**scan >= '0') && (**scan <= '9'),
"bad explicit places list");
next = *scan;
start = __kmp_str_to_int(*scan, *next);
KMP_ASSERT(start >= 0);
*scan = next;
// valid follow sets are ',' ':' and '}'
if (**scan == '}' || **scan == ',') {
if ((start > maxOsId) ||
(! KMP_CPU_ISSET(start, KMP_CPU_INDEX(osId2Mask, start)))) {
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose || (__kmp_affinity_warnings
&& (__kmp_affinity_type != affinity_none))) {
KMP_WARNING(AffIgnoreInvalidProcID, start);
else {
KMP_CPU_UNION(tempMask, KMP_CPU_INDEX(osId2Mask, start));
if (**scan == '}') {
(*scan)++; // skip ','
KMP_ASSERT2(**scan == ':', "bad explicit places list");
(*scan)++; // skip ':'
// Read count parameter
KMP_ASSERT2((**scan >= '0') && (**scan <= '9'),
"bad explicit places list");
next = *scan;
count = __kmp_str_to_int(*scan, *next);
KMP_ASSERT(count >= 0);
*scan = next;
// valid follow sets are ',' ':' and '}'
if (**scan == '}' || **scan == ',') {
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if ((start > maxOsId) ||
(! KMP_CPU_ISSET(start, KMP_CPU_INDEX(osId2Mask, start)))) {
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose || (__kmp_affinity_warnings
&& (__kmp_affinity_type != affinity_none))) {
KMP_WARNING(AffIgnoreInvalidProcID, start);
break; // don't proliferate warnings for large count
else {
KMP_CPU_UNION(tempMask, KMP_CPU_INDEX(osId2Mask, start));
if (**scan == '}') {
(*scan)++; // skip ','
KMP_ASSERT2(**scan == ':', "bad explicit places list");
(*scan)++; // skip ':'
// Read stride parameter
int sign = +1;
for (;;) {
if (**scan == '+') {
(*scan)++; // skip '+'
if (**scan == '-') {
sign *= -1;
(*scan)++; // skip '-'
KMP_ASSERT2((**scan >= '0') && (**scan <= '9'),
"bad explicit places list");
next = *scan;
stride = __kmp_str_to_int(*scan, *next);
KMP_ASSERT(stride >= 0);
*scan = next;
stride *= sign;
// valid follow sets are ',' and '}'
if (**scan == '}' || **scan == ',') {
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if ((start > maxOsId) ||
(! KMP_CPU_ISSET(start, KMP_CPU_INDEX(osId2Mask, start)))) {
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose || (__kmp_affinity_warnings
&& (__kmp_affinity_type != affinity_none))) {
KMP_WARNING(AffIgnoreInvalidProcID, start);
break; // don't proliferate warnings for large count
else {
KMP_CPU_UNION(tempMask, KMP_CPU_INDEX(osId2Mask, start));
start += stride;
if (**scan == '}') {
(*scan)++; // skip ','
KMP_ASSERT2(0, "bad explicit places list");
static void
__kmp_process_place(const char **scan, kmp_affin_mask_t *osId2Mask,
int maxOsId, kmp_affin_mask_t *tempMask, int *setSize)
const char *next;
// valid follow sets are '{' '!' and num
if (**scan == '{') {
(*scan)++; // skip '{'
__kmp_process_subplace_list(scan, osId2Mask, maxOsId , tempMask,
KMP_ASSERT2(**scan == '}', "bad explicit places list");
(*scan)++; // skip '}'
else if (**scan == '!') {
__kmp_process_place(scan, osId2Mask, maxOsId, tempMask, setSize);
(*scan)++; // skip '!'
else if ((**scan >= '0') && (**scan <= '9')) {
next = *scan;
int num = __kmp_str_to_int(*scan, *next);
KMP_ASSERT(num >= 0);
if ((num > maxOsId) ||
(! KMP_CPU_ISSET(num, KMP_CPU_INDEX(osId2Mask, num)))) {
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose || (__kmp_affinity_warnings
&& (__kmp_affinity_type != affinity_none))) {
KMP_WARNING(AffIgnoreInvalidProcID, num);
else {
KMP_CPU_UNION(tempMask, KMP_CPU_INDEX(osId2Mask, num));
*scan = next; // skip num
else {
KMP_ASSERT2(0, "bad explicit places list");
//static void
__kmp_affinity_process_placelist(kmp_affin_mask_t **out_masks,
unsigned int *out_numMasks, const char *placelist,
kmp_affin_mask_t *osId2Mask, int maxOsId)
const char *scan = placelist;
const char *next = placelist;
numNewMasks = 2;
newMasks = (kmp_affin_mask_t *)KMP_INTERNAL_MALLOC(numNewMasks
* __kmp_affin_mask_size);
nextNewMask = 0;
kmp_affin_mask_t *tempMask = (kmp_affin_mask_t *)__kmp_allocate(
int setSize = 0;
for (;;) {
__kmp_process_place(&scan, osId2Mask, maxOsId, tempMask, &setSize);
// valid follow sets are ',' ':' and EOL
if (*scan == '\0' || *scan == ',') {
if (setSize > 0) {
setSize = 0;
if (*scan == '\0') {
scan++; // skip ','
KMP_ASSERT2(*scan == ':', "bad explicit places list");
scan++; // skip ':'
// Read count parameter
KMP_ASSERT2((*scan >= '0') && (*scan <= '9'),
"bad explicit places list");
next = scan;
int count = __kmp_str_to_int(scan, *next);
KMP_ASSERT(count >= 0);
scan = next;
// valid follow sets are ',' ':' and EOL
int stride;
if (*scan == '\0' || *scan == ',') {
stride = +1;
else {
KMP_ASSERT2(*scan == ':', "bad explicit places list");
scan++; // skip ':'
// Read stride parameter
int sign = +1;
for (;;) {
if (*scan == '+') {
scan++; // skip '+'
if (*scan == '-') {
sign *= -1;
scan++; // skip '-'
KMP_ASSERT2((*scan >= '0') && (*scan <= '9'),
"bad explicit places list");
next = scan;
stride = __kmp_str_to_int(scan, *next);
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(stride >= 0);
scan = next;
stride *= sign;
if (stride > 0) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
int j;
if (setSize == 0) {
setSize = 0;
for (j = __kmp_affin_mask_size * CHAR_BIT - 1; j >= stride; j--) {
if (! KMP_CPU_ISSET(j - stride, tempMask)) {
KMP_CPU_CLR(j, tempMask);
else if ((j > maxOsId) ||
(! KMP_CPU_ISSET(j, KMP_CPU_INDEX(osId2Mask, j)))) {
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose || (__kmp_affinity_warnings
&& (__kmp_affinity_type != affinity_none))) {
KMP_WARNING(AffIgnoreInvalidProcID, j);
KMP_CPU_CLR(j, tempMask);
else {
KMP_CPU_SET(j, tempMask);
for (; j >= 0; j--) {
KMP_CPU_CLR(j, tempMask);
else {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
int j;
if (setSize == 0) {
setSize = 0;
for (j = 0; j < ((int)__kmp_affin_mask_size * CHAR_BIT) + stride;
j++) {
if (! KMP_CPU_ISSET(j - stride, tempMask)) {
KMP_CPU_CLR(j, tempMask);
else if ((j > maxOsId) ||
(! KMP_CPU_ISSET(j, KMP_CPU_INDEX(osId2Mask, j)))) {
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose || (__kmp_affinity_warnings
&& (__kmp_affinity_type != affinity_none))) {
KMP_WARNING(AffIgnoreInvalidProcID, j);
KMP_CPU_CLR(j, tempMask);
else {
KMP_CPU_SET(j, tempMask);
for (; j < (int)__kmp_affin_mask_size * CHAR_BIT; j++) {
KMP_CPU_CLR(j, tempMask);
setSize = 0;
// valid follow sets are ',' and EOL
if (*scan == '\0') {
if (*scan == ',') {
scan++; // skip ','
KMP_ASSERT2(0, "bad explicit places list");
*out_numMasks = nextNewMask;
if (nextNewMask == 0) {
*out_masks = NULL;
= (kmp_affin_mask_t *)__kmp_allocate(nextNewMask * __kmp_affin_mask_size);
memcpy(*out_masks, newMasks, nextNewMask * __kmp_affin_mask_size);
# endif /* OMP_40_ENABLED */
#undef ADD_MASK
# if KMP_MIC
static void
__kmp_apply_thread_places(AddrUnsPair **pAddr, int depth)
if ( __kmp_place_num_cores == 0 ) {
if ( __kmp_place_num_threads_per_core == 0 ) {
return; // no cores limiting actions requested, exit
__kmp_place_num_cores = nCoresPerPkg; // use all available cores
if ( !__kmp_affinity_uniform_topology() ) {
KMP_WARNING( AffThrPlaceNonUniform );
return; // don't support non-uniform topology
if ( depth != 3 ) {
KMP_WARNING( AffThrPlaceNonThreeLevel );
return; // don't support not-3-level topology
if ( __kmp_place_num_threads_per_core == 0 ) {
__kmp_place_num_threads_per_core = __kmp_nThreadsPerCore; // use all HW contexts
if ( __kmp_place_core_offset + __kmp_place_num_cores > nCoresPerPkg ) {
KMP_WARNING( AffThrPlaceManyCores );
AddrUnsPair *newAddr = (AddrUnsPair *)__kmp_allocate( sizeof(AddrUnsPair) *
nPackages * __kmp_place_num_cores * __kmp_place_num_threads_per_core);
int i, j, k, n_old = 0, n_new = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < nPackages; ++i ) {
for ( j = 0; j < nCoresPerPkg; ++j ) {
if ( j < __kmp_place_core_offset || j >= __kmp_place_core_offset + __kmp_place_num_cores ) {
n_old += __kmp_nThreadsPerCore; // skip not-requested core
} else {
for ( k = 0; k < __kmp_nThreadsPerCore; ++k ) {
if ( k < __kmp_place_num_threads_per_core ) {
newAddr[n_new] = (*pAddr)[n_old]; // copy requested core' data to new location
nCoresPerPkg = __kmp_place_num_cores; // correct nCoresPerPkg
__kmp_nThreadsPerCore = __kmp_place_num_threads_per_core; // correct __kmp_nThreadsPerCore
__kmp_avail_proc = n_new; // correct avail_proc
__kmp_ncores = nPackages * __kmp_place_num_cores; // correct ncores
__kmp_free( *pAddr );
*pAddr = newAddr; // replace old topology with new one
# endif /* KMP_MIC */
static AddrUnsPair *address2os = NULL;
static int * procarr = NULL;
static int __kmp_aff_depth = 0;
static void
if (__kmp_affinity_masks != NULL) {
KMP_ASSERT(fullMask != NULL);
// Create the "full" mask - this defines all of the processors that we
// consider to be in the machine model. If respect is set, then it is
// the initialization thread's affinity mask. Otherwise, it is all
// processors that we know about on the machine.
if (fullMask == NULL) {
fullMask = (kmp_affin_mask_t *)__kmp_allocate(__kmp_affin_mask_size);
if (__kmp_affinity_respect_mask) {
__kmp_get_system_affinity(fullMask, TRUE);
// Count the number of available processors.
unsigned i;
__kmp_avail_proc = 0;
for (i = 0; i < KMP_CPU_SETSIZE; ++i) {
if (! KMP_CPU_ISSET(i, fullMask)) {
if (__kmp_avail_proc > __kmp_xproc) {
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose || (__kmp_affinity_warnings
&& (__kmp_affinity_type != affinity_none))) {
__kmp_affinity_type = affinity_none;
__kmp_affin_mask_size = 0;
else {
__kmp_avail_proc = __kmp_xproc;
int depth = -1;
kmp_i18n_id_t msg_id = kmp_i18n_null;
// For backward compatibility, setting KMP_CPUINFO_FILE =>
if ((__kmp_cpuinfo_file != NULL) &&
(__kmp_affinity_top_method == affinity_top_method_all)) {
__kmp_affinity_top_method = affinity_top_method_cpuinfo;
if (__kmp_affinity_top_method == affinity_top_method_all) {
// In the default code path, errors are not fatal - we just try using
// another method. We only emit a warning message if affinity is on,
// or the verbose flag is set, an the nowarnings flag was not set.
const char *file_name = NULL;
int line = 0;
# if KMP_ARCH_X86 || KMP_ARCH_X86_64
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
file_name = NULL;
depth = __kmp_affinity_create_x2apicid_map(&address2os, &msg_id);
if (depth == 0) {
KMP_ASSERT(__kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none);
KMP_ASSERT(address2os == NULL);
if (depth < 0) {
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
if (msg_id != kmp_i18n_null) {
KMP_INFORM(AffInfoStrStr, "KMP_AFFINITY", __kmp_i18n_catgets(msg_id),
else {
file_name = NULL;
depth = __kmp_affinity_create_apicid_map(&address2os, &msg_id);
if (depth == 0) {
KMP_ASSERT(__kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none);
KMP_ASSERT(address2os == NULL);
# endif /* KMP_ARCH_X86 || KMP_ARCH_X86_64 */
if (depth < 0) {
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
if (msg_id != kmp_i18n_null) {
KMP_INFORM(AffStrParseFilename, "KMP_AFFINITY", __kmp_i18n_catgets(msg_id), "/proc/cpuinfo");
else {
KMP_INFORM(AffParseFilename, "KMP_AFFINITY", "/proc/cpuinfo");
FILE *f = fopen("/proc/cpuinfo", "r");
if (f == NULL) {
msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_CantOpenCpuinfo;
else {
file_name = "/proc/cpuinfo";
depth = __kmp_affinity_create_cpuinfo_map(&address2os, &line, &msg_id, f);
if (depth == 0) {
KMP_ASSERT(__kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none);
KMP_ASSERT(address2os == NULL);
# endif /* KMP_OS_LINUX */
if ((depth < 0) && (__kmp_num_proc_groups > 1)) {
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
KMP_INFORM(AffWindowsProcGroupMap, "KMP_AFFINITY");
depth = __kmp_affinity_create_proc_group_map(&address2os, &msg_id);
KMP_ASSERT(depth != 0);
# endif /* KMP_OS_WINDOWS && KMP_ARCH_X86_64 */
if (depth < 0) {
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose && (msg_id != kmp_i18n_null)) {
if (file_name == NULL) {
KMP_INFORM(UsingFlatOS, __kmp_i18n_catgets(msg_id));
else if (line == 0) {
KMP_INFORM(UsingFlatOSFile, file_name, __kmp_i18n_catgets(msg_id));
else {
KMP_INFORM(UsingFlatOSFileLine, file_name, line, __kmp_i18n_catgets(msg_id));
// FIXME - print msg if msg_id = kmp_i18n_null ???
file_name = "";
depth = __kmp_affinity_create_flat_map(&address2os, &msg_id);
if (depth == 0) {
KMP_ASSERT(__kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none);
KMP_ASSERT(address2os == NULL);
KMP_ASSERT(depth > 0);
KMP_ASSERT(address2os != NULL);
// If the user has specified that a paricular topology discovery method
// is to be used, then we abort if that method fails. The exception is
// group affinity, which might have been implicitly set.
# if KMP_ARCH_X86 || KMP_ARCH_X86_64
else if (__kmp_affinity_top_method == affinity_top_method_x2apicid) {
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
depth = __kmp_affinity_create_x2apicid_map(&address2os, &msg_id);
if (depth == 0) {
KMP_ASSERT(__kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none);
KMP_ASSERT(address2os == NULL);
if (depth < 0) {
KMP_ASSERT(msg_id != kmp_i18n_null);
KMP_FATAL(MsgExiting, __kmp_i18n_catgets(msg_id));
else if (__kmp_affinity_top_method == affinity_top_method_apicid) {
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
depth = __kmp_affinity_create_apicid_map(&address2os, &msg_id);
if (depth == 0) {
KMP_ASSERT(__kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none);
KMP_ASSERT(address2os == NULL);
if (depth < 0) {
KMP_ASSERT(msg_id != kmp_i18n_null);
KMP_FATAL(MsgExiting, __kmp_i18n_catgets(msg_id));
# endif /* KMP_ARCH_X86 || KMP_ARCH_X86_64 */
else if (__kmp_affinity_top_method == affinity_top_method_cpuinfo) {
const char *filename;
if (__kmp_cpuinfo_file != NULL) {
filename = __kmp_cpuinfo_file;
else {
filename = "/proc/cpuinfo";
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
KMP_INFORM(AffParseFilename, "KMP_AFFINITY", filename);
FILE *f = fopen(filename, "r");
if (f == NULL) {
int code = errno;
if (__kmp_cpuinfo_file != NULL) {
KMP_MSG(CantOpenFileForReading, filename),
else {
KMP_MSG(CantOpenFileForReading, filename),
int line = 0;
depth = __kmp_affinity_create_cpuinfo_map(&address2os, &line, &msg_id, f);
if (depth < 0) {
KMP_ASSERT(msg_id != kmp_i18n_null);
if (line > 0) {
KMP_FATAL(FileLineMsgExiting, filename, line, __kmp_i18n_catgets(msg_id));
else {
KMP_FATAL(FileMsgExiting, filename, __kmp_i18n_catgets(msg_id));
if (__kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none) {
KMP_ASSERT(depth == 0);
KMP_ASSERT(address2os == NULL);
else if (__kmp_affinity_top_method == affinity_top_method_group) {
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
KMP_INFORM(AffWindowsProcGroupMap, "KMP_AFFINITY");
depth = __kmp_affinity_create_proc_group_map(&address2os, &msg_id);
KMP_ASSERT(depth != 0);
if (depth < 0) {
KMP_ASSERT(msg_id != kmp_i18n_null);
KMP_FATAL(MsgExiting, __kmp_i18n_catgets(msg_id));
# endif /* KMP_OS_WINDOWS && KMP_ARCH_X86_64 */
else if (__kmp_affinity_top_method == affinity_top_method_flat) {
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
depth = __kmp_affinity_create_flat_map(&address2os, &msg_id);
if (depth == 0) {
KMP_ASSERT(__kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none);
KMP_ASSERT(address2os == NULL);
// should not fail
KMP_ASSERT(depth > 0);
KMP_ASSERT(address2os != NULL);
if (address2os == NULL) {
&& (__kmp_affinity_verbose || (__kmp_affinity_warnings
&& (__kmp_affinity_type != affinity_none)))) {
__kmp_affinity_type = affinity_none;
__kmp_affin_mask_size = 0;
# if KMP_MIC
__kmp_apply_thread_places(&address2os, depth);
# endif
// Create the table of masks, indexed by thread Id.
unsigned maxIndex;
unsigned numUnique;
kmp_affin_mask_t *osId2Mask = __kmp_create_masks(&maxIndex, &numUnique,
address2os, __kmp_avail_proc);
if (__kmp_affinity_gran_levels == 0) {
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT((int)numUnique == __kmp_avail_proc);
// Set the childNums vector in all Address objects. This must be done
// before we can sort using __kmp_affinity_cmp_Address_child_num(),
// which takes into account the setting of __kmp_affinity_compact.
__kmp_affinity_assign_child_nums(address2os, __kmp_avail_proc);
switch (__kmp_affinity_type) {
case affinity_explicit:
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(__kmp_affinity_proclist != NULL);
if (__kmp_nested_proc_bind.bind_types[0] == proc_bind_intel)
# endif
&__kmp_affinity_num_masks, __kmp_affinity_proclist, osId2Mask,
else {
&__kmp_affinity_num_masks, __kmp_affinity_proclist, osId2Mask,
# endif
if (__kmp_affinity_num_masks == 0) {
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose || (__kmp_affinity_warnings
&& (__kmp_affinity_type != affinity_none))) {
__kmp_affinity_type = affinity_none;
// The other affinity types rely on sorting the Addresses according
// to some permutation of the machine topology tree. Set
// __kmp_affinity_compact and __kmp_affinity_offset appropriately,
// then jump to a common code fragment to do the sort and create
// the array of affinity masks.
case affinity_logical:
__kmp_affinity_compact = 0;
if (__kmp_affinity_offset) {
__kmp_affinity_offset = __kmp_nThreadsPerCore * __kmp_affinity_offset
% __kmp_avail_proc;
goto sortAddresses;
case affinity_physical:
if (__kmp_nThreadsPerCore > 1) {
__kmp_affinity_compact = 1;
if (__kmp_affinity_compact >= depth) {
__kmp_affinity_compact = 0;
} else {
__kmp_affinity_compact = 0;
if (__kmp_affinity_offset) {
__kmp_affinity_offset = __kmp_nThreadsPerCore * __kmp_affinity_offset
% __kmp_avail_proc;
goto sortAddresses;
case affinity_scatter:
if (__kmp_affinity_compact >= depth) {
__kmp_affinity_compact = 0;
else {
__kmp_affinity_compact = depth - 1 - __kmp_affinity_compact;
goto sortAddresses;
case affinity_compact:
if (__kmp_affinity_compact >= depth) {
__kmp_affinity_compact = depth - 1;
goto sortAddresses;
case affinity_balanced:
// Balanced works only for the case of a single package
if( nPackages > 1 ) {
if( __kmp_affinity_verbose || __kmp_affinity_warnings ) {
KMP_WARNING( AffBalancedNotAvail, "KMP_AFFINITY" );
__kmp_affinity_type = affinity_none;
} else if( __kmp_affinity_uniform_topology() ) {
} else { // Non-uniform topology
// Save the depth for further usage
__kmp_aff_depth = depth;
// Number of hyper threads per core in HT machine
int nth_per_core = __kmp_nThreadsPerCore;
int core_level;
if( nth_per_core > 1 ) {
core_level = depth - 2;
} else {
core_level = depth - 1;
int ncores = address2os[ __kmp_avail_proc - 1 ].first.labels[ core_level ] + 1;
int nproc = nth_per_core * ncores;
procarr = ( int * )__kmp_allocate( sizeof( int ) * nproc );
for( int i = 0; i < nproc; i++ ) {
procarr[ i ] = -1;
for( int i = 0; i < __kmp_avail_proc; i++ ) {
int proc = address2os[ i ].second;
// If depth == 3 then level=0 - package, level=1 - core, level=2 - thread.
// If there is only one thread per core then depth == 2: level 0 - package,
// level 1 - core.
int level = depth - 1;
// __kmp_nth_per_core == 1
int thread = 0;
int core = address2os[ i ].first.labels[ level ];
// If the thread level exists, that is we have more than one thread context per core
if( nth_per_core > 1 ) {
thread = address2os[ i ].first.labels[ level ] % nth_per_core;
core = address2os[ i ].first.labels[ level - 1 ];
procarr[ core * nth_per_core + thread ] = proc;
// Allocate the gtid->affinity mask table.
if (__kmp_affinity_dups) {
__kmp_affinity_num_masks = __kmp_avail_proc;
else {
__kmp_affinity_num_masks = numUnique;
if ( ( __kmp_nested_proc_bind.bind_types[0] != proc_bind_intel )
&& ( __kmp_affinity_num_places > 0 )
&& ( (unsigned)__kmp_affinity_num_places < __kmp_affinity_num_masks ) ) {
__kmp_affinity_num_masks = __kmp_affinity_num_places;
# endif
__kmp_affinity_masks = (kmp_affin_mask_t*)__kmp_allocate(
__kmp_affinity_num_masks * __kmp_affin_mask_size);
// Sort the address2os table according to the current setting of
// __kmp_affinity_compact, then fill out __kmp_affinity_masks.
qsort(address2os, __kmp_avail_proc, sizeof(*address2os),
int i;
unsigned j;
for (i = 0, j = 0; i < __kmp_avail_proc; i++) {
if ((! __kmp_affinity_dups) && (! address2os[i].first.leader)) {
unsigned osId = address2os[i].second;
kmp_affin_mask_t *src = KMP_CPU_INDEX(osId2Mask, osId);
kmp_affin_mask_t *dest
= KMP_CPU_INDEX(__kmp_affinity_masks, j);
KMP_CPU_COPY(dest, src);
if (++j >= __kmp_affinity_num_masks) {
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(j == __kmp_affinity_num_masks);
KMP_ASSERT2(0, "Unexpected affinity setting");
machine_hierarchy.init(address2os, __kmp_avail_proc);
// Much of the code above was written assumming that if a machine was not
// affinity capable, then __kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none. We now
// explicitly represent this as __kmp_affinity_type == affinity_disabled.
// There are too many checks for __kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none
// in this code. Instead of trying to change them all, check if
// __kmp_affinity_type == affinity_disabled, and if so, slam it with
// affinity_none, call the real initialization routine, then restore
// __kmp_affinity_type to affinity_disabled.
int disabled = (__kmp_affinity_type == affinity_disabled);
if (disabled) {
__kmp_affinity_type = affinity_none;
if (disabled) {
__kmp_affinity_type = affinity_disabled;
if (__kmp_affinity_masks != NULL) {
__kmp_affinity_masks = NULL;
if (fullMask != NULL) {
fullMask = NULL;
__kmp_affinity_num_masks = 0;
__kmp_affinity_num_places = 0;
# endif
if (__kmp_affinity_proclist != NULL) {
__kmp_affinity_proclist = NULL;
if( address2os != NULL ) {
__kmp_free( address2os );
address2os = NULL;
if( procarr != NULL ) {
__kmp_free( procarr );
procarr = NULL;
__kmp_affinity_set_init_mask(int gtid, int isa_root)
kmp_info_t *th = (kmp_info_t *)TCR_SYNC_PTR(__kmp_threads[gtid]);
if (th->th.th_affin_mask == NULL) {
else {
// Copy the thread mask to the kmp_info_t strucuture.
// If __kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none, copy the "full" mask, i.e. one
// that has all of the OS proc ids set, or if __kmp_affinity_respect_mask
// is set, then the full mask is the same as the mask of the initialization
// thread.
kmp_affin_mask_t *mask;
int i;
if (__kmp_nested_proc_bind.bind_types[0] == proc_bind_intel)
# endif
if ((__kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none) || (__kmp_affinity_type == affinity_balanced)
) {
if (__kmp_num_proc_groups > 1) {
# endif
KMP_ASSERT(fullMask != NULL);
mask = fullMask;
else {
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( __kmp_affinity_num_masks > 0 );
i = (gtid + __kmp_affinity_offset) % __kmp_affinity_num_masks;
mask = KMP_CPU_INDEX(__kmp_affinity_masks, i);
else {
if ((! isa_root)
|| (__kmp_nested_proc_bind.bind_types[0] == proc_bind_false)) {
if (__kmp_num_proc_groups > 1) {
# endif
KMP_ASSERT(fullMask != NULL);
mask = fullMask;
else {
// int i = some hash function or just a counter that doesn't
// always start at 0. Use gtid for now.
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( __kmp_affinity_num_masks > 0 );
i = (gtid + __kmp_affinity_offset) % __kmp_affinity_num_masks;
mask = KMP_CPU_INDEX(__kmp_affinity_masks, i);
# endif
th->th.th_current_place = i;
if (isa_root) {
th->th.th_new_place = i;
th->th.th_first_place = 0;
th->th.th_last_place = __kmp_affinity_num_masks - 1;
if (i == KMP_PLACE_ALL) {
KA_TRACE(100, ("__kmp_affinity_set_init_mask: binding T#%d to all places\n",
else {
KA_TRACE(100, ("__kmp_affinity_set_init_mask: binding T#%d to place %d\n",
gtid, i));
# else
if (i == -1) {
KA_TRACE(100, ("__kmp_affinity_set_init_mask: binding T#%d to fullMask\n",
else {
KA_TRACE(100, ("__kmp_affinity_set_init_mask: binding T#%d to mask %d\n",
gtid, i));
# endif /* OMP_40_ENABLED */
KMP_CPU_COPY(th->th.th_affin_mask, mask);
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
__kmp_affinity_print_mask(buf, KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN,
KMP_INFORM(BoundToOSProcSet, "KMP_AFFINITY", (kmp_int32)getpid(), gtid,
// On Windows* OS, the process affinity mask might have changed.
// If the user didn't request affinity and this call fails,
// just continue silently. See CQ171393.
if ( __kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none ) {
__kmp_set_system_affinity(th->th.th_affin_mask, FALSE);
# endif
__kmp_set_system_affinity(th->th.th_affin_mask, TRUE);
__kmp_affinity_set_place(int gtid)
int retval;
kmp_info_t *th = (kmp_info_t *)TCR_SYNC_PTR(__kmp_threads[gtid]);
KA_TRACE(100, ("__kmp_affinity_set_place: binding T#%d to place %d (current place = %d)\n",
gtid, th->th.th_new_place, th->th.th_current_place));
// Check that the new place is within this thread's partition.
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(th->th.th_affin_mask != NULL);
KMP_ASSERT(th->th.th_new_place >= 0);
KMP_ASSERT((unsigned)th->th.th_new_place <= __kmp_affinity_num_masks);
if (th->th.th_first_place <= th->th.th_last_place) {
KMP_ASSERT((th->th.th_new_place >= th->th.th_first_place)
&& (th->th.th_new_place <= th->th.th_last_place));
else {
KMP_ASSERT((th->th.th_new_place <= th->th.th_first_place)
|| (th->th.th_new_place >= th->th.th_last_place));
// Copy the thread mask to the kmp_info_t strucuture,
// and set this thread's affinity.
kmp_affin_mask_t *mask = KMP_CPU_INDEX(__kmp_affinity_masks,
KMP_CPU_COPY(th->th.th_affin_mask, mask);
th->th.th_current_place = th->th.th_new_place;
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
__kmp_affinity_print_mask(buf, KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN,
KMP_INFORM(BoundToOSProcSet, "OMP_PROC_BIND", (kmp_int32)getpid(),
gtid, buf);
__kmp_set_system_affinity(th->th.th_affin_mask, TRUE);
# endif /* OMP_40_ENABLED */
__kmp_aux_set_affinity(void **mask)
int gtid;
kmp_info_t *th;
int retval;
return -1;
gtid = __kmp_entry_gtid();
KA_TRACE(1000, ;{
__kmp_affinity_print_mask(buf, KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN,
(kmp_affin_mask_t *)(*mask));
__kmp_debug_printf("kmp_set_affinity: setting affinity mask for thread %d = %s\n",
gtid, buf);
if (__kmp_env_consistency_check) {
if ((mask == NULL) || (*mask == NULL)) {
KMP_FATAL(AffinityInvalidMask, "kmp_set_affinity");
else {
unsigned proc;
int num_procs = 0;
for (proc = 0; proc < KMP_CPU_SETSIZE; proc++) {
if (! KMP_CPU_ISSET(proc, (kmp_affin_mask_t *)(*mask))) {
if (! KMP_CPU_ISSET(proc, fullMask)) {
KMP_FATAL(AffinityInvalidMask, "kmp_set_affinity");
if (num_procs == 0) {
KMP_FATAL(AffinityInvalidMask, "kmp_set_affinity");
if (__kmp_get_proc_group((kmp_affin_mask_t *)(*mask)) < 0) {
KMP_FATAL(AffinityInvalidMask, "kmp_set_affinity");
# endif /* KMP_OS_WINDOWS && KMP_ARCH_X86_64 */
th = __kmp_threads[gtid];
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(th->th.th_affin_mask != NULL);
retval = __kmp_set_system_affinity((kmp_affin_mask_t *)(*mask), FALSE);
if (retval == 0) {
KMP_CPU_COPY(th->th.th_affin_mask, (kmp_affin_mask_t *)(*mask));
th->th.th_current_place = KMP_PLACE_UNDEFINED;
th->th.th_new_place = KMP_PLACE_UNDEFINED;
th->th.th_first_place = 0;
th->th.th_last_place = __kmp_affinity_num_masks - 1;
// Turn off 4.0 affinity for the current tread at this parallel level.
th->th.th_current_task->td_icvs.proc_bind = proc_bind_false;
# endif
return retval;
__kmp_aux_get_affinity(void **mask)
int gtid;
int retval;
kmp_info_t *th;
return -1;
gtid = __kmp_entry_gtid();
th = __kmp_threads[gtid];
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(th->th.th_affin_mask != NULL);
KA_TRACE(1000, ;{
__kmp_affinity_print_mask(buf, KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN,
__kmp_printf("kmp_get_affinity: stored affinity mask for thread %d = %s\n", gtid, buf);
if (__kmp_env_consistency_check) {
if ((mask == NULL) || (*mask == NULL)) {
KMP_FATAL(AffinityInvalidMask, "kmp_get_affinity");
retval = __kmp_get_system_affinity((kmp_affin_mask_t *)(*mask), FALSE);
KA_TRACE(1000, ;{
__kmp_affinity_print_mask(buf, KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN,
(kmp_affin_mask_t *)(*mask));
__kmp_printf("kmp_get_affinity: system affinity mask for thread %d = %s\n", gtid, buf);
return retval;
# else
KMP_CPU_COPY((kmp_affin_mask_t *)(*mask), th->th.th_affin_mask);
return 0;
# endif /* KMP_OS_WINDOWS */
__kmp_aux_set_affinity_mask_proc(int proc, void **mask)
int retval;
return -1;
KA_TRACE(1000, ;{
int gtid = __kmp_entry_gtid();
__kmp_affinity_print_mask(buf, KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN,
(kmp_affin_mask_t *)(*mask));
__kmp_debug_printf("kmp_set_affinity_mask_proc: setting proc %d in affinity mask for thread %d = %s\n",
proc, gtid, buf);
if (__kmp_env_consistency_check) {
if ((mask == NULL) || (*mask == NULL)) {
KMP_FATAL(AffinityInvalidMask, "kmp_set_affinity_mask_proc");
if ((proc < 0) || ((unsigned)proc >= KMP_CPU_SETSIZE)) {
return -1;
if (! KMP_CPU_ISSET(proc, fullMask)) {
return -2;
KMP_CPU_SET(proc, (kmp_affin_mask_t *)(*mask));
return 0;
__kmp_aux_unset_affinity_mask_proc(int proc, void **mask)
int retval;
return -1;
KA_TRACE(1000, ;{
int gtid = __kmp_entry_gtid();
__kmp_affinity_print_mask(buf, KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN,
(kmp_affin_mask_t *)(*mask));
__kmp_debug_printf("kmp_unset_affinity_mask_proc: unsetting proc %d in affinity mask for thread %d = %s\n",
proc, gtid, buf);
if (__kmp_env_consistency_check) {
if ((mask == NULL) || (*mask == NULL)) {
KMP_FATAL(AffinityInvalidMask, "kmp_unset_affinity_mask_proc");
if ((proc < 0) || ((unsigned)proc >= KMP_CPU_SETSIZE)) {
return -1;
if (! KMP_CPU_ISSET(proc, fullMask)) {
return -2;
KMP_CPU_CLR(proc, (kmp_affin_mask_t *)(*mask));
return 0;
__kmp_aux_get_affinity_mask_proc(int proc, void **mask)
int retval;
return -1;
KA_TRACE(1000, ;{
int gtid = __kmp_entry_gtid();
__kmp_affinity_print_mask(buf, KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN,
(kmp_affin_mask_t *)(*mask));
__kmp_debug_printf("kmp_get_affinity_mask_proc: getting proc %d in affinity mask for thread %d = %s\n",
proc, gtid, buf);
if (__kmp_env_consistency_check) {
if ((mask == NULL) || (*mask == NULL)) {
KMP_FATAL(AffinityInvalidMask, "kmp_set_affinity_mask_proc");
if ((proc < 0) || ((unsigned)proc >= KMP_CPU_SETSIZE)) {
return 0;
if (! KMP_CPU_ISSET(proc, fullMask)) {
return 0;
return KMP_CPU_ISSET(proc, (kmp_affin_mask_t *)(*mask));
// Dynamic affinity settings - Affinity balanced
void __kmp_balanced_affinity( int tid, int nthreads )
if( __kmp_affinity_uniform_topology() ) {
int coreID;
int threadID;
// Number of hyper threads per core in HT machine
int __kmp_nth_per_core = __kmp_avail_proc / __kmp_ncores;
// Number of cores
int ncores = __kmp_ncores;
// How many threads will be bound to each core
int chunk = nthreads / ncores;
// How many cores will have an additional thread bound to it - "big cores"
int big_cores = nthreads % ncores;
// Number of threads on the big cores
int big_nth = ( chunk + 1 ) * big_cores;
if( tid < big_nth ) {
coreID = tid / (chunk + 1 );
threadID = ( tid % (chunk + 1 ) ) % __kmp_nth_per_core ;
} else { //tid >= big_nth
coreID = ( tid - big_cores ) / chunk;
threadID = ( ( tid - big_cores ) % chunk ) % __kmp_nth_per_core ;
"Illegal set affinity operation when not capable");
kmp_affin_mask_t *mask = (kmp_affin_mask_t *)alloca(__kmp_affin_mask_size);
// Granularity == thread
if( __kmp_affinity_gran == affinity_gran_fine || __kmp_affinity_gran == affinity_gran_thread) {
int osID = address2os[ coreID * __kmp_nth_per_core + threadID ].second;
KMP_CPU_SET( osID, mask);
} else if( __kmp_affinity_gran == affinity_gran_core ) { // Granularity == core
for( int i = 0; i < __kmp_nth_per_core; i++ ) {
int osID;
osID = address2os[ coreID * __kmp_nth_per_core + i ].second;
KMP_CPU_SET( osID, mask);
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
__kmp_affinity_print_mask(buf, KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN, mask);
KMP_INFORM(BoundToOSProcSet, "KMP_AFFINITY", (kmp_int32)getpid(),
tid, buf);
__kmp_set_system_affinity( mask, TRUE );
} else { // Non-uniform topology
kmp_affin_mask_t *mask = (kmp_affin_mask_t *)alloca(__kmp_affin_mask_size);
// Number of hyper threads per core in HT machine
int nth_per_core = __kmp_nThreadsPerCore;
int core_level;
if( nth_per_core > 1 ) {
core_level = __kmp_aff_depth - 2;
} else {
core_level = __kmp_aff_depth - 1;
// Number of cores - maximum value; it does not count trail cores with 0 processors
int ncores = address2os[ __kmp_avail_proc - 1 ].first.labels[ core_level ] + 1;
// For performance gain consider the special case nthreads == __kmp_avail_proc
if( nthreads == __kmp_avail_proc ) {
if( __kmp_affinity_gran == affinity_gran_fine || __kmp_affinity_gran == affinity_gran_thread) {
int osID = address2os[ tid ].second;
KMP_CPU_SET( osID, mask);
} else if( __kmp_affinity_gran == affinity_gran_core ) { // Granularity == core
int coreID = address2os[ tid ].first.labels[ core_level ];
// We'll count found osIDs for the current core; they can be not more than nth_per_core;
// since the address2os is sortied we can break when cnt==nth_per_core
int cnt = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < __kmp_avail_proc; i++ ) {
int osID = address2os[ i ].second;
int core = address2os[ i ].first.labels[ core_level ];
if( core == coreID ) {
KMP_CPU_SET( osID, mask);
if( cnt == nth_per_core ) {
} else if( nthreads <= __kmp_ncores ) {
int core = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < ncores; i++ ) {
// Check if this core from procarr[] is in the mask
int in_mask = 0;
for( int j = 0; j < nth_per_core; j++ ) {
if( procarr[ i * nth_per_core + j ] != - 1 ) {
in_mask = 1;
if( in_mask ) {
if( tid == core ) {
for( int j = 0; j < nth_per_core; j++ ) {
int osID = procarr[ i * nth_per_core + j ];
if( osID != -1 ) {
KMP_CPU_SET( osID, mask );
// For granularity=thread it is enough to set the first available osID for this core
if( __kmp_affinity_gran == affinity_gran_fine || __kmp_affinity_gran == affinity_gran_thread) {
} else {
} else { // nthreads > __kmp_ncores
// Array to save the number of processors at each core
int nproc_at_core[ ncores ];
// Array to save the number of cores with "x" available processors;
int ncores_with_x_procs[ nth_per_core + 1 ];
// Array to save the number of cores with # procs from x to nth_per_core
int ncores_with_x_to_max_procs[ nth_per_core + 1 ];
for( int i = 0; i <= nth_per_core; i++ ) {
ncores_with_x_procs[ i ] = 0;
ncores_with_x_to_max_procs[ i ] = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < ncores; i++ ) {
int cnt = 0;
for( int j = 0; j < nth_per_core; j++ ) {
if( procarr[ i * nth_per_core + j ] != -1 ) {
nproc_at_core[ i ] = cnt;
ncores_with_x_procs[ cnt ]++;
for( int i = 0; i <= nth_per_core; i++ ) {
for( int j = i; j <= nth_per_core; j++ ) {
ncores_with_x_to_max_procs[ i ] += ncores_with_x_procs[ j ];
// Max number of processors
int nproc = nth_per_core * ncores;
// An array to keep number of threads per each context
int * newarr = ( int * )__kmp_allocate( sizeof( int ) * nproc );
for( int i = 0; i < nproc; i++ ) {
newarr[ i ] = 0;
int nth = nthreads;
int flag = 0;
while( nth > 0 ) {
for( int j = 1; j <= nth_per_core; j++ ) {
int cnt = ncores_with_x_to_max_procs[ j ];
for( int i = 0; i < ncores; i++ ) {
// Skip the core with 0 processors
if( nproc_at_core[ i ] == 0 ) {
for( int k = 0; k < nth_per_core; k++ ) {
if( procarr[ i * nth_per_core + k ] != -1 ) {
if( newarr[ i * nth_per_core + k ] == 0 ) {
newarr[ i * nth_per_core + k ] = 1;
} else {
if( flag != 0 ) {
newarr[ i * nth_per_core + k ] ++;
if( cnt == 0 || nth == 0 ) {
if( nth == 0 ) {
flag = 1;
int sum = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < nproc; i++ ) {
sum += newarr[ i ];
if( sum > tid ) {
// Granularity == thread
if( __kmp_affinity_gran == affinity_gran_fine || __kmp_affinity_gran == affinity_gran_thread) {
int osID = procarr[ i ];
KMP_CPU_SET( osID, mask);
} else if( __kmp_affinity_gran == affinity_gran_core ) { // Granularity == core
int coreID = i / nth_per_core;
for( int ii = 0; ii < nth_per_core; ii++ ) {
int osID = procarr[ coreID * nth_per_core + ii ];
if( osID != -1 ) {
KMP_CPU_SET( osID, mask);
__kmp_free( newarr );
if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
__kmp_affinity_print_mask(buf, KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN, mask);
KMP_INFORM(BoundToOSProcSet, "KMP_AFFINITY", (kmp_int32)getpid(),
tid, buf);
__kmp_set_system_affinity( mask, TRUE );
// affinity not supported
kmp_uint32 mac_skipPerLevel[7];
kmp_uint32 mac_depth;
kmp_uint8 mac_leaf_kids;
void __kmp_get_hierarchy(kmp_uint32 nproc, kmp_bstate_t *thr_bar) {
static int first = 1;
if (first) {
const kmp_uint32 maxLevels = 7;
kmp_uint32 numPerLevel[maxLevels];
for (kmp_uint32 i=0; i<maxLevels; ++i) { // init numPerLevel[*] to 1 item per level
numPerLevel[i] = 1;
mac_skipPerLevel[i] = 1;
mac_depth = 2;
numPerLevel[0] = nproc;
kmp_uint32 branch = 4;
if (numPerLevel[0] == 1) branch = nproc/4;
if (branch<4) branch=4;
for (kmp_uint32 d=0; d<mac_depth-1; ++d) { // optimize hierarchy width
while (numPerLevel[d] > branch || (d==0 && numPerLevel[d]>4)) { // max 4 on level 0!
if (numPerLevel[d] & 1) numPerLevel[d]++;
numPerLevel[d] = numPerLevel[d] >> 1;
if (numPerLevel[d+1] == 1) mac_depth++;
numPerLevel[d+1] = numPerLevel[d+1] << 1;
if(numPerLevel[0] == 1) {
branch = branch >> 1;
if (branch<4) branch = 4;
for (kmp_uint32 i=1; i<mac_depth; ++i)
mac_skipPerLevel[i] = numPerLevel[i-1] * mac_skipPerLevel[i-1];
mac_leaf_kids = (kmp_uint8)numPerLevel[0]-1;
thr_bar->depth = mac_depth;
thr_bar->base_leaf_kids = mac_leaf_kids;
thr_bar->skip_per_level = mac_skipPerLevel;