blob: bbfc2ead04c696daa0f15b74285d23084343de2e [file] [log] [blame]
; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/
; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=x86_64-unknown -mcpu=corei7 | FileCheck %s
declare i8 @llvm.ctpop.i8(i8) nounwind readnone
declare i64 @llvm.ctpop.i64(i64) nounwind readnone
define i32 @test1(i64 %x) nounwind readnone {
; CHECK-LABEL: test1:
; CHECK: # BB#0:
; CHECK-NEXT: leaq -1(%rdi), %rcx
; CHECK-NEXT: xorl %eax, %eax
; CHECK-NEXT: testq %rcx, %rdi
; CHECK-NEXT: setne %al
; CHECK-NEXT: retq
%count = tail call i64 @llvm.ctpop.i64(i64 %x)
%cast = trunc i64 %count to i32
%cmp = icmp ugt i32 %cast, 1
%conv = zext i1 %cmp to i32
ret i32 %conv
define i32 @test2(i64 %x) nounwind readnone {
; CHECK-LABEL: test2:
; CHECK: # BB#0:
; CHECK-NEXT: leaq -1(%rdi), %rcx
; CHECK-NEXT: xorl %eax, %eax
; CHECK-NEXT: testq %rcx, %rdi
; CHECK-NEXT: sete %al
; CHECK-NEXT: retq
%count = tail call i64 @llvm.ctpop.i64(i64 %x)
%cmp = icmp ult i64 %count, 2
%conv = zext i1 %cmp to i32
ret i32 %conv
define i32 @test3(i64 %x) nounwind readnone {
; CHECK-LABEL: test3:
; CHECK: # BB#0:
; CHECK-NEXT: popcntq %rdi, %rcx
; CHECK-NEXT: andb $63, %cl
; CHECK-NEXT: xorl %eax, %eax
; CHECK-NEXT: cmpb $2, %cl
; CHECK-NEXT: setb %al
; CHECK-NEXT: retq
%count = tail call i64 @llvm.ctpop.i64(i64 %x)
%cast = trunc i64 %count to i6 ; Too small for 0-64
%cmp = icmp ult i6 %cast, 2
%conv = zext i1 %cmp to i32
ret i32 %conv
define i8 @test4(i8 %x) nounwind readnone {
; CHECK-LABEL: test4:
; CHECK: # BB#0:
; CHECK-NEXT: andl $127, %edi
; CHECK-NEXT: popcntw %di, %ax
; CHECK-NEXT: # kill: %AL<def> %AL<kill> %AX<kill>
; CHECK-NEXT: retq
%x2 = and i8 %x, 127
%count = tail call i8 @llvm.ctpop.i8(i8 %x2)
%and = and i8 %count, 7
ret i8 %and