blob: 0383bd665b0fd7d0d8460ee2819d686d5c0fd952 [file] [log] [blame]
; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=x86_64-apple-darwin -mcpu=corei7-avx | FileCheck %s
;CHECK: test
;CHECK: vaddps
;CHECK: vmulps
;CHECK: vsubps
;CHECK: vcmpltps
;CHECK: vcmpltps
;CHECK: vandps
;CHECK: vandps
;CHECK: ret
define <8 x i32> @test(<8 x float> %a, <8 x float> %b) {
%c1 = fadd <8 x float> %a, %b
%b1 = fmul <8 x float> %b, %a
%d = fsub <8 x float> %b1, %c1
%res1 = fcmp olt <8 x float> %a, %b1
%res2 = fcmp olt <8 x float> %c1, %d
%andr = and <8 x i1>%res1, %res2
%ex = zext <8 x i1> %andr to <8 x i32>
ret <8 x i32>%ex