blob: 758423b89599a1b3d1c2d95ce37611ee9a7772a3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Set the name of the project here
PROJECT_NAME := sample
# Set this variable to the top of the LLVM source tree.
# Set this variable to the top level directory where LLVM was built
# (this is *not* the same as OBJ_ROOT as defined in LLVM's Makefile.config).
# Set the directory root of this project's source files
PROJ_SRC_ROOT := $(subst //,/,@abs_top_srcdir@)
# Set the root directory of this project's object files
PROJ_OBJ_ROOT := $(subst //,/,@abs_top_builddir@)
# Set the root directory of this project's install prefix
# Configuration file to set paths specific to local installation of LLVM
include $(PROJ_OBJ_ROOT)/Makefile.llvm.config
# Include all of the build rules used for making LLVM
include $(PROJ_SRC_ROOT)/Makefile.llvm.rules