blob: 13b4bf31128c65b7850bb96ba01af9731b0109f8 [file] [log] [blame]
; RUN: llvm-as < %s | llc -march=x86 | grep movs
declare sbyte* %llvm.memcpy(sbyte* %A, sbyte* %B, uint %amt, uint %align)
%A = global [1000 x int] zeroinitializer
%B = global [1000 x int] zeroinitializer
void %main() {
; dword copy
call sbyte* %llvm.memcpy(sbyte* cast (int* getelementptr ([1000 x int]* %A, long 0, long 0) to sbyte*),
sbyte* cast (int* getelementptr ([1000 x int]* %B, long 0, long 0) to sbyte*),
uint 4000, uint 4)
; word copy
call sbyte* %llvm.memcpy(sbyte* cast (int* getelementptr ([1000 x int]* %A, long 0, long 0) to sbyte*),
sbyte* cast (int* getelementptr ([1000 x int]* %B, long 0, long 0) to sbyte*),
uint 4000, uint 2)
; byte copy
call sbyte* %llvm.memcpy(sbyte* cast (int* getelementptr ([1000 x int]* %A, long 0, long 0) to sbyte*),
sbyte* cast (int* getelementptr ([1000 x int]* %B, long 0, long 0) to sbyte*),
uint 4000, uint 1)
ret void