blob: 957950156e852e2d6129fa99e9364e07a2c58b1f [file] [log] [blame]
//===- HexagonMCChecker.h - Instruction bundle checking ---------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This implements the checking of insns inside a bundle according to the
// packet constraint rules of the Hexagon ISA.
#include "MCTargetDesc/HexagonMCTargetDesc.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/Support/SMLoc.h"
#include <set>
#include <utility>
namespace llvm {
class MCContext;
class MCInst;
class MCInstrInfo;
class MCRegisterInfo;
class MCSubtargetInfo;
/// Check for a valid bundle.
class HexagonMCChecker {
MCContext &Context;
MCInst &MCB;
const MCRegisterInfo &RI;
MCInstrInfo const &MCII;
MCSubtargetInfo const &STI;
bool ReportErrors;
/// Set of definitions: register #, if predicated, if predicated true.
using PredSense = std::pair<unsigned, bool>;
static const PredSense Unconditional;
using PredSet = std::multiset<PredSense>;
using PredSetIterator = std::multiset<PredSense>::iterator;
using DefsIterator = DenseMap<unsigned, PredSet>::iterator;
DenseMap<unsigned, PredSet> Defs;
/// Information about how a new-value register is defined or used:
/// PredReg = predicate register, 0 if use/def not predicated,
/// Cond = true/false for if(PredReg)/if(!PredReg) respectively,
/// IsFloat = true if definition produces a floating point value
/// (not valid for uses),
/// IsNVJ = true if the use is a new-value branch (not valid for
/// definitions).
struct NewSense {
unsigned PredReg;
bool IsFloat, IsNVJ, Cond;
// The special-case "constructors":
static NewSense Jmp(bool isNVJ) {
NewSense NS = {/*PredReg=*/0, /*IsFloat=*/false, /*IsNVJ=*/isNVJ,
return NS;
static NewSense Use(unsigned PR, bool True) {
NewSense NS = {/*PredReg=*/PR, /*IsFloat=*/false, /*IsNVJ=*/false,
return NS;
static NewSense Def(unsigned PR, bool True, bool Float) {
NewSense NS = {/*PredReg=*/PR, /*IsFloat=*/Float, /*IsNVJ=*/false,
return NS;
/// Set of definitions that produce new register:
using NewSenseList = SmallVector<NewSense, 2>;
using NewDefsIterator = DenseMap<unsigned, NewSenseList>::iterator;
DenseMap<unsigned, NewSenseList> NewDefs;
/// Set of weak definitions whose clashes should be enforced selectively.
using SoftDefsIterator = std::set<unsigned>::iterator;
std::set<unsigned> SoftDefs;
/// Set of temporary definitions not committed to the register file.
using TmpDefsIterator = std::set<unsigned>::iterator;
std::set<unsigned> TmpDefs;
/// Set of new predicates used.
using NewPredsIterator = std::set<unsigned>::iterator;
std::set<unsigned> NewPreds;
/// Set of predicates defined late.
using LatePredsIterator = std::multiset<unsigned>::iterator;
std::multiset<unsigned> LatePreds;
/// Set of uses.
using UsesIterator = std::set<unsigned>::iterator;
std::set<unsigned> Uses;
/// Set of new values used: new register, if new-value jump.
using NewUsesIterator = DenseMap<unsigned, NewSense>::iterator;
DenseMap<unsigned, NewSense> NewUses;
/// Pre-defined set of read-only registers.
using ReadOnlyIterator = std::set<unsigned>::iterator;
std::set<unsigned> ReadOnly;
void init();
void init(MCInst const &);
void initReg(MCInst const &, unsigned, unsigned &PredReg, bool &isTrue);
bool registerUsed(unsigned Register);
// Checks performed.
bool checkBranches();
bool checkPredicates();
bool checkNewValues();
bool checkRegisters();
bool checkRegistersReadOnly();
bool checkEndloopBranches();
void checkRegisterCurDefs();
bool checkSolo();
bool checkShuffle();
bool checkSlots();
bool checkAXOK();
static void compoundRegisterMap(unsigned &);
bool isPredicateRegister(unsigned R) const {
return (Hexagon::P0 == R || Hexagon::P1 == R || Hexagon::P2 == R ||
Hexagon::P3 == R);
bool isLoopRegister(unsigned R) const {
return (Hexagon::SA0 == R || Hexagon::LC0 == R || Hexagon::SA1 == R ||
Hexagon::LC1 == R);
bool hasValidNewValueDef(const NewSense &Use, const NewSenseList &Defs) const;
explicit HexagonMCChecker(MCContext &Context, MCInstrInfo const &MCII,
MCSubtargetInfo const &STI, MCInst &mcb,
const MCRegisterInfo &ri, bool ReportErrors = true);
bool check(bool FullCheck = true);
void reportErrorRegisters(unsigned Register);
void reportErrorNewValue(unsigned Register);
void reportError(SMLoc Loc, Twine const &Msg);
void reportError(Twine const &Msg);
void reportWarning(Twine const &Msg);
} // end namespace llvm