[ORC][MIPS] Fill delay-slot after `jr` instruction

MIPS `jr` instruction uses a delay-slot. To escape execution of
arbitrary instruction we should either fill the delay-slot by `nop`
instruction or swap `jr` instruction and logically preceding
instruction. This fix implements the second method to generate a bit
more effective code.

git-svn-id: https://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/llvm/trunk@351001 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
diff --git a/lib/ExecutionEngine/Orc/OrcABISupport.cpp b/lib/ExecutionEngine/Orc/OrcABISupport.cpp
index 3f513e4..aa40555 100644
--- a/lib/ExecutionEngine/Orc/OrcABISupport.cpp
+++ b/lib/ExecutionEngine/Orc/OrcABISupport.cpp
@@ -610,13 +610,13 @@
       0x8fa40008,                    // 0xe8: lw $a0,8($sp)
       0x27bd0068,                    // 0xec: addiu $sp,$sp,104
       0x0300f825,                    // 0xf0: move $ra, $t8
-      0x00000000,                    // 0xf4: move $t9, $v0/v1
-      0x03200008                     // 0xf8: jr $t9
+      0x03200008,                    // 0xf4: jr $t9
+      0x00000000,                    // 0xf8: move $t9, $v0/v1
   const unsigned ReentryFnAddrOffset = 0x7c;   // JIT re-entry fn addr lui
   const unsigned CallbackMgrAddrOffset = 0x6c; // Callback manager addr lui
-  const unsigned Offsett = 0xf4;
+  const unsigned Offsett = 0xf8;
   memcpy(ResolverMem, ResolverCode, sizeof(ResolverCode));
@@ -810,8 +810,8 @@
       0xdfa30008,                     // 0x10c: ld v1, 8(sp)
       0x67bd00d0,                     // 0x110: daddiu $sp,$sp,208
       0x0300f825,                     // 0x114: move $ra, $t8
-      0x0040c825,                     // 0x118: move $t9, $v0
-      0x03200008                      // 0x11c: jr $t9
+      0x03200008,                     // 0x118: jr $t9
+      0x0040c825,                     // 0x11c: move $t9, $v0
   const unsigned ReentryFnAddrOffset = 0x8c;   // JIT re-entry fn addr lui