blob: 617a4dfada18365fb85cbfc5fe13b2432f5f4a7a [file] [log] [blame]
; RUN: llc -mtriple=arm-eabi -mattr=+armv8.2-a,+fullfp16,+neon -float-abi=hard -O1 < %s | FileCheck %s
; RUN: llc -mtriple=arm-eabi -mattr=+armv8.2-a,+fullfp16,+neon -float-abi=soft -O1 < %s | FileCheck %s
define float @test_vget_lane_f16_1(<4 x half> %a) nounwind {
; CHECK-LABEL: test_vget_lane_f16_1:
; CHECK: vmovx.f16 s0, s0
; CHECK-NEXT: vcvtb.f32.f16 s0, s0
%elt = extractelement <4 x half> %a, i32 1
%conv = fpext half %elt to float
ret float %conv
define float @test_vget_lane_f16_2(<4 x half> %a) nounwind {
; CHECK-LABEL: test_vget_lane_f16_2:
; CHECK-NOT: vmovx.f16
; CHECK: vcvtb.f32.f16 s0, s1
%elt = extractelement <4 x half> %a, i32 2
%conv = fpext half %elt to float
ret float %conv
define float @test_vget_laneq_f16_6(<8 x half> %a) nounwind {
; CHECK-LABEL: test_vget_laneq_f16_6:
; CHECK-NOT: vmovx.f16
; CHECK: vcvtb.f32.f16 s0, s3
%elt = extractelement <8 x half> %a, i32 6
%conv = fpext half %elt to float
ret float %conv
define float @test_vget_laneq_f16_7(<8 x half> %a) nounwind {
; CHECK-LABEL: test_vget_laneq_f16_7:
; CHECK: vmovx.f16 s0, s3
; CHECK: vcvtb.f32.f16 s0, s0
%elt = extractelement <8 x half> %a, i32 7
%conv = fpext half %elt to float
ret float %conv
define <4 x half> @test_vset_lane_f16(<4 x half> %a, float %fb) nounwind {
; CHECK-LABEL: test_vset_lane_f16:
; CHECK: vmov.f16 r[[GPR:[0-9]+]], s{{[0-9]+}}
; CHECK: vmov.16 d{{[0-9]+}}[3], r[[GPR]]
%b = fptrunc float %fb to half
%x = insertelement <4 x half> %a, half %b, i32 3
ret <4 x half> %x
define <8 x half> @test_vset_laneq_f16_1(<8 x half> %a, float %fb) nounwind {
; CHECK-LABEL: test_vset_laneq_f16_1:
; CHECK: vmov.f16 r[[GPR:[0-9]+]], s{{[0-9]+}}
; CHECK: vmov.16 d{{[0-9]+}}[1], r[[GPR]]
%b = fptrunc float %fb to half
%x = insertelement <8 x half> %a, half %b, i32 1
ret <8 x half> %x
define <8 x half> @test_vset_laneq_f16_7(<8 x half> %a, float %fb) nounwind {
; CHECK-LABEL: test_vset_laneq_f16_7:
; CHECK: vmov.f16 r[[GPR:[0-9]+]], s{{[0-9]+}}
; CHECK: vmov.16 d{{[0-9]+}}[3], r[[GPR]]
%b = fptrunc float %fb to half
%x = insertelement <8 x half> %a, half %b, i32 7
ret <8 x half> %x