blob: 8ed06f23383c4fa85744b75c96ff493c83878f3b [file] [log] [blame]
; RUN: llc -verify-machineinstrs -mtriple=aarch64-apple-ios -o - %s -global-isel | FileCheck %s
; Parameter with swiftself should be allocated to x20.
; CHECK-LABEL: swiftself_param:
; CHECK: mov x0, x20
define i8* @swiftself_param(i8* swiftself %addr0) {
ret i8 *%addr0
; Check that x20 is used to pass a swiftself argument.
; CHECK-LABEL: call_swiftself:
; CHECK: mov x20, x0
; CHECK: bl {{_?}}swiftself_param
; CHECK: ret
define i8 *@call_swiftself(i8* %arg) {
%res = call i8 *@swiftself_param(i8* swiftself %arg)
ret i8 *%res
; Demonstrate that we do not need any movs when calling multiple functions
; with swiftself argument.
; CHECK-LABEL: swiftself_passthrough:
; CHECK-NOT: mov{{.*}}x20
; CHECK: bl {{_?}}swiftself_param
; CHECK-NOT: mov{{.*}}x20
; CHECK-NEXT: bl {{_?}}swiftself_param
; CHECK: ret
define void @swiftself_passthrough(i8* swiftself %addr0) {
call i8 *@swiftself_param(i8* swiftself %addr0)
call i8 *@swiftself_param(i8* swiftself %addr0)
ret void
; We can not use a tail call if the callee swiftself is not the same as the
; caller one.
; CHECK-LABEL: swiftself_notail:
; CHECK: mov x20, x0
; CHECK: bl {{_?}}swiftself_param
; CHECK: ret
define i8* @swiftself_notail(i8* swiftself %addr0, i8* %addr1) nounwind {
%res = tail call i8* @swiftself_param(i8* swiftself %addr1)
ret i8* %res
; We cannot pretend that 'x0' is alive across the thisreturn_attribute call as
; we normally would. We marked the first parameter with swiftself which means it
; will no longer be passed in x0.
declare swiftcc i8* @thisreturn_attribute(i8* returned swiftself)
; CHECK-LABEL: swiftself_nothisreturn:
; CHECK-DAG: ldr x20, [x20]
; CHECK-DAG: mov [[CSREG:x[1-9].*]], x8
; CHECK: bl {{_?}}thisreturn_attribute
; CHECK: str x0, {{\[}}[[CSREG]]
; CHECK: ret
define hidden swiftcc void @swiftself_nothisreturn(i8** noalias nocapture sret, i8** noalias nocapture readonly swiftself) {
%2 = load i8*, i8** %1, align 8
%3 = tail call swiftcc i8* @thisreturn_attribute(i8* swiftself %2)
store i8* %3, i8** %0, align 8
ret void