blob: 5444aebddd60450bf35f9bfc9fb1c2a755911a72 [file] [log] [blame]
/*===-- llvm-c/Remarks.h - Remarks Public C Interface -------------*- C -*-===*\
|* *|
|* Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM *|
|* Exceptions. *|
|* See for license information. *|
|* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception *|
|* *|
|* *|
|* This header provides a public interface to a remark diagnostics library. *|
|* LLVM provides an implementation of this interface. *|
|* *|
#include "llvm-c/Types.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <cstddef>
extern "C" {
#include <stddef.h>
#endif /* !defined(__cplusplus) */
* @defgroup LLVMCREMARKS Remarks
* @ingroup LLVMC
* @{
// 0 -> 1: Bitstream remarks support.
* The type of the emitted remark.
enum LLVMRemarkType {
* String containing a buffer and a length. The buffer is not guaranteed to be
* zero-terminated.
typedef struct LLVMRemarkOpaqueString *LLVMRemarkStringRef;
* Returns the buffer holding the string.
extern const char *LLVMRemarkStringGetData(LLVMRemarkStringRef String);
* Returns the size of the string.
extern uint32_t LLVMRemarkStringGetLen(LLVMRemarkStringRef String);
* DebugLoc containing File, Line and Column.
typedef struct LLVMRemarkOpaqueDebugLoc *LLVMRemarkDebugLocRef;
* Return the path to the source file for a debug location.
extern LLVMRemarkStringRef
LLVMRemarkDebugLocGetSourceFilePath(LLVMRemarkDebugLocRef DL);
* Return the line in the source file for a debug location.
extern uint32_t LLVMRemarkDebugLocGetSourceLine(LLVMRemarkDebugLocRef DL);
* Return the column in the source file for a debug location.
extern uint32_t LLVMRemarkDebugLocGetSourceColumn(LLVMRemarkDebugLocRef DL);
* Element of the "Args" list. The key might give more information about what
* the semantics of the value are, e.g. "Callee" will tell you that the value
* is a symbol that names a function.
typedef struct LLVMRemarkOpaqueArg *LLVMRemarkArgRef;
* Returns the key of an argument. The key defines what the value is, and the
* same key can appear multiple times in the list of arguments.
extern LLVMRemarkStringRef LLVMRemarkArgGetKey(LLVMRemarkArgRef Arg);
* Returns the value of an argument. This is a string that can contain newlines.
extern LLVMRemarkStringRef LLVMRemarkArgGetValue(LLVMRemarkArgRef Arg);
* Returns the debug location that is attached to the value of this argument.
* If there is no debug location, the return value will be `NULL`.
extern LLVMRemarkDebugLocRef LLVMRemarkArgGetDebugLoc(LLVMRemarkArgRef Arg);
* A remark emitted by the compiler.
typedef struct LLVMRemarkOpaqueEntry *LLVMRemarkEntryRef;
* Free the resources used by the remark entry.
extern void LLVMRemarkEntryDispose(LLVMRemarkEntryRef Remark);
* The type of the remark. For example, it can allow users to only keep the
* missed optimizations from the compiler.
extern enum LLVMRemarkType LLVMRemarkEntryGetType(LLVMRemarkEntryRef Remark);
* Get the name of the pass that emitted this remark.
extern LLVMRemarkStringRef
LLVMRemarkEntryGetPassName(LLVMRemarkEntryRef Remark);
* Get an identifier of the remark.
extern LLVMRemarkStringRef
LLVMRemarkEntryGetRemarkName(LLVMRemarkEntryRef Remark);
* Get the name of the function being processed when the remark was emitted.
extern LLVMRemarkStringRef
LLVMRemarkEntryGetFunctionName(LLVMRemarkEntryRef Remark);
* Returns the debug location that is attached to this remark.
* If there is no debug location, the return value will be `NULL`.
extern LLVMRemarkDebugLocRef
LLVMRemarkEntryGetDebugLoc(LLVMRemarkEntryRef Remark);
* Return the hotness of the remark.
* A hotness of `0` means this value is not set.
extern uint64_t LLVMRemarkEntryGetHotness(LLVMRemarkEntryRef Remark);
* The number of arguments the remark holds.
extern uint32_t LLVMRemarkEntryGetNumArgs(LLVMRemarkEntryRef Remark);
* Get a new iterator to iterate over a remark's argument.
* If there are no arguments in \p Remark, the return value will be `NULL`.
* The lifetime of the returned value is bound to the lifetime of \p Remark.
extern LLVMRemarkArgRef LLVMRemarkEntryGetFirstArg(LLVMRemarkEntryRef Remark);
* Get the next argument in \p Remark from the position of \p It.
* Returns `NULL` if there are no more arguments available.
* The lifetime of the returned value is bound to the lifetime of \p Remark.
extern LLVMRemarkArgRef LLVMRemarkEntryGetNextArg(LLVMRemarkArgRef It,
LLVMRemarkEntryRef Remark);
typedef struct LLVMRemarkOpaqueParser *LLVMRemarkParserRef;
* Creates a remark parser that can be used to parse the buffer located in \p
* Buf of size \p Size bytes.
* \p Buf cannot be `NULL`.
* This function should be paired with LLVMRemarkParserDispose() to avoid
* leaking resources.
extern LLVMRemarkParserRef LLVMRemarkParserCreateYAML(const void *Buf,
uint64_t Size);
* Creates a remark parser that can be used to parse the buffer located in \p
* Buf of size \p Size bytes.
* \p Buf cannot be `NULL`.
* This function should be paired with LLVMRemarkParserDispose() to avoid
* leaking resources.
extern LLVMRemarkParserRef LLVMRemarkParserCreateBitstream(const void *Buf,
uint64_t Size);
* Returns the next remark in the file.
* The value pointed to by the return value needs to be disposed using a call to
* LLVMRemarkEntryDispose().
* All the entries in the returned value that are of LLVMRemarkStringRef type
* will become invalidated once a call to LLVMRemarkParserDispose is made.
* If the parser reaches the end of the buffer, the return value will be `NULL`.
* In the case of an error, the return value will be `NULL`, and:
* 1) LLVMRemarkParserHasError() will return `1`.
* 2) LLVMRemarkParserGetErrorMessage() will return a descriptive error
* message.
* An error may occur if:
* 1) An argument is invalid.
* 2) There is a parsing error. This can occur on things like malformed YAML.
* 3) There is a Remark semantic error. This can occur on well-formed files with
* missing or extra fields.
* Here is a quick example of the usage:
* ```
* LLVMRemarkParserRef Parser = LLVMRemarkParserCreateYAML(Buf, Size);
* LLVMRemarkEntryRef Remark = NULL;
* while ((Remark = LLVMRemarkParserGetNext(Parser))) {
* // use Remark
* LLVMRemarkEntryDispose(Remark); // Release memory.
* }
* bool HasError = LLVMRemarkParserHasError(Parser);
* LLVMRemarkParserDispose(Parser);
* ```
extern LLVMRemarkEntryRef LLVMRemarkParserGetNext(LLVMRemarkParserRef Parser);
* Returns `1` if the parser encountered an error while parsing the buffer.
extern LLVMBool LLVMRemarkParserHasError(LLVMRemarkParserRef Parser);
* Returns a null-terminated string containing an error message.
* In case of no error, the result is `NULL`.
* The memory of the string is bound to the lifetime of \p Parser. If
* LLVMRemarkParserDispose() is called, the memory of the string will be
* released.
extern const char *LLVMRemarkParserGetErrorMessage(LLVMRemarkParserRef Parser);
* Releases all the resources used by \p Parser.
extern void LLVMRemarkParserDispose(LLVMRemarkParserRef Parser);
* Returns the version of the remarks library.
extern uint32_t LLVMRemarkVersion(void);
* @} // endgoup LLVMCREMARKS
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* !defined(__cplusplus) */
#endif /* LLVM_C_REMARKS_H */