llvm-readelf - a drop-in replacement for readelf


llvm-readelf [options]


llvm-readelf is an alias for the llvm-readobj tool with a command-line interface and output style more closely resembling GNU readelf.

Here are some of those differences:

  • Uses --elf-output-style=GNU by default.

  • Allows single-letter grouped flags (e.g. llvm-readelf -SW is the same as llvm-readelf -S -W).

  • Allows use of -s as an alias for --symbols (versus --section-headers in llvm-readobj) for GNU readelf compatibility.

  • Prevents use of -sr, -sd, -st and -dt llvm-readobj aliases, to avoid conflicting with standard GNU readelf grouped flags.


Refer to llvm-readobj for additional information.