| ; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/update_test_checks.py |
| ; RUN: opt -S -mtriple=x86_64-unknown-linux -mcpu=corei7 -slp-vectorizer < %s | FileCheck %s |
| |
| %struct.S = type { i8*, i8* } |
| |
| @kS0 = common global %struct.S zeroinitializer, align 8 |
| |
| define { i64, i64 } @getS() { |
| ; CHECK-LABEL: @getS( |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: entry: |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP0:%.*]] = load i64, i64* bitcast (%struct.S* @kS0 to i64*), align 8 |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP1:%.*]] = load i64, i64* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds (%struct.S, %struct.S* @kS0, i64 0, i32 1) to i64*), align 8 |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP2:%.*]] = insertvalue { i64, i64 } undef, i64 [[TMP0]], 0 |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP3:%.*]] = insertvalue { i64, i64 } [[TMP2]], i64 [[TMP1]], 1 |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: ret { i64, i64 } [[TMP3]] |
| ; |
| entry: |
| %0 = load i64, i64* bitcast (%struct.S* @kS0 to i64*), align 8 |
| %1 = load i64, i64* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds (%struct.S, %struct.S* @kS0, i64 0, i32 1) to i64*), align 8 |
| %2 = insertvalue { i64, i64 } undef, i64 %0, 0 |
| %3 = insertvalue { i64, i64 } %2, i64 %1, 1 |
| ret { i64, i64 } %3 |
| } |