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//===- LoopPassManager.h - Loop pass management -----------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
/// \file
/// This header provides classes for managing a pipeline of passes over loops
/// in LLVM IR.
/// The primary loop pass pipeline is managed in a very particular way to
/// provide a set of core guarantees:
/// 1) Loops are, where possible, in simplified form.
/// 2) Loops are *always* in LCSSA form.
/// 3) A collection of Loop-specific analysis results are available:
/// - LoopInfo
/// - DominatorTree
/// - ScalarEvolution
/// - AAManager
/// 4) All loop passes preserve #1 (where possible), #2, and #3.
/// 5) Loop passes run over each loop in the loop nest from the innermost to
/// the outermost. Specifically, all inner loops are processed before
/// passes run over outer loops. When running the pipeline across an inner
/// loop creates new inner loops, those are added and processed in this
/// order as well.
/// This process is designed to facilitate transformations which simplify,
/// reduce, and remove loops. For passes which are more oriented towards
/// optimizing loops, especially optimizing loop *nests* instead of single
/// loops in isolation, this framework is less interesting.
#include "llvm/ADT/PostOrderIterator.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/PriorityWorklist.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/AliasAnalysis.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/BasicAliasAnalysis.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/GlobalsModRef.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/LoopAnalysisManager.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/LoopInfo.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/ScalarEvolution.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/ScalarEvolutionAliasAnalysis.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/TargetLibraryInfo.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/TargetTransformInfo.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Dominators.h"
#include "llvm/IR/PassManager.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/LCSSA.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/LoopSimplify.h"
namespace llvm {
// Forward declarations of an update tracking API used in the pass manager.
class LPMUpdater;
// Explicit specialization and instantiation declarations for the pass manager.
// See the comments on the definition of the specialization for details on how
// it differs from the primary template.
template <>
PassManager<Loop, LoopAnalysisManager, LoopStandardAnalysisResults &,
LPMUpdater &>::run(Loop &InitialL, LoopAnalysisManager &AM,
LoopStandardAnalysisResults &AnalysisResults,
LPMUpdater &U);
extern template class PassManager<Loop, LoopAnalysisManager,
LoopStandardAnalysisResults &, LPMUpdater &>;
/// The Loop pass manager.
/// See the documentation for the PassManager template for details. It runs
/// a sequence of Loop passes over each Loop that the manager is run over. This
/// typedef serves as a convenient way to refer to this construct.
typedef PassManager<Loop, LoopAnalysisManager, LoopStandardAnalysisResults &,
LPMUpdater &>
/// A partial specialization of the require analysis template pass to forward
/// the extra parameters from a transformation's run method to the
/// AnalysisManager's getResult.
template <typename AnalysisT>
struct RequireAnalysisPass<AnalysisT, Loop, LoopAnalysisManager,
LoopStandardAnalysisResults &, LPMUpdater &>
: PassInfoMixin<
RequireAnalysisPass<AnalysisT, Loop, LoopAnalysisManager,
LoopStandardAnalysisResults &, LPMUpdater &>> {
PreservedAnalyses run(Loop &L, LoopAnalysisManager &AM,
LoopStandardAnalysisResults &AR, LPMUpdater &) {
(void)AM.template getResult<AnalysisT>(L, AR);
return PreservedAnalyses::all();
/// An alias template to easily name a require analysis loop pass.
template <typename AnalysisT>
using RequireAnalysisLoopPass =
RequireAnalysisPass<AnalysisT, Loop, LoopAnalysisManager,
LoopStandardAnalysisResults &, LPMUpdater &>;
namespace internal {
/// Helper to implement appending of loops onto a worklist.
/// We want to process loops in postorder, but the worklist is a LIFO data
/// structure, so we append to it in *reverse* postorder.
/// For trees, a preorder traversal is a viable reverse postorder, so we
/// actually append using a preorder walk algorithm.
template <typename RangeT>
inline void appendLoopsToWorklist(RangeT &&Loops,
SmallPriorityWorklist<Loop *, 4> &Worklist) {
// We use an internal worklist to build up the preorder traversal without
// recursion.
SmallVector<Loop *, 4> PreOrderLoops, PreOrderWorklist;
// We walk the initial sequence of loops in reverse because we generally want
// to visit defs before uses and the worklist is LIFO.
for (Loop *RootL : reverse(Loops)) {
assert(PreOrderLoops.empty() && "Must start with an empty preorder walk.");
assert(PreOrderWorklist.empty() &&
"Must start with an empty preorder walk worklist.");
do {
Loop *L = PreOrderWorklist.pop_back_val();
PreOrderWorklist.append(L->begin(), L->end());
} while (!PreOrderWorklist.empty());
template <typename LoopPassT> class FunctionToLoopPassAdaptor;
/// This class provides an interface for updating the loop pass manager based
/// on mutations to the loop nest.
/// A reference to an instance of this class is passed as an argument to each
/// Loop pass, and Loop passes should use it to update LPM infrastructure if
/// they modify the loop nest structure.
class LPMUpdater {
/// This can be queried by loop passes which run other loop passes (like pass
/// managers) to know whether the loop needs to be skipped due to updates to
/// the loop nest.
/// If this returns true, the loop object may have been deleted, so passes
/// should take care not to touch the object.
bool skipCurrentLoop() const { return SkipCurrentLoop; }
/// Loop passes should use this method to indicate they have deleted a loop
/// from the nest.
/// Note that this loop must either be the current loop or a subloop of the
/// current loop. This routine must be called prior to removing the loop from
/// the loop nest.
/// If this is called for the current loop, in addition to clearing any
/// state, this routine will mark that the current loop should be skipped by
/// the rest of the pass management infrastructure.
void markLoopAsDeleted(Loop &L, llvm::StringRef Name) {
LAM.clear(L, Name);
assert((&L == CurrentL || CurrentL->contains(&L)) &&
"Cannot delete a loop outside of the "
"subloop tree currently being processed.");
if (&L == CurrentL)
SkipCurrentLoop = true;
/// Loop passes should use this method to indicate they have added new child
/// loops of the current loop.
/// \p NewChildLoops must contain only the immediate children. Any nested
/// loops within them will be visited in postorder as usual for the loop pass
/// manager.
void addChildLoops(ArrayRef<Loop *> NewChildLoops) {
// Insert ourselves back into the worklist first, as this loop should be
// revisited after all the children have been processed.
#ifndef NDEBUG
for (Loop *NewL : NewChildLoops)
assert(NewL->getParentLoop() == CurrentL && "All of the new loops must "
"be immediate children of "
"the current loop!");
internal::appendLoopsToWorklist(NewChildLoops, Worklist);
// Also skip further processing of the current loop--it will be revisited
// after all of its newly added children are accounted for.
SkipCurrentLoop = true;
/// Loop passes should use this method to indicate they have added new
/// sibling loops to the current loop.
/// \p NewSibLoops must only contain the immediate sibling loops. Any nested
/// loops within them will be visited in postorder as usual for the loop pass
/// manager.
void addSiblingLoops(ArrayRef<Loop *> NewSibLoops) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
for (Loop *NewL : NewSibLoops)
assert(NewL->getParentLoop() == ParentL &&
"All of the new loops must be siblings of the current loop!");
internal::appendLoopsToWorklist(NewSibLoops, Worklist);
// No need to skip the current loop or revisit it, as sibling loops
// shouldn't impact anything.
/// Restart the current loop.
/// Loop passes should call this method to indicate the current loop has been
/// sufficiently changed that it should be re-visited from the begining of
/// the loop pass pipeline rather than continuing.
void revisitCurrentLoop() {
// Tell the currently in-flight pipeline to stop running.
SkipCurrentLoop = true;
// And insert ourselves back into the worklist.
template <typename LoopPassT> friend class llvm::FunctionToLoopPassAdaptor;
/// The \c FunctionToLoopPassAdaptor's worklist of loops to process.
SmallPriorityWorklist<Loop *, 4> &Worklist;
/// The analysis manager for use in the current loop nest.
LoopAnalysisManager &LAM;
Loop *CurrentL;
bool SkipCurrentLoop;
#ifndef NDEBUG
// In debug builds we also track the parent loop to implement asserts even in
// the face of loop deletion.
Loop *ParentL;
LPMUpdater(SmallPriorityWorklist<Loop *, 4> &Worklist,
LoopAnalysisManager &LAM)
: Worklist(Worklist), LAM(LAM) {}
/// Adaptor that maps from a function to its loops.
/// Designed to allow composition of a LoopPass(Manager) and a
/// FunctionPassManager. Note that if this pass is constructed with a \c
/// FunctionAnalysisManager it will run the \c LoopAnalysisManagerFunctionProxy
/// analysis prior to running the loop passes over the function to enable a \c
/// LoopAnalysisManager to be used within this run safely.
template <typename LoopPassT>
class FunctionToLoopPassAdaptor
: public PassInfoMixin<FunctionToLoopPassAdaptor<LoopPassT>> {
explicit FunctionToLoopPassAdaptor(LoopPassT Pass, bool DebugLogging = false)
: Pass(std::move(Pass)), LoopCanonicalizationFPM(DebugLogging) {
/// Runs the loop passes across every loop in the function.
PreservedAnalyses run(Function &F, FunctionAnalysisManager &AM) {
// Before we even compute any loop analyses, first run a miniature function
// pass pipeline to put loops into their canonical form. Note that we can
// directly build up function analyses after this as the function pass
// manager handles all the invalidation at that layer.
PassInstrumentation PI = AM.getResult<PassInstrumentationAnalysis>(F);
PreservedAnalyses PA = PreservedAnalyses::all();
// Check the PassInstrumentation's BeforePass callbacks before running the
// canonicalization pipeline.
if (PI.runBeforePass<Function>(LoopCanonicalizationFPM, F)) {
PA =, AM);
PI.runAfterPass<Function>(LoopCanonicalizationFPM, F);
// Get the loop structure for this function
LoopInfo &LI = AM.getResult<LoopAnalysis>(F);
// If there are no loops, there is nothing to do here.
if (LI.empty())
return PA;
// Get the analysis results needed by loop passes.
MemorySSA *MSSA = EnableMSSALoopDependency
? (&AM.getResult<MemorySSAAnalysis>(F).getMSSA())
: nullptr;
LoopStandardAnalysisResults LAR = {AM.getResult<AAManager>(F),
// Setup the loop analysis manager from its proxy. It is important that
// this is only done when there are loops to process and we have built the
// LoopStandardAnalysisResults object. The loop analyses cached in this
// manager have access to those analysis results and so it must invalidate
// itself when they go away.
LoopAnalysisManager &LAM =
// A postorder worklist of loops to process.
SmallPriorityWorklist<Loop *, 4> Worklist;
// Register the worklist and loop analysis manager so that loop passes can
// update them when they mutate the loop nest structure.
LPMUpdater Updater(Worklist, LAM);
// Add the loop nests in the reverse order of LoopInfo. For some reason,
// they are stored in RPO w.r.t. the control flow graph in LoopInfo. For
// the purpose of unrolling, loop deletion, and LICM, we largely want to
// work forward across the CFG so that we visit defs before uses and can
// propagate simplifications from one loop nest into the next.
// FIXME: Consider changing the order in LoopInfo.
internal::appendLoopsToWorklist(reverse(LI), Worklist);
do {
Loop *L = Worklist.pop_back_val();
// Reset the update structure for this loop.
Updater.CurrentL = L;
Updater.SkipCurrentLoop = false;
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Save a parent loop pointer for asserts.
Updater.ParentL = L->getParentLoop();
// Verify the loop structure and LCSSA form before visiting the loop.
assert(L->isRecursivelyLCSSAForm(LAR.DT, LI) &&
"Loops must remain in LCSSA form!");
// Check the PassInstrumentation's BeforePass callbacks before running the
// pass, skip its execution completely if asked to (callback returns
// false).
if (!PI.runBeforePass<Loop>(Pass, *L))
PreservedAnalyses PassPA =*L, LAM, LAR, Updater);
// Do not pass deleted Loop into the instrumentation.
if (Updater.skipCurrentLoop())
PI.runAfterPass<Loop>(Pass, *L);
// FIXME: We should verify the set of analyses relevant to Loop passes
// are preserved.
// If the loop hasn't been deleted, we need to handle invalidation here.
if (!Updater.skipCurrentLoop())
// We know that the loop pass couldn't have invalidated any other
// loop's analyses (that's the contract of a loop pass), so directly
// handle the loop analysis manager's invalidation here.
LAM.invalidate(*L, PassPA);
// Then intersect the preserved set so that invalidation of module
// analyses will eventually occur when the module pass completes.
} while (!Worklist.empty());
// By definition we preserve the proxy. We also preserve all analyses on
// Loops. This precludes *any* invalidation of loop analyses by the proxy,
// but that's OK because we've taken care to invalidate analyses in the
// loop analysis manager incrementally above.
// We also preserve the set of standard analyses.
if (EnableMSSALoopDependency)
// FIXME: What we really want to do here is preserve an AA category, but
// that concept doesn't exist yet.
return PA;
LoopPassT Pass;
FunctionPassManager LoopCanonicalizationFPM;
/// A function to deduce a loop pass type and wrap it in the templated
/// adaptor.
template <typename LoopPassT>
createFunctionToLoopPassAdaptor(LoopPassT Pass, bool DebugLogging = false) {
return FunctionToLoopPassAdaptor<LoopPassT>(std::move(Pass), DebugLogging);
/// Pass for printing a loop's contents as textual IR.
class PrintLoopPass : public PassInfoMixin<PrintLoopPass> {
raw_ostream &OS;
std::string Banner;
PrintLoopPass(raw_ostream &OS, const std::string &Banner = "");
PreservedAnalyses run(Loop &L, LoopAnalysisManager &,
LoopStandardAnalysisResults &, LPMUpdater &);