blob: 046e7b7b6a2d7eda8b824aab6e0848229ad762f4 [file] [log] [blame]
# RUN: llvm-mc %s -filetype obj -triple x86_64-apple-darwin -o - \
# RUN: | not llvm-dwarfdump -verify - \
# RUN: | FileCheck %s
# CHECK: Verifying .debug_info Unit Header Chain...
# CHECK-NEXT: error: Units[1] - start offset: 0x0000000d
# CHECK-NEXT: note: The unit type encoding is not valid.
# CHECK-NEXT: note: The address size is unsupported.
# CHECK-NEXT: error: Units[2] - start offset: 0x00000026
# CHECK-NEXT: note: The 16 bit unit header version is not valid.
# CHECK-NEXT: note: The offset into the .debug_abbrev section is not valid.
# CHECK-NEXT: error: Compilation unit root DIE is not a unit DIE: DW_TAG_null.
# CHECK-NEXT: error: Compilation unit type (DW_UT_compile) and root DIE (DW_TAG_null) do not match.
# CHECK-NEXT: error: Units[4] - start offset: 0x00000041
# CHECK-NEXT: note: The length for this unit is too large for the .debug_info provided.
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions
.file 1 "basic.c"
.comm _i,4,2 ## @i
.comm _j,4,2 ## @j
.section __DWARF,__debug_str,regular,debug
.asciz "clang version 5.0.0 (trunk 307232) (llvm/trunk 307042)" ## string offset=0
.asciz "basic.c" ## string offset=55
.asciz "/Users/sgravani/Development/tests" ## string offset=63
.asciz "i" ## string offset=97
.asciz "int" ## string offset=99
.asciz "j" ## string offset=103
.section __DWARF,__debug_abbrev,regular,debug
.byte 1 ## Abbreviation Code
.byte 17 ## DW_TAG_compile_unit
.byte 0 ## EOM(1)
.byte 0 ## EOM(2)
.byte 0 ## EOM(3)
.section __DWARF,__debug_info,regular,debug
.long 9 ## Length of Unit
.short 4 ## DWARF version number
Lset0 = Lsection_abbrev-Lsection_abbrev ## Offset Into Abbrev. Section
.long Lset0
.byte 4 ## Address Size (in bytes)
.byte 1 ## Abbrev [1] 0xc:0x45 DW_TAG_compile_unit
.byte 0 ## End Of Children Mark
.long 21 ## Length of Unit
.short 5 ## DWARF version number
.byte 0 ## DWARF Unit Type -- Error: The unit type encoding is not valid.
.byte 3 ## Address Size (in bytes) -- Error: The address size is unsupported.
.long 0
.quad 0
.long 0
.byte 0
.long 10 ## Length of Unit
.short 6 ## DWARF version number -- Error: The 16 bit unit header version is not valid.
.byte 1 ## DWARF Unit Type
.byte 4 ## Address Size (in bytes) -- The offset into the .debug_abbrev section is not valid.
.long Lline_table_start0
.byte 1 ## Abbrev [1] 0xc:0x45 DW_TAG_compile_unit
.byte 0 ## End Of Children Mark
.long 9 ## Length of Unit
.short 5 ## DWARF version number
.byte 1 ## DWARF Unit Type
.byte 4 ## Address Size (in bytes)
.long 0 ## Abbrev offset
.byte 0
.long 26 ## Length of Unit -- Error: The length for this unit is too large for the .debug_info provided.
.short 5 ## DWARF version number
.byte 2 ## DWARF Unit Type
.byte 4 ## Address Size (in bytes)
.long 0
.quad 0
.long 0
.byte 0
.section __DWARF,__debug_line,regular,debug